Intel® 430TX PCIset: 82439TX
System Controller (MTXC)
Specification Update
March 2000
Notice: The 82439TX Sy st em C o ntro lle r (MTXC) m ay co ntai n de si gn de fec ts or erro rs k nown as
errata tha t may c ause th e product to d eviat e from pu blish ed spec ifica tions . Current characte rize d
errata are documented in this specification update. Order Number: 290615-002
Intel® 430TX PCIset: 82439TX System Controller (MTXC) Specification Update
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Intel® 430TX PCIset: 82439TX System Controller (MTXC) Specification Update 3
Revision History......................................................................................... 5
Preface....................................................................................................... 6
Summary Table of Changes....................................................................... 8
Identification Information.......................................................................... 10
Specification Changes............................................................................. 13
Specification Clarifications....................................................................... 14
Documentation Changes ......................................................................... 16
Intel® 430TX PCIset: 82439TX System Controller (MTXC) Specification Update 5
Revision History
Revision History
Date Version Description
March 2000 -002 Added S-Spec SL2LR.
March 1998 -001 Initial release.
6Intel® 430TX PCIset: 82439TX System Controller (MTXC) Specification Update
This document is an update to the specifications contained in the Affected Documents/Related
Docu ments ta ble belo w. This document is a compilation of device and documentation errata,
specification clarifications and changes. It is intended for hardware system manufacturers and
software developers of applications, operating systems, or tools.
Information types defined in Nomenclature are consolidated into the specification update and are
no longer published in other documents.
This docum ent may also contain information that was not previously published.
Affected Documents/Related Documents
Title Order Number
Intel 430TX PCIset: 82439TX System Controller (MTXC) 290559
Intel® 430TX PCIset: 82439TX System Controller (MTXC) Specification Update 7
Errata are design defects or errors. These may cause the 82439TX System Controller (MTXC)’s
behavior to deviat e from published s pecifications. Hardware and so ftware designed to be used with
any given stepping must assume that all errata documented for that stepping are present on all
Specification Changes are modifications to the current published specifications. These changes
will be incorporated in any new release of the specification.
Specification Clarifications describe a specification in greater detail or further highlight a
specification’s impact to a complex design situation. These clarifications will be incorporated in
any new release of the specification.
Documentation Cha nges include typos, errors, or omissions from the current published
specifications. These will be incorporated in any new release of the specification.
Note: Errata remain in the specificatio n update throughout the product’s lifecycle, or until a particular
stepping is no longer commercially av ailabl e. Under these circumstances, er rata remov ed fr om the
specification update are archived and available upon request. Specification changes, specification
clarifications and documentation changes are removed from the specification update when the
appropriate changes are made to the appropriate product specification or user documentation
(datasheets, manuals, etc.).
8Intel® 430TX PCIset: 82439TX System Controller (MTXC) Specification Update
Summary Table of Changes
Summary Table of Changes
The following tables indicate the errata, specification changes, specification clarifications, or
documentation changes which apply to the 82439TX System Controller (MTXC) product. Intel
may fix some of the errata in a future stepping of the component, and account for the other
outstanding issues through documentation or specification changes as noted. This table uses the
following notations:
Codes Used in Summary Table
X: Errata exists in the stepping indicated. Specification Change or
Clarification that applies to this stepping.
(No mark)
or (Blank box): This errat um is fi xed in l ist ed s teppi n g or specificati o n chan ge does not
apply to listed stepping.
(Page): Page location of item in this documen t.
Doc: Document change or update will be implemented.
Fix: This erratum is intended to be fixed in a future step of the component.
Fixed: This erratum has been previously fixed.
NoFix: There are no plans to fix this erratum.
Eval: Plans to fix this erratum are under evaluation.
Change bar to left of table row indicates thi s item is either new or
modified from the previous version of the document.
Intel® 430TX PCIset: 82439TX System Controller (MTXC) Specification Update 9
Summary Table of Changes
No. Steppings Page Status ERRATA
A0 A1 A2
1 X X X 11 NoFix SDRAM Speculative Read Enable (SSRE)
2 X 11 Fix Address Setup Time
3 X X 12 NoFix Fast Back-to -Back, PCI Peer-to-P eer Cycles
Specification Changes
A0 A1 A2
None for this revision of this specification update.
