STBCFG01 Switch mode single cell Li+ battery charger with OTG boost, voltage mode fuel gauge and LDO Datasheet - production data Interrupt output pin Flip Chip package, 25 bumps (2.3 x 2.2 mm) Applications Description Features High efficiency switching battery charger 2 MHz or 3 MHz switching frequency 1.2 A max. charging current 20 V tolerant input with OVP Programmable input current limitation and dynamic input current limit Battery overvoltage protection Auto-recharge Integrated current sensing resistor USB compatible Voltage mode fuel gauge External sensing resistor is not needed Battery swap detection through ID resistor Low battery voltage and low SOC programmable alarms 50 mA LDO for system boot in dead battery condition USB OTG VBUS generation (500 mA) USB overvoltage protection Programmable battery overcurrent protection Automatic 60 mA input pre-bias IC compatible control interface April 2016 Mobile phones Smart phones The STBCFG01 is a switching battery charger integrating the necessary functions to charge single cell Li-Ion batteries, monitor the battery charge and generate 5 V to supply USB OTG bus powered devices. The IC also integrates the LDO regulator to support system boot in dead battery conditions. The battery charger features a smart input current limit: the maximum input current can be selected through IC and if the input voltage drops below a programmable threshold, the input current is reduced even if the selected maximum current limit has not been reached yet. The dynamic input current limit can be disabled. An automatic input pre-bias load makes the device suitable for applications using voltage sources with a minimum external load for the right regulation. The STBCFG01 also integrates a voltage mode fuel gauge to provide the state of charge evaluation without the current sensing resistor. DocID026474 Rev 3 This is information on a product in full production. 1/37 Contents STBCFG01 Contents 1 Application schematic .................................................................... 5 2 Pin configuration ............................................................................. 6 3 Maximum ratings ............................................................................. 8 4 5 Electrical characteristics ................................................................ 9 Operation description ................................................................... 15 5.1 6 7 Battery charger................................................................................ 15 5.1.1 Input current limit .............................................................................. 16 5.1.2 Dynamic input current limit (DICL) ................................................... 16 5.1.3 Automatic recharge .......................................................................... 17 5.1.4 Battery detection ............................................................................... 17 5.1.5 Battery overvoltage protection .......................................................... 18 5.2 OTG boost....................................................................................... 18 5.3 LDO regulator.................................................................................. 19 5.4 Pre-bias ........................................................................................... 19 5.5 Fuel gauge ...................................................................................... 20 5.5.1 Operating mode ................................................................................ 20 5.5.2 Battery connection ............................................................................ 20 5.5.3 Low battery alarm ............................................................................. 20 5.5.4 Battery swap ..................................................................................... 21 5.6 Thermal shutdown ........................................................................... 21 5.7 Shutdown mode .............................................................................. 22 5.8 Watchdog ........................................................................................ 22 5.9 Alarms ............................................................................................. 22 IC compatible interface registers ................................................ 23 6.1 Fuel gauge registers ....................................................................... 24 6.2 Charger/OTG/LDO registers ........................................................... 26 Package information ..................................................................... 33 7.1 Flip Chip 25 (2.3x2.2 mm) option H package information ............... 33 8 Ordering information..................................................................... 35 9 Revision history ............................................................................ 36 2/37 DocID026474 Rev 3 STBCFG01 List of tables List of tables Table 1: Typical bill of material (BOM)........................................................................................................ 5 Table 2: Pin description .............................................................................................................................. 6 Table 3: Absolute maximum ratings ........................................................................................................... 8 Table 4: Thermal data ................................................................................................................................. 8 Table 5: Electrical characteristics ............................................................................................................... 9 Table 6: Register map............................................................................................................................... 23 Table 7: Fuel gauge mode register (address: 00h) .................................................................................. 24 Table 8: FG_CTRL register (address: 01h) .............................................................................................. 