ULN2002A, ULN2003A, ULN2003AI, ULN2004A
ULQ2003A, ULQ2004A
at 25°C free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) MIN MAX UNIT
VCC Collector-emitter voltage 50 V
Clamp diode reverse voltage(2) 50 V
VIInput voltage(2) 30 V
See Figure 14 and
Peak collector current 500 mA
Figure 15
IOK Output clamp current 500 mA
Total emitter-terminal current –2.5 A
ULN200xA –20 70
ULN200xAI –40 105
TAOperating free-air temperature range °C
ULQ200xA –40 85
ULQ200xAT –40 105
D package 73
N package 67
θJA Package thermal impedance(3) (4) NS package 64 °C/W
PW package 108
D package 36
θJC Package thermal impedance(5) (6) N package 54
TJOperating virtual junction temperature 150 °C
Lead temperature for 1.6 mm (1/16 inch) from case for 10 seconds 260 °C
Tstg Storage temperature range –65 150 °C
(1) Stresses beyond those listed under "absolute maximum ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings
only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under "recommended operating
conditions" is not implied. Exposure to absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.
(2) All voltage values are with respect to the emitter/substrate terminal E, unless otherwise noted.
(3) Maximum power dissipation is a function of TJ(max), θJA, and TA. The maximum allowable power dissipation at any allowable ambient
temperature is PD= (TJ(max) – TA)/θJA. Operating at the absolute maximum TJof 150°C can affect reliability.
(4) The package thermal impedance is calculated in accordance with JESD 51-7.
(5) Maximum power dissipation is a function of TJ(max), θJC, and TA. The maximum allowable power dissipation at any allowable ambient
temperature is PD= (TJ(max) – TA)/θJC. Operating at the absolute maximum TJof 150°C can affect reliability.
(6) The package thermal impedance is calculated in accordance with MIL-STD-883.
TA= 25°C ULN2002A
VI(on) On-state input voltage Figure 6 VCE = 2 V, IC= 300 mA 13 V
II= 250 μA, IC= 100 mA 0.9 1.1
VCE(sat) Collector-emitter saturation voltage Figure 4 II= 350 μA, IC= 200 mA 1 1.3 V
II= 500 μA, IC= 350 mA 1.2 1.6
VFClamp forward voltage Figure 7 IF= 350 mA 1.7 2 V
Figure 1 VCE = 50 V, II= 0 50
ICEX Collector cutoff current VCE = 50 V, II= 0 100 μA
Figure 2 TA= 70°C VI= 6 V 500
II(off) Off-state input current Figure 2 VCE = 50 V, IC= 500 μA 50 65 μA
IIInput current Figure 3 VI= 17 V 0.82 1.25 mA
TA= 70°C 100
IRClamp reverse current Figure 6 VR= 50 V μA
CiInput capacitance VI= 0, f = 1 MHz 25 pF
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Product Folder Link(s): ULN2002A ULN2003A ULN2003AI ULN2004A ULQ2003A ULQ2004A