ALL INTERNATIONAL RIGHTS RESERVED. BY AMP INCORPORATED COPYRIGHT 1988 AMP QUALIFICATION TEST REPORT AMP* Type [11+ Stamped and Formed Contacts 501-66 Rev. 0 Product Specification: 108-10042 Rev. 0 CTL No.: CTL5022-030 Date: April 12, 1988 Classification: Unrestricted Prepared By: James DAngelo *Trademark of AMP Incorporated Corporate Test Laboratory Harrisburg, Pennsylvaniaed ee om & Whe ee ee * soe 8 ee 8 we ee WOOnAOPWhNe te Oo Go le Oo WW Oo Wo DL Won ain Whore Se Ve 4 JD/kd 501-66, Rev. 0 Table of Contents IntroductiOn .. cee eee eee ee teen eet et een reer eee eeers Page 1 PUPPOSE woe cece eee e tere ete tense eens cetera eee e ete e sees Page 1 SCOPE cece eee cee e ence eter e nee ant een eee e caer ence ees Page 1 CONCTUSIONS weve cece ee eee eee teeter ete eer eee tesa nan ees Page 1 Product Description ....-.ese cece cece tert cet erereeeneees Page 2 Test Samples eee cee eee eee ere r teres teens ereeeees Page 2 Qualification Test Sequence ......eeereeeeeereereerceres Page 3 Summary Of TeSting ..... cece erence eee renee ee ee eres errees Page 3 Examination of Product ..........cceeeee cece reer nrerceee Page 3 Termination Resistance, Specified Current ........--+-+- Page 3 Termination Resistance, Dry Circuit ..-..eee seer eeeeeees Page 4 Current Cycling 2.0... cece cern eee ener eer e tenner seen Page 5 Contact Engaging Force ......:sees cece eer ecn tere eer enes Page 5 Contact Separating Force ......---- ee sees e eee e rene rcees Page 5 Crimp Tensile .....c cece cece eee e renee nee entnreeseass Page 6 Durability ...ccce cece cee ee eee eee nee nee e en ee nent taes Page 6 Thermal SHOCK 2... cece e cece cere eee rete enna er eeterersess Page 6 Humidity/Temperature CYCTING 1... sss eee eee eee eee reer eres Page 6 Industrial Mixed Flowing GaS .....eceeeeneee rere eeereeee Page 6 Temperature Lif@ 20... cece cece eee e ete n reer ens nee renes Page 6 Teast MethodS .....ccce cece eee eter cent en eter sneer earn ates Page 7 Examination of Product ........... eee cece eer eee neen eee Page 7 Termination Resistance, Specified Current .....-..+++++- Page 7 Termination Resistance, Dry Circuit ......-ceeeeeeeeeess Page 7 Current CYCLING 2.0... eee r eee eee rere eee e eee eet nates Page 7 Contact Engaging Force 2... cece eee eee e rere eecenr reese Page 7 Contact Separating Force ..--..seeeeee ere reer eter tereres Page 8 Crimp Tensile wo ccc cee cece reece eee ener teeter serieees ... Page 8 Durability oo. eee e cece eee eee ee rete eee eee teen ten naaes Page 8 Thermal SHOCK ..... ccc cece ec eee er een tener eae t een tee? Page 8 Humidity/Temperature Cycling .......-ceeereereeereeecees Page 8 Industrial Mixed Flowing Gas .....-... cece eee ee eee ee cee Page 8 Temperature Life 2.0... cece eee eee e ee ene ne nent ene enraes Page 9 Validation 2... cece cece nee ete e wesc ramen renee eases Page 10 (R5022JD1)501-66, Rev. 0 ANP AMP INCORPORATED HARRISBURG, PENNSYLVANIA 17105 PHONE: 717-564-0100 TWX: 510-657-4110 CORPORATE TEST LABORATORY Qualification Test Report AMP Type [11+ Stamped and Formed Contacts 1. 1.1 1.2 1.3 Introduction Purpose Testing was conducted ta measure the performance of AMP Type l]I+ Stamped and Formed Contacts to the requirements of AMP Product Specification 108-10042, Rev. 0. Scope This report covers the electrical and mechanical performance of AMP Type III+ Stamped and Formed Contacts made by the Connector Products Division of the Interconnection and Component Products Group. Testing was performed between July 6, 1987 and January 26, 1988. Conclusions The Type I1I[+ Stamped and Formed Contacts met the electrical and mechanical performance requirements of Product Specification 108-10042, Rev. 0.501-66, Rev. 0 Page 2 1.4 Product Description Type III+ Contacts are precision formed signal contacts used in AMP Multimate cavities. The contacts are brass with either tin lead or gold over nickel plating, and are assembled with stain- less steel springs. 