Part Number : 09133850
Serial Number : 0913
Based Neon Lamps
Housing size 10x25
Housing Material white plastic
Lens color clear
Base E10
Lamp Color red
Op. voltage (V) 127
Volt typ. (V) AC
Max. Striking Volts AC 95
Max. Striking Volts DC 135
Current 1
Life Time 25000
Voltage tolerance (%) 10%
Op. temperature (°C) -20 to +60
Storage temperature (°C) -25 to +80
LED Size T3 1/4
LED Size (mm) 10
Drawn : JOJ Ch'd : JOJ Datasheet : 0913 Print date : 06/06/06
Revision : 1.0 Revision date : 2005-09-06 Name : JOJ Scale : 2 : 1
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