Specification Clarifications
A0 A1 A2
1 XXX14 DocInsuring Signal Integrity in a Lightly Loaded Systems
2 XX14Doc
Insuring Correct Setting for MTXC Register Offset 53h
3 X X 14 Doc Bits 4 and 5, Register Offset 52h Clarification
4 X X 14 Doc MTXC Power Plane Sequencing
5 XXX14Doc
Timing Of The SUSCLK And SUS_STAT# Signals For
Resume Voltage Well Reset
Documentation Changes
No. Document Revision Page Status DOCUMENTATION CHANGES
1 001 16 Doc NAND Chain Mode
2 001 16 Doc DRAMT - DRAM Timing Register Description
3 001 16 Doc Vcc5REF Sequencing Circuit
4 001 16 Doc SDRAM Performance Summary
5 001 17 Doc SDRAM Control Register Bit 1 Description
10 Intel® 430TX PCIset: 82439TX System Controller (MTXC) Specification Update
Identification Information
Identification Information
General Information
Component Markings
Component Identification Via Programming Interface
The 82439TX MTXC stepping can be identified by the following register contents:
Table 1. 82439TX MTXC Identification Information
Stepping S-Spec Top Marking Freq. Notes
A-0 FW82439TX Q516ES 66/33 Engineering Sample
A-0 FW82439TX Q517ES 66/33 Engineering Sample
A-1 FW82439TX Q536ES 66/33 Engineering Sample
A-1 FW82439TX Q537ES 66/33 Engineering Sample
A-1 FW82439TX S L238 66/33 Production
A-2 Q562 FW82439TX Q562ES 66/33 Engineering Sample
A-2 SL28T FW82439TX S L28T 66/33 Production
A-2 Q557 FW82439TX Q557ES 66/33 Engineering Sample
A-2 SL2LR FW82439TX S L2LR 66/33 Production - Remnant lots
Table 2. 82439TX MTXC Stepping Identification
82439TX MTXC Stepping Vendor ID1Device ID2Revision Number3
A-0 8086h 7100h 00h
A-1 8086h 7100h 01h
A-2 8086h 7100h 01h
1. PCI function 0 configuration space.
2. The Device ID corresponds to bits 15-0 of the Device ID Register located at offset 02-03h in the PCI
function 0 configuration space.
3. The Revision Number correspond to bits 7-0 of the Revision ID Register located at offset 08h in the PCI
function 0 configuration space. The Revision Number remains 01h for the A-2 stepping.
Intel® 430TX PCIset: 82439TX System Controller (MTXC) Specification Update 11
1. SDRAM Speculative Read Enable (SSRE)
Problem: Due to a timing marginality during SDRAM read-page-hit cycles, the SSRE mode does not
function properly and must be disabled. This mode provided a five clock read lead off during CPU
read-page-hit cycles to main memory. This mode impacts SDRAM only.
Implication: If SSRE mode is enabled, the system may not function properly. Intel has tested this mode and
found the performance impact of disabling the SSRE mode is minimal using the 430TX reference
platform with a 200 MHz Pentium® processor with MMX™ technology, 16 Mbytes SDRAM,
512 Kbytes PBSRAM L2, and hard drive in PIO Mode 4.
Workaround: This errata is avoided by disabling the SSRE mode by clearing bit 7 in register offset 56h to “0”.
This bit has been changed to a reserved bit and must always remain in its defau lt state (0).
Status: For the steppings affected see the Summary Table of Changes at the beginning of this section.
2. Address Setup Time
Problem: Intel’s 430TX PCIset external timing specification (ETS) specifies that the PCI address setup to the
MTXC is 7.0 ns. However, it has been determined that the MTXC requires a 7.7 ns address setup
on PCI AD lines 30 and 31.
Implication: If the PCI address setup to the MTXC is not met, then the MTXC will not complete the cycle
correctly. This may result in a system failure or data error which is not immediately visible to the
end user. There is no test currently available to expose this type of error to the end user , theref ore, it
is essential that th e new tim ing requirement is m e t.
