10/9/12 820-AG11D-ESL-LF Product Details - TE
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820-AG11D-ESL-LF Product Details
TE Internal Number: 2-1571552-6
A c tive
V iew 3 D P D F
DIP Sockets
Always EU RoHS/ELV Compliant (Statement of
Product Highlights:
Soc ket Style = Standard
T hrough H ole C ontac t T ermination T ype
2 .54 mm C enterline
Row-to- Row Spac ing = 7.6 2 mm
2 0 P os itions
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Documentation & Additional Informat ion
Product Drawings:
O P E N FRA M E DI P . E C O N O M Y (ST A M P E D C O N T A C T ) (RE F A U GA ... (P D F,
E nglis h)
Catalog Pages/Dat a Sheets:
N one A vailable
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N one A vailable
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N one A vailable
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N one A vailable
CA D Files: (C A D Format & C ompres s ion I nformation)
2 D D rawing (DX F, V ers ion E 2 )
3 D M odel (I GES , V ers ion E 2 )
3 D M odel (ST E P , V ers ion E 2 )
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Product Features (Please use the Product Drawing for all design activity)
Product Type Features:
Soc ket Style = Standard
P rofile = Standard
Frame Style = L adder
Leg Style = Straight
Sleeve M aterial = Bras s
P roduc t Series = 8 0 0 Series
Electrical Characteristics:
I ns ulation Res is tanc e (M) = 5 ,00 0
C ontac t Res is tanc e (m) = 1 0
Termination Features:
T ermination P os t Length (mm [in]) = 3 .1 8 [0 .1 2 5 ]
Solder T ail C ontac t P lating = T in
H eight A bove P C Board (mm [in]) = 2 .6 7 [0 .1 05 ]
Body Features:
C enterline (mm [in]) = 2 .54 [0 .10 0 ]
Row-to- Row Spac ing (mm [in]) = 7.6 2 [0.3 0 0 ]
N umber of P os itions = 2 0
M ount Style = V ertic al
Cont act Features:
C ontac t T ermination Type = T hrough H ole
C ontac t Bas e M aterial = Beryllium C opper
C ontac t P lating, M ating A rea, Material = Gold (5 )
C ontac t Style = Stamped + Formed
M ating C ontac t T ype = Four-Fingered
Indust ry Standards:
RoH S/E LV C omplianc e = RoH S c ompliant, E LV c ompliant
Lead Free Solder P roc es s es = Wave s older c apable to
2 4 0 °C , Wave solder c apable to 26 0 °C , Wave s older
c apable to 2 65°C
RoH S/E LV C omplianc e H is tory = A lways was RoH S
c ompli ant
Conditions for Usage:
T emperature Range (°C ) = 1 2 5
Packaging Features:
P ac kaging Method = T ube
Ot her:
Brand = A M P
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10/9/12 820-AG11D-ESL-LF Product Details - TE
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