Bulletin I25204 01/01 111RIA SERIES PHASE CONTROL THYRISTORS Stud Version Features High current and high surge ratings 110A dv/dt = 1000V/s option Glass-metal seal up to 1200V Threaded studs UNF 1/2"-20UNF-2A Types up to 1200V V RRM /V DRM di/dt = 300A/s Typical Applications DC motor controls Controlled DC power supplies AC controllers Major Ratings and Characteristics Parameters IT(AV) A 90 C 172 A @ 50Hz 2080 A @ 60Hz 2180 A @ 50Hz 21.7 KA2s @ 60Hz 19.8 KA2s 400 to 1200 V 110 s - 40 to 140 C IT(RMS) I2t V DRM /V RRM tq Units 110 @ TC ITSM 111RIA typical TJ www.irf.com case style TO-209AC (TO-94) 1 111RIA Series Bulletin I25204 01/01 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS Voltage Ratings Type number Voltage V DRM /V RRM , max. repetitive VRSM , maximum non- I DRM/I RRM max. Code peak and off-state voltage V repetitive peak voltage V @ TJ = TJ max. 40 400 500 111RIA 80 800 900 120 1200 1300 mA 20 On-state Conduction Parameter I T(AV) 111RIA Units Conditions Max. average on-state current 110 A @ Case temperature 90 C 180 conduction, half sine wave I T(RMS) Max. RMS on-state current 172 DC @ 83C case temperature I TSM Max. peak, one-cycle 2080 t = 10ms No voltage non-repetitive surge current 2180 t = 8.3ms reapplied 100% VRRM I 2t Maximum I2t for fusing A 1750 t = 10ms 1830 t = 8.3ms reapplied 21.7 t = 10ms No voltage 19.8 t = 8.3ms reapplied t = 10ms 100% VRRM t = 8.3ms reapplied 15.3 KA2s 14.0 I 2t Maximum I2t for fusing V T(TO)1 Low level value of threshold voltage V T(TO)2 High level value of threshold voltage r t1 Low level value of on-state slope resistance r t2 High level value of on-state slope resistance 217 KA2s Sinusoidal half wave, Initial TJ = TJ max. t = 0.1 to 10ms, no voltage reapplied (16.7% x x IT(AV) < I < x IT(AV)), TJ = TJ max. 0.82 V (I > x IT(AV)),TJ = TJ max. 1.02 (16.7% x x IT(AV) < I < x IT(AV)), TJ = TJ max. 2.16 m (I > x IT(AV)),TJ = TJ max. 1.70 V TM Max. on-state voltage 1.57 IH Maximum holding current 150 IL Typical latching current 400 V mA Ipk= 350A, TJ = TJ max., tp = 10ms sine pulse T J = 25C, anode supply 6V resistive load Switching Parameter di/dt Max. non-repetitive rate of rise of turned-on current td Typical delay time 111RIA 300 Units Conditions A/s 2 Typical turn-off time 110 TJ = TJ max, anode voltage 80% VDRM Gate current 1A, di g/dt = 1A/s 1 s tq Gate drive 20V, 20, tr 1s Vd = 0.67% VDRM, TJ = 25C ITM = 50A, TJ = TJ max., di/dt = -5A/s, VR = 50V dv/dt = 20V/s, Gate 0V 25 www.irf.com 111RIA Series Bulletin I25204 01/01 Blocking Parameter dv/dt 111RIA Maximum critical rate of rise of off-state voltage IRRM IDRM Max. peak reverse and off-state leakage current Units Conditions 500 V/s TJ = TJ max. linear to 80% rated VDRM 20 mA TJ = TJ max, rated V DRM/V RRM applied Triggering Parameter 111RIA PGM Maximum peak gate power 12 PG(AV) Maximum average gate power 3.0 IGM Max. peak positive gate current 3.0 +VGM Maximum peak positive Maximum peak negative TYP. VGT TJ = TJ max, t p 5ms TJ = TJ max, f = 50Hz, d% = 50 A TJ = TJ max, t p 5ms V TJ = TJ max, tp 5ms 10 gate voltage IGT W 