XC9215/9216/9217 Series 500mA Synchronous Step-Down DC/DC Converters May 13, 2004 V4 * GO (Green Operation) Compatible " APPLICATIONS " Synchronous Step-down DC/DC " High Efficiency " Low Ripple Rejection " Output Current # Mobile phones (PDC, GSM, CDMA, IMT200 etc.) 92% 10mV 500mA (VIN=3.0V, VOUT=1.8V)* " Oscillation Frequency 600kHz, 1.2MHz " PWM fixed control (XC9215 series) " PWM/PFM automatic switching control (XC9216 series) " Manual selection of switching control (XC9217 series) " Maximum Duty Ratio 100% " Ceramic Capacitor Compatible " Ultra Small Packages SOT-25, USP-6B # Bluetooth equipment # PDAs # Portable communication modem # Portable games # Cameras # Digital cameras # Cordless phones # Notebook computers " FEATURES " GENERAL DESCRIPTION The XC9215/9216/9217 series is a group of synchronous-rectification type DC/DC converters with a built-in 0.6 P-channel driver transistor and 0.7 N-channel switching transistor, designed to allow the use of ceramic capacitors. The ICs enable a high efficiency, stable power supply with an output current of 500mA to be configured using only a coil and two capacitors connected externally. Minimum operating voltage is 2.0V. Output voltage is internally programmable in a range from 0.9V to 4.0V in increments of 0.1V (accuracy: 2.0%). With the built-in oscillator, oscillation frequency is selectable from 600kHz and 1.2MHz to make available the frequency best suited to your particular application. As for operation mode, the XC9215 series is PWM control, the XC9216 series is automatic PWM/PFM switching control and the XC9217 series can be manually switched between the PWM control mode and the automatic PWM/PFM switching control mode, allowing fast response, low ripple and high efficiency over the full range of load (from light load to high output current conditions). The soft start and current control functions are internally optimized. During standby, all circuits are shutdown to reduce current consumption to as low as 1.0A or less. With the built-in U.V.L.O. (Under Voltage Lock Out) function, the internal P channel driver transistor is forced OFF when input voltage becomes 1.4V or lower. Two types of package, 250mW (SOT-25) and 100 mW (USP-6B), are available. P-ch Driver Tr. Built-in N-ch Synchronous Driver Tr. Built-in Input Voltage Range Output Voltage Range High Efficiency Output current Oscillation Frequency Ultra Small Packages ON resistance 0.6 ON resistance 0.7 2.0 ~ 6.0V 0.9V~4.0V (100mV increments) 92% (TYP.) (VIN=3.0V, VOUT=1.8V, IOUT=100mA)* 500mA (VIN=3.0V, VOUT=1.8V)* 600kHz, 1.2MHz (Fixed frequency accuracy +15%) SOT-25 (SOT-23-5) USP-6B Soft-start circuit built-in Current limiter circuit built-in (constant current & latching) Low ESR ceramic capacitor compatible * Performance depends on external components and wiring on the PCB. " TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS " TYPICAL APPLICATION CIRCUIT $ Efficiency vs. Output Current VIN L 1 VIN 2 VSS 3 CE/ VOUT MODE Lx 5 XC9217A18C VOUT (400mA) 100 L=3.3uH(CDRH3D16), CIN=4.7uF(ceramic), CL=10uF(ceramic), Topr=25 OC 90 CE/MODE CL (ceramic) 80 Efficiency:EFFI(%) CIN (ceramic) 4 70 60 VIN=5.0V 50 VIN=3.6V 40 VIN=2.7V 30 20 PWM/PFM Automatic Switching Control PWM Control 10 0 0.1 Data Sheet 1 1 10 100 Output Current:IOUT(mA) 1000 DC000003 XC9215/9216/9217 Series 500mA Synchronous Step-Down DC/DC Converters " PIN CONFIGURATION Lx 5 VOUT 4 VIN 6 VSS 5 CE/MODE 4 1 VIN 3 2 VSS CE/MODE SOT-25 (TOP VIEW) 1 LX 2 VSS 3 VOUT USP-6B (BOTTOM VIEW) * Please short the VSS pin (pin no. 2 and 5) before use. Connection of the heat dissipation pad to any pin on the circuit is not recommended. If the pad must be connected due to a problem of heat dissipation or mounting intensity, connect to the VSS pin (pin no. 5). " PIN ASSIGNMENT PIN NUMBER SOT-25 USP-6B 1 2 3 4 5 6 2, 5 4 3 1 PIN NAME FUNCTION VIN VSS CE / MODE VOUT Lx Power Input Ground Chip Enable Mode Switch Output Voltage Sense Switching Output " PRODUCT CLASSIFICATION $ Ordering Information XC9215123456 XC9216123456 XC9217123456 DESIGNATOR SYMBOL A Transistor built-in, Output voltage internally set (VOUT product), Soft start Internally set, Current limit 700mA CE input logic High Active, CE pin open CE input logic Low Active, CE pin open CE input logic High Active, Pull-down resistor built-in CE input logic Low Active, Pull-up resistor built-in Output voltage: e.g. 1.5V Output " 2 = 1, 3 = 5 1 B C D 23 Integer 4 M Package Types: SOT-25 (SOT-23-5) 5 D USP-6B R Device Orientation: Embossed Tape : Standard Feed L Embossed Tape : Reverse Feed 6 Data Sheet PWM fixed control PWM / PFM automatic switching control PWM fixed control ! PWM / PFM automatic switching, manual switching DESCRIPTION 2 (Standard) (Semi-custom) (Semi-custom) (Semi-custom) DC000003 XC9215/9216/9217 Series 500mA Synchronous Step-Down DC/DC Converters " PACKAGING INFORMATION $ SOT-25 (SOT-23-5) $ USP-6B 2.0 + 0.15 (0.45) 0.5+0.1 3 5 4 O 45 (0.27) 2 A' 45 O 6 (0.27) ( 0.45) 1 1 AAA AAA 1.8+0.15 A (0.27) (0.05) O (0.45) (0.45) O +0.01 (0.05) -0.005 0.005+0.002 45 (0.65)+0.15 -0.05 (0.125) 45 O 1 6 1 1 1.0+0.1 0.25+0.1 1 . 