TFBS4710 Vishay Semiconductors Serial Infrared Transceiver SIR, 115.2 kbit/s, 2.7 V to 5.5 V Operation Description The TFBS4710 is a low profile, full range Infrared Data Transceiver module. It supports IrDA data rates up to 115.2 kbit/s (SIR). The transceiver module consists of a photo PIN photodiode, an infrared emitter (IRED), and a low-power CMOS control IC to provide a total front-end solution in a single package. The device has a link distance of 1 meter. The RXD pulse width is independent of the duration of TXD pulse and always stays at a fixed width thus making the device optimum for all standard SIR Encoder/ Decoder and interfaces. The Shut Down (SD) feature cuts current consumption to typically 10 nA. 18071 Features * Compliant with the latest IrDA physical layer specification (9.6 kbit/s to 115.2 kbit/s) e4 * Small package: H 2.74 mm x D 3.33 mm x L 8.96 mm * Typical Link distance 1 m * Drop in replacement for IRM5000D/ IRMT5000 * Battery & Power Management Features: > Idle Current - 75 A Typical > Shutdown Current - 10 nA Typical > Operates from 2.4 V - 5.0 V within specification over full temperature range from - 25 C to + 85 C * Remote Control - transmit distance up to 8 meters * Tri-State Receiver Output, floating in shutdown with a weak pull-up * Fixed RXD output pulse width (2 s typical) * Meets IrFM Fast Connection requirements * Split power supply, an independant, unregulated supply for IRED Anode and a well regulated supply for VCC * Directly Interfaces with Various Super I/O and Controller Devices and Encoder/ Decoder such as TOIM4232 * Lead (Pb)-free device * Qualified for lead (Pb)-free and Sn/Pb processing (MSL4) * Device in accordance to RoHS 2002/95/EC and WEEE 202/96EC Applications * * * * * * * Ideal for Battery Operated Devices PDAs Mobile Phones Electronic Wallet (IrFM) Notebook Computers Digital Still and Video Cameras Printers, Fax Machines, Photocopiers, Screen Projectors * * * * * * * * Data Loggers External Infrared Adapters (Dongles) Diagnostics Systems Medical and Industrial Data Collection Devices Kiosks, POS, Point and Pay Devices GPS Access Control Field Programming Devices Parts Table Part Description Qty / Reel TFBS4710-TR1 Oriented in carrier tape for side view surface mounting 1000 pcs TFBS4710-TT1 Oriented in carrier tape for top view surface mounting 1000 pcs 142 Document Number 82612 Rev. 1.5, 03-Jul-06 TFBS4710 Vishay Semiconductors Functional Block Diagram VCC1 Push-Pull Driver Amplifier Comparator RXD VCC2 Logic & SD TXD Controlled Driver Control RED C GND 18282 Pinout Definitions: TFBS4710 weight 100 mg In the Vishay transceiver data sheets the following nomenclature is used for defining the IrDA operating modes: SIR: 2.4 kbit/s to 115.2 kbit/s, equivalent to the basic serial infrared standard with the physical layer version IrPhy 1.0 MIR: 576 kbit/s to 1152 kbit/s FIR: 4 Mbit/s VFIR: 16 Mbit/s MIR and FIR were implemented with IrPhy 1.1, followed by IrPhy 1.2, adding the SIR Low Power Standard. IrPhy 1.3 extended the Low 1 2 3 4 5 6 Power Option to MIR and FIR and VFIR was added with IrPhy 1.4. A new version of the standard in any case obsoletes the former ver- 18511 sion. With introducing the updated versions the old versions are obsolete. Therefore the only valid IrDA standard is the actual version IrPhy 1.4 (in Oct. 2002). Pin Description Pin Number Function Description 1 IRED Anode IRED Anode is connected to a power supply. The LED current can be decreased by adding a resistor in series between the power supply and IRED Anode. A separate unregulated power supply can be used at this pin. I/O Active 2 TXD This Input is used to turn on IRED transmitter when SD is low. An on-chip protection circuit disables the LED driver if the TXD pin is asserted for longer than 80 s I HIGH 3 RXD Received Data Output, normally stays high but goes low for a fixed duration during received pulses. It is capable of driving a standard CMOS or TTL load. O LOW 4 SD Shutdown. Setting this pin active for more than 1.5 ms switches the device into shutdown mode I HIGH 5 VCC Regulated Supply Voltage 6 GND Ground Document Number 82612 Rev. 1.5, 03-Jul-06 143 TFBS4710 Vishay Semiconductors Absolute Maximum Ratings Reference Point Ground, Pin 6 unless otherwise noted. Parameter Test Conditions Supply voltage range, all