General Description The MIC29150/29300/29500/29750 are high current, high accuracy, low-dropout voltage regulators. Using Micrel's proprietary Super Beta PNP process with a PNP pass element, these regulators feature 300mV to 370mV (full load) dropout voltages and very low ground current. Designed for high current loads, these devices also find applications in lower current, extremely low dropout-critical systems, where their tiny dropout voltage and ground current values are important attributes. The MIC29150/29300/29500/29750 are fully protected against overcurrent faults, reversed input polarity, reversed lead insertion, overtemperature operation, and positive and nega- tive transient voltage spikes. Five pin fixed voltage versions feature logic level ON/OFF control and an error flag which signals whenever the output falls out of regulation. Flagged states include low input voltage (dropout), output current limit, overtemperature shutdown, and extremely high voltage spikes on the input. On the MIC29xx1 and MIC29xx2, the ENABLE pin may be tied to Viy if it is not required for ON/OFF control. The MIC29150/29300/29600 are available in 3- and 5-pin TO-220 and surface mount TO-263 packages. The MIC29750 7.54 regulators are available in 3- and 5-pin TO-247 packages. MIC29150/29300/29500/29750 Series High-Current Low-Dropout Regulators Preliminary Information Features High Current Capability MIC29150/29151/29152/29153 MIC29300/29301/29302/29303 MIC29500/29501/29502/29503 MIC29750/29751/29752/29753 Low-Dropout Voltage 0.0.00... ee Low Ground Current Accurate 1% Guaranteed Tolerance Reverse-battery and Load Dump Protection Zero-Current Shutdown Mode (5-Pin versions) Error Flag Signals Output Out-of-Regulation (5-Pin versions) Also Characterized For Smaller Loads With Industry- Leading Performance Specifications * Fixed Voltage and Adjustable Versions Applications Battery Powered Equipment * High Efficiency Green Computer Systems * Automotive Electronics * High Efficiency Linear Power Supplies High-Efficiency Post-Regulator For Switching Supply Pin Configuration O 123 12345 5 = Flag MIC29150/29300/ MIC29151/29152/29153BT MIC29152/29302/29502/29752 Adjustable with 29500BT and MIC29301/29302/29303BT ON/OFF Conirol MIC29750BWT MIC29501/29502/29503BT Pin hia 2 = Input, 3 = Ground, 4 = Output, MIC29751/29752/29753BWT i 1234 5 M1C29151/29152/29153BU MIC29301/29302/29303BU Pinout On all devices, the Tab is grounded. MIC29150/29300/29500/29750 Three Terminal Devices: Pin 1 = Input, 2 = Ground, 3 = Output MIC29151/29301/29501/29751 Five Terminal Fixed Voltage Devices: Pin 1 = Enable, 2 = Input, 3 = Ground, 4 = Output, iif 123 MIC29150/29300BU MIC29153/29303/29503/29753 Adjustable with Flag Pin 1 = Flag, 2 = Input, 3 = Ground, 4 = Output, 5 = Adjust 3-71MIC29150/29300/29500/29750 Ordering Information Micrel TO-263-5 * Junction Temperature Part Number Temp. Range* Volts Current Package Part Number Temp. Range* VoltsCurrent Package MIC29150-3.3BT -40to+125C 3.3. 