0.5+0.1 0.5+0.1 5 1 1.6+0.15 4 2 00.1+0.03 3 1 0.2+0.05 5-0.2+0.05 0.7+0.03 0.25+0.1 * Pin no. 1 is thicker than other pins. Data Sheet 3 DC000003 XC9215/9216/9217 Series 500mA Synchronous Step-Down DC/DC Converters " MARKING RULE $ SOT-25 (SOT-23-5) 1234 SOT-25 (TOP VIEW) Mark 1 Represents product series and the type of DC/DC converter SYMBOL PRODUCT SERIES E XC9215A x x x M x F XC9216A x x x M x G XC9217A x x x M x * Character inversion used. Mark 2 Represents the integer of output voltage and oscillation frequency SYMBOL OUTPUT VOLTAGE FOSC=600kHz FOSC=1.2MHz (XC92 x x A 2 x 6 M x) (XC92 x x A 2 x C M x ) 0.X 1.X 2.X 3.X 4.X 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 Mark 3 Represents the decimal point of output voltage and oscillation frequency SYMBOL OUTPUT VOLTAGE FOSC=600kHz FOSC=1.2MHz (XC92 x x A 3 x C M x ) (XC92 x x A 3 x 6 M x) X.0 0 A X.1 1 B X.2 2 C X.3 3 D X.4 4 E X.5 5 F X.6 6 H X.7 7 K X.8 8 L X.9 9 M * Output voltage 0.9V ~ 4.0V (100mV increments) are standard products. Please ask our sales contact for output voltages of 50mV increments (semi-custom products). Mark 4 Represents production lot number 0 to 9, A to Z, reversed character of 0 to 9 and A to Z repeated (G, I, J, O, Q excepted) Data Sheet 4 DC000003 XC9215/9216/9217 Series 500mA Synchronous Step-Down DC/DC Converters " MARKING RULE (Continued) $ USP-6B 1 2 3 41 52 63 6 5 4 USP-6B (TOP VIEW) Mark 1 Represents product series and the type of DC/DC converter SYMBOL PRODUCT SERIES F XC9215A x x x D x B XC9216A x x x D x E XC9217A x x x D x * Character inversion used. Mark 2 Represents the type of voltage regulators SYMBOL PRODUCT SERIES A XC92 x x A x x x D x CURRENT LIMIT 700mA Mark 3 Represents the integer of output voltage SYMBOL OUTPUT VOLTAGE (XC92 x x A 3 x x D x) 0.X 1.X 2.X 3.X 4.X 0 1 2 3 4 Mark 3 Represents the decimal point of output voltage SYMBOL OUTPUT VOLTAGE (XC92 x x A 4 x x D x) X.0 0 X.1 1 X.2 2 X.3 3 X.4 4 X.5 5 X.6 6 X.7 7 X.8 8 X.9 9 * Output voltage 0.9V ~ 4.0V (100mV increments) are standard products. Please ask our sales contact for output voltages of 50mV increments (semi-custom products). Mark 5 Represents oscillation frequency SYMBOL PRODUCT SERIES 6 C XC92 x x A x x 6 D x XC92 x x A x x C D x FREQUENCY 600kHz 1.2MHz Mark 6 Represents production lot number 0 to 9, A to Z, reversed character of 0 to 9 and A to Z repeated (G, I, J, O, Q excepted) Data Sheet 5 DC000003 XC9215/9216/9217 Series 500mA Synchronous Step-Down DC/DC Converters " BLOCK DIAGRAM Phase Compensation VOUT VIN P ch Driver Tr. PWM Comparator R1 Logic R2 Buffer Driver LX Error Amp. Vref with Soft Start, CE Current Limit & Feedback PWM/PFM Selector N ch SW Tr. Ramp Wave Generator, OSC U.V.L.O Comp. CE/MODE Control Logic U.V.L.O. CE/MODE VSS Note: The signal from CE/MODE Control Logic to PWM/PFM Selector is being fixed to "L" level inside, and XC9215 series chooses only PWM control. The signal from CE/MODE Control Logic to PWM/PFM Selector is being fixed to "H" level inside, and XC9216 series chooses only PWM/PFM automatic switching control. " ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS PARAMETER SYMBOL RATINGS VIN Pin Voltage Lx Pin Voltage VOUT Pin Voltage CE / MODE Pin Voltage Lx Pin Current SOT-25 Power Dissipation USP-6B Operating Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range VIN VLx VOUT VCE ILx - 0.3 ~ 6.5 - 0.3 ~ VIN + 0.3 - 0.3 ~ 6.5 - 0.3 ~ VIN + 0.3 + 1000 250 100 - 40 ~ + 85 - 55 ~ +125 Data Sheet Pd Topr Tstg 6 Ta=25OC UNITS V V V V mA mW O C C O DC000003 XC9215/9216/9217 Series 500mA Synchronous Step-Down DC/DC Converters " ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS XC9215A18Cxx, XC9216A18Cxx, XC9217A18Cxx PARAMETER SYMBOL Output Voltage VOUT Operating Voltage Range VIN Maximum Output Current IOUTMAX U.V.L.O Voltage VUVLO Supply Current IDD Stand-by Current Istb Oscillation