1.5 Test Samples Samples were taken randomly from current production. The fal- lowing samples were used: Groups 1 & 2 Part Number Quantity Description 66428-1 10 Socket Contact 66429-1 10 Pin Contact 66109-1 10 Socket Contact 66107-1 10 Pin Contact 66105-1 10 Socket Contact 66103-1 10 Pin Contact 66101-1 10 Socket Contact 66099- 1 10 Pin Contact 66360-1 10 Socket Contact 66361-1 10 Pin Contact 66428-2 10 Socket Contact 6429-2 10 Pin Contact 66109-2 10 Socket Contact 66107-2 10 Pin Contact 66105-2 10 Socket Contact 66103-2 10 Pin Contact 66101-2 10 Socket Contact 66099-2 10 Pin Contact 66360-2 10 Socket Contact 66361-2 19 Pin Contact1.6 2.1 2.2 501-66, Rev. 0 Page 3 Qualification Test Sequence __Test Group est Sequence (a) 1 2 Test or Examination Examination of Product 1,10 1 Termination Resistance, Specified Current 2,4 Termination Resistance, Dry Circuit 2,7 3 Current Cycling Contact Engaging Force Cantact Separating Force Crimp Tensile Durability Thermal Shock Humidity/lemperature Cycling (b) Industrial Mixed Flowing Gas (c) Temperature Life Ot Oy] Os Fe] Go 6) CO (a) Numbers show the sequence in which the tests were performed. (b) Tin-plated samples only. {c) Gold-plated samptes only. Summary of Testing Examination of Product - All Groups All pin and socket contacts were selected from production lots. They were inspected and accepted by the Product Assurance De- partment of the Connector Products Division, and were delivered to the Corporate Test Laboratory on January 26, 1987. Termination Resistance, Specified Current - Group 2 All contacts met the requirements of the specification. The initial and final maximum allowable termination resistances were as follows: Resistance Wire Size in Milliohms 14 6.00 16 6,50 18 7,50 20 9,00 24 14.50 26 19.00 30 43.00501-66, Rev. 0 Page 4 Resistance in Milliohms No. of Test Wire Std. Reading Contacts Current Size Min. Max. Mean Dev. Initial 10 17.0 14 1.69 2.23 1.85 0.152 Final 10 17.0 14 1.76 2.90 2.30 0.443 Initial 10 13.0 16 1.73 2.15 1.88 0.126 Final 10 13.0 16 1.76 2.12 1.93 0.112 Initial 20 10.0 18 1.77 2.14 1,91 0.099 Final 20 10.0 i8 1.87 2.39 2.11 0.145 Initial 10 7.5 20 1.81 2.19 2.04 0,153 Final 10 7.5 20 1.82 2.38 2.12 0.223 Initial 20 3.0 24 1.73 2.65 1.98 0.239 Final 20 3.0 24 1.84 4.03 2.37 0.472 Initial 20 2.0 26 2.10 2.71 2.30 0.127 Final 20 2.0 26 2.13 2,83 2.44 0.179 Initial 10 1.2 30 2,63 8.10 4.87 2,152 Final 10 1.2 30 3.13 15.22 7.30 4.420 2.3 Termination Resistance, Dry Circuit - Group 1 All contacts met the requirements of the specification. The initial and final maximum allowable termination resistances were as follows: Resistance Wire Size in Milliohms 14 6.00 16 6.50 18 7.50 20 9.00 24 14.50501-66, Rev. 0 Page 5 Resistance in Milliohms No. of Wire Reading Contacts Size Min. Max. Mean Std. Dev. Initiai 10 14 1.55 1.86 1.73 0.093 Final 10 14 1.78 4.03 2,43 0.648 Initial 10 16 1.54 1.86 1.69 0.115 Final 10 16 1.64 2.18 2.01 0.181 Initial 20 18 1.54 2.01 1.73 0.112 Final 20 18 1.74 3.18 2.15 0.414 Initial 10 20 1.84 1,96 1.90 0.036 Final 10 20 1.97 2.99 2.28 0.391 Initial 20 24 1.94 2.28 2.07 0.083 Final 20 24 2.02 3.64 2.5] 0.475 Initial 20 26 1.81 2.34 2.08 0.146 Final 20 26 1.93 5.57 2.45 0.760 Initial 10 30 2.18 9.15 4.17 2.508 Final 10 30 2.89 19.83 5.64 5.083 2.4 Current Cycling - Group 2 All contacts were less than the specification limit maximum for crimp resistance after current cycling. 2.5. Contact Engaging Force - Group 1 The force to engage the maximum test gage pin did not exceed 36.0 ounces per contact. All Values in Ounces No. of Std. Reading Contacts Min. Max. Mean Dev. After Humidity/Temperature Cycling 50 8.0 24.5 14.57 3.530 After I.M.F.G. 50 5.4 15.4 10.95 1.856 2.6 Contact Separating Force - Group 1 The force to remove the minimum test gage pin was not less than 1.5 ounces per contact.501-66, Rev. 0 Page 6 All Values in Ounces No. of Std. Reading Contacts Min. Max. Mean Dev. After Humidity/Temperature Cycling 50 4,7 16.6 9.28 2.973 After I.M.F.G. 50 2.2 8.2 4.80 1,163 2.7 Crimp Tensile - Group 2 All contacts on AWG #30 wire exceeded 1.5 Ibs. All contacts on AWG #26 wire exceeded 5 Ibs. All contacts on AWG #24 wire exceeded 8 Ibs. All contacts on AWG #20 wire exceeded 20 Ibs. All contacts on AWG #18 wire exceeded 38 = Ibs. Al] contacts on AWG #16 wire exceeded 41 = Ibs. All contacts on AWG #14 wire exceeded 50 Ibs. 2.8 Durability - Group 1 There was no mechanical damage to the gold-plated contacts after 500 cycles of durability, and there was no damage to the tin- plated contacts after 50 cycles of durability. 2.9 Thermal Shock - Group | After ten cycles of thermal shock, there was no evidence of damage to the contacts. 2,10 Humidity/Temperature Cycling - Group 1 After ten days of humidity-temperature cycling, there was no evidence of damage to the tin-plated contacts. 