states Input current For all Pins except IRED Anode Pin Symbol Min VCC - 0.3 Typ. ICC Output Sink Current, RXD Average output current, pin 1 IIRED (DC) 20 % duty cycle Repetitive pulsed output current < 90 s, ton < 20 % IIRED (RP) IRED anode voltage, pin 1 Voltage at all inputs and outputs Vin > VCC is allowed Power dissipation Max Unit + 6.0 V 10.0 mA 25.0 mA 60 mA 300 mA VIREDA - 0.5 + 6.0 V VIN - 0.5 + 6.0 V 200 mW See derating curve Junction temperature 125 C Ambient temperature range (operating) Tamb - 30 + 85 C Storage temperature range Tstg - 40 + 100 C 260 C Max Unit Soldering temperature See Recommended Solder Profile Electrical Characteristics Transceiver Tamb = 25 C, VCC = VIREDA = 2.4 V to 5.5 V unless otherwise noted. Parameter Test Conditions Supply voltage range, all states Symbol Min VCC 2.4 Typ. 5.5 V 130 A SD = Low, Ee = 1 klx , Tamb = - 25 C to + 85 C, VCC1 = VCC2 = 2.7 V to 5.5 V ICC1 90 SD = Low, Ee = 1 klx*), Tamb = 25 C, VCC1 = VCC2 = 2.7 V to 5.5 V ICC1 75 A Receive current VCC = 2.7 V ICC 280 A Shutdown current SD = High, T = 25 C, Ee = 0 klx ISD 2 A SD = High, T = 85 C ISD 3 A - 25 + 85 C Idle supply current at VCC1 (receive mode, no signal) *) Operating temperature range TA Output voltage low, RXD IOL = 1 mA VOL - 0.5 0.15 x VCC V Output voltage high, RXD IOH = - 500 A VOH 0.8 x VCC VCC + 0.5 V IOH = - 250 A VCC + 0.5 V 600 k - 0.5 0.5 V VIH VCC - 0.5 6.0 V Input leakage current (TXD, SD) Vin = 0.9 x VCC IICH -2 Controlled pull down current SD, TXD = "0" or "1", 0 < Vin < 0.15 VCC IIRTx SD, TXD = "0" or "1" Vin > 0.7 VCC IIRTx RXD to VCC impedance Input voltage low: TXD, SD Input voltage high: TXD, SD Input capacitance 144 CMOS level (0.5 x VCC typ, threshold level) VOH 0.9 x VCC RRXD 400 VIL CIN -1 500 0 +2 A + 150 A 1 A 5 pF Document Number 82612 Rev. 1.5, 03-Jul-06 TFBS4710 Vishay Semiconductors Optoelectronic Characteristics Receiver Tamb = 25 C, VCC = 2.4 V to 5.5 V unless otherwise noted Symbol Min Typ. Max Unit Minimum detection threshold irradiance, SIR mode Parameter 9.6 kbit/s to 115.2 kbit/s = 850 nm - 900 nm, = 0, 15 Test Conditions Ee 10 (1.0) 25 (2.5) 40 (4) mW/m2 Maximum detection threshold irradiance = 850 nm - 900 nm Ee Maximum no detection threshold irradiance (W/cm2) 5 (500) kW/m2 (mW/cm2) 4 (0.4) Ee mW/m2 (W/cm2) Rise time of output signal 10 % to 90 %, CL = 15 pF tr(RXD) 10 100 Fall time of output signal 90 % to 10 %, CL = 15 pF tf(RXD) 10 100 ns RXD pulse width Input pulse width > 1.2 s tPW 1.65 3.0 s Leading edge jitter Input Irradiance = 100 mW/m2, 115.2 kbit/s 250 ns Standby /Shutdown delay After shutdown active 150 s Receiver startup time Power-on delay 150 s Latency 2.0 tL ns Transmitter Tamb = 25 C, VCC = 2.4 V to 5.5 V unless otherwise noted. Parameter Test Conditions IRED operating current IRED forward voltage Ir = 300 mA IRED leakage current TXD = 0 V, 0 < VCC < 5.5 V Output radiant intensity Symbol Min Typ. Max Unit ID 250 300 350 mA 1.8 1.9 V 1 A 350 mW/sr 0.04 mW/sr Vf 1.4 IIRED -1 = 0, 15, TXD = High, SD = Low Ie 40 VCC = 5.0 V, = 0, 15, TXD = High or SD = High (Receiver is inactive as long as SD = High) Ie Output radiant intensity, angle of half intensity 70 24 Peak-emission wavelength p Spectral bandwidth Optical rise time tropt 10 100 ns Optical fall time tfopt 10 100 ns Input pulse width 1.63 s, 115.2 kbit/s topt 1.46 1.8 s Input pulse width tTXD < 20 s topt tTXD t + 0.15 s Input pulse width tTXD 20 s topt 50 s 25 % Optical output pulse duration Optical overshoot Document Number 82612 Rev. 1.5, 03-Jul-06 880 900 45 1.63 nm nm 145 TFBS4710 Vishay Semiconductors Recommended Solder Profiles Manual Soldering Manual soldering is the standard method for lab use. However, for a production process it cannot be recommended because the risk of damage is highly dependent on the experience of the operator. Nevertheless, we added a chapter to the above mentioned application note, describing manual soldering and desoldering. Solder Profile for Sn/Pb soldering 260 10 s max. at 230 C 240 C max. 240 220 2...4 C/s 200 180 140 120 s...180 s 120 90 s max. 100 80 2...4 C/s 60 40 20 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Time/s 19431 Figure 1. Recommended Solder Profile for Sn/Pb soldering Lead (Pb)-Free, Recommended Solder Profile The TFBS4710 is a lead (Pb)-free transceiver and qualified