Frequency FOSC PFM Switch Current IPFM Maximum Duty Ratio Minimum Duty Ratio MAXDTY MINDTY Efficiency (*2) EFFI Lx SW "H" ON Resistance Lx SW "L" ON Resistance Lx SW "H" Leak Current Lx SW "L" Leak Current Current Limit Output Voltage Temperature Characteristics RLxH RLxL ILeakH ILeakL ILIM #VOUT VOUT##topr CE "H" Voltage VCEH CE "L" Voltage VCEL PWM "H" Level Voltage VPWMH PWM "L" Level Voltage VPWML CE "H" Current CE "L" Current ICEH ICEL Soft-Start Time TSS Latch Time Tlat CONDITIONS When connected to external components, CE=VIN, IOUT=30mA VIN=3.0V, When connected to external components (*10) CE=VIN, VOUT=0V, Voltage which Lx pin voltage holding "L" level (*1) VIN=CE=3.6V, VOUT=fixed voltage x 1.1V VIN=3.6V, CE=0V, VOUT=fixed voltage x 1.1V When connected to external components, IOUT=100mA When connected to external components, CE=VIN, IOUT=1mA CE=VIN, VOUT=0V CE=VOUT=VIN When connected to external components, CE=VIN=3.0V, IOUT=100mA CE=0.5VIN, VOUT=0V, ILx=100mA (*3) CE=0.5VIN, ILx=100mA (*4) VIN=VOUT=5.0V, CE=0V, Lx=0V (*5) VIN=VOUT=5.0V, CE=0V, Lx=5.0V VIN=CE=5.0V, VOUT=0V IOUT=30mA -40OC<Topr<85OC VOUT=0V, When CE voltage is applied Lx determine "H" VOUT=0V, When CE voltage is applied Lx determine "L" When connected to external components, IOUT=1mA (*6) When connected to external components, IOUT=1mA (*6) VIN=CE=5.5V, VOUT=0V VIN=5.5V, CE=0V, VOUT=0V When connected to external components, CE=0V " VIN, IOUT=1mA When connected to external components, VIN=CE=5.0V, Short VOUT by 1 resistance (*7) MIN VOUT=1.8V, FOSC=1.2MHz, Ta=25OC CIRCUIT TYP MAX UNIT 1.764 1.800 1.836 V 1 2.0 - 6.0 V 1 500 - - mA 1 1.0 1.4 1.78 V 2 - 70 115 A 3 - 0 1.0 A 3 1020 1200 1380 kHz 1 100 140 180 mA 1 100 - - 0 % % 4 4 - 90 - % 1 600 0.6 0.7 0.01 0.01 700 1.2 1.4 1.0 1.0 - A A mA 5 6 6 7 - +100 - ppm/OC 1 0.9 - VIN V 8 VSS - 0.3 V 8 - - VIN - 1.0 V 1 VIN - 0.3 - - V 1 - 0.1 - 0.1 - 0.1 0.1 A A 8 8 0.5 1.0 3.0 msec 1 1 - 20 msec 9 Test conditions: Unless otherwise stated, VIN=3.6V (*1) Including hysteresis operating voltage range. (*2) EFFI = { ( Output Voltage x Output Current ) / ( Input Voltage x Input Current) } x 100 (*3) On resistance ()= Lx pin measurement voltage / 100mA (*4) R&D value (*5) When temperature is high, a current of approximately 20A (maximum) may leak. (*6) The CE/MODE pin of the XC9217A series works also as an external PWM control and PWM/PFM control switching pin. When the IC is in the operation, control is switched to the PWM mode when the CE/MODE pin voltage is equal to or greater than VIN minus 0.3V, and to the automatic PWM/PFM switching mode when the CE/MODE pin voltage is equal to or lower than VIN minus 1.0V and equal to or greater than VCEH. (*7) Time until it short-circuits DCOUT with GND through 1 of resistance from a state of operation and is set to DCOUT=0V from current limit pulse generating. (*8) There is no PFM switch current for XC9215 series. The PFM switch current is only for XC9216/17 series. (*9) There is no PWM "H" Level Voltage or PWM "L" Level Voltage for XC9215/16 series. The characteristics are only for XC9217 series. (*10) When the difference between the input and the output is small, some cycles may be skipped completely before current maximizes. If current is further pulled from this state, output voltage will decrease because of P-ch driver ON resistance. Data Sheet 7 DC000003 XC9215/9216/9217 Series 500mA Synchronous Step-Down DC/DC Converters " ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS XC9215A33Cxx, XC9216A33Cxx, XC9217A33Cxx PARAMETER SYMBOL Output Voltage VOUT Operating Voltage Range VIN Maximum Output Current IOUTMAX U.V.L.O Voltage VUVLO Supply Current IDD Stand-by Current Istb Oscillation Frequency FOSC PFM Switch Current IPFM Maximum Duty Ratio Minimum Duty Ratio MAXDTY MINDTY Efficiency (*2) EFFI Lx SW "H" ON Resistance Lx SW "L" ON Resistance Lx SW "H" Leak Current Lx SW "L" Leak Current Current Limit Output Voltage Temperature Characteristics RLxH RLxL ILeakH ILeakL ILIM #VOUT VOUT##topr CE "H" Voltage VCEH CE "L" Voltage VCEL PWM "H" Level Voltage VPWMH PWM "L" Level Voltage VPWML CE "H" Current CE "L" Current ICEH ICEL Soft-Start Time TSS Latch Time Tlat CONDITIONS When connected to external components, CE=VIN, IOUT=30mA VIN=4.5V, When connected to external components (*10) CE=VIN, VOUT=0V, Voltage which Lx pin voltage holding "L" level (*1) VIN=CE=5.0V, VOUT=fixed voltage x 1.1V VIN=5.0V, CE=0V, VOUT=fixed voltage x 1.1V When connected to external components, IOUT=100mA