In a system with a 33 MHz PCI bus, the setup time is gene rated within a 30 ns window. The delay
components with in this window are: valid delay, fligh t tim e, and PCI cloc k skew (the specific
equation is: 30 ns - valid delay - flight time - PCI clock skew - setup). In general, the OEM has
control o f the fl ight time and clo c k skew. Both of these delay co mponents often h a ve additional
margin which should compensate for the increased timing requirement on the MTXC. OEM’s
should evaluate their board designs to determine if additional clock skew and/or flight time margin
is available.
Workaround: The design should be laid-out in such a manner to compensate for the MTXC’s increased timing
requirement. OEM’s should examine their existing designs to determine if their specific PCI flight
time and PCI clock skews will provide sufficient timing ma rgin.
To check your design for adequate margin:
1. Measure th e PCI C lock Sk ew between t he MTXC P CI Clo ck and t he ot her PC I Clocks in you r
system. If the MTXC PCI clock lags behind the other PCI clocks, this issue should not be a
problem. If the MTXC PCI clock leads the other PCI clocks by less than 1.3 ns, this issue
should not be a problem. This is assuming that all other param eters, external to the MTXC
component , meet P CI bus ti ming require ment s. The max imum skew is meas ured betw een an y
two components, not at the PCI connector. For example, if the measurement is being made
between the MTXC and a PCI device in a slot, make the measurement from the MTXC to the
device on the PCI card, and not to the connector the card is plugged in to. The measurements
are generally m ade at the 1 .5 V t o 1 .5 V l evel. However, refer to the PCI sp ecifi cat io n r ev 2.1 ,
section 4.3.1 for precise measurement points.
12 Intel® 430TX PCIset: 82439TX System Controller (MTXC) Specification Update
2. T o get an idea of how much PCI flight time mar gin a particular system has, first make sure that
your PCI bus is fully loaded (i.e., populate all of the slots). In general, the flight time is at its
worst between the two devices on the bus that are furthest away from each other. However , for
a complete measurement, check the PCI device nearest to, and furthest from the MTXC,
excluding the PIIX4.
3. The maximum flight time is measured between any two comp onents, not at the PCI connecto r.
For example, when measurin g the flight time, measu re AD31 at the MTXC, on one probe, and
AD31 at the initiating PCI device, on a second probe. The difference between these two
measurement s will giv e you the flig ht tim e on this line. For these measurements, the P CI
master should be driving the address lines. Repeat the measurement for AD30. The
measurements can be made from the 1.5 V to the 1.5 V level.
Status: For the steppings affected see the Summary Table of Changes at the beginning of this section.
3. Fast Back-to-Back, PCI Peer-to-Peer Cycles
Problem: If a fast back-to-back cycle occurs on the PCI bus between the same master peer device and the
same slave peer device (i.e., MTXC and PIIX4 are not the intended targets), and at the same time a
CPU cycle to PCI occurs, the MTXC may miss the second peer-to-peer cycle in the back-to-back
sequence. The specific conditions that need to be met for this to occur, are as follows:
The PCI peer-to-peer, back-to-back transfer must happen at the same time the CPU is
generating a host cycle to PCI. Specifically, between the rising edge of the first FRAME#
(associated with the first cycle of the back-to-back transfer) to the rising edge of the second
FRAME# (associated with the second cycle in the back-to-back transfer).
The PCI back-to-back transfer must be peer-to-peer and the transfer must not be targeting the
PIIX4 or the MTXC.
The PCI master must be capable of running “fast” back-to-back cycles.
The second cycle of the back-to-back transfer must be targeting the same PCI slave device.
The PCI slave device must be doing a “fast” decode.
The first cycle in the back-to-back transfer must be a single transfer.
The first cycle in the back-to-back transfer must be a PCI write cycle (memory or I/O).
Implication: Intel observed this issue in a system simu lation environment.
Workaround: If deemed necessary by the OEM, this issue can be avoided by clearing bit 3 in register offset 50h
to “0”. When set to “0”, this bit prevents CPU bus access during PCI peer-to-peer transfers.
Status: For the steppings affected see the Summary Table of Changes at the beginning of this section.
Intel® 430TX PCIset: 82439TX System Controller (MTXC) Specification Update 13
Specification Changes
Specification Changes
None for this revision of the Specification Update.