24 Table 9: SOC register LSB (register address: 02h) .................................................................................. 25 Table 10: SOC register MSB (register address: 03h) ............................................................................... 25 Table 11: VBAT register LSB (register address: 08h) .............................................................................. 25 Table 12: VBAT register MSB (register address: 09h) ............................................................................. 25 Table 13: OCV register LSB (register address: 0Dh) ............................................................................... 25 Table 14: OCV register MSB (register address: 0Eh) .............................................................................. 25 Table 15: VM_CNF register LSB (register address: 11h) ......................................................................... 25 Table 16: ALARM_SOC register (address: 13h) ...................................................................................... 26 Table 17: ALARM_Voltage register (address: 14h) .................................................................................. 26 Table 18: CHG_Cfg1 register ................................................................................................................... 26 Table 19: CHG_Cfg2 register (address: 91h) ........................................................................................... 26 Table 20: CHG_Cfg3 register (address: 92h) ........................................................................................... 27 Table 21: CHG_Cfg4 register format (register address: 93h)................................................................... 28 Table 22: CHG_Cfg5_OTG_Status register format (register address: 94h) ............................................ 28 Table 23: CHG_Status1 register format (register address: 95h) .............................................................. 29 Table 24: CHG_Status2 register format (register address: 96h) .............................................................. 30 Table 25: Int_Enable_1 register format (register address: 97h) ............................................................... 30 Table 26: Int_Enable_2 register format (register address: 98h) ............................................................... 30 Table 27: Int_Latch_1 register format (register address: 99h) ................................................................. 31 Table 28: Int_Latch_2 register format (register address: 9Ah) ................................................................. 32 Table 29: Flip Chip 25 (2.3 x 2.2 mm) option H package mechanical data .............................................. 34 Table 30: Ordering information ................................................................................................................. 35 Table 31: Document revision history ........................................................................................................ 36 DocID026474 Rev 3 3/37 List of figures STBCFG01 List of figures Figure 1: STBCFG01 application schematic .............................................................................................. 5 Figure 2: Pin connections (top view) ........................................................................................................... 6 Figure 3: Simplified charger architecture .................................................................................................. 15 Figure 4: CC/CV charging cycle ............................................................................................................... 16 Figure 5: DICL activation .......................................................................................................................... 17 Figure 6: DICL enable strategy ................................................................................................................. 17 Figure 7: Battery charger flowchart ........................................................................................................... 18 Figure 8: Pre-bias enable strategy............................................................................................................ 19 Figure 9: Battery swap detection .............................................................................................................. 21 Figure 10: Flip Chip 25 (2.3x 2.2 mm) option H package outline ............................................................. 33 Figure 11: Flip Chip 25 (2.3 x2.2 mm) option H recommended footprint ................................................. 34 4/37 DocID026474 Rev 3 STBCFG01 1 Application schematic Application schematic Figure 1: STBCFG01 application schematic Table 1: Typical bill of material (BOM) Component name Size Value Supplier Part number C1 0603 10 F, 16 V MURATA GRM188R61C106MA73D C2 0603 4.7 F, 25 V TDK C1608X5R1E475K080AC C3 0402 1 F, 16 V MURATA GRM155R61C105KA12D C4 0603 4.7 F, 25 V TDK C1608X5R1E475K080AC C5 0603 1 F, 16 V MURATA GRM185R61C105KE44 C6 0603 10 F, 16 V MURATA GRM188R61C106MA73D C7 0603 100 nF, 25 V MURATA GRM188R71H104KA93 C8 0603 1 F, 16 V MURATA GRM185R61C105KE44 C9 0603 1 F, 16 V MURATA GRM185R61C105KE44 L1 2.5 x 2.2 mm 1 H, 2.2 A TDK VLS252012ET-1R0N DocID026474 Rev 3 5/37 Pin configuration 2 STBCFG01 Pin configuration Figure 2: Pin connections (top view) Table 2: Pin description 6/37 Symbol Ball Pin function Description PMID A1, B1 Power I/O Reverse blocking MOSFET to high-side connection node DCIN A2, A3 Power I/O Input supply voltage/OTG output AGND A4 Analog ground Analog ground VCELL- A5 Analog input Battery pack negative terminal sense input CENn B2 Digital input Charger enable, active low. Internal 200 k pull-down to GND SHDN B3 Digital input Shutdown input, active high. Internal 200 k pull-down to GND RID B4 Analog input Battery identification resistor connection (for battery detection). An external bias has to be applied VCELL+ B5 Analog input Battery pack positive