When connected to external components, CE=VIN, IOUT=1mA CE=VIN, VOUT=0V CE=VOUT=VIN When connected to external components, CE=VIN=4.5V, IOUT=100mA CE=0.5VIN, VOUT=0V, ILx=100mA (*3) CE=0.5VIN, ILx=100mA (*4) VIN=VOUT=5.0V, CE=0V, Lx=0V (*5) VIN=VOUT=5.0V, CE=0V, Lx=5.0V VIN=CE=5.0V, VOUT=0V IOUT=30mA -40OC<Topr<85OC VOUT=0V, When CE voltage is applied Lx determine "H" VOUT=0V, When CE voltage is applied Lx determine "L" When connected to external components, IOUT=1mA (*6) When connected to external components, IOUT=1mA (*6) VIN=CE=5.5V, VOUT=0V VIN=5.5V, CE=0V, VOUT=0V When connected to external components, CE=0V " VIN, IOUT=1mA When connected to external components, VIN=CE=5.0V, Short VOUT by 1 resistance (*7) MIN VOUT=3.3V, FOSC=1.2MHz, Ta=25OC CIRCUIT TYP MAX UNIT 3.234 3.300 3.366 V 1 2.0 - 6.0 V 1 500 - - mA 1 1.0 1.40 1.78 V 2 - 75 120 A 3 - 0 1.0 A 3 1020 1200 1380 kHz 1 100 140 180 mA 1 100 - - 0 % % 4 4 - 92 - % 1 600 0.5 0.6 0.01 0.01 700 1.0 1.2 1.0 1.0 - A A mA 5 6 6 7 - +100 - ppm/OC 1 0.9 - VIN V 8 VSS - 0.3 V 8 - - VIN - 1.0 V 1 VIN - 0.3 - - V 1 - 0.1 - 0.1 - 0.1 0.1 A A 8 8 0.5 1.0 3.0 msec 1 1 - 20 msec 9 Test conditions: Unless otherwise stated, VIN=5.0V (*1) Including hysteresis operating voltage range. (*2) EFFI = { ( Output Voltage x Output Current ) / ( Input Voltage x Input Current) } x 100 (*3) On resistance ()= Lx pin measurement voltage / 100mA (*4) R&D value (*5) When temperature is high, a current of approximately 20A (maximum) may leak. (*6) The CE/MODE pin of the XC9217A series works also as an external PWM control and PWM/PFM control switching pin. When the IC is in the operation, control is switched to the PWM mode when the CE/MODE pin voltage is equal to or greater than VIN minus 0.3V, and to the automatic PWM/PFM switching mode when the CE/MODE pin voltage is equal to or lower than VIN minus 1.0V and equal to or greater than VCEH. (*7) Time until it short-circuits DCOUT with GND through 1 of resistance from a state of operation and is set to DCOUT=0V from current limit pulse generating. (*8) There is no PFM switch current for XC9215 series. The PFM switch current is only for XC9216/17 series. (*9) There is no PWM "H" Level Voltage or PWM "L" Level Voltage for XC9215/16 series. The characteristics are only for XC9217 series. (*10) When the difference between the input and the output is small, some cycles may be skipped completely before current maximizes. If current is further pulled from this state, output voltage will decrease because of P-ch driver ON resistance. Data Sheet 8 DC000003 XC9215/9216/9217 Series 500mA Synchronous Step-Down DC/DC Converters " TYPICAL APPLICATION CIRCUIT VIN CIN (ceramic) CE/MODE L 1 VIN 2 VSS 3 CE/ VOUT MODE Lx 5 VOUT (400mA) CL (ceramic) FOSC=1.2MHz L: 3.3H (CDRH3D16 SUMIDA) CIN: 4.7F (Ceramic) CL: 10F (Ceramic) FOSC=600kHz L: 6.8H (CDRH4D18C SUMIDA) CIN: 4.7F (Ceramic) CL: 10F (Ceramic) 4 " NOTES ON USE $ Application Information 1. The XC9215/16/17 series is designed for use with ceramic output capacitors. If, however, the potential difference between dropout voltage or output current is too large, a ceramic capacitor may fail to absorb the resulting high switching energy and oscillation could occur on the output. If the input-output potential difference is large, connect an electrolytic capacitor in parallel to compensate for insufficient capacitance. 2. Spike noise and ripple voltage arise in a switching regulator as with a DC/DC converter. These are greatly influenced by external component selection, such as the coil inductance, capacitance values, and board layout of external components. Once the design has been completed, verification with actual components should be done. 3. Depending on the input-output voltage differential, or load current, some pulses may be skipped, and the ripple voltage may increase. 4. When the difference between VIN and VOUT is large in PWM control, very narrow pulses will be outputted, and there is the possibility that some cycles may be skipped completely. 