20 gate voltage -VGM Units Conditions MAX. DC gate current required 180 - to trigger 80 120 40 - DC gate voltage required 2.5 - to trigger 1.6 2 1 - TJ = - 40C mA TJ = 25C TJ = 140C TJ = - 40C V Max. required gate trigger/ current/ voltage are the lowest value which will trigger all units 12V anode-to-cathode applied TJ = 25C TJ = 140C IGD DC gate current not to trigger 6.0 mA VGD DC gate voltage not to trigger 0.25 V TJ = TJ max Max. gate current/ voltage not to trigger is the max. value which will not trigger any unit with rated VDRM anode-to-cathode applied Thermal and Mechanical Specification Parameter 111RIA TJ Max. operating temperature range -40 to 140 Tstg Max. storage temperature range -40 to 150 RthJC Max. thermal resistance, junction to case RthCS T Mounting torque, 10% C 0.27 DC operation K/W Max. thermal resistance, case to heatsink Units Conditions 0.1 Mounting surface, smooth, flat and greased 15.5 Non lubricated threads (137) 14 Nm (lbf-in) Lubricated threads (120) wt Approximate weight Case style www.irf.com 130 g TO - 209AC (TO-94) See Outline Table 3 111RIA Series Bulletin I25204 01/01 RthJC Conduction (The following table shows the increment of thermal resistence RthJC when devices operate at different conduction angles than DC) Conduction angle Sinusoidal conduction 180 0.043 Rectangular conduction Units 0.031 120 0.052 0.053 90 0.066 0.071 60 0.096 0.101 30 0.167 0.169 Conditions TJ = TJ max. K/W Ordering Information Table Device Code 11 1 1 2 RIA 120 4 3 5 1 - IT(AV) rated average output current (rounded/10) 2 - 0 = Eyelet terminals (Gate and Auxiliary Cathode Leads) 1 = Fast - on terminals (Gate and Auxiliary Cathode Leads) 2 = Flag terminals (For Cathode and Gate Terminals) 3 - Thyristor 4 - Voltage code: Code x 10 = VRRM (See Voltage Rating Table) 5 - Critical dv/dt: None = 500V/sec S90 = 1000V/sec Outline Table GLASS-METAL SEAL FLAG TERMINALS 23.5 DIA. 5.5 (0.22) DIA. (0.93) MAX. 10 (0 39) 24 (0.94) M AX. 5.6 (0.22) MAX. 21(0.83) M AX. 10 (0.39) 47 (1.85) 44 (1.73) 12 (0.47) 1.5 (0.06) DIA. Case Style TO-208AD (TO-83) All dimensions in millimeters (inches) (0.65) 16.5 SW 27 1/2"-20UNF-2A * 2.4 (0.09) 29.5 (1.16) * FOR METRIC DEVICE: M12 x 1.75 E 6 4 www.irf.com 111RIA Series Bulletin I25204 01/01 Outline Table GLASS METAL SEAL 16.5 (0.65) MAX. 79 )M 9 .5 IN . ( 0. 4.3 (0.17) DIA. 37 )M IN . 2.5 (0.10) MAX. 8.5 (0.3) DIA. ( 0. FLEXIBLE LEAD 20 C.S. 16mm 2 (.025 s.i.) 170 (6.69) C.S. 0.4 mm (.0006 s.i.) 2 Fast-on Terminals AMP. 280000-1 REF-250 RED CATHODE WHITE GATE 215 (8.46) 10 (0.39) RED SHRINK WHITE SHRINK MAX. 10 (0.39) MAX. 23.5 (0.92) MAX. DIA. 21 (0.83) 24 (0.94) MAX. 55 (2.17) MIN. 157 (6.18) RED SILICON RUBBER SW 27 1/2"-20UNF-2A * Case Style TO-209AC (TO-94) 29.5 (1.16) MAX. All dimensions in millimeters (inches) 140 111RIA Series RthJC (DC) = 0.27 K/W 130 120 Conduction Angle 110 100 30 90 60 90 120 180 80 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Maximum Allowable Case Temperature (C) Maximum Allowable Case Temperature (C) * FOR METRIC DEVICE : M12 x 1.75 E 6 140 111RIA Series RthJC (DC) = 0.27 K/W 130 120 Conduction Period 110 100 30 90 60 90 80 120 180 DC 70 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 Average On-State Current (A) Average On-State Current (A) Fig. 1 - Current Ratings Characteristics Fig. 2 - Current Ratings Characteristics www.irf.com 5 111RIA Series 160 180 120 90 60 30 140 K/ W 0.8 K/ W 1K /W RMS Limit 1.5 K/W 2K /W 80 60 Conduction Angle 40 111RIA Series T J = 140C 20 aR elt -D 100 0. 