for lead (Pb)-free processing. For lead (Pb)-free solder paste like Sn(3.0-4.0)Ag(0.5-0.9)Cu, there are two standard reflow profiles: Ramp-SoakSpike (RSS) and Ramp-To-Spike (RTS). The RampSoak-Spike profile was developed primarily for reflow ovens heated by infrared radiation. With widespread use of forced convection reflow ovens the Ramp-ToSpike profile is used increasingly. Shown below in figure 2 is VISHAY's recommended profiles for use with the TFBS4710 transceivers. For more details please refer to Application note: SMD Assembly Instruction. Storage The storage and drying processes for all VISHAY transceivers (TFDUxxxx and TFBSxxx) are equivalent to MSL4. The data for the drying procedure is given on labels on the packing and also in the application note "Taping, Labeling, Storage and Packing" ( 280 T 255 C for 20 s max 260 T peak = 260 C max. 240 T 217 C for 50 s max 220 200 180 Temperature/C Temperature/C 160 C max. 160 160 20 s 140 120 90 s...120 s 100 50 s max. 2 C...4 C/s 80 60 2 C...4 C/s 40 20 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 19261 Time/s Figure 2. Solder Profile, RSS Recommendation Wave Soldering For TFDUxxxx and TFBSxxxx transceiver devices wave soldering is not recommended. 146 Document Number 82612 Rev. 1.5, 03-Jul-06 TFBS4710 Vishay Semiconductors Recommended Circuit Diagram V CC IR Controller Vdd Rled TFBS4710 IRMODE R1= 47 Low Power Mode (Intensity > 3.6 mW/sr, 0 - 15) 2.7 3 50 3.3 6 > 50 RXD (3) 5.0 18 > 60 SD (4) Vcc (5) GND (6) C4 C2 C3 C1 4.7 F 0.1F 4.7 F 0.1 F 18281 Figure 3. Recommended Application Circuit The TFBS4710 integrates a sensitive receiver and a built-in power driver. This combination needs a careful circuit layout. The use of thin, long, resistive and inductive wiring should be avoided. The inputs (TXD, SD) and the output (RXD) should be directly (DC) coupled to the I/O circuit. The combination of resistor R1 and capacitors C1, C2, C3 and C4 filter out any power supply noise to provide a smooth supply voltage. The placement of these components is critical. It is strongly recommended to position C3 and C4 as close as possible to the transceiver power supply pins. A Tantalum capacitor should be used for C1 and C3 while a ceramic capacitor should be used for C2 and C4. A current limiting resistor is not needed for normal operation. It is strongly recommended to use the Rled values mentioned in Table 1 below for high temperature operation. For Low Power Mode, IRED Anode voltage of less than 5 V is recommended. Under extreme EMI conditions as placing a RF transmitter antenna on top of the transceiver, it is recommended to protect all inputs by a low-pass filter, as a minimum a 12 pF capacitor, especially at the RXD port. Basic RF design rules for circuit design should be followed. Especially longer signal lines should not be used without proper termination. For reference see "The Art of Electronics" by Paul Horowitz, Winfield Hill, 1989, Cambridge University Press, ISBN: 0521370957. Rev. 1.5, 03-Jul-06 Rled () Standard Power Mode (Intensity > 40 mW/sr, 0 - 15) (2) GND Document Number 82612 Rled () VLED (V) TXD IREDA (1) IRTX IRRX Table 1. High Operating Temperature > 70 C I/O and Software In the description, already different I/Os are mentioned. Different combinations are tested and the function verified with the special drivers available from the I/O suppliers. In special cases refer to the I/ O manual, the Vishay application notes, or contact directly Vishay Sales, Marketing or Application. Table 2. Recommended Application Circuit Components Component Recommended Value C1, C3 4.7 F, 16 V Vishay Part Number 293D 475X9 016B C2, C4 0.1 F, Ceramic VJ 1206 Y 104 J XXMT R1 47 , 0.125 W CRCW-1206-47R0-F-RT1 Rled See Table 1 147 TFBS4710 Vishay Semiconductors Table 3. Truth table Inputs SD TXD Outputs Optical input Irradiance Remark RXD Transmitt er Operation mW/m2 high > 1 ms x x weakly pulled (500 ) to VCC1 0 Shutdown low high x high inactive Ie Transmitting high > s low x high inactive 0 Protection is active <4 high inactive 0 low > Min. Detection Threshold Irradiance < Max. Detection Threshold Irradiance low (active) 0 low > Max. Detection Threshold Irradiance undefined 0 Ignoring low signals below the IrDA defined threshold for noise immunity Response to an IrDA compliant optical input