5. When the difference between VIN and VOUT is small, and the load current is heavy, very wide pulses will be outputted and there is the possibility that some cycles may be skipped completely: in this case, the Lx pin may not go low at all. 6. With the IC, the peak current of the coil is controlled by the current limit circuit. Since the peak current increases when dropout voltage or load current is high, current limit starts operating, and this can lead to instability. When peak current becomes high, please adjust the coil inductance value and fully check the circuit operation. In addition, please calculate the peak current according to the following formula: Ipk = (VIN-VOUT) * OnDuty / (2 x L x FOSC) + IOUT L: Coil Inductance Value FOSC: Oscillation Frequency 7. When the peak current, which exceeds limit current, flows within the specified time, the built-in Pch driver transistor is turned off. During the time until it detects limit current and before the built-in transistor can be turned off, the current for limit current flows; therefore, care must be taken when selecting the rating for the coil or the schottky diode. 8. When VIN is less than 2.4V, limit current may not be reached because voltage falls caused by ON resistance. 9. Care must be taken when laying out the PC Board, in order to prevent misoperation of the current limit mode. Depending on the state of the PC Board, latch time may become longer and latch operation may not work. In order to avoid the effect of noise, the board should be laid out so that capacitors are placed as close to the chip as possible. 10. Use of the IC at voltages below the recommended voltage range may lead to instability. 11. This IC should be used within the stated absolute maximum ratings in order to prevent damage to the device. 12. When the IC is used in high temperature, output voltage may increase up to input voltage level at no load because of the leak current of the driver transistor. Data Sheet 9 DC000003 XC9215/9216/9217 Series 500mA Synchronous Step-Down DC/DC Converters " NOTES ON USE (Continued) $ Application Information (Continued) 13. When the inductance value of the coil is large and under the condition of large dropout voltage in continuous mode, operation may become unstable. A coil with an inductance value from 3.3H to 6.8H should be used. Please verify with actual parts. ex.) VOUT = 0.9V FOSC = 1.2MHz VIN = 6.0V IOUT = 70mA L : 10H (CDRH4D18C) CIN : 4.7F (Ceramic) CL : 10F (Ceramic) CH1: Lx 2V / div CH2: VOUT 20mV / div 5sec/div 14. The ripple voltage may increase when PFM/PWM automatic switching control changes to PFM control in continuous mode. Please adjust the inductance value and verify with actual parts. ex.) VOUT = 1.8V FOSC = 1.2MHz VIN = 2.39V IOUT = 70mA L : 3.3H (CDRH3D16) CIN : 4.7F (Ceramic) CL : 10F (Ceramic) CH1:Lx 2V / div CH2: VOUT 20mV / div 100sec / div Data Sheet 10 DC000003 XC9215/9216/9217 Series 500mA Synchronous Step-Down DC/DC Converters " NOTES ON USE (Continued) $ Application Information (Continued) # Instructions on Pattern Layout 1. In order to stabilize VIN's voltage level, we recommend that a by-pass capacitor (CIN) be connected as close as possible to the VIN & VSS pins. 2. Please mount each external component as close to the IC as possible. 3. Wire external components as close to the IC as possible and use thick, short connecting traces to reduce the circuit impedance. 4. Make sure that the PCB GND traces are as thick as possible, as variations in ground potential caused by high ground currents at the time of switching may result in instability of the IC. # Recommended Pattern Layout SOT-25 Ceramic_Cap L VIN Inductor VOUT CIN IC VSS CL VSS CE * Please use an electric wire for VIN, VOUT, VSS, and CE. USP-6B CL L Ceramic_Cap Inductor CIN IC VOUT VIN CE VSS VSS * Please use an electric wire for VIN, VOUT, VSS, and CE. Data Sheet 11 DC000003 XC9215/9216/9217 Series 500mA Synchronous Step-Down DC/DC Converters " OPERATIONAL EXPLANATION The XC9215/9216/9217 series consists of a reference voltage source, ramp wave circuit, error amplifier, PWM comparator, phase compensation circuit, output voltage adjustment resistors, P-channel MOSFET driver transistor, N-channel MOSFET switching transistor for the synchronous switch, current limiter circuit, U.V.L.O. circuit and others. The series ICs compare, using the error amplifier, the voltage of the internal voltage reference source with the feedback voltage from the VOUT pin through split resistors, R1 and R2. Phase compensation is performed on the resulting error amplifier output, to input a signal to the PWM comparator to determine the turn-on time during PWM operation. The PWM comparator compares, in terms of voltage level, the signal from the error amplifier with the ramp wave from the ramp wave circuit, and delivers the resulting output to the buffer driver circuit to cause the Lx pin to output a switching duty cycle. This process is continuously