PLASTIC FINGER GUARDS BENEFITS: * Very resistant * Careful finish MATERIAL: Plastic UL 94 V0 Non contractual document. Specifications are subject to change without prior notice. Pictures for information only. Edition N2 / 01. Holes: 4xO4.5 Part number PFG-60 PFG-80 PFG-92 PFG-120 120-63 PFG-172 Holes: 4xO4.5 Model 1 2 2 2 4 3 Holes: 2xO4.5 Dimensions (mm) A 60 80 92 117,4 120 180,3 B 50 71,5 82,5 105 105 162 C 6,6 6,6 7,1 7,1 6 7,9 e-mail: Holes: 4xO4.2 Can be used as spare parts of plastic filters part number Fans dimensions F60/T102 F80/T102 F90/T102 F120/T102 F120/T111 F172/T102 60 x 60 80 x 80 92 x 92 120 x 120 120 x 120 172 x 150 ETRI is a trade mark of ECOFIT, Non contractual document. Specifications are subject to change without prior notice. Pictures for information only. Edition N2/0-Rev. 1