Trompeter Products Catalog ISO 9001 Registered (800) 982-2629 Fax: (818) 706-1040
70/370 series connectors: qpl'd to mil-c-49142
M49142/03-0001 PL75-7
M49142/03-0002 PL75-7
M49142/03-0005 305-0042-1
M49142/03-0007 PL75-9
M49142/03-0008 PL75-47
M49142/03-0009 PL75-60
M49142/03-0011 305-0811-1
M49142/03-0016 PL75MC213
M49142/03-0017 PL75MC-201
M49142/03-0101 PL75Y-7
M49142/03-0102 PL75Y-7
M49142/03-0105 305-0042Y-1
M49142/03-0107 PL75Y-9
M49142/03-0108 PL75Y-47
M49142/03-0109 PL75Y-60
M49142/03-0111 305-0811Y-1
M49142/03-0116 PL75MCY-213
M49142/03-0117 PL75MCY-201
M49142/03-0201 PL75S-7
M49142/03-0202 PL75S-7
M49142/03-0205 305-0042S-1
M49142/03-0207 PL75S-9
M49142/03-0208 PL75S-47
M49142/03-0209 PL75S-60
M49142/03-0211 305-0811S-1
M49142/03-0216 PL75MCS-213
M49142/03-0217 PL75MCS-201
M49142/04-0004 BJ76
M49142/04-0104 BJ76Y
M49142/04-0204 BJ76S
M49142/05-0001 BJ79-7
M49142/05-0002 BJ79-7
M49142/05-0006 305-0042-7
M49142/05-0007 BJ79-9
M49142/05-0008 BJ79-47
M49142/05-0009 BJ79-60
M49142/05-0011 305-0811-3
M49142/05-0016 BJ79MC-213
M49142/05-0017 BJ79MC-201
M49142/05-0101 BJ79Y-7
M49142/05-0102 BJ79Y-7
M49142/05-0106 305-0042Y-7
M49142/05-0107 BJ79Y-9
M49142/05-0108 BJ79Y-47
M49142/05-0109 BJ79Y-60
M49142/05-0111 305-0811Y-3
M49142/05-0116 BJ79MCY-213
M49142/05-0117 BJ79MCY-201
M49142/05-0201 BJ79S-7
M49142/05-0202 BJ79S-7
M49142/05-0206 305-0042S-7
M49142/05-0207 BJ79S-9
M49142/05-0208 BJ79S-47
M49142/05-0209 BJ79S-60
M49142/05-0211 305-0811S-3
M49142/05-0216 BJ79MCS-213
M49142/05-0217 BJ79MCS-201
M49142/06-0001 CJ70-7
M49142/06-0002 CJ70-7
M49142/06-0006 305-0042-4
M49142/06-0007 CJ70-47
M49142/06-0008 CJ70-9
M49142/06-0009 CJ70-60
M49142/06-0011 305-0811-2
M49142/06-0016 CJ70MC-213
M49142/06-0017 CJ70MC-201
M49142/06-0101 CJ70Y-7
M49142/06-0102 CJ70Y-7
M49142/06-0106 305-0042Y-4
M49142/06-0107 CJ70Y-47
M49142/06-0108 CJ70Y-9
M49142/06-0109 CJ70Y-60
M49142/06-0111 305-0811Y-2
M49142/06-0116 CJ70MCY-213
M49142/06-0117 CJ70MCY-201
M49142/06-0201 CJ70S-7
M49142/06-0202 CJ70S-7
M49142/06-0206 305-0042S-4
M49142/06-0207 CJ70S-47
M49142/06-0208 CJ70S-9
M49142/06-0209 CJ70S-60
M49142/06-0211 305-0811S-2
M49142/06-0216 CJ70MCS-213
M49142/06-0217 CJ70MCS-201
M49142/08-0001 PL375-7
M49142/08-0002 PL375-7
M49142/08-0005 305-0042-9
M49142/08-0006 PL375-47
M49142/08-0008 PL375-60
M49142/08-0010 305-0811-5
M49142/08-0011 305-0486-1
M49142/08-0016 PL375MC-213
M49142/08-0017 PL375MC-201
M49142/09-0001 BJ379-7
M49142/09-0002 BJ379-7
M49142/09-0006 BJ379-47
M49142/09-0007 305-0042-11
M49142/09-0009 BJ379-60
M49142/09-0011 305-0811-7
M49142/09-0012 305-0486-3
M49142/09-0016 BJ379MC-213
M49142/09-0017 BJ379MC-201
M49142/10-0001 BJ376
M49142/11-0001 CJ370-7
M49142/11-0002 CJ370-7
M49142/11-0006 CJ370-47
M49142/11-0007 305-0042-12
M49142/11-0009 CJ370-60
M49142/11-0011 305-0811-6
M49142/11-0012 305-0486-2
M49142/11-0016 CJ370MC-213
M49142/11-0017 CJ370MC-201
Trompeter has always been a leader in twinax connector
design and development. This time we've designed a new
style connector to meet the requirements of MIL-C-49142,
Category G. Trompeter is the only manufacturer to be
qualified to category G. What is category G? Category G is
the section of the Mil-Spec that requires tool crimping of the
TRB (70) series connectors. We are also qualified to cat-
egory A which is for wrench crimp TRB connectors.
The following is the latest list from Defense Electronic Supply
Center (DESC) of qualified Trompeter Electronic's parts.
Keep this list handy and make as many copies as needed.
Ordering QPL'd parts must be ordered by the Mil-number.
Many of Trompeter's 70 Series concentric twinax connectors
are QPL'd to MIL-C-49142. QPL'd versions are silver plated
and can be ordered using Government Designation part
numbers listed. Corresponding standard nickel plated con-
nectors can be ordered using the standard part numbers.
MIL-C-49142 Qualified Products List...