terminal sense input LX C1, D1 Power I/O Switch mode, inductor connection IRQn C2 Digital input Open drain interrupt output, active low DGND C3 Digital ground Digital ground 1V8 C4 Analog out 1.8 V internal regulator bypass pin. Bypass this pin to GND with a capacitor of 220 nF. Do not connect any load VREF C5 Analog out Reference voltage bypass pin. Do not connect any load LDO D2 Analog out 4.85 V LDO output SDA D3 Digital I/O IC data pin to the baseband, IC master peripheral SCL D4 Digital input IC clock pin to the baseband, IC master peripheral R_SNS_N D5, E5 Power I/O Internal sense resistor, negative terminal DocID026474 Rev 3 STBCFG01 Pin configuration Symbol Ball Pin function Description PGND E1, E2 Power ground Power ground R_SNS_P E3, E4 Power I/O Internal sense resistor, positive terminal DocID026474 Rev 3 7/37 Maximum ratings 3 STBCFG01 Maximum ratings Table 3: Absolute maximum ratings Symbol Parameter Value Unit VDCIN, VPMID Charger input voltage -1.5 to +20 V VLX Switch mode voltage -0.3 to +8 V VCELL+, R_SNS_N, R_SNS_P Battery pin -0.3 to +6 V VVREF, VV1V8, VCENn, VSHDN Low voltage pins -0.3 to +2.1 V VAMR All other input voltage pins -0.3 to +5.5 V Human body model 2000 V Charged device model 250 V TAMB Operating ambient temperature -30 to +85 C TJ Maximum junction temperature +125 C TSTG Storage temperature -65 to +150 C ESD Absolute maximum ratings are those values beyond which damage to the device may occur. Functional operation under these conditions is not implied. Table 4: Thermal data Symbol 8/37 Parameter Value Unit Rth(JC) Thermal resistance junction-case TBD C/W Rth(JA) Thermal resistance junction-ambient TBD C/W DocID026474 Rev 3 STBCFG01 4 Electrical characteristics Electrical characteristics TJ = -30 C to +85 C, VBAT = 3.6 V, VDCIN = 5 V unless otherwise specified. Table 5: Electrical characteristics Symbol Parameter Test conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit 5.95 V General information VIN DCIN input voltage range fSW Switching frequency TSD tTSD 3.78 FSW bit = 0 2 FSW bit = 1 3 MHz Thermal shutdown threshold 165 Hysteresis 20 Thermal shutdown deglitch time 50 s Charger enabled, switching, VBUS_CON = 5 V 14 mA Shutdown, LDO disabled 290 400 A Shutdown, LDO enabled 500 800 A On battery power VBUS_CON = 0 V GG_RUN = 0 10 25 A On battery power VBUS_CON = 0 V GG_RUN = 1 32 100 A C Battery charger IIN IBAT VINOVP Current consumption from DCIN Current consumption from BAT(including fuel gauge) DCIN overvoltage protection VDCIN rising 6.05 6.3 6.62 VDCIN falling 5.95 6.2 6.51 Pre-bias overvoltage protection VDCIN rising 7.0 V VDCIN falling 6.9 V V VINOVP_PB Pre-bias OVP accuracy VINUVLO -5 DCIN undervoltage lockout VDCIN rising 3.6 VDCIN falling 3.5 Pre-bias current tPBD Pre-bias current enable deglitch time tHDO Hold-off time % V DCIN UVLO accuracy IPREB +5 -5 +5 % 60 mA VDCIN rising over VINOVP but below VINOVP_PB 5 ms Valid DCIN connection to charging start 200 ms DocID026474 Rev 3 9/37 Electrical characteristics Symbol VASD tASD STBCFG01 Parameter Test conditions Min. VASD = VDCIN-VBAT, VDCIN rising Automatic shutdown threshold VASD = VDCIN-VBAT, VDCIN falling 0 Automatic shutdown threshold deglitch time Typ. Max. Unit 130 mV 36 mV 50 s 90 IINLIM 476 ILIM configurable by I2C DCIN current limit mA 760 1140 VDICL Dynamic input current limit threshold DICL configurable by I2C (4.0 V, 4.25 V, 4.5 V, 4.75 V) DICL accuracy tDICL VFLOAT VFLD 4.0 4.75 V -3 +3 % DICL activation deglitch time 100 ms CV regulation voltage VBUS_CON = 5 V 3.52 4.78 V CV regulation voltage accuracy VBUS_CON = 5 V -1 +1 % CC to CV threshold deglitch time Auto-recharge threshold voltage ARCHG bit = 1 Auto-recharge threshold accuracy ARCHG bit = 1 Auto-recharge threshold deglitch time ARCHG bit = 1 Battery overvoltage protection This is got by increasing the battery voltage until BATOVP status register turns on 170 ms VFLOAT-0.12 V VRCHG tRCHG VBATOVP Battery OVP accuracy tBOVP IFAST 10/37 VBAT VPRE DocID026474 Rev 3 % 170 ms VFLOAT+0.1 V +10 % 170 ms 45 mA -20 Pre-charge current accuracy Fast charge current +17 -10 Battery OVP deglitch time Trickle charge current ITRK -17 +20 450 % mA -10 +10 % 550 1250 mA STBCFG01 Electrical characteristics Symbol ITERM tTERM VTRK Parameter Test conditions VPRE Typ. Max. Unit Fast charge current accuracy -10 10 % Termination current 50 300 mA Termination current accuracy -30 30 % Charge termination deglitch time Trickle charge to precharge battery voltage threshold VTRK accuracy tTPD Min. 170 ms 2 V -5 +5 % Trickle charge to precharge threshold deglitch time 100 ms Pre-charge to fast charge battery voltage threshold 3 V VPRE accuracy tPFD Pre-charge to fast charge threshold deglitch time VDETH -5 +5 % 170 ms Battery detection high threshold 3 V VDETL Battery detection low threshold 2 V IDETSNK Sink detection current -5 mA tDETSRC Current source detection time 340 ms tDETSNK Current sink detection time 200 ms RON_HI High-side MOSFET on- resistance (including reverse blocking MOFET) 300 m RON_LOW Low-side MOSFET on- resistance 125 m RSNS Internal sensing resistor 35 tMAXPRE Maximum pre-charge time Including trickle charge 45 min. tMAXCHG Maximum fast charge time Including taper charge 360 min. 4 mA 68 m OTG boost regulator IBQ Boost quiescent current VBAT = 3.7 V, no load DocID026474 Rev 3 11/37 Electrical characteristics Symbol STBCFG01 Parameter Test conditions VBUS Output voltage at VBUS_CON IVBUS Output current capability VBUS 4.75 V Battery undervoltage lockout Falling edge VBATUVLO Accuracy VBUSOVP Min. Typ. Max. Unit 4.75 5 5.25 V 500 mA 3 -5 Output overvoltage protection V +5 6 Accuracy -5 % V +5 tVBUSOVP VBUSOVP deglitch time Battery average current limitation 350 950 mA IBATLIM Accuracy -10 +10 % ILMAX Cycle-by-cycle limitation Z0 Output impedance in OFF mode 30 % ms 1.2 A k 100 LDO output LDO output voltage 4.85 Accuracy ILDO = 50 mA, VDCINVLDO>300 mV -4 ILDO LDO output current VDCIN- VLDO > 300 mV 50 VLDO 4 V ISC LDO short-circuit current VLDO Accuracy +4 75 VDO LDO dropout voltage ILDO = 50 mA 150 VDCIN rising 3.6 VINMIN LDO input undervoltage lockout VDCIN falling 