Such information, however, is subject to change without any prior notice.
included in this document,
business interruption and loss of data, and disclaims any and all express or implied warranties
and for providing adequate designs and safeguards to minimize risk and avoid situations
and conditions related to sale, use of product, or information, including warranties
6. Please contact CITIZEN ELECTRONICS' sales office if you have any questions regarding
the information contained in this document, or if you have any other inquiries.
9. Precautions with regard to product use
1. This document is provided for reference purposes only so that CITIZEN ELECTRONICS'
products are used as intended. CITIZEN ELECTRONICS neither makes warranties or
representations with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained
in this document nor grants any license to any intellectual property rights or any other
rights of CITIZEN ELECTRONICS or any third party with respect to the information
2. All information included in this document such as product data, diagrams, charts,
is current as of the date this document is issued.
Before purchasing or using any CITIZEN ELECTRONICS' products listed in this document,
please confirm the latest product information with a CITIZEN ELECTRONICS' sales office,
and formal specifications must be exchanged and signed by both parties prior to mass production.
3. CITIZEN ELECTRONICS has used reasonable care in compiling the information
but CITIZEN ELECTRONICS assumes no liability whatsoever for any damages incurred as
a result of errors or omissions in the information included in this document.
written signed agreement, except as provided in the relevant terms and conditions of
sale for product, and to the maximum extent allowable by law, CITIZEN ELECTRONICS
assumes no liability whatsoever, including without limitation, indirect, consequential, special,
or incidental damages or loss, including without limitation, loss of profits, loss of opportunities,
or conditions of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, accuracy of information,
5. Though CITIZEN ELECTRONICS works continually to improve products' quality and reliability,
products can malfunction or fail. Customers are responsible for complying with safety standards
in which a malfunction or failure of a product could cause loss of human life,
bodily injury or damage to property, including data loss or corruption.
In addition, customers are also responsible for determining the appropriateness of
use of any information contained in this document such as application cases not only with
evaluating by their own but also by the entire system.
CITIZEN ELECTRONICS assumes no liability for customers' product design or applications.
Ref.CE-P1117 05/11