signal Overload conditions can cause unexpected outputs Package Dimensions 18086 Drawing-No.: 6.550-5256.01-4 Issue: 1; 24.06.03 Figure 4. Package drawing TFBS4710 148 Document Number 82612 Rev. 1.5, 03-Jul-06 TFBS4710 Vishay Semiconductors Reel Dimensions Drawing-No.: 9.800-5090.01-4 Issue: 1; 29.11.05 14017 Tape Width A max. N mm mm mm mm mm mm mm 16 330 50 16.4 22.4 15.9 19.4 Document Number 82612 Rev. 1.5, 03-Jul-06 W1 min. W2 max. W3 min. W3 max. 149 TFBS4710 Vishay Semiconductors Tape Dimensions 19611 Drawing-No.: 9.700-5299.01-4 Issue: 1; 18.08.05 Figure 5. Tape drawing for TFBS4710 for side view mounting 150 Document Number 82612 Rev. 1.5, 03-Jul-06 TFBS4710 VISHAY Vishay Semiconductors Ozone Depleting Substances Policy Statement It is the policy of Vishay Semiconductor GmbH to 1. Meet all present and future national and international statutory requirements. 2. Regularly and continuously improve the performance of our products, processes, distribution and operating systems with respect to their impact on the health and safety of our employees and the public, as well as their impact on the environment. It is particular concern to control or eliminate releases of those substances into the atmosphere which are known as ozone depleting substances (ODSs). The Montreal Protocol (1987) and its London Amendments (1990) intend to severely restrict the use of ODSs and forbid their use within the next ten years. Various national and international initiatives are pressing for an earlier ban on these substances. Vishay Semiconductor GmbH has been able to use its policy of continuous improvements to eliminate the use of ODSs listed in the following documents. 1. Annex A, B and list of transitional substances of the Montreal Protocol and the London Amendments respectively 2. Class I and II ozone depleting substances in the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the USA 3. Council Decision 88/540/EEC and 91/690/EEC Annex A, B and C (transitional substances) respectively. Vishay Semiconductor GmbH can certify that our semiconductors are not manufactured with ozone depleting substances and do not contain such substances. We reserve the right to make changes to improve technical design and may do so without further notice. Parameters can vary in different applications. All operating parameters must be validated for each customer application by the customer. Should the buyer use Vishay Semiconductors products for any unintended or unauthorized application, the buyer shall indemnify Vishay Semiconductors against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personal damage, injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use. Vishay Semiconductor GmbH, P.O.B. 3535, D-74025 Heilbronn, Germany 151 Document Number 82612 Rev. 1.5, 03-Jul-06 Legal Disclaimer Notice Vishay Disclaimer All product specifications and data are subject to change without notice. Vishay Intertechnology, Inc., its affiliates, agents, and employees, and all persons acting on its or their behalf (collectively, "Vishay"), disclaim any and all liability for any errors, inaccuracies or incompleteness contained herein or in any other disclosure relating to any product. Vishay disclaims any and all liability arising out of the use or application of any product described herein or of any information provided herein to the maximum extent permitted by law. The product specifications do not expand or otherwise modify Vishay's terms and conditions of purchase, including but not limited to the warranty expressed therein, which apply to these products. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document or by any conduct of Vishay. The products shown herein are not designed for use in medical, life-saving, or life-sustaining applications unless otherwise expressly indicated. Customers using or selling Vishay products not expressly indicated for use in such applications do so entirely at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify Vishay for any damages arising or resulting from such use or sale. Please contact authorized Vishay personnel to obtain written terms and conditions regarding products designed for such applications. Product names and markings noted herein may be trademarks of their respective owners. Document Number: 91000 Revision: 18-Jul-08 1