14 Intel® 430TX PCIset: 82439TX System Controller (MTXC) Specification Update
Specification Clarifications
Specification Clarifications
1. Insuring Signal Integrity in a Lightly Loaded Systems
To insure that DRAM interface signal integrity is maintained for lightly loaded Mobile and desktop
systems, series termination and/or diodes (Gnd and VCC diodes) are recommended on the
following si g nals: C AS# / DQMx, MWEx , S CASx, S RASx, CKEx, and all MA li nes (n ot e: RAS4#
and RAS5# are also used as MA lines, depending on the configuration, and should be terminated
when used as MA lines). This will insure that the overshoot, undershoot, and most importantly,
ring-back do not cause any problems.
If series termination is us ed, use 10 . This value provides the best signal integrity and flight time
results. Place as close to the driver a s possible. If diodes ar e used, the dio des should have a fo rward
current of at least 200 mA at 1 volt. A MMBD1203 diode or equivalent meets this requirement.
The diodes should be placed at the end of the trace.
Diodes im prove signal integrity with out increasing the flight time. A 10 series resistor will
increase the fligh t time by approxi mately 300 ps. Bo th provide sim ilar signal inte grity results.
2. Insuring Correct Setting for MTXC Register Offset 53h (CEC)
During normal operation, the value programmed into register offset 53h should not be changed
from its default value of 14 h. This register controls the ti me the MTXC remains idle duri ng a
DRAM Cache refresh.
3. Bits 4 and 5, Register Offset 52h Clarif ication
In the bit descrip tion for these two bi ts, “Pipelined Burst SRAM ” (bits 5:4 = 00) also applies to a
512 Kbyte L2 size when two 64 Kbit x 32 SRAM devices are used.
The “Note:” in the register description for these to bits should be replaced with the following:
When 512 Kbyte, Two Banks of Pi peline d Burst mode is selected (SCS = 10 and L2SRAMT = 1 1),
NA# will be delayed by one HCLK during burst reads from L2 to ensure that the active bank is not
deselected too early by pipelining a cycle to the opposite bank.
4. MTXC Power Plane Sequencing
The following clarifies the MTXC power plane sequencing requirements described on page 10 of
the MTXC EDS Rev. 1.0. In a system that implements VCC(CORE) and VCC(CPU) as
independent power planes, the VCC(CPU) pins must power up after or simultaneous to
VCC(CORE), and must power down before or simultaneous to VCC(CORE). At any time,
VCC(CORE) should not be more than 1.2 V below the VCC(CPU) plane. VCC(SUS) can power
up and power down independent of all other power pla nes.
5. Timing Of The SUSCLK And SUS_STAT# Signals For Resume Voltage Well
The following information is added as paragraph, MTXC Resume Voltage Well Reset, to
the MTXC datasheet, order nu mber 290559-001: The MTXC will transition from suspend refresh
to normal refresh when it samples SUSC LK activ e (high) with the first sample of SUS_STAT#
inactive (high). Samples are taken on the rising edge of the PCI clock. The MTX will reset its
resume well (DRAM configuration regi sters go to default settings) when it samples SUSC LK
Intel® 430TX PCIset: 82439TX System Controller (MTXC) Specification Update 15
Specification Clarifications
inactive (low) with th e first sam ple of SUS_STAT# inactive (high). The mechanism which allows
this functi onality is based on the PIIX4 deassertin g the SUS_STAT# signal in relation to the
SUSCLK, synchronized to the PCI clock . To not reset the suspend well within the MTXC , the
PIIX4 will drive the SUS_STAT# signal just after the SUSCLK signal has gone high. To reset the
resume well within the MTXC , the PIIX4 will driv e the SUS_STAT# signal while the SUSCLK is
disabled (low). Because of this functionality, SUSCLK should not be inverted for any reason in
16 Intel® 430TX PCIset: 82439TX System Controller (MTXC) Specification Update
Documentation Changes
Documentation Changes
1. NAND Chain Mode
Issue: The pin name associated with CH3_25 should be MWE#, not MWEB# as shown on page 83 of the
Affected Docs: Intel® 430TX PCIset: 82439TX System Controller (MTXC) datasheet (order number 290559-001)
2. DRAMT - DRAM Timing Register Descri ption
Issue: The description for DRAMT - DRAM Timing Register, off set 58h, bits 6 :5, shoul d read as follows :
Affected Docs: Intel® 430TX PCIset: 82439TX System Controller (MTXC) datasheet (order number 290559-001)
3. Vcc5REF Sequencing Circuit
Issue: Page 16, paragraph 2.4, Figure 2. “Example Vcc5REF Sequencing Circuit”, of the “Intel 430TX
PCIset: 82439TX System Controller (MTXC)” datasheet (order number 290559-001), shows a
Zener diode symbol between the 3.3 V VCC supply and the 5 V supply. This is incorrect. The
following shou ld be implemented to correct this circuit:
The diode used in t his circui t shou ld be a Schott ky diod e (or an y di o de with a forward vol tage
drop of no more than 0.4 V) and the symbol shown should be a Schottky diode symbol.