performed to ensure stable output voltage. The current feedback circuit monitors the P-channel MOS driver transistor current for each switching operation, and modulates the error amplifier output signal to provide multiple feedback signals. This enables a stable feedback loop even when a low ESR capacitor, such as a ceramic capacitor, is used, ensuring stable output voltage. <Reference Voltage Source> The reference voltage source provides the reference voltage to ensure stable output voltage of the DC/DC converter. <Ramp Wave Circuit> The ramp wave circuit determines switching frequency. The frequency is fixed internally and can be selected from 600kHz and 1.2MHz. generated in this circuit are used to produce ramp waveforms needed for PWM operation, and to synchronize all the internal circuits. Clock pulses <Error Amplifier> The error amplifier is designed to monitor output voltage. The amplifier compares the reference voltage with the feedback voltage divided by the internal split resistors, R1 and R2. When a voltage lower than the reference voltage is fed back, the output voltage of the error amplifier increases. The gain and frequency characteristics of the error amplifier output are fixed internally to deliver an optimized signal to the mixer. <Current Limit> The current limiter circuit of the XC9215 / 9216 / 9217 series monitors the current flowing through the P-channel MOS driver transistor connected to the Lx pin, and features a combination of the constant-current type current limit mode and the operation suspension mode. 1 When the driver current is greater than a specific level, the constant-current type current limit function operates to turn off the pulses from the Lx pin at any given timing. 2 When the driver transistor is turned off, the limiter circuit is then released from the current limit detection state. 3 At the next pulse, the driver transistor is turned on. However, the transistor is immediately turned off in the case of an over current state. 4 When the over current state is eliminated, the IC resumes its normal operation. The IC waits for the over current state to end by repeating the steps 1 through 3 . If an over current state continues for a few msec and the above three steps are repeatedly performed, the IC performs the function of latching the OFF state of the driver transistor, and goes into operation suspension mode. Once the IC is in suspension mode, operations can be resumed by either turning the IC off via the CE/MODE pin, or by restoring power to the VIN pin. The suspension mode does not mean a complete shutdown, but a state in which pulse output is suspended; therefore, the internal circuitry remains in operation. The constant-current type current limit of the XC9215 / 9216 / 9217 series can be set at 700mA. Limit< #mS Limit> #mS Current Limit LEVEL IOUT 0mA VOUT VSS LX CE/MODE Restart VIN <U.V.L.O. Circuit> When the VIN pin voltage becomes 1.4V or lower, the P-channel output driver transistor is forced OFF to prevent false pulse output caused by unstable operation of the internal circuitry. When the VIN pin voltage becomes 1.8V or higher, switching operation takes place. By releasing the U.V.L.O. function, the IC performs the soft start function to initiate output startup operation. The soft start function operates even when the VIN pin voltage falls momentarily below the U.V.L.O. operating voltage. The U.V.L.O. circuit does not cause a complete shutdown of the IC, but causes pulse output to be suspended; therefore, the internal circuitry remains in operation. Data Sheet 12 DC000003 XC9215/9216/9217 Series 500mA Synchronous Step-Down DC/DC Converters " OPERATIONAL EXPLANATION (Continued) <CE/MODE Pin Function> The operation of the XC9215A / 9216A / 9217A series will enter into the shut down mode when a low level signal is input to the CE/MODE pin. During the shut down mode, the current consumption occurs only in the detector and is 0A (TYP.), with a state of high impedance at the Lx pin and VOUT pin. The IC starts its operation by inputting a high level signal to the CE/MODE pin. The input to the CE/MODE pin is a CMOS input and the sink current is 0A (TYP.). # XC9215A / 9216A series - Examples of how to use CE/MODE pin (A) VIN V IN SW_CE STATUS ON OFF Stand-by Operation SW_CE STATUS ON OFF Operation Stand-by V DD V DD R1 SW_CE CE/ MODE CE/ MODE (B) R2 SW_CE (A) (B) # XC9217A series - Examples of how to use CE/MODE pin (A) SW_CE SW_PWM/PFM STATUS ON OFF OFF * ON OFF PWM/PFM Automatic