1.5A TO-220 MIC29500-3.3BT -40to+125C 3.3. 5.0A TO-220 MIC29150-3.6BT -40to+125C 3.6 1.5A TO-220 MIC29500-5.0BT -40to+125C 5.0 5.0A TO-220 MiC29150-4.8BT -~40to+125C 4.8 1.5A TO-220 MIC29500-12BT* -40to+125C 12 5.0A TO-220 MIC29150-5.0BT -40to+125C 5.0 1.5A TO-220 MIC29501-3.3BT -4010+125C 3.3 5.0A TO-220-5 MiC29150-12BT -40to+125C 12 115A TO-220 MIC29501-5.0BT -4010+125C 5.0 5.0A TO-220-5 MIC29150-3.3BU -40to+125C 3.3 1.5A TO-263 MIC29501-12BT* -40to+125C 12 5.0A TO-220-5 MIC29150-4.8BU -40t0+125C 48 15A TO-263 MiC29501-3.3BU -4010+125C 3.3 5.0A TO-263-5 MIC29150-5.0BU -40to+125C 5.0 1.5A TO-263 MiC29501-5.0BU -40 to +125C 5.0 50A TO-263-5 MIC29150-12BU -40to+125C 12 1.5A TO-263 MIC29501-12BU*, _ -40 to+125C = 12) 5.0A = TO-263-5 MIC29151-3.3BT -40t0+125C 3.3 15A TO-220-5 MIC29502BT -40to+125C Adj 5.0A TO-220-5 MIC29151-3.6BT -40 to +125C 3.6 15A TO-220-5 MIC29502BU -40to+125C Adj 5.0A TO-263-5 MIC29151-4.8BT -40to+125C 4.8 15A TO-220-5 MIC29503BT -40 to+125C Adj 5.0A TO-220-5 MIC29151-5.0BT -40to+125C 5.0 15A TO-220-5 MIC29503BU ~-40 to+125C Adj 5.0A TO-263-5 MIC29151-12BT -40to+125C 12 1.5A TO-220-5 MIC29750-3.3BWT -40to+125C 3.3 7.5A TOQ-247-3 MIC29151-3.3BU -40to+125C 3.3 1.5A TO-263-5 MIC29750-5.0BWT -40to+125C 5.0 7.5A TO-247-3 MIC29151-4.8BU -4010+125C 48 15A TO-263-5 MIC29750-12BWT* -40to+125C 12 7.5A TQ-247-3 MIC29151-5.0BU -40t0+125C 5.0 1.5A TO-263-5 MIC29751-3.3BWT -40to+125C 3.3 7.5A TO-247-5 MIC29151-12BU -40to+125C 12 1.5A TO-263-5 MIC29751-5.0BWT -40to+125C 5.0 7.5A TO-247-5 MIC29152BT -40to+125C Adj 1.5A TO-220-5 MIC29751-12BWT* -40to+125C 12 7.5A TOQ-247-5 MIC29152BU -40 to+125C Adj 15A TO-263-5 MIC29752BWT -40to+125C Adj 7.5A TO-247-5 MIC29153BT 40to+1265C Adj 1.5A TO-220-5 MIC29753BWT 40 to +125C Adj 7.5A TO-247-5 MIC29153BU -40to+125C Adj 1.5A TO-263-5 MIC29300-3.3BT -40to+125C 3.3 3.0A TO-220 * Available 4th quarter 1995 MIC29300-5.0BT -40to+125C 5.0 3.0A TO-220 MIC29300-12BT -40to+125C 12 3.0A TO-220 MIC29300-3.3BU -40to+125C 3.3 3.0A TO-263 MIC29300-5.0BU -40to+125C 50 3.0A TO-263 MIC29300-12BU ~40to+125C 12 3.0A TO-263 MIC29301-3.3BT -40to0+125C 3.3 3.0A TO-220-5 MIC29301-5.0BT 40t0+125C 5.0 3.0A TO-220-5 MIC29301-12BT -~40t0+125C 12 3.0A TO-220-5 MiC29301-3.3BU -40to+125C 3.3 3.0A TO-263-5 MiC29301-5.0BU -40t0+125C 5.0 3.0A TO-263-5 MIC29301-12BU -40to+125C 12 3.0A TO-263-5 MIC29302BT -40 to+125C Adj 3,0A TO-220-5 MIC29302BU -4010+125C Adj 3.0A TO-263-5 MiC29303BT -40to+125C Adj 3.0A TO-220-5 MIC29303BU -40 to+125C Adj 3.0A MIC29xx0 versions are 3-terminal fixed voitage devices. MIC29xx1 are fixed voltage devices with ENABLE andERROR flag. MIC29xx2 are adjustable regulators with ENABLE control. MIC29xx3 are adjustables with an ERROR flag. 3-72MIC29150/29300/29500/29750 Absolute Maximum Ratings Power Dissipation Lead Temperature (Soldering, 5 seconds) ............... 