3.5 mA +27 % 300 mV V VINMIN accuracy VINMAX % mA -27 -5 LDO input overvoltage lockout V +5 VDCIN rising 6.3 VDCIN falling 6.2 VINMAX accuracy -5 % V +5 % Fuel gauge IFGQ UVLO fOSC Fuel gauge quiescent current Fuel gauge undervoltage lockout GG_RUN = 1 25 GG_RUN = 0 2 A Rising edge 2.6 2.7 V Hysteresis 100 mV Internal time base frequency 512 kHz 1 % Time base accuracy 12/37 2.0 DocID026474 Rev 3 STBCFG01 Electrical characteristics Symbol Parameter Test conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit tSTRB ADC conversion strobe 4 s tSWAP Battery swap deglitch time 1 s VBATERR VBAT measurement error VBATRES VBAT measurement resolution VBATRNG VBAT measurement range 2.5 RID threshold 1.2 -0.5 OCV reading +0.5 2.69 1.25 % mV 5.5 V 1.3 V VRIDTH Hysteresis 0.130 V IC compatible interface VIH High level input voltage VIL Low level input voltage 0.6 V VOL Low level output voltage at 10 mA sink current for open drain I/O 0.3 V CIO I/O pin capacitance 10 pF fSCL SCL clock frequency 400 kHz tLOW Minimum clock low period 1.3 s tHIGH Minimum clock high period 600 ns tF SDA and SCL fall time tHOLD_STA Start condition hold time 600 ns tSU_STA Start condition set-up time 600 ns tSU_DAT Data set-up time 100 ns tHOLD_DAT Data hold time 0 s tSU_STO Stop condition set-up time 600 ns tBUF Minimum delay between operations 1.3 s 1.3 V 1.3 V 300 ns Digital interface VIH Input high threshold VIL Input low threshold 0.6 V VOL Output low threshold 0.3 V DocID026474 Rev 3 13/37 Electrical characteristics Symbol IIN_IO STBCFG01 Parameter Test conditions I/O pin input current Min. -10 Typ. Max. Unit +10 A Dropout voltage is the input-to-output voltage difference at which the output voltage is 100 mV below its nominal value. 14/37 DocID026474 Rev 3 STBCFG01 Operation description 5 Operation description 5.1 Battery charger The STBCFG01 integrates a high efficiency battery charger of 1.2 A implementing the CC/CV charging algorithm for single cell Li-Ion battery powered applications. The switching frequency can be either 2 MHz or 3 MHz, according to platform noise requirements, and the inductor value is 1 H. The charging current sensing resistor is integrated. Figure 3: Simplified charger architecture DocID026474 Rev 3 15/37 Operation description STBCFG01 When the battery is deeply discharged (VCELL+ < VTRK, VTRK = 2 V) the device is in trickle charge mode and charges the battery in linear mode with a low current (I TRK = 45 mA) up to the trickle charge threshold. As soon as the battery voltage enters the pre-charge range (VTRK < VCELL+ < VPRE, VPRE = 3 V) the device starts the switch mode charging and increases the charging current up to the pre-charge current level (IPRE) to make the system voltage rise quickly up to a level which allows the system to wake up. The typical value for the pre-charge current is 450 mA but this value can be decreased to 100 mA through the IC compatible interface. A 45 minute (typ.) safety timer is active during both trickle charge and pre-charge. When the battery voltage is above the pre-charge threshold, the STBCFG01 enters fast charge mode and increases the charging current up to IFAST value. The fast charge current can be programmed through the IC compatible interface between 550 mA and 1.2 A in 100 mA steps. A soft-start function makes the battery current increase smoothly when the charging current changes. The constant voltage mode enters when the battery voltage reaches the programmable floating voltage threshold (VFLOAT, 3.60 V to 4.70 V in 20 mV steps). In constant voltage mode, the charging current tapers down the termination current threshold and then the charging process stops. The termination current is programmable from 50 mA to 300 mA in 25 mA steps. A 360 minute (typ.) safety timer is active when the fast charge starts. The charger can be disabled pulling high the charger enable input (CENn) and is automatically stopped in automatic shutdown conditions (ASD, VDCIN - VBAT < VASD). Figure 4: CC/CV charging cycle 5.1.1 Input current limit The STBCFG01 implements a programmable input current limitation to prevent the battery charger from exceeding DCIN voltage source current capability. The current limit can be programmed through IC to the following maximum values: 100 mA, 500 mA, 800 mA, 1.2 A. A "no limit" option is also available. 5.1.2 Dynamic input current limit (DICL) Independently from the chosen input current limit, a dynamic input current limit loop can also be enabled through the IC compatible interface (DICL_en bit). When DICL is active, an analog loop limits the input current when the input voltage drops to a programmable threshold (VDICL = 4.0 V to 4.75 V in 250 mV steps). 16/37 DocID026474 Rev 3 STBCFG01 Operation description Figure 5: DICL activation When a valid input source is connected to DCIN, DICL is enabled only if the input voltage is higher than VDICL for a deglitch time (tDICL = 100 ms). The user can check the enabling status of DICL function reading DICL status bit. Once DICL is enabled it can be disabled through DICL_en bit. Figure 6: DICL enable strategy 5.1.3 Automatic recharge When the charging cycle is over, the device keeps monitoring the battery voltage: if the voltage drops below the auto-recharge threshold (VRCHG = VFLOAT - 120 mV), a new charging cycle starts to keep the battery at maximum capacity. The automatic recharge function can be disabled through IC. 5.1.4 Battery detection The battery charger IC features a battery detection function to check if a battery is inserted before starting the charging cycle and to make sure that charging termination is not triggered because of a battery disconnection. If the battery is not detected when the input voltage is valid, the device keeps running the detection sequence until a battery is inserted. The battery detection result is reported by DET_ok bit. If the battery detection function or RID comparator detects a battery disconnection, BAT_Fail interrupt is generated. See the battery detection algorithm flowchart for more details. DocID026474 Rev 3 17/37 Operation description STBCFG01 Figure 7: Battery charger flowchart 5.1.5 Battery overvoltage protection If the battery voltage exceeds the battery overvoltage protection threshold (V BATOVP = VFLOAT + 100 mV) for more than tBOVP, the charging cycle stops and an alarm is generated. The battery overvoltage protection is active only when the charger is enabled. The charger automatically restarts when the battery voltage falls below the battery overvoltage protection threshold. 