Part Number: AAD1-9090SE9ZC/2 Reddish-Orange ATTENTION OBSERVE PRECAUTIONS FOR HANDLING ELECTROSTATIC DISCHARGE SENSITIVE DEVICES Features zSuper high flux output and high luminance. zDesigned for high current operation. zLow thermal resistance. zLow voltage DC operated. zSuperior ESD protection. zPackage: 500pcs/reel. zNot reflow compatible. Applications zThe component is internally protected with z traffic signaling. z backlighting (illuminated advertising , general lighting). silicone gel. z interior and exterior automotive lighting. zRoHS compliant. z substitution of micro incandescent lamps. Application Note z portable light source (e.g. bicycle flashlight). Static electricity and surge damage the LEDS. z signal and symbol luminaire for orientation. It is recommended to use a wrist band or anti-electrostatic z marker lights (e.g. steps, exit ways, etc). glove when handling the LEDs. z decorative and entertainment lighting. All devices, equipment and machinery must be electrically z indoor and outdoor commercial and residential grounded. architectural lighting. Package Dimensions Notes: 1. All dimensions are in millimeters (inches). 2. Tolerance is 0.25(0.01") unless otherwise noted. 3. The specifications, characteristics and technical data described in the datasheet are subject to change without prior notice. 4. The device has a single mounting surface. The device must be mounted according to the specifications. SPEC NO: DSAH7160 REV NO: V.3 DATE: FEB/15/2011 APPROVED: WYNEC CHECKED: Allen Liu DRAWN: C.H.HAN PAGE: 1 OF 7 ERP:1201200207 Handling Precautions Compare to epoxy encapsulant that is hard and brittle, silicone is softer and flexible. Although its characteristic significantly reduces thermal stress, it is more susceptible to damage by external mechanical force. As a result, special handling precautions need to be observed during assembly using silicone encapsulated LED products. Failure to comply might lead to damage and premature failure of the LED. 1. Handle the component along the side surfaces by using forceps or appropriate tools. 2. Do not directly touch or handle the silicone lens surface. It may damage the internal circuitry. 3. Do not stack together assembled PCBs containing exposed LEDs. Impact may scratch the silicone lens or damage the internal circuitry. 4.1. The outer diameter of the SMD pickup nozzle should not exceed the size of the LED to prevent air leaks. The inner diameter of the nozzle should be as large as possible. 4.2. A pliable material is suggested for the nozzle tip to avoid scratching or damaging the LED surface during pickup. 4.3. The dimensions of the component must be accurately programmed in the pick-and-place machine to insure precise pickup and avoid damage during production. 5. As silicone encapsulation is permeable to gases, some corrosive substances such as H2S might corrode silver plating of leadframe. Special care should be taken if an LED with silicone encapsulation is to be used near such substances. SPEC NO: DSAH7160 REV NO: V.3 DATE: FEB/15/2011 APPROVED: WYNEC CHECKED: Allen Liu DRAWN: C.H.HAN PAGE: 2 OF 7 ERP:1201200207 Selection Guide Dice Part No. AAD1-9090SE9ZC/2 Lens Type REDDISH-ORANGE (AlGaInP) Water Clear luminous Intensity Iv (cd)@ 500 mA [2] v (lm) @ 500 mA [2] Viewing Angle [1] Min. Typ. Min. Typ. 21/2 12 20 35 50 100 Notes: 1. 1/2 is the angle from optical centerline where the luminous intensity is 1/2 of the optical peak value. 2. Luminous intensity/ luminous Flux: +/-15%. Absolute Maximum Ratings at TA=25C Parameter Symbol Value Unit Power dissipation PD 1.65 W Junction temperature TJ 110 C Reverse Voltage VR 5 V Operating Temperature Top -40 To +100 C Storage Temperature Tstg -40 To +100 C IF 500 mA IFM 700 mA Rth j-slug 12 C/W 8000 V DC Forward Current [1] Peak Forward Current [2] Thermal resistance [1] Electrostatic Discharge Threshold (HBM) Iron Soldering [3] 350C For 3 Seconds Notes: 1. Results from mounting on MCPCB. 2.1/10 Duty Cycle, 0.1ms Pulse Width. 3.1.29mm distance from solder joint to package. Electrical / Optical Characteristics at TA=25C Parameter Symbol Value Unit peak 635 nm dom [1] 623 nm Spectral bandwidth at 50%REL MAX IF=500mA [Typ.] 22 nm Allowable Reverse Current [Max.] IR 85 mA Wavelength at peak emission Dominant Wavelength IF=500mA IF=500mA [Typ.] [Typ.] Forward Voltage IF=500mA [Min.] Forward Voltage IF=500mA [Typ.] Forward Voltage IF=500mA [Max.] VF [2] 2.7 V 3.3 Temperature coefficient of peak IF=500mA, -10C T100C [Typ.] TCpeak 0.08 nm/ C Temperature coefficient of dom IF=500mA, -10C T100C [Typ.] TCdom 0.03 nm/ C Temperature coefficient of VF IF=500mA, -10C T100C [Typ.] TCV -2.8 mV/ C Notes: 1.Wavelength: +/-1nm. 2. Forward Voltage: +/-0.1V. SPEC NO: DSAH7160 REV NO: V.3 DATE: FEB/15/2011 APPROVED: WYNEC CHECKED: Allen Liu DRAWN: C.H.HAN PAGE: 3 OF 7 ERP:1201200207 AAD1-9090SE9ZC/2 SPEC NO: DSAH7160 REV NO: V.3 DATE: FEB/15/2011 APPROVED: WYNEC CHECKED: Allen Liu DRAWN: C.H.HAN PAGE: 4 OF 7 ERP:1201200207 AAD1-9090SE9ZC/2 Recommended Soldering Pattern (Units : mm; Tolerance: 0.1) Reel Dimension Tape Specifications (Units