260C beeteetetenenevees -65C to +150C cecesaevseesenevesenees 20V to +60V Storage Temperature Range input Supply Voitage (Note 1) Operating Ratings TO-220 O46 TO-263 046 TO-247 846 Electrical Characteristics All measurements at T, = 25C unless otherwise noted. Bold values are guaranteed across the operating temperature range. Operating Junction Temperature Maximum Operating Input Voltage Micrel Parameter Condition Min Typ Max | Units Output Voltage Iq = 10mA -1 1 % 10MA $ Ig le, (Vout + 1V) S$ Vin $ 26V (Note 2) -2 2 % Line Regulation Ig = 10MA, (Vour + 1V) $ Vin S$ 26V 0.06 0.5 % Load Regulation Vin = Your + BV; 10MA < lout S$ IEULL Loap (Note 2, 6) 0.2 1 % AV, Output Voltage (Note 6) 20 100 |ppm/C AT Temperature Coef. Dropout Voltage AVout = 1%, (Note 3) MIC29150 Iq = 100mA 80 200 mV Ig =750mA 220 Ig = 1.54 350 600 MIC29300 Ig = 100mA 80 175 Ig = 1.54 250 lp =3A 370 600 MIC29500 lg = 250mA 125 250 lg = 2.5A 250 lg =5A 370 600 MIC29750 Ig = 250mA 80 200 Ip =4A 270 Ig = 7.54 425 600 Ground Current MIC29150 Ig = 750MA, Viq = Vour + 1V 8 20 mA Ig = 1.54 22 MIC29300 Ig = 1.5A, Vin = Vout + 1 10 35 mA Ig=3A 37 MiC29500 lg = 2.5A, Vin =Vour + 1 15 50 mA Ig =5A 70 MIC29750 lg = 4A, Vin = Vour + 1V 35 75 mA Ig = 7.54 120 lenopo@round Pin = 0.5V less than specified V,,,,. lay, = 10MA Current at Dropout woes 50 0.9 mA MIC29300 1.7 mA MIC29500 2.1 mA MIC29750 3.1 mA Current Limit MIC29150 Vout = OV (Note 4) 2.1 3.5 A MIC29300 Vout = OV (Note 4) 4.5 5.0 A MIC29500 Vout = OV (Note 4) 7.5 10.0 A MIC29750 Vou = OV (Note 4) 9.5 15 A e,, Output Noise C, = 10uF 400 uV RMS Voltage (10Hz to 100kHz) C, = 33yF 260 |, = 100mA 3-73MIC29150/29300/29500/29750 Micrel Electrical Characteristics (Continued) Reference MIC29xx2/MIC29xx3 Parameter Conditions Min | Typical| Max Units Reference Voltage 1.228 1.240 1.252 Vv 1.215 1.265 V max Reference Voltage (Note 8) 1.203 1.277 Vv Adjust Pin 40 80 nA Bias Current 120 Reference Voltage (Note 7) 20 ppm/c Temperature Coefficient Adjust Pin Bias 0.1 nA Current Temperature Coefficient Flag Output (Error Comparator) MiC29xx1/29xx3 Output Leakage Voy = 26V 0.01 1.00 HA Current 2.00 Output Low Device set for 5V. Vin =4.5V 220 300 mV Voltage lop = 250HA 400 Upper Threshold Device set for 5V (Note 9} 40 60 mV Voltage 25 Lower Threshold Device set for 5V (Note 9) 75 95 mV Voltage 140 Hysteresis Device set for 5V (Note 9) 15 mv ENABLE Input MIC29xx1/MIC29xx2 Input Logic Voltage v Low (OFF) 0.8 High (ON) 2.4 Enable Pin Ven = 26V 100 200 HA Input Current 75 Ven =0.8V 1 pA 2 Regulator Output (Note 10) 10 HA Current in Shutdown 20 3-74MIC29150/29300/29500/29750 Notes Note1: Note 2: Note 3: Note 4: Note 5: Note 6: Note 7: Note 8: Note 9: Note 10: Note 11: Micrel Maximum positive supply voltage of 60V must be of limited duration (<100msec) and duty cycle ($1%). The maximum continuous supply voltage is 