5.2 OTG boost The STBCFG01's internal bridge can be used in boost configuration to generate USB OTG VBUS voltage (5 V, 500 mA). OTG boost generator can be enabled setting the dedicated IC enable bit (OTG_en) according to the following conditions: VDCIN < VINUVLO CENn = high VCELL+ > VBATUVLO OTG boost operation is automatically stopped if the battery voltage falls below VBATUVLO or if CENn is pulled low during operation. 18/37 DocID026474 Rev 3 STBCFG01 Operation description The device also features an output overvoltage protection which turns off OTG boost if the output voltage rises above VBUSOVP. If the overvoltage lasts for more than tVBUSOVP, OTG boost is disabled and an alarm is generated. Together with the standard cycle-by-cycle current limit for the inductor peak current, the STBCFG01 also implements an average battery current limitation to avoid excessive battery voltage drop during peaks in system current consumption. When the average boost input current reaches the programmed limit (IBATLIM = 350 mA, 450 mA, 550 mA, 950 mA), OTG boost is disabled and an alarm is generated. 5.3 LDO regulator The STBCFG01 integrates a 4.85 V, 50 mA LDO regulator which is active when DCIN voltage is higher than VINMIN and lower then VINMAX. LDO is also active when the battery is not connected and in OTG mode, while it is turned off in automatic shutdown conditions (VDCIN - VCELL+ < VASD). LDO function can be disabled through IC and its output is protected against short-circuit. 5.4 Pre-bias In order to allow proper functionality with input sources not integrating the necessary minimum load to provide a valid voltage, the STBCFG01 integrates an automatic pre-bias circuit: if the input voltage (VDCIN) is above the input OVP threshold but lower than the prebias OVP threshold (VINOVP < VDCIN < VINOVP_PB) a pre-bias current is applied to DCIN to attempt reducing the input voltage down to a valid level. During the charging cycle, if the pre-bias current has been activated, it is kept on only during trickle charge and taper charge. The pre-bias current is also turned off in automatic shutdown conditions (ASD). The pre-bias current is active only if the input voltage is in the activation range for at least tPBD (5 ms typ.). The pre-bias function can be disabled through IC. Figure 8: Pre-bias enable strategy DocID026474 Rev 3 19/37 Operation description 5.5 STBCFG01 Fuel gauge The voltage mode fuel gauge provides the accurate information about the state of the Lithium-Ion battery. Battery voltage is constantly monitored to evaluate the state of charge of battery and open circuit voltage. At power-up, the fuel gauge algorithm uses the voltage reading to provide a first evaluation of SOC based on battery modeling data. The evolution of voltage is then used to track the changes of SOC of battery while cycling. The external software driver performs the temperature compensation. Initial accuracy depends on the state of the battery. When the fuel gauge is active the battery is supposed to be in fully relaxed state. If the battery is not fully relaxed the initial error in the evaluation of the state of charge is high but converges to lower values while the battery is being used. The fuel gauge block can be adapted to different batteries. Programmable parameters are used to tailor the algorithm to each battery model. In order to keep the optimal performance and avoid losing information learned during battery cycling, the user is supposed to save data contained in the device's volatile memory when power is removed. The same data has to be restored at power-up. The STBCFG01 also provides programmable alarms to notify low battery voltage and low SOC conditions. 5.5.1 Operating mode At start-up and when the battery voltage is below UVLO threshold, the fuel gauge is in standby mode. This block is active when the battery voltage is above UVLO and GG_RUN bit has been set through IC. When the fuel gauge is in standby mode, all register values are frozen and the algorithm does not run. In active mode, a voltage reading is acquired every 4 seconds (tSTRB). 5.5.2 Battery connection When a battery is connected, the device wakes up and attempts reading the battery voltage before high current loads can change the open circuit voltage. The charging process is inhibited until the battery voltage reading is completed. If the battery voltage is too low, the charger is not inhibited to allow the battery to be charged up to a stable voltage and avoid oscillations. 5.5.3 Low battery alarm The voltage mode fuel gauge provides low SOC and low battery voltage alarms, which are notified to the host through the active low open drain interrupt register (IRQn). Both of alarms can be disabled clearing ALRM_en bit in FG_Mode register. Low battery voltage threshold and low SOC threshold can be changed writing ALARM_Voltage and ALARM_SOC registers. The default thresholds are 3.00 V battery voltage and 1% SOC. When a low battery voltage condition or a low SOC condition is detected and alarms are enabled, the corresponding bit in FG_CTRL register is set (ALRM_VBAT or ALRM_SOC) and IRQn output is pulled low. ALRM_VBAT and ALRM_SOC bits have to be cleared by the host to release the interrupt pin (if no other interrupt is active in the device). 20/37 DocID026474 Rev 3 STBCFG01 Operation description If the alarm is cleared while the alarm condition is still true, the device does not generate another interrupt: the alarm condition has to disappear and be detected again in order to generate another interrupt. At power-up or when the fuel gauge is reset, fuel gauge alarms are enabled and alarms are generated after the first OCV reading and SOC estimation (if the alarm condition is true). 