Interconnectivity Page 5 of 8
PDIUSBH11A/H12/D12 Evaluation Kit: User Manual
Philips Semiconductors - Asia Product Innovation Centre
Visit http://www.flexiusb.com
See table below for the list of LED indicators
Name Description
LED1 (red) This LED indicates that the downstream ports are powered.
Upon proper configuration of the Hub, this LED should be
lighted to indicate that the downstream are powered
LED2 (green) LED 2 indicates that the downstream port 2 is enabled.
Whenever downstream port is attached and a proper port
detection is done, the downstream port is enabled. If the
H11A is in GoodLinkTM mode, this LED blinks when traffic is
detected via Port 2.
LED3 -5
(green) same as LED2 except that they correspond to downstream
ports 3 to 5 respectively.
There are two DIP sockets for the 51 family of micro-controllers, they are the DIP24 and
DIP40. Either one can be used.
DIP24 : 83C748/87C748 (2K EPROM/ROM, 64 RAM)
83C751/87C751 (2K EPROM/ROM, 64 RAM)
DIP40 : Generic 80C51 (4K ROM)
The above is not an exhausted list. The only consideration would be the ROM size
required for the application.
VGA Passthrough Module
This module acts as a pass through for the
normal VGA signals. The wiring for the
DDC2B+/2AB monitor control protocol is tapped
and routed to the micro-controller via JP2. To
use this module, insert it on JP2 of the main