26V. Full Load current (Ip,) is defined as 1.5A for the MIC29150, 3A for the MIC29300, 5A for the MIC29500, and 7.54 for the MIG29750 families. Dropout voltage is defined as the input-to-output differential when the output voltage drops to 99% of its nominal value with Voy7 + 1V applied to Vin Vin is the larger of 5V or Voy7 + 1V Ground pin current is the regulator quiescent current. The total current drawn from the source is the sum of the load current plus the ground pin current. Output voltage temperature coefficient is defined as the worst case voltage change divided by the total temperature range. Thermal regulation is defined as the change in output voltage at a time T after a change in power dissipation is applied, excluding load or line regulation effects. Specifications are for a 200mA load pulse at Viy = 20V (a 4W pulse) for T = 10ms. Veer S Vout S (Vin 1 V), 2.3V < Vin Ss 26V, 10MA > f sf OUT ie ow. | a NS | 1,.240V. + | 4 grr ! | ] 7 | | | 4 ADJt | | Th | | Shut 1 . down | ; Fre tj | ? oe ? 4 GND Typical Applications BV = 5% O MIC29500-3.3 | IK 47pF 3.3V 41% @ 5A + Figure 1. Fixed output voltage. * Feedback network in fixed versions only + Adjustable version only O VIN Vout AA + Vout = 1.240V x [1 + (RT /R2)] Figure 2. Adjustable output voltage configuration. For best results, the total series resistance should be small enough to pass the minimum regulator foad current. 3-75MIC29150/29300/29500/29750 Typical Characteristics MIC2915x MIC2915x Dropout Voitage vs. Output Current oO 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 OUTPUT CURRENT (A) MIC2915x Ground Current vs. Output Current a = nN a al GROUND CURRENT (mA) a 0 : 0.0 0.4 08 1.2 16 OUTPUT CURRENT (A) MIC2915x Ground Current vs. Temperature loan = 10mA GROUND CURRENT (yA) 2 a a oO 0 -60 -30 30 60 90 120 150 TEMPERATURE (C) MIC29150-3.3 Output Voltage vs. Temperature 3.38 3.36 g 3.34 F 3.32 83.30 3.28 a. 3.28 33.24 3 DEVICES 3.22 3.20 -60 -30 0 30 60 90 120 150 TEMPERATURE (C) MIC2915x Dropout Voltage vs. Temperature 08 So w gee 05 Soa 503 3 6 0.2 lLoap = 1.54 c 901 0 -60 -30 0 30 60 90 120 150 TEMPERATURE (C) MIC2915x Ground Current vs. Supply Voltage Vour = BV lLoap = 10mA o 2 oo 2 bh GROUND CURRENT (mA) iy nD 2 > oO 2 4 6 8 10 SUPPLY VOLTAGE (V} MIC2915x Ground Current vs. Temperature NS a ie o a I. gap = 250mA GROUND CURRENT (mA) a on 0.0 60 -30 0 30 60 90 120 150 TEMPERATURE (C) MIC29150-3.3 Short Circuit Current vs. Temperature CURRENT (A) = = BW OQ a fo} ao O86 0.0 -60 -30 0 30 60 90 120 150 TEMPERATURE (C) Micrel! MIC29150-3.3 Dropout Characteristics ? OUTPUT VOLTAGE (V) iN) wo B o o 2 o 1 2 38 4 5 6 INPUT VOLTAGE (V) MIC2915x Ground Current vs. Supply Voltage !MIG29152 lour = 1-5) a oS o ny a GROUND CURRENT (mA) 3 8 o 0 2 4 6 8 10 SUPPLY VOLTAGE (V) MiC2915x Ground Current vs. Temperature er) ao y a GROUND CURRENT (mA) Ss oa o 0 60 -30 0 30 60 90 120 150 TEMPERATURE (C) MIC2915x Ground Current vs. Input Voltage R, = 1002 LOAD Vour = 5 GROUND CURRENT (nA) oo 9 hw bh a am 2 -0.2 30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 INPUT VOLTAGE (V) 3-76MIC29150/29300/29500/29750 Micrel MiC29151-xx/2 Enable Current MIC2915x MiC2915x vs. Temperaure Load Transient Load Transient 30 a = 200 > = = = Coyr = 10 WF E 100 Coy = 100 WE <@25 bE E a = 2 2 0 5 20 5 5 2 2. @ 3 3 100 2 15 4 < Wag <= z= 15 a] a 5 Loan = 10mA - 5 1.0 lloap = 10MA ai 5 & i z 0.5 a 3 0.0 0 -60 -30 0 30 60 90 120 150 0 S 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 26 TEMPERATURE (C) TIME (ms) TIME (ms) MIC29152/3 Adjust Pin Current MIC2915x MIC2915x 50 vs. Temperature Line Transient Line Transient a 30 a = S = < E 20 Cour = 10 HF = Cogr = 100 WF 40 5 10 5 =z ag a 5 5 30 6-10 3 3 a < = 20 loan = TOMA in S 2 S LOAD 5 moe fm E \ 210 lLgap = 10mA 2 6 5 Qa z = g Zz Zz 0 60 -30 0 30 60 90 120 150 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 0.0 0.2 0.40608 1.0 1.2 1.4 TEMPERATURE (C) TIME (ms) TIME (ms) MIC2915x Output Impedance vs. Frequency 10 | QT Mit g iD I < s all a 01 Hi E 2 a E > 6 0.001 , a * 10x10 100x10 10x10 100x109 1x10 FREQUENCY (Hz) 3-77MIC29150/29300/29500/29750 Typical Characteristics MIC2930x MIC2930x Dropout Voltage vs. Output Current 0.40 50.35 Ww 8 0.30 0.25 Qo20 2 30.15 8 0.10 x 5 0.05 0.00 1 2 OUTPUT CURRENT (A) MIC2930x Ground Current vs. Output Current GROUND CURRENT (mA) = nN w b a 3S a 5 o Q OUTPUT CURRENT (A) MIC2930x Ground Current vs. Temperature S a e bp o wo o ip lour = 10MA 2 GROUND CURRENT (mA) 0.0 -60 -30 0 30 60 90 120 150 TEMPERATURE (C) MIC29300-3.3 Output Voltage vs. Temperature 3.40 3.38 23.36 Ww 99.94 33.20 83.30 3.28 2 & 3.26 33.24 3 DEVICES 3.22 3.20 -60 -30 0 30 60 90 120 150 TEMPERATURE (C) MiC2930x Dropout Voltage vs. Temperature 08 507 iw woe Fos F Soa 503 3 So2 c Son 0 -60 -30 0 30 60 90 120 150 TEMPERATURE (C) MIC2930x Ground Current vs. Supply Voltage 3.aV Poap = 1009 a wa GROUND CURRENT (mA) oO a wn o o o 0 2 4 6 8 10 SUPPLY VOLTAGE (V) MiC2930x Ground Current vs. Temperature id a ii lour = 250A o a GROUND CURRENT (mA) 0.0 -60 -30 0 30 60 90 120 150 TEMPERATURE (C) MiC29300-5.0 Short Circuit Current vs. Temperature aa _N @ CURRENT (A) we wo A 0 60 -30 0 30 60 90 120 150 TEMPERATURE (C) Micrel MIC29300-3.3 Dropout Characteristics S40 w leoap = TOMA = 3.0 _ o Qo > 20 2 a 5 3 1.0 0.0 2 4 (NPUT VOLTAGE (V) MIC2930x Ground Current vs. Supply Voltage 125 =< 100 E FIXED 3.3V lout = = lout = 3A 3 Qo 50 z 3 @ 25 3g oO 0 10 2 4 6 8 SUPPLY VOLTAGE (V} MIC2930x Ground Current vs. Temperature a a a lout = 34 b o ny o GROUND CURRENT (mA) 3 8 0 -60 -30 0 30 60 90 120 150 TEMPERATURE (C) MIC2930x Ground Current vs. Input Voltage 20 p' ig o os mr an a an GROUND CURRENT (mA) a R, Loan = 10082 -0.5 ~30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 INPUT VOLTAGE (V) 3-78MIC29150/29300/29500/29750 