5.5.4 Battery swap When the battery is removed from the system, the fuel gauge is reset to avoid providing wrong battery information if a different battery is inserted. In order to detect battery disconnection, the STBCFG01 monitors both the battery voltage (VCELL+) and the voltage on RID pin connected to the battery identification resistor. All volatile memory information is always lost when the battery voltage falls below POR threshold. Figure 9: Battery swap detection 5.6 Thermal shutdown In any working condition, if the die temperature reaches the thermal shutdown threshold (TSD = 165 C typ.) the device enters shutdown mode: the bridge and LDO output turn off. The fuel gauge keeps working normally. The operation is automatically restored when the temperature falls back into the valid range. Safety timers are reset when a thermal shutdown is triggered. DocID026474 Rev 3 21/37 Operation description 5.7 STBCFG01 Shutdown mode When SHDN pin is tied high the device enters shutdown mode. In this mode, the switching converter turns off and it cannot be used neither in charging mode nor OTG boost mode. LDO and fuel gauge functionality are not affected by SHDN pin. 5.8 Watchdog A watchdog timer function can be enabled to reset the programmable register values to power-on reset values if no IC acknowledgments are generated for more than 45 seconds. This function is normally disabled. 5.9 Alarms The STBCFG01 provides an open drain active low interrupt output (IRQn) to notify the application processor about abnormal operating conditions or generic events. The following register types check the status of alarms and control the device: Interrupt enable Interrupt latch The interrupt enable registers enable the propagation of alarms to the interrupt pin (IRQn). The interrupt is generated (IRQn pulled low) on a rising edge of the interrupt latch bits (assuming that the corresponding enable bit has been set). The interrupt latch registers show the alarm conditions, which generate the interrupt. Although the alarm condition is no longer active, once each latch register bit is set, it stays high until the register is updated. Interrupt latch registers are updated by writing 0 to their bits: if the alarm condition is still active the bit is kept to 1 (new interrupt is not generated); if the alarm condition is no more active the bit is cleared. This update method assures that no further rising edge on the latch bit is generated for alarms which have already been signaled before the update operation. In order to release IRQn line after an interrupt generated by the charger/OTG, the host processor has to write 0 to IRQ_CLR bit in CHG_Cfg2 register and then back 1. The fuel gauge generated alarms share the same enable bit (ALRM_en). The following conditions generate an interrupt signal: 22/37 DCIN UVLO DCIN OVP ASD condition Pre-charge timer expiration Fast charge timer expiration Watchdog timer expiration Battery overvoltage protection (charger) End of charge Battery undervoltage lockout (OTG boost) VBUS overvoltage protection (OTG boost) Average current limit reached (OTG boost, IBATLIM) OTG output short-circuit; thermal shutdown Low battery voltage (fuel gauge) Low SOC (fuel gauge) DocID026474 Rev 3 STBCFG01 6 IC compatible interface registers IC compatible interface registers The STBCFG01 can be monitored and controlled using the IC compatible communication interface. The 7-bit device slave address is 1110001BIN. The table below shows the register map. Table 6: Register map Name Address POR value R/W FG_Mode 00h 19h R/W FG_CTRL 01h 15h R/W SOC 02h-03h 0000h R/W VBAT 08h-09h 0000h R OCV 0Dh-0Eh 0000h R VM_CNF 11h-12h 0141h R/W ALARM_SOC 13h 02h R/W ALARM_Voltage 14h AAh R/W REG_ID 18h 14h R RAM0...RAM15 20h...2Fh - R/W OCV_ADJ 30h...3Fh - R/W LUT 5Dh...8Ch - R/W CHG_Cfg1 90h 00h R/W CHG_Cfg2 91h 62h R/W CHG_Cfg3 92h 61h R/W CHG_Cfg4 93h 4Fh R/W CHG_Cfg5_OTG_Status 94h 06h R/W CHG_Status1 95h 00h R CHG_Status2 96h C0h R Int_Enable_1 97h 00h R/W Int_Enable_2 98h 00h R/W Int_Latch_1 99h 00h R/W Int_Latch_2 9Ah 00h R/W Fuel gauge Charger/OTG DocID026474 Rev 3 23/37 IC compatible interface registers 6.1 STBCFG01 Fuel gauge registers Table 7: Fuel gauge mode register (address: 00h) b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 POR R/W - OTG_en LPM_dis GG_RUN ALRM_en - - - 19h R/W ALRM_en: fuel gauge alarm enable 0: disabled 1: enabled (default) GG_RUN: fuel gauge operative mode 0: standby (default). Registers are frozen, fuel gauge in standby 1: running LPM_dis: low power mode disable (set this bit to program battery charger/OTG configuration registers and enable OTG function when USB input is not plugged and GG_RUN = 0) 0: low power mode enabled (default) 1: low power mode disabled OTG_en: OTG boost enable bit 0: disabled (default) 1: enabled Table 8: FG_CTRL register (address: 01h) b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 - ALRM_VBAT ALRM_SOC POR_Det BAT_Fail - b1 b0 POR R/W IODATA 15h R/W IODATA: IRQn pin status Read: 0: IRQn pin is low 1: IRQn pin is high Write: 0: forces IRQn pin low 1: IRQn pin is driven by interrupt logic BAT_Fail: battery removal or battery UVLO detection bit. Write 0 to clear 0: battery connected 1: battery removed or UVLO POR_Det: power-on reset detection bit. Write 1 to force a soft reset (self-clearing) 0: no POR event occurred 1: POR event occurred ALRM_SOC: low SOC alarm 24/37 0: SOC OK 1: low SOC DocID026474 Rev 3 STBCFG01 IC compatible interface registers Write this bit to 0 to clear the alarm. If the alarm condition is still active a new alarm is triggered only on the following rising edge of the alarm condition (the alarm condition has to disappear and then appear again). ALRM_VBAT: low battery voltage alarm 0: battery voltage above threshold 1: low battery voltage Write this bit to 0 to clear the alarm. If the alarm condition is still active a new alarm is triggered only on the following rising edge of the alarm condition (the alarm condition has to disappear and then appear again). Table 9: SOC register LSB (register address: 02h) b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 