P in # Name 0 1 PWD
Bit 7 - Spread Enabled Spread Spectrum Control RW OFF ON 0
Bit 6 - CPUCLKT(2:0) Power down mode output level
0= CPU driven in power down
1= undriven RW HIGH LOW 0
Bit 5 35 3V66_1/VCH_CLK/FS4** VCH/66.66 Select RW 66 .66 48.0 0 0
Bit 4 53 CPU_S TOP#* Refl ects value of pin R Stop Active X
Bit 3 34 PCI_STOP#* Refl ects value of pin at power up.
Also can be set. RW Stop Active X
Bit 2 39 FS3 Frequen cy S election RW - - X
Bit 1 55 FS1 Frequen cy S election R - - X
Bit 0 54 FS0 Frequen cy S election R - - X
Note: For PCI_STOP# function, refer to table 3.
Type Bit Control
Control Function
Affected PinBYTE
P in # Name 0 1 PWD
Bit 7 43 MULTSEL* Refl ects value of pin R - - x
Bit 6 - CPUCLKT(2:0) CPU_Stop mode output level
0= CPU driven when stopped
1 = undriven RW HIGH LOW 0
Bit 5 45, 44 CPUCLKT2 , CPUCLKC 2
(see note) Al low control of outp ut with
assertion of CPU_S TOP#. RW Not
Freerun Freerun 0
Bit 4 49, 48 CPUCLKT1 , CPUCLKC 1
(see note) Al low control of outp ut with
assertion of CPU_S TOP#. RW Not
Freerun Freerun 0
Bit 3 52, 51 CPUCLKT0 , CPUCLKC 0
(see note) Al low control of outp ut with
assertion of CPU_S TOP#. RW Not
Freerun Freerun 0
Bit 2 45, 44 CPUCLKT2, CPUCLKC2 Output control RW Di sable Enable 1
Bit 1 49, 48 CPUCLKT1, CPUCLKC1 Output control RW Di sable Enable 1
Bit 0 52, 51 CPUCLKT0, CPUCLKC0 Output control RW Di sable Enable 1
Type Bit Control
Control Function
Affected PinBYTE
CPUCLK(2:0) can be turned on/off by CPU_STOP#. Refer to table 4.
P in # Name 0 1 PWD
Bit 7 56 REF 1X or 2X Strength control RW 1X 2X 0
Bit 6 18 PCICLK 6 Output control RW Disable Enabl e 1
Bit 5 17 PCICLK 5 Output control RW Disable Enabl e 1
Bit 4 16 PCICLK 4 Output control RW Disable Enabl e 1
Bit 3 13 ** E_PCICLK3/PCICLK3 Output control RW Disable Enabl e 1
Bit 2 12 PCICLK 2 Output control RW Disable Enabl e 1
Bit 1 11 ** E_PCICLK1/PCICLK1 Output control RW Disable Enabl e 1
Bit 0 10 PCICLK 0 Output control RW Disable Enabl e 1
2Control Function Bit Control
PCICLK(6:0) can be turned on/of f by PCI_STOP# . Refer to table 3.
Affected Pin Type
P in # Name 0 1 PWD
Bit 7 38 48MHz_DOT Output control RW Disable Enabl e 1
Bit 6 39 48MHz_USB /FS3* * Output control RW Disable Enabl e 1
Bit 5 7 PCICLK_F2 (see note) Allow control of output with
assertion of PCI_STOP #. RW Freerun Not
Freerun 0
Bit 4 6 PCICLK_F1 (see note) Allow control of output with
assertion of PCI_STOP #. RW Freerun Not
Freerun 0
Bit 3 5 PCICLK_F0 (see note) Allow control of output with
assertion of PCI_STOP #. RW Freerun Not
Freerun 0
Bit 2 7 P CICLK_ F2 Output control RW Disable Enabl e 1
Bit 1 6 P CICLK_ F1 Output control RW Disable Enabl e 1
Bit 0 5 P CICLK_ F0 Output control RW Disable Enabl e 1
Note: PCICLK_F(2:0) can be turned on/off by P CI_STOP#. Refer to table 5.
3Control Function
Affected Pin Bit Control