1998 Feb 23 16
NXP Semiconductors Product specification
1 W BTL audio amplifier with digital volume
control TDA8551
1. Please consult the most rec en tly issued document before initiating or completing a design.
2. The product s tatus of device(s) described in this document may ha ve changed since this document was published
and may differ in case of multiple devices. The latest product status information is available on the Internet at
URL http://www.nxp.com.
Objective data sheet Development This doc ument contains data from the objective specificatio n for product
Preliminary data sheet Qualification This document contains data from the preliminary specification.
Product data sheet Production This document contains the pr oduct specification.
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Notwithstanding any damages that customer might incur
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information supplied prior to the publication hereof.
Suitability for use ⎯ NXP Semiconduct ors pr oduc ts are
not designed, au thorized or warranted to be suitable for
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equipment, nor in applications where failure or malfunction
of an NXP Semiconductors product can reas onably be
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accepts no liability for inclusion and/or use of NXP
Semiconductor s pr oducts in such equipment or
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the customer’s own risk.
Applications ⎯ Applications that are described herein for
any of these products are for illustrative purposes only.
NXP Semiconductors makes no representation or
warranty that such applications will be suitable for the
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Customers are responsible for the design and operation of
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responsibility to determine whether the NXP
Semiconductors pro du ct is su itable and fit for the
customer’s applications and products planned, as well as
for the planned a pplication and use of custo m er’s third
party customer(s). Customers should provide appropriate
design and opera t ing saf eg ua rd s to minimize the risks
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on any weakne ss or default in t he customer’s applic ations
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necessary testing for the customer’s applications and
products using NXP Semiconductors produc ts in order to
avoid a default of the applic ations and the products or of
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