SOC[7:0] POR R/W 00h R/W Table 10: SOC register MSB (register address: 03h) b15 B14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 SOC[15:8] POR R/W 00h R/W SOC register LSb: 1/512% SOC Table 11: VBAT register LSB (register address: 08h) b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 VBAT[7:0] POR R/W 00h R Table 12: VBAT register MSB (register address: 09h) b15 B14 b13 b12 b11 b10 Reserved b9 b8 VBAT[10:8] POR R/W 00h R VBAT register LSb: 2.69 mV Table 13: OCV register LSB (register address: 0Dh) b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 OCV[7:0] POR R/W 00h R Table 14: OCV register MSB (register address: 0Eh) b15 B14 b13 b12 b11 Reserved b10 b9 b8 OCV[12:8] POR R/W 00h R OCV register LSb: 0.67 mV Table 15: VM_CNF register LSB (register address: 11h) b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 VM_CNF[7:0] DocID026474 Rev 3 b1 b0 POR R/W 41h R/W 25/37 IC compatible interface registers STBCFG01 Table 16: ALARM_SOC register (address: 13h) b15 B14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 VM_CNF[15:8] POR R/W 01h R ALARM_SOC register LSb: 0.5% Table 17: ALARM_Voltage register (address: 14h) b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 ALARM_Voltage POR R/W AAh R/W POR R/W 40h R/W ALARM_Voltage register LSb: 21.49 mV 6.2 Charger/OTG/LDO registers Table 18: CHG_Cfg1 register b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 ITERM b2 IPRE b1 b0 ifast IFAST: fast charge current Offset: 550 mA LSb: 100 mA Range: 550 mA to 1250 mA Default: 550 mA (000) IPRE: pre-charge current 0: 450 mA (default) 1: 100 mA ITERM: termination current Offset: 50 mA LSb: 25 mA Range: 50 mA to 300 mA Default: 150 mA (0100) Values 1011 through 1111: reserved Table 19: CHG_Cfg2 register (address: 91h) b7 b6 IRQ_CLR ARCHG b5 b4 b3 VFLOAT VFLOAT: floating voltage 26/37 b2 Offset: 3.52 V LSb: 20 mV Range: 3.52 V to 4.78 V DocID026474 Rev 3 b1 b0 POR R/W C0h R/W STBCFG01 IC compatible interface registers Default: 3.52 V (000000) ARCHG: automatic recharge enable 0: disabled 1: enabled (default) IRQ_CLR: clear interrupt latch 0: clear interrupt latch 1: propagate interrupt (default) Table 20: CHG_Cfg3 register (address: 92h) b7 b6 IBATLIM b5 b4 b3 VDICL DICL_en b2 b1 Iin_lim b0 POR R/W 61h R/W Iin_lim: input current limit (DCIN) 000: max.100 mA 001: max. 500 mA (default) 010: max. 800 mA 011: max. 1.2 A 100: no limit Values 101 through 111: reserved DICL_en: dynamic input current limit enable 0: disabled (default) 1: enabled VDICL: dynamic input current limit threshold 00: 4.00 V 01: 4.25 V 10: 4.50 V (default) 11: 4.75 V IBATLIM: OTG average battery current limit 00: 350 mA 01: 450 mA (default) 10: 550 mA 11: 950 mA DocID026474 Rev 3 27/37 IC compatible interface registers STBCFG01 Table 21: CHG_Cfg4 register format (register address: 93h) b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 POR R/W RID_STAT LDO_en LDO_UVLO_th WD PreB_en THRML TFAST TPRE 4Fh R/W TPRE: pre-charge timer enable 0: disabled 1: enabled (default) TFAST: fast charge timer enable 0: disabled 1: enabled (default) THRML: thermal loop enable (this bit can be masked through OTP) 0: disabled 1: enabled (default) PreB_en: pre-bias function enable 0: disabled 1:enabled (default) WD: watchdog timer function enable 0: disabled (default) 1: enabled LDO_UVLO_th: LDO UVLO threshold 0:3.6 V rising, 3.5 V falling (default) 1: 4.75 V rising, 4.65 V falling LDO_en: LDO output enable 0: LDO output disabled 1:LDO output enabled (default) RID_STAT: RID status (read only) 0: RID connected 1: RID disconnected Table 22: CHG_Cfg5_OTG_Status register format (register address: 94h) b7 b6 b5 BST_SH BST_status b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 POR R/W - DICHG_adj FSW CHG_rst 06h R/W b0, b1, b2 are R/W; b4, b5, b6, b7 are read status bit only. CHG_rst: charger reset, all charger registers to POR value. Self-clearing. 28/37 0: no action (default) 1: reset charger DocID026474 Rev 3 STBCFG01 IC compatible interface registers FSW: switching frequency. The switching frequency can be changed only when the device doesn't switch. SHDN input should be pulled high before modifying this setting. 0: 2 MHz 1: 3 MHz (default) DICHG_adj: dynamic charging current adjustment enable (for soft-current transitions) 0: disabled 1: enabled (default) BST_status: OTG boost status 000: idle 001: wait soft-start 010: linear soft-start 011: switching soft-start 100: frequency ramp-up 101: OTG_run 110: PMOS-off 111: shutdown BST_SH: OTG boost output short at beginning 0: no short detected (default) 1: short detected Table 23: CHG_Status1 register format (register address: 95h) b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 CHG_status b2 b1 b0 POR R/W PreB_st PreB Alarm 00h R Alarm: alarm state 0: no alarm is active 1: alarm condition detected PreB: pre-bias current activation 0: pre-bias current has not been activated 1: pre-bias current has been activated (VINOVP < VDCIN < VINOVP_PB for more than tPBD) PreB_st: pre-bias current sink status 0: pre-bias current sink is currently off 1: pre-bias current sink is currently on CHG_status: charger status 00000: idle 00001: trickle charge 00010: pre-charge 00011: fast charge 00100: taper charge (constant voltage) 00101: charge done (termination) 00110: boost on 00111: shutdown 01000: battery detection running DocID026474 Rev 3 29/37 IC compatible interface registers STBCFG01 Table 24: CHG_Status2 register format (register address: 96h) b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 POR R/W - - - - - DET_ok DET_run DICL C0h R DICL: dynamic input current limit activation 0: not active 1: active DET_run: charger battery detection status 0: battery detection does not run 1: battery detection runs DET_Fail: charger battery detection result 0: battery connected 1: battery not connected Table 25: Int_Enable_1 register format (register address: 97h) b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 POR R/W EOC Bat_OVP WD Fast_TMR Pre_TMR ASD IN_OVP IN_UVLO 00h R For all bits Write 1 to propagate the event to IRQn Write 0 to mask the event (default) IN_UVLO: charger input voltage UVLO IN_OVP: charger