MS0325-E-01 2005/08
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(Ta=25°C; VDD=2.5V; fs=44.1kHz; Signal Frequency=1kHz; SCLK=64fs; Measurement frequency=20Hz ∼ 20kHz;
unless otherwise specified)
Parameter min typ max Units
ADC Analog Input Characteristics: (Note 2)
Resolution - - 16 Bits
S/(N+D) (−0.5dB Input) 70 80 - dB
D-Range (−60dB Input, A-weighted) 82 89 - dB
S/N (A-weighted) 82 89 - dB
Interchannel Isolation 80 95 - dB
Interchannel Gain Mismatch - 0.2 0.5 dB
Input Voltage (Note 3) 1.35 1.50 1.65 Vpp
Input Resistance 40 70 - kΩ
Power Supply Rejection (Note 4) - 45 - dB
DAC Analog Output Characteristics:
Resolution - - 16 Bits
S/(N+D) 75 85 - dB
D-Range (−60dB Output, A-weighted) 86 92 - dB
S/N (A-weighted) 86 92 - dB
Interchannel Isolation 80 95 - dB
Interchannel Gain Mismatch - 0.2 0.5 dB
Output Voltage (Note 3) 1.35 1.50 1.65 Vpp
Load Resistance 10 - - kΩ
Load Capacitance - - 30 pF
Power Supply Rejection (Note 4) - 50 - dB
Power Supplies
Power Supply Current
AD+DA PWADN= “H”, PWDAN= “H” - 8 13 mA
AD PWADN= “H”, PWDAN= “L” - 4 - mA
DA PWADN= “L”, PWDAN= “H” - 4.4 - mA
Power down (Note 5) PWADN= “L”, PWDAN= “L” - 10 50 µA
Power Consumption
AD+DA PWADN= “H”, PWDAN= “H” - 20 32.5 mW
AD PWADN= “H”, PWDAN= “L” - 10 - mW
DA PWADN= “L”, PWDAN= “H” - 11 - mW
Power down (Note 5) PWADN= “L”, PWDAN= “L” - 25 125 µW
Note 2. The offset of ADC is removed by internal HPF.
Note 3. Input/Output of ADC a nd DAC scales with VDD voltage. 0.6 x VDD(typ).
Note 4. PSR is applied to VDD with 1kHz, 50mV. No signal is input to AINL/R pins and “0” data is input to SDTI pin.
Note 5. In case of powe r-down mode, all digital i nput including clocks pins (M CLK, SCLK and LRCK) are held to VDD
or VSS. PWADN and PWDAN pins are held to VSS.