Switching Control PWM Control Stand-by VDD SW _ PW M/PFM SW_PWM/PFM STATUS ON OFF OFF * ON OFF Stand-by PWM Control PWM/PFM Automatic Switching Control RM1 SW_CE RM1 (B) SW_CE VIN VIN VDD CE/ MODE RM2 SW_PW M/PFM RM2 CE/MODE (A) SW_CE (B) Intermediate voltage can be generated by RM1 and RM2. Please set the value of each R1, R2, RM1, RM2 at around 100k. For switches, CPU open-drain I/O port and transistor can be used. " FUNCTIONS CE/MODE VOLTAGE LEVEL H Level *1 M Level *2 L Level *3 XC9215A SERIES OPERATION XC9216A SERIES Synchronous PWM Fixed Control Synchronous PWM/PFM Automatic Switching Control Stand-by Stand-by XC9217A SERIES Synchronous PWM/PFM Automatic Switching Control Synchronous PWM Fixed Control Stand-by * CE/MODE pin voltage level range 1. H level: VIN - 0.3V < H Level < VIN 2. M level: 0.9V < M Level < VIN - 1.0V 3. L level: 0V < Level < 0.3V Data Sheet 13 DC000003 XC9215/9216/9217 Series 500mA Synchronous Step-Down DC/DC Converters " TEST CIRCUITS Circuit 1 Circuit 2 Wave Form Measure Point L A VIN IOUT Lx VIN CIN Lx 1F CE/ MODE CL VSS VOUT RL V 600kHz 1.2MHz CIN 4.7F (Ceramic) 4.7F (Ceramic) CL 10F (Ceramic) 10F (Ceramic) L 6.8H (CDRH4D18C SUMIDA) 3.3H (CDRH3D16 SUMIDA) Circuit 3 CE/ MODE V VOUT VSS Rpulldown 1k Circuit 4 Oscillation Check Point A VIN Lx VIN 1F Lx 1 F CE/ MODE VSS CE/ MODE VOUT Circuit 5 VSS V VOUT Rpulldown 200 Circuit 6 ILeakH VIN VIN Lx 1F 1 F 100mA CE/ MODE V VSS Lx CE/ MODE VOUT A I L e a kL VSS VOUT ON resistance=(VIN-VLx)/100mA Data Sheet 14 DC000003 XC9215/9216/9217 Series 500mA Synchronous Step-Down DC/DC Converters " TEST CIRCUITS (Continued) Circuit 7 Circuit 8 O scillation Check Point VIN VIN Lx 1 F 1 F ILIM CE/ MODE ICEH V VSS Lx A VOUT ICEL CE/ MODE VSS VOUT V Rpulldown 1k Circuit 9 W ave Form Measure Point L A VIN Lx Ilat CIN CE/ MODE CIN CL VSS 600kHz 1.2MHz 4.7F (Ceramic) 4.7F (Ceramic) CL 10F (Ceramic) 10F (Ceramic) L 6.8H (CDRH4D18C SUMIDA) 3.3H (CDRH3D16 SUMIDA) Data Sheet 1 V VOUT 15 DC000003 XC9215/9216/9217 Series 500mA Synchronous Step-Down DC/DC Converters " TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS (1) Efficiency vs. Output Current XC9217A186 XC9217A18C L=6.8uH(CDRH4D18C),CIN=4.7uF(ceramic),CL=10uF(ceramic),Topr=25OC 100 100 90 90 80 80 70 70 Efficiency:EFFI(%) Efficiency:EFFI(%) L=3.3uH(CDRH3D16),CIN=4.7uF(ceramic),CL=10uF(ceramic),Topr=25OC 60 VIN=5.0V 50 VIN=3.6V 40 VIN=2.7V 30 VIN=5.0V 60 50 VIN=3.6V 40 VIN=2.7V 30 20 20 PWM/PFM Automatic Switching Control PWM Control 10 PWM/PFM Automatic Switching Control PWM Control 10 0 0 0.1 1 10 100 Output Current:IOUT(mA) 0.1 1000 1 XC9217A33C 1000 L=6.8uH(CDRH4D18C),CIN=4.7uF(ceramic),CL=10uF(ceramic),Topr=25OC 100 100 90 90 80 80 Efficiency:EFFI(%) Efficiency:EFFI(%) 100 XC9217A336 L=3.3uH(CDRH3D16),CIN=4.7uF(ceramic),CL=10uF(ceramic),Topr=25OC 70 60 VIN=5.0V 50 40 VIN=4.0V 30 10 Output Current:IOUT(mA) 70 60 50 VIN=5.0V 40 VIN=4.0V 30 20 20 10 PWM/PFM Automatic Switching Control PWM Control 10 PWM/PFM Automatic Switching Control PWM Control 0 0 0.1 1 10 100 Output Current:IOUT(mA) 0.1 1000 1 10 100 1000 Output Current:IOUT(mA) (2) Output Voltage vs. Output Current XC9217A18C XC9217A186 L=6.8uH(CDRH4D18C),CIN=4.7uF(ceramic),CL=10uF(ceramic),Topr=25OC L=3.3uH(CDRH3D16),CIN=4.7uF(ceramic),CL=10uF(ceramic),Topr=25OC 2.0 PWM/PFM Automatic Switching Control 1.9 Output Voltage:VOUT(V) Output Voltage:VOUT(V) 2.0 VIN=5.0V,3.6V,2.7V 1.8 PWM Control 1.7 VIN=5.0V,3.6V,2.7V VIN=5.0V,3.6V,2.7V 1.8 PWM Control VIN=5.0V,3.6V,2.7V 1.7 1.6 1.6 0.1 1 10 100 0.1 1000 1 10 100 1000 Output Current:IOUT(mA) Output Current:IOUT(mA) Data Sheet PWM/PFM Automatic Switching Control 1.9 16 DC000003 XC9215/9216/9217 Series 500mA Synchronous Step-Down DC/DC Converters " TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS (Continued) (3) Ripple Voltage vs. Output Current XC9217A336 XC9217A33C L=3.3uH(CDRH3D16),CIN=4.7uF(ceramic),CL=10uF(ceramic),Topr=25OC L=6.8uH(CDRH4D18C),CIN=4.7uF(ceramic),CL=10uF(ceramic),Topr=25OC 3.6 3.5 PWM/PFM Automatic Switching Control 3.5 VIN=5.0V,3.6V,2.7V Output Voltage:VOUT(V) Output Voltage:VOUT(V) 3.6 3.4 3.3 PWM Control 3.2 VIN=5.0V,3.6V,2.7V 3.1 PWM/PFM Automatic Switching Control VIN=5.0V,3.6V,2.7V 3.4 3.3 3.2 PWM Control VIN=5.0V,3.6V,2.7V 3.1 3.0 3.0 0.1 1 10 100 Output Current:IOUT(mA) 1000 0.1 1 L=6.8uH(CDRH4D18C),CIN=4.7uF(ceramic),CL=10uF(ceramic),Topr=25OC 50 PWM/PFM Automatic Switching Control 40 VIN=2.7V PWM Control VIN=3.6V 30 PWM/PFM Automatic Switching Control 40 Ripple Voltage:Vr (mVp-p) Ripple Voltage:Vr (mVp-p) 50 VIN=5.0V VIN=5.0V 20 VIN=3.6V,2.7V 10 0 PWM Control VIN=2.7V 30 VIN=3.6V VIN=5.0V VIN=5.0V 20 VIN=3.6V,2.7V 10 0 0.1 1 10 100 Output Current:IOUT(mA) 1000 0.1 1 XC9217A33C 10 100 Output Current:IOUT(mA) 1000 XC9217A336 L=3.3uH(CDRH3D16),CIN=4.7uF(ceramic),CL=10uF(ceramic),Topr=25OC L=6.8uH(CDRH4D18C),CIN=4.7uF(ceramic),CL=10uF(ceramic),Topr=25OC 50 50 40 PWM/PFM Automatic Switching Control 30 VIN=4.0V PWM Control VIN=5.0V VIN=5.0V,4.0V 20 PWM/PFM Automatic Switching Control 40 Ripple Voltage:Vr (mVp-p) Ripple Voltage:Vr (mVp-p) 1000 XC9217A186 XC9217A18C L=3.3uH(CDRH3D16),CIN=4.7uF(ceramic),CL=10uF(ceramic),Topr=25OC 10 0 VIN=4.0V 30 PWM Control VIN=5.0V VIN=5.0V,4.0V 20 10 0 0.1 Data Sheet 10 100 Output Current:IOUT(mA) 1 10 100 Output Current:IOUT(mA) 0.1 1000 17 1 10 100 Output Current:IOUT(mA) 1000 DC000003 XC9215/9216/9217 Series 500mA Synchronous Step-Down DC/DC Converters " TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS (Continued) (4) Oscillation Frequency vs. Ambient Temperature XC9217A18C XC9217A186 L=3.3uH(CDRH3D16),CIN=4.7uF(ceramic),CL=10uF(ceramic),Topr=25OC L=6.8uH(CDRH4D18C),CIN=4.7uF(ceramic),CL=10uF(ceramic),Topr=25OC 900 1.4 VIN=3.6V Oscillation Frequency : FOSC (kHz) Oscillation Frequency : FOSC (MHz) 1.5 1.3 1.2 1.1 1 0.9 0.8 VIN=3.6V 800 700 600 500 400 300 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 -50 -25 Ambient Temperature : Ta (OC) 0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 Ambient Temperature : Ta (OC) 100 Ambient Temperature : Ta (OC) (5) Supply Current vs. Ambient Temperature XC9217A18C XC9217A186 140 140 VIN=6.0V VIN=3.6V 120 Supply Current : IDD (uA) Supply Current : IDD (uA) 120 VIN=2.4V 100 80 60 40 100 VIN=3.6V VIN=2.4V 80 60 40 20 20 0 0 -50 -25 0 25 50 Ambient Temperature : Ta (OC) 75 -50 100 (6) Output Voltage vs. Ambient Temperature -25 (7) U.V.L.O. Voltage vs. Ambient Temperature XC9217A18C XC9217A18C 1.8 2.1 CE=VIN VIN=3.6V 1.5 UVLO Voltage : UVLO (V) Output Voltage : VOUT (V) 2 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.2 0.9 0.6 0.3 0 1.5 -50 Data Sheet VIN=6.0V -25 0 25 50 75 Ambient Temperature : Ta (OC) -50 100 18 -25 0 25 50 75 Ambient Temperature : Ta (OC) 100 DC000003 XC9215/9216/9217 Series 500mA Synchronous Step-Down DC/DC Converters " TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS (Continued) (8) CE "H" "L" Voltage vs. Ambient Temperature XC9217A18C High Voltage XC9217A18C Low Voltage 1 1 VIN=6.0V 0.8 CE "L" Voltage : VCEL (V) CE "H" Voltage : VCEH (V) VIN=6.0V 0.6 VIN=3.6V 0.4 VIN=2.4V 0.2 0.8 0.6 VIN=3.6V 0.4 VIN=2.4V 0.2 0 0 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 Ambient Temperature : Ta (OC) -50 100 -25 0 25 50 75 100 75 100 Ambient Temperature : Ta (OC) (9) Soft-start Time vs. Ambient Temperature XC9217A18C XC9217A186 5 5 VIN=3.6V 4 Soft Start Time : TSS (ms) Soft Start Time : TSS (ms) VIN=3.6V 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 0 0 -50 -25 0 25 50 Ambient Temperature : Ta (OC) 75 -50 100 -25 0 25 50 Ambient Temperature : Ta (OC) (10) "P-ch/N-ch" Driver ON Resistance vs. Ambient Temperature Lx SW ON Resistance : RLxH,RLxL ( ) XC9217A18C 1 0.9 N-ch ON Resistance 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 P-ch ON Resistance 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Input Voltage : VIN (V) Data Sheet 19 DC000003 XC9215/9216/9217 Series 500mA Synchronous Step-Down DC/DC Converters " TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS (Continued) (11) Load Transient Response Time XC9217A18C L=3.3H (CDRH3D16), CIN=4.7F (ceramic), CL=10F (ceramic), Topr=25OC VIN=3.6V, CE=VIN (PWM/PFM Automatic Switching Control) IOUT=0.1mA " 100mA IOUT=0.1mA " 300mA 1ch : IOUT 1ch : IOUT 2ch : VOUT=50mV/div 2ch : VOUT=50mV/div 20sec/div 20sec/div IOUT=100mA " 0.1mA IOUT=300mA " 0.1mA 1ch : IOUT 1ch : IOUT 2ch : VOUT=50mV/div 2ch : VOUT=50mV/div 200sec/div Data Sheet 200sec/div 20 DC000003 XC9215/9216/9217 Series 500mA Synchronous Step-Down DC/DC Converters " TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS (Continued) (11) Load Transient Response Time (Continued) XC9217A18C L=3.3H (CDRH3D16), CIN=4.7F (ceramic), CL=10F (ceramic), Topr=25OC VIN=3.6V, CE=0.5 x VIN (PWM Control) IOUT=0.1mA " 100mA IOUT=0.1mA " 300mA 1ch : IOUT 1ch : IOUT 2ch : VOUT=50mV/div 2ch : VOUT=50mV/div 20sec/div 20sec/div IOUT=0.1mA " 100mA IOUT=0.1mA " 300mA 1ch : IOUT 1ch : IOUT 2ch : VOUT=50mV/div 2ch : VOUT=50mV/div 200sec/div Data Sheet 200sec/div 21 DC000003