heating. Ceramic capacitors’ ESL (effective series induc-
tance) tends to dominate their ESR, making them less
susceptible to ripple-induced heating. The output capaci-
tor, C5, is an AVX tantalum capacitor. A ceramic is not
recommended as the main output capacitor since loop
stability relies on a resistive characteristic at higher fre-
quencies to form a zero. The AVX TPS series, specifically
designed for use in switch mode power supplies, has very
low ESR. At switching frequencies, ripple voltage is more
a function of ESR than of absolute capacitance value. If
lower output ripple voltage is required, use the optional
capacitor, C7, to reduce ESR, rather than increasing the
capacitance of C5. For very low ripple, an additional LC
filter on the output may be a cheaper solution. The output
contains very narrow voltage spikes because of the para-
sitic inductance of C5. A small ceramic capacitor, C6,
removes these spikes on the demo board. In application
circuits, trace inductance and local bypass capacitors may
perform this function, negating the need for C6.
Catch Diode D1
Use diodes designed for switching applications, such as
Schottky or ultrafast diodes, with adequate current rating
and fast turn-on times. In selecting a diode, the basic
parameters of interest are forward voltage, maximum
reverse voltage, average operating current and peak cur-
rent. Lower forward voltage yields higher circuit efficiency
and lowers power dissipation in the diode. The MBRD835L
has a maximum forward drop of 0.4V at 3A. The reverse
voltage rating must be greater than the input voltage.
Average diode current is always less than output current,
but under a shorted output condition, diode current can
equal the switch current limit. If the application must
withstand this condition, the diode must be rated for
maximum switch current.
Compensation: C1, C2 and R1
A detailed discussion of frequency compensation can be
found in the LT1374 data sheet. C1, a 1500pF capacitor
from V
to ground, gives a stable loop response over a
wide range of input and output conditions. Options R1 and
C2 are included to optimize the dynamic response for
specific applications.
Boost: D2, D3 and C4
A boost voltage of at least 2.8V is required throughout the
on time of the switch to guarantee that it remains satu-
rated. For output voltages of 3.3V or more, diode D2
provides sufficient boost voltage to C4. Below 3.3V, D2
can be moved to position D3, powering boost from V
In many cases, the layout of the demonstration board may
be dropped directly into the application with minimal
changes. If this is not practical, there are several precau-
tions that must be taken when laying out high frequency
converter circuits. The high frequency switching path runs
from ground, through C3 to the V
pin of the LT1374, out
of the SW pin, through D1 and back to ground. This loop
acts as an antenna and will radiate noise if not kept as short
as possible. Also, at higher switching currents the associ-
ated trace inductance can cause excessive voltage spikes
across the switch. The use of a ground plane will reduce
many noise problems. The ground pin of the LT1374
contains some high frequency signal currents, but more
importantly, it is the 0V reference for the output voltage.
Connect the ground pin directly to the ground plane. The
FB and V
components should be kept away from the
power components as much as possible. The ground for
these components should be separated from power
grounds. Run a Kelvin sense to V
as required, but keep
the divider network close to the LT1374 to prevent noise
pick-up on the FB node. Noise pickup on the V
appears as various problems, including poor load regula-
tion, subharmonic oscillation and instability. Thermal man-
agement must also be considered. The SO-8 package has
a fused ground pin. Soldering this pin to a large copper
area will significantly reduce its thermal resistance. Solder
filled feedthroughs close to the ground pin provide a good
thermal path to the ground plane. For the DD package, the
grounded tab should be treated in the same way. For more
information or advice, contact the LTC Applications de-