The reason for this correction is to provide circuit protection in case of 5 V power loss.
Affected Docs: Intel® 430TX PCIset: 82439TX System Controller (MTXC) datasheet (order number 290559-001)
4. SDRAM Performance Summary
Issue: Page 61, Table 18, “SDRAM Performance Summary”, of the “Intel 430TX PCIset: 82439TX
System Controller (MTXC)” datasheet, order number 290559-001, is changed to correct
typographical errors as shown below:
Bit Description
6:5 DRAM Read Burst Timing (DRBT). The DRAM read burst timings are controlled by
the DRBT field. Slower rates may be required in certain system designs to support
loose layouts or slower memories. Most system designs will be able to use one of
the faster burst mode timings. The timing used depends on the type of DRAM on a
per-bank basis, as indicated by the DRT register.
DRBT EDO Burst Rate FPM Burst Rate
00 x444 x444
01 x333 x444
10 x222 x333
11 Reserved Reserved
Intel® 430TX PCIset: 82439TX System Controller (MTXC) Specification Update 17
Documentation Changes
Affected Docs: Intel® 430TX PCIset: 82439TX System Controller (MTXC) datasheet (order number 290559-001)
5. SDRAM Control Register Bit 1 Descript ion
Issue: Page 30 of the “Intel 430TX PCIset: 82439TX System Controller (MTXC)” data book (order
number 2905 59-001), in the des cri pti on of b it 1 of the SDRAM C ont rol Regis ter, the port ion of the
description relati ve t o when the b it is set t o 1: The sen tence, “In this mode , the RA S#/ CS5# si gnal
becomes RAS#/CS5#/MA13 ...” is corrected to read, “In this mode, the RAS5#/CS5# signal
becomes RAS5#/CS5#/MA13 ...”
Affected Docs: Intel® 430TX PCIset: 82439TX System Controller (MTXC) datasheet (order number 290559-001)
Table 18. SDRAM Performance Summary
Processor Cycle Type 60/66 MHz
Five Rows (Max)
60/66 MHz
Five Rows (Max)
Burst Read Page Hit 7-1-1-1 6-1-1-1
Read Row Miss19-1-1-1 8-1-1-1
Read Page Miss 12-1-1-1 11-1-1-1
Back-to-Back Burst Reads Page Hit 7-1-1-1-2-1-1-1 6-1-1-1-2-1-1-1
Write Page Hit2,3 33
Write Row Miss2,3 65
Write Page Miss2,3 98
Posted Write2,3 3-1-1-1 3-1-1-1
Write retire rate from Posted Write Buffer -1-1-1 -1-1-1
Reg 54h, Bit 5 (RCO)510
Reg 54h, Bit 4 (CL) 0 1
Reg 54h, Bit 3 (RT) 0 1
Reg 56h, Bit 4 (SLD)400
1. The row miss cycle assumes that the new page is closed from the prior cycle.
2. This cycle timing assumes the write buffer (DWB) is empty.
3. Write data is always posted as 3-1-1-1 (ADS# to BRDY#), if write buffers is available.
4. This bit (SLD) must be set to a 1 (speculative leadoff disable) in systems with cache and to 0 in systems
without cache.
5. For a CL=3 part that can not meet a RAS to CAS timing (Trcd) of two HCLKs, RCO can be set to 0. This
will add an HCLK to the leadoff cycle for Row miss and Page miss cycles.