MIC29301-x/2 Enable Current vs. Temperaure 30 nD a Ny 3 ENABLE CURRENT (jtA) oa a 0 60 -30 0 30 60 90 120 150 TEMPERATURE (C) MIC29302/3 Adjust Pin Current vs. Temperature 50 ps is] w S a ADJUST PIN CURRENT (nA) oO 0 -60 -30 0 30 60 90 120 150 TEMPERATURE (C) mh Dd @ eoogoo ogoag OUTPUT (A) A OUTPUT (mV o o=- Nw yb ao 3 nm o A OUTPUT (mv) oO a wo INPUT (V} > @ 10 OUTPUT IMPEDANCE (82) 2 MIC2930x Load Transient Copy = 10 uF 5 10 15 TIME (ms) 20 25 MIC2930x Line Transient Coys = 10 BF 0.0 0.2 040608 1.0 1.2 1.4 TIME (ms) MiC2930x Output Impedance vs. Frequency 1x10 % * 140x108 100x103 FREQUENCY (Hz) OUTPUT (A) A OUTPUT (mv) A OUTPUT (mv) INPUT (V) 2 5S o=- Nw MIC2930x Load Transient Coyr = 100 pF 90 5 10 16 20 25 TIME (ms) MIC2930x Line Transient Cc OUT = 100 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 TIME (ms) Micrel 3-79MIC29150/29300/29500/29750 Typical Characteristics MIC2950x MIC2950x Dropout Voitage vs. Output Current 450 400 ty 350 2 300 5 3 250 5 200 150 2 100 5 50 0 1 2 3 4 5 OUTPUT CURRENT (A) MIC2950x Ground Current vs. Output Current 1 2 3 4 5 6 OUTPUT CURRENT (A) MIC2950x Ground Current vs. Temperature o S oS o iy iw b a GROUND CURRENT (mA) 0.0 -60 -30 0 30 60 90 120 150 TEMPERATURE (C) MIC29500-3.3 Output Voltage vs. Temperature 3.40 3.38 23.36 w 6 3.34 = 3.32 a 3.30 > 3.28 & 3.26 B324 3 DEVICES 3.22 3.20 -60 -30 90 30 60 90 120 150 TEMPERATURE (C} MIC2950x Dropout Voltage vs. Temperature 08 507 Ww 3 0.6 F 0.5 Jt Qo4 503 3 So2 a 30.4 0 -60 -30 0 30 60 90 120 150 TEMPERATURE (C) MIC2950x Ground Current vs. Supply Voltage 3.3V VERSIONS Loap = 10082 R nn on N Q GROUND CURRENT (mA) ane wm a 2 o 0 2 4 6 8 10 SUPPLY VOLTAGE (V) MIC2950x Ground Current vs. Temperature f wo loys = 500A GROUND CURRENT (mA) = nm Qo -60 -30 0 30 60 90 120 150 TEMPERATURE ("C) MIC2950x-5.0 Short Circuit Current vs. Temperature Vour = OV CURRENT (A) Oo MWA A DN DOO -60 -30 0 30 60 90 120 150 TEMPERATURE (C) Micrel! MIC29500-3.3 Dropout Characteristics 240 lu 5 a0 a 3 > 2.0 2 a 5 aio 0.0 0 2 4 6 INPUT VOLTAGE (V) MIC2950x Ground Current vs. Supply Voltage 125 < 100 E a am 75 ac 3 9 50 3 3.3V O 25 VERSION Gg \Loap = SA Q 0 1 2 3 4 5 SUPPLY VOLTAGE (V) MIC2950x Ground Current vs. Temperature 150 iS) a Q 6 a o nD a GROUND CURRENT (mA) nM a 0 -60 -30 0 30 60 90 120 150 TEMPERATURE ( C} MIC2950x Ground Current . Input Voltage 25 vs. Inpu ig ny a an o a GROUND CURRENT (mA) o = o R -oap = 1002 2 0.5 30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 INPUT VOLTAGE (V) 3-80MIC29150/29300/29500/29750 Micrel MIC29501-xx/2 Enable Current Mic2950x MIC2950x vs. Temperaure Load Transient Load Transient 30 = 1500 = 100 z E 1000 Cour = 10 HF E 50 Cour = 100 uF 25 L E = 2 500 - > 0 E a oa Z 20 5 5 -s0 6 3 G15 a a & ~ 35 ns) io x= 4 <4 z 5 3 5 3 25 x 2 a 2 wi 54 51 o 0 oO 0 0 ~60 -30 0 30 60 90 120 150 0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25 TEMPERATURE ('C) TIME (ms) TIME (ms) MIC29502/3 Adjust Pin Current MIC2950x MIC2950x vs. Temperature Line Transient Line Transient 80 = 190 = 20 =70 50 Cour = 10 HE E 10 Coyy = 100 uF E bE 5 560 a a 0 5 5 50 2 50 2-10 G 40 < 4 = 30 > t 2 62 = 6.2 5B 20 Ee bE 2 2 2 B10 S42 & 42 az < 2 0 -60 -30 0 30 60 90 120 150 0.00.2040608101.214 0.00.2 0.40608 101214 TEMPERATURE (C) TIME (ms) TIME (ms) MIC2950x Output Impedance vs. Frequency 10 2 zt f a @ O41 E 2 a 0.01 Tt 2 veil 9, o 3 10x10 (-J 100x10 +0x103 100x109 1x10 == FREQUENCY (Hz) 3-81MIC29150/29300/29500/29750 Typical Characteristics MIC2975x MIC2975x Dropout Voltage vs. Output Current 012345 67 8 OUTPUT CURRENT (A) MIC2975x Ground Current vs. Output Current <= = E =z Ww a c 2 3 a z 2 3 a G o 123 4 5 67 8 OUTPUT CURRENT (A) MIC2975x Ground Current vs. Temperature 0.5 =< 04 Ee = Hos ac 3 ao2 Zz 3 @o.1 6 0.0 -60 -30 9 30 60 90 120 150 TEMPERATURE (C) MIC29750-3.3 Output Voltage vs. Temperature 3.40 3.38 23.36 WW @ 3.34 3.32 3.30 > 3.28 & 3.26 S324 3 DEVICES 3.22 3.20 -60 -30 0 30 60 90 120 150 TEMPERATURE (C) MIC2975x Dropout Voltage vs. Temperature 4.0 09 o8 Go7 Foe Qos 504 903 Go2 864 0.0 60 -30 0 30 60 90 120 150 TEMPERATURE (C) MIC2975x Ground Current vs. Supply Voltage a oa FIXED 3.3V VERSION lour = 10mA GROUND CURRENT (mA) = = Tw ob wo uw an 2 o 2 4 6 8 10 SUPPLY VOLTAGE (V) MiC2975x Ground Current vs. Temperature o loyr = 250mA GROUND CURRENT (mA) te 0 60 -30 0 30 60 90 120 150 TEMPERATURE (C) MIC29750-5.0 Short Circuit Current vs. Temperature an 10 CURRENT (A) SsnyNHnhUM YH -60 -30 0 30 60 90 120 150 TEMPERATURE (C) MIC29750-3.3 Dropout Characteristics bd e > i) o o OUTPUT VOLTAGE (V) o oO 0 2 4 6 INPUT VOLTAGE (V} MIC2975x Ground Current vs. Supply Voltage 175 150 E125 Qn oe on 6S FIXED 3.3V hoa = 7-54 GROUND CURREN nD or oO 0 2 4 6 8 SUPPLY VOLTAGE (V} MIC2975x Ground Current vs. Temperature iv} o a qn a GROUND CURRENT {mA} a 3 Qa 3 0 -60 -30 0 30 60 90 120 150 TEMPERATURE (C) MIC2975x Ground Current vs. Input Voltage 3.5 = 3.0 25 2.0 15 4.0} Rloap = 10082 0.5 0.0 GROUND CURRENT (m. -0.5 -30 -20 -10 GQ 10 20 30 INPUT VOLTAGE (V) Micrel 3-82MIC29150/29300/29500/29750 MIC29751-xx/2 Enable Current vs. Temperaure ENABLE CURRENT (HA = = 2 NR ww o a 8 aw S a Q -60 -30 0 30 60 90 120 150 TEMPERATURE (C) MIC29752/3 Adjust Pin Current vs. Temperature 0 -60 -30 0 30 60 90 120 150 TEMPERATURE (C) MIC2975x Load Transient Cour = 10 KF o 8 8 4 OUTPUT (mV) 5.0 I 10mA LoaD = OUTPUT (A) nN a 0 5 10 15 20 25 TIME (ms) MIC2975x Line Transient ao Qa So . Cgyy = 10 WF A OUTPUT (mv) a oO ao 2 wo INPUT (V) ao 0.0 0.2 0.40.6 08 1.01.2 1.4 TIME (ms) MIC2975x Output Impedance vs. Frequency l ft | 0.01 TH AL eg Lt son A Ail 10 OUTPUT IMPEDANCE (Q) Micrel! NIC2975x Load Transient = 300 200 Cour = 1 100 pF 5 100 ~ oo 8-100 < < 75 5 5.0 = 25 B 00 0 5 10 15 20 25 TIME (ms) MIC2975x Line Transient = 30 = 20 Cog = 100 uF 5 10 0 a B-10 3