input voltage OVP ASD: automatic shutdown condition Pre_TMR: pre-charge timer expiration Fast_TMR: fast charge timer expiration WD: watchdog timer expiration Bat_OVP: battery overvoltage protection EOC: end-of-charge (termination current reached) Table 26: Int_Enable_2 register format (register address: 98h) b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 POR R/W BAT_Fail CHG_ON - OTG_short Ibat_Lim VBus_OVP TSHDN Bat_UVLO 00h R/W For all bits: Write 1 to propagate the event to IRQn Write 0 to mask the event (default) Bat_UVLO: battery UVLO (OTG) TSHDN: thermal shutdown VBus_OVP: OTG boost output OVP Ibat_Lim: OTG battery average current limit 30/37 DocID026474 Rev 3 STBCFG01 IC compatible interface registers OTG_short: OTG output short-circuit CHG_ON: charging started BAT_Fail: battery fail Table 27: Int_Latch_1 register format (register address: 99h) b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 POR R/W EOC Bat_OVP WD Fast_TMR Pre_TMR ASD IN_OVP IN_UVLO 00h R/W This register is cleared upon read operation. IN_UVLO: charger input voltage UVLO 0: charger input voltage is above UVLO 1: charger input voltage is below UVLO IN_OVP: charger input voltage OVP 0: charger input voltage is below OVP 1: charger input voltage is above OVP ASD: automatic shutdown condition 0: charger input voltage above the automatic shutdown threshold 1: charger input voltage below the automatic shutdown threshold Pre_TMR: pre-charge timer expiration (has to be cleared by the host) 0: pre-charge timer running 1: pre-charge timer expired Fast_TMR: fast charge timer expiration (has to be cleared by the host) 0: fast charge timer running 1: fast charge timer expired WD: watchdog timer expiration (has to be cleared by the host) 0: watchdog timer running 1: watchdog timer expired Bat_OVP: battery overvoltage protection 0: battery voltage below OVP threshold during charging 1: battery voltage above OVP threshold during charging EOC: end-of-charge (termination current reached) 0: termination current not reached 1: termination current reached DocID026474 Rev 3 31/37 IC compatible interface registers STBCFG01 Table 28: Int_Latch_2 register format (register address: 9Ah) b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 POR R/W BAT_Fail CHG_ON TSHDN_LDO OTG_short Ibat_Lim VBus_OVP TSHDN Bat_UVLO 00h R/W Write 0 to update these register bits. Bat_UVLO: battery UVLO (OTG) 0: battery voltage above UVLO threshold during boost operation 1: battery voltage below UVLO threshold during boost operation TSHDN: thermal shutdown 0: device in normal operation conditions 1: device in thermal shutdown VBus_OVP: OTG boost output OVP 0: OTG boost output voltage below OVP threshold 1: OTG boost output voltage above OVP threshold Ibat_Lim: OTG battery average current limit (has to be cleared by the host) 0: average battery current limit not reached during OTG boost operation 1: average battery current limit reached during OTG boost operation OTG_short: OTG output short-circuit 0: OTG output short-circuit condition not detected 1: OTG output short-circuit condition detected TSHDN_LDO: LDO thermal shutdown 0: LDO in normal operation conditions 1: LDO in thermal shutdown CHG_ON: charger cycle start 0: charging cycle not active 1: charging cycle started BAT_Fail: battery status (from state machine or RID) 32/37 0: battery connected/good battery 1: battery disconnected/not good DocID026474 Rev 3 STBCFG01 7 Package information Package information In order to meet environmental requirements, ST offers these devices in different grades of ECOPACK(R) packages, depending on their level of environmental compliance. ECOPACK (R) specifications, grade definitions and product status are available at: ECOPACK(R) is an ST trademark. 7.1 Flip Chip 25 (2.3x2.2 mm) option H package information Figure 10: Flip Chip 25 (2.3x 2.2 mm) option H package outline DocID026474 Rev 3 33/37 Package information STBCFG01 Table 29: Flip Chip 25 (2.3 x 2.2 mm) option H package mechanical data mm Dim. Min. Typ. Max. A 0.495 0.55 0.605 A1 0.17 0.20 0.23 A2 0.275 0.30 0.325 b 0.23 0.26 0.29 D 2.25 2.28 2.31 D1 E 1.6 2.16 2.19 E1 1.6 e 0.4 2.22 fD 0.33 0.34 0.35 fE 0.285 0.295 0.305 ccc 0.075 $ 0.05 Figure 11: Flip Chip 25 (2.3 x2.2 mm) option H recommended footprint 34/37 DocID026474 Rev 3 STBCFG01 8 Ordering information Ordering information Table 30: Ordering information Order code Package Packing STBCFG01JR Flip Chip 25 (2.3 x 2.2 mm) Tape and reel DocID026474 Rev 3 35/37 Revision history 9 STBCFG01 Revision history Table 31: Document revision history 36/37 Date Revision Changes 10-Jun-2014 1 Initial release. 09-Dec-2014 2 Added the table titled "Typical external components". 28-Apr-2016 3 Modified Table 10: "SOC register MSB (register address: 03h)". DocID026474 Rev 3 STBCFG01 IMPORTANT NOTICE - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY STMicroelectronics NV and its subsidiaries ("ST") reserve the right to make changes, corrections, enhancements, modifications, and improvements to ST products and/or to this document at any time without notice. Purchasers should obtain the latest relevant information on ST products before placing orders. ST products are sold pursuant to ST's terms and conditions of sale in place at the time of order acknowledgement. Purchasers are solely responsible for the choice, selection, and use of ST products and ST assumes no liability for application assistance or the design of Purchasers' products. No license, express or implied, to any intellectual property right is granted by ST herein. Resale of ST products with provisions different from the information set forth herein shall void any warranty granted by ST for such product. ST and the ST logo are trademarks of ST. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. Information in this document supersedes and replaces information previously supplied in any prior versions of this document. (c) 2016 STMicroelectronics - All rights reserved DocID026474 Rev 3 37/37 Mouser Electronics Authorized Distributor Click to View Pricing, Inventory, Delivery & Lifecycle Information: STMicroelectronics: STBCFG01JR