2.11 Industrial Mixed Flowing Gas - Group 1 After exposure to industrial mixed flowing gas, there was no evidence of damage to the gold-plated contacts. 2.12 Temperature Life - Group 1 After exposure to temperature life, there was no evidence of damage to the contacts.3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 501-66, Rev. 0 Page 7 Test Methods Examination of Product - All Groups The product drawing and inspection plans were used toe examine the contacts. They were examined visually, dimensionally and functionally. Termination Resistance, Specified Current - Group 2 Termination resistance was measured on all mated contact pairs. A four-terminal measuring method was used. The following cur- rent was maintained for each of the wire sizes: 17 amps for AWG #24 13 amps for AWG #16 10 amps for AWG #18 amos for AWG #20 amps for AWG #24 amps for AWG #26 amps for AWG #30 m PO to Nn Ooowm Termination Resistance, Dry Circuit - Group 1 Termination Resistance was measured on all mated contact pairs. A four-terminal measuring method was used. . Current during the test was maintained at 100 milliamperes, with 50 millivolts maximum open circuit voltage. Current Cycling - Group 2 All mated contact pairs were subjected to 500 cycles of current cycling at 125% of specified current. Each cycle consisted of 30 minutes of current "ON", followed by 15 minutes of current "OFF". The following current was applied to each of the wire sizes: 21.25 amps for AWG #14 16.25 amps for AWG #16 12.5 amps for AWG #18 9.375 amps for AWG #20 3.75 amps for AWG #24 2.5 amps for AWG #26 1.5 amps for AWG #30 Contact Engaging Force - Group 1 The force required to engage a maximum specified test gage pin, of 0.0635 inch diameter with each socket contact, was measured. The test gage pin was mated approximately 0.230 inch from the top of the socket. Testing was performed at a rate of 0.5 inch/ minute. A free floating fixture was used to mount the test gage pin.501-66, Page 8 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11 Rev. 0 Contact Separating Force - Group 1 The force required to separate a minimum specified test gage pin of 0.0615 inch diameter was measured, after sizing 3 times with the maximum specified test gage pin. The test gage pin was un- mated approximately 0.230 inch. Testing was performed at a rate of 0.5 inch/minute. A free floating fixture was used to mount the test gage pin. Crimp Tensile - Group 2 An axial load was applied to each contact at a rate of 1.0 inch/ minute. Durability - Group 1 All pin and socket contacts were loaded into corresponding con- nector inserts. The connectors were mated and unmated 500 cy- cles for gold-plated contacts and 50 cycles for tin-plated con- tacts. Testing was performed at a rate of 300 cycles per hour. Thermal Shock - Group 1 All mated contacts were subjected to ten cycles of therma} shock. The temperature extremes were as follows: Gold-Plated Contacts - 55 to 150C Tin-Plated Contacts - 55 to 90C Fach cycle consisted of 30 minutes at each temperature. Tran- sition between temperatures was less than five minutes. Humidity/Temperature Cycling - Group ] All mated tin-plated contacts were exposed to a ten-day humidi- ty/temperature cycle. The samples were pre-conditioned at 50C in a dry oven. A 24-hour period consisted of cycling the tem- perature between 25C and 65C twice, while holding the humidi- ty at 95%. Industrial Mixed Flowing Gas - Group 1 All mated gold-plated contacts were exposed to 10 days of Class II exposure. Class II exposure is defined at a temperature of 30C and a relative humidity of 70%. Pollutants are Clo at 10 ppB, NO at 200 ppB, and HoS at 10 ppB.501-66, Rev. 0 Page 9 3.12 Temperature Life - Group 1 All mated contacts were exposed to 240 hours of heat exposure. The tin-plated contacts were subjected to 90C, and the gold- plated contacts were subjected to 150C for the exposure time specified.501-66, Rev. 0 Page 10 4. Validation Prepared by, hint LG GZ pete or dames A. D? sacew ae Engineering Assistant Product Testing Section Corporate Test Laboratory Reviewed by, Supervisor, Design Assurance Product Testing Section Corporate Test Laboratory Approved by, Cig & Praxex> Richard Frazier Manager, Product Assurance Connector Products Division A/IATS { /13/8 S/T) EE