SILICON POWER MOS FET NE5520279A UE D 3.2 V OPERATION SILICON RF POWER LDMOS FET FOR 1.8 GHz 1.6 W TRANSMISSION AMPLIFIERS DESCRIPTION The NE5520279A is an N-channel silicon power laterally diffused MOS FET specially designed as the transmission power amplifier for 3.2 V DCS1800 handsets. Dies are manufactured using our NEWMOS2 technology (our WSi gate laterally diffused MOS FET) and housed in a surface mount package. This device can deliver 32.0 dBm output power with 45% power added efficiency at 1.8 GHz under the 3.2 V supply voltage. O NT IN FEATURES * High output power : Pout = 32.0 dBm TYP. (VDS = 3.2 V, IDset = 700 mA, f = 1.8 GHz, Pin = 25 dBm) * High power added efficiency : add = 45% TYP. (VDS = 3.2 V, IDset = 700 mA, f = 1.8 GHz, Pin = 25 dBm) * High linear gain : GL = 10 dB TYP. (VDS = 3.2 V, IDset = 700 mA, f = 1.8 GHz, Pin = 5 dBm) * Surface mount package : 5.7 5.7 1.1 mm MAX. * Single supply : VDS = 2.8 to 6.0 V APPLICATION * Digital cellular phones : 3.2 V DCS1800 Handsets ORDERING INFORMATION Part Number NE5520279A-T1 Package Marking 79A A2 Supplying Form * 12 mm wide embossed taping * Gate pin face the perforation side of the tape SC * Qty 1 kpcs/reel NE5520279A-T1A * 12 mm wide embossed taping * Gate pin face the perforation side of the tape * Qty 5 kpcs/reel Remark To order evaluation samples, contact your nearby sales office. DI Part number for sample order: NE5520279A-A Caution: Observe precautions when handling because these devices are sensitive to electrostatic discharge Document No. PU10123EJ03V0DS (3rd edition) Date Published July 2003 CP(K) The mark shows major revised points. NE5520279A Parameter Symbol Ratings Unit Drain to Source Voltage VDS 15.0 V Gate to Source Voltage VGS 5.0 V Drain Current ID 0.6 A Drain Current (Pulse Test) Note 1.2 A ID Ptot 12.5 W Channel Temperature Tch 125 C Storage Temperature Tstg 55 to +125 Note Duty Cycle 50%, Ton 1 s RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS Symbol Test Conditions C MIN. O NT IN Parameter UE Total Power Dissipation D ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (T A = +25C) TYP. MAX. Unit Drain to Source Voltage VDS 2.8 3.0 6.0 V Gate to Source Voltage VGS 0 2.0 3.0 V Drain Current Input Power ID Duty Cycle 50%, T on 1 s 800 1 000 mA Pin f = 1.8 GHz, VDS = 3.2 V 24 25 30 dBm MIN. TYP. MAX. Unit ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T A = +25C, unless otherwise specified, using NEC standard test fixture) Parameter Symbol Test Conditions Gate to Source Leak Current IGSS VGS = 5.0 V 100 nA Drain to Source Leakage Current (Zero Gate Voltage Drain Current) IDSS VDS = 6.0 V 100 nA Gate Threshold Voltage Vth VDS = 3.5 V, ID = 1 mA 1.0 1.4 1.9 V Thermal Resistance Rth Channel to Case 8 C/W Gm VDS = 3.2 V, ID = 700 mA 1.3 S IDSS = 10 A 15 18 V 30.5 32.0 dBm Pin = 25 dBm, 800 mA IDset = 700 mA (RF OFF), Note1 40 45 % 10 dB SC Transconductance Drain to Source Breakdown Voltage BVDSS Output Power Pout Drain Current ID Power Added Efficiency add GL DI Linear Gain Note2 f = 1.8 GHz, VDS = 3.2 V, Notes 1. DC performance is 100% testing. RF performance is testing several samples per wafer. Wafer rejection criteria for standard devices is 1 reject for several samples. 2. Pin = 5 dBm 2 Data Sheet PU10123EJ03V0DS NE5520279A DI SC O NT IN UE D TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T A = +25C) Remark The graphs indicate nominal characteristics. Data Sheet PU10123EJ03V0DS 3 NE5520279A LARGE SIGNAL IMPEDANCE (VDS = 3.2 V, ID = 700 mA, f = 1.8 GHz) Zin () 1.8 1.77 j6.71 ZOL () Note 1.25 j5.73 UE f (GHz) D S-PARAMETERS DI SC O NT IN Note ZOL is the conjugate of optimum load impedance at given voltage, idling current, input power and frequency. 4 Data Sheet PU10123EJ03V0DS NE5520279A O NT IN UE D EVALUATION BOARD FOR 1.8 GHz Symbol C1, C3 4.7 pF C2 2.4 pF C4 2.2 pF C5 0.8 pF SC DI Value C6 10 pF C7 1 000 pF C8 0.22 F C9 3.3 F - 16V R1 1 000 L1 22 nH Circuit Board t = 0.4 mm, r = 4.5 Data Sheet PU10123EJ03V0DS Comment R4775 5 NE5520279A PACKAGE DIMENSIONS O NT IN UE D 79A (UNIT: mm) DI SC 79A PACKAGE RECOMMENDED P.C.B. LAYOUT (UNIT: mm) 6 Data Sheet PU10123EJ03V0DS NE5520279A RECOMMENDED SOLDERING CONDITIONS This product should be soldered and mounted under the following recommended conditions. For soldering methods and conditions other than those recommended below, contact your nearby sales office. Soldering Method VPS : 260C or below Time at peak temperature : 10 seconds or less Time at temperature of 220C or higher : 60 seconds or less Preheating time at 120 to 180C : 12030 seconds Maximum number of reflow processes : 3 times Maximum chlorine content of rosin flux (% mass) : 0.2%(Wt.) or below Peak temperature (package surface temperature) : 215C or below Time at temperature of 200C or higher : 25 to 40 seconds Maximum number of reflow processes : 3 times : 0.2%(Wt.) or below Peak temperature (molten solder temperature) : 260C or below WS260 : 10 seconds or less O NT IN Partial Heating VP215 : 30 to 60 seconds Maximum chlorine content of rosin flux (% mass) Time at peak temperature IR260 D Peak temperature (package surface temperature) Preheating time at 120 to 150C Wave Soldering Condition Symbol UE Infrared Reflow Soldering Conditions Preheating temperature (package surface temperature) : 120C or below Maximum number of flow processes : 1 time Maximum chlorine content of rosin flux (% mass) : 0.2%(Wt.) or below Peak temperature (pin temperature) : 350C or below Soldering time (per pin of device) : 3 seconds or less Maximum chlorine content of rosin flux (% mass) : 0.2%(Wt.) or below HS350-P3 DI SC Caution Do not use different soldering methods together (except for partial heating). Data Sheet PU10123EJ03V0DS 7