The maximum amount of current that can be delivered to the
load is set by the sense resistor, RSEN. Current limit occurs
when the voltage that is generated across the sense resistor
equals the current sense threshold voltage, VSENSE. When
this threshold is reached, the switch will be turned off until the
next cycle. Limits for VSENSE are specified in the electrical
characteristics section. VSENSE represents the maximum val-
ue of the internal control signal VCS. This control signal,
however, is not a constant value and changes over the course
of a period as a result of the internal compensation ramp (See
Figure 3). Therefore the current limit threshold will also
change. The actual current limit threshold is a function of the
sense voltage (VSENSE) and the internal compensation ramp:
Where ISWLIMIT is the peak switch current limit, defined by the
equation below. As duty cycle increases, the control voltage
is reduced as VSL ramps up. Since current limit threshold
varies with duty cycle, the following equation should be used
to select RSEN and set the desired current limit threshold:
The numerator of the above equation is VCS, and ISWLIMIT is
calculated as:
To avoid false triggering, the current limit value should have
some margin above the maximum operating value, typically
120%. Values for both VSENSE and VSL are specified in the
characteristic table. However, calculating with the limits of
these two specs could result in an unrealistically wide current
limit or RSEN range. Therefore, the following equation is rec-
ommended, using the VSL ratio value given in the EC table:
RSEN is part of the current mode control loop and has some
influence on control loop stability. Therefore, once the current
limit threshold is set, loop stability must be verified. To verify
stability, use the following equation:
If the selected RSEN is greater than this value, additional slope
compensation must be added to ensure stability, as described
in the section below.
RSL is used to add additional slope compensation when re-
quired. It is not necessary in most designs and RSL should be
no larger than necessary. Select RSL according to the follow-
ing equation:
Where RSEN is the selected value based on current limit. With
RSL installed, the control signal includes additional external
slope to stabilize the loop, which will also have an effect on
the current limit threshold. Therefore, the current limit thresh-
old must be re-verified, as illustrated in the equations below :
Where ΔVSL is the additional slope compensation generated
and calculated as:
ΔVSL = 40 µA x RSL
This changes the equation for current limit (or RSEN) to:
The RSEN and RSL values may have to be calculated iteratively
in order to achieve both the desired current limit and stable
operation. In some designs RSL can also help to filter noise
on the ISEN pin.
If the inductor is selected such that ripple current is the rec-
ommended 30% value, and the current limit threshold is 120%
of the maximum peak, a simpler method can be used to de-
termine RSEN. The equation below will provide optimum sta-
bility without RSL, provided that the above 2 conditions are
Observation of the boost converter circuit shows that the av-
erage current through the diode is the average load current,
and the peak current through the diode is the peak current
through the inductor. The diode should be rated to handle
more than its peak current. The peak diode current can be
calculated using the formula:
ID(Peak) = IOUT/ (1−D) + ΔIL
In the above equation, IOUT is the output current and ΔIL has
been defined in Figure 12
The peak reverse voltage for boost converter is equal to the
regulator output voltage. The diode must be capable of han-
dling this voltage. To improve efficiency, a low forward drop
schottky diode is recommended.
The drive pin of LM3488 must be connected to the gate of an
external MOSFET. In a boost topology, the drain of the ex-
ternal N-Channel MOSFET is connected to the inductor and
the source is connected to the ground. The drive pin (DR)
voltage depends on the input voltage (see typical perfor-
mance characteristics). In most applications, a logic level
MOSFET can be used. For very low input voltages, a sub-
logic level MOSFET should be used.
The selected MOSFET directly controls the efficiency. The
critical parameters for selection of a MOSFET are:
1. Minimum threshold voltage, VTH(MIN)
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