Touch-Sensing Software Electrode
Evaluation Module
Quick Start Guide
1Installing CodeWarrior
Install CodeWarrior per the instructions included
with the MCU demo kit.
2Installing the TSS Library
1. Insert the included CD, wait for the menu to open.
2. Select the “Install TSS.”
3. Follow install instructions.
4. The installation directory includes the
documentation and demo code.
5. Alternatively you can download and install
the latest version of the TSS library from
3Connecting the Demo Board to
1. Locate pins 1 and 3 of the MCU port on the
DEMO board.
2. Locate pins 1 and 3 on the
3. Connect pins 1 and 3 from the DEMO board to
pins 1 and 3 respectively and insert the whole
Some demo boards have a jumper that connects
power to the MCU_Port header. Make sure this
connection is enabled.
Pin 1 VccPin 3 GND
The touch-sensing software (TSS) electrode evaluation board is designed to connect to
any MCU demo board that includes the MCU port connector. This port can be found in the
stand-alone demo boards for 9S08 and ColdFire V1 families. The purpose of this board is
to easily evaluate the TSS library in S08 and ColdFire V1 devices. The board includes eight
electrodes configured in three common controllers: keypad, linear slider and rotary.
4 5
Connecting the DEMO Board
to the Computer
1. Connect USB cable from USB port on the
computer to the USB connector on the board.
Creating an Application for the
1. Depending on the MCU you are using, you will
need to create a code project to demo your
application. Please refer to the TSSUG document
(Chapters 3 and 4) for in-depth instructions on
creating a basic application.
Alternatively, you can use the Processor Expert
component available starting in TSS version 2.0
for easier and faster development. More info on
the TSS Processor Expert Component is in TSSUG
chapter 5.
2. The electrodes in the TSSELECTRODEEVM are
mapped as follows
Signal Pin Pin Signal
Vcc 1 2 NC
GND 3 4 NC
NC 5 6 NC
NC 7 8 Buzzer
Electrode 1 9 10 NC
Electrode 2 11 12 NC
Electrode 3 13 14 NC
Electrode 4 15 16 NC
Electrode 5 17 18 NC
Electrode 6 19 20 NC
Electrode 7 21 22 NC
Electrode 8 23 24 Buzzer
NC 25 26 NC
NC 27 28 NC
NC 29 30 NC
As the MCU_Port has the same pinout for all S08
and ColdFire V1 MCUs, the electrode assignments
to port pins are the same (from electrode 1 to
electrode 8): PTA2, PTA3, PTA0, PTB6, PTB3, PTB4,
3. Example code running on the DEMOQE128 board is
included on the TSSELECTRODEEVM CD.
4. The TSSUG includes further information for
configuration of the TSS. For in-depth information
on the library software, consult the TSSAPIRM
(TSS API reference manual).
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Agile Number: 926-78519
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