6 W K/ .3 =0 120 SA R th Maximum Allowable On-State Power Loss (W) Bulletin I25204 01/01 4 K/W 5 K/W 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 Average On-State Current (A) 120 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Maximum Allowable Ambient Temperature (C) 220 R DC 180 120 90 60 30 200 180 160 140 A thS Maximum Allowable On-State Power Loss (W) Fig. 3 - On-State Power Loss Characteristics = 0. 3 K/ W 0.6 K/ W 0.8 K/W 1K /W 120 100 RMS Limit 80 111RIA Series T = 140C J 40 20 0 R 1.5 K/W 2 K/W Conduction Period 60 -D el ta 4 K/W 5 K/W 0 0 20 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 Average On-State Current (A) 40 60 80 100 120 140 Maximum Allowable Ambient Temperature (C) Peak Half Sine Wave On-State Current (A) Fig. 4 - On-state Power Loss Characteristics 2000 2500 At Any Rated Load Condition And With Rated Vrrm Applied Following Surge. Initial Tj = 140C @ 60 Hz 0.0083 s @ 50 Hz 0.0100 s 1800 1600 Maximum Non Repetitive Surge Current Versus Pulse Train Duration. Control Of Conduction May Not Be Maintained. Initial Tj = 140C 2000 No Voltage Reapplied Rated Vrrm Reapplied 1400 1500 1200 1000 1000 111RIA Series 111RIA Series 800 1 10 100 500 0.01 0.1 1 10 Number Of Equal Amplitude Half Cycle Current Pulses (N) Fig. 5 - Maximum Non-Repetitive Surge Current 6 Fig. 6 - Maximum Non-Repetitive Surge Current www.irf.com 111RIA Series Instantaneous On-State Current (A) Bulletin I25204 01/01 10000 Tj = 25C 1000 Tj = 140C 100 10 111RIA Series 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 Instantaneous On-State Voltage (V) Transient Thermal Impedance Z thJC (K/W) Fig. 7 - On-State Voltage Drop Characteristics 1 Steady State Value RthJC = 0.27 K/W (DC Operation) 0.1 0.01 111RIA Series 0.001 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 Square Wave Pulse Duration (s) Fig. 8 - Thermal Impedance Z thJC Characteristic Rectangular gate pulse a) Recommended load line for rated di/dt: 20V, 30ohms; tr<=0.5 s, tp=>6s b) Recommended load line for 10 <=30% rated di/dt: 15V, 40ohms tr<=1 s, tp=>6s (1) PGM = 12W, tp = 5ms (2) PGM = 30W, tp = 2ms (3) PGM = 60W, tp = 1ms (4) PGM = 200W, tp = 300s (a) (b) 0.1 0.001 Tj=-40 C VGD Tj=25 C 1 Tj=140 C Instantaneous Gate Voltage (V) 100 (1) IGD Device: 111RIA Series 0.01 0.1 1 10 Instantaneous Gate Current (A) (2) (3) (4) Frequency Limited by PG(AV) 100 1000 Fig. 9 - Gate Characteristics www.irf.com 7 111RIA Series Bulletin I25204 01/01 IR WORLD HEADQUARTERS: 233 Kansas St., El Segundo, California 90245, USA Tel: (310) 252-7105 TAC Fax: (310) 252-7309 Visit us at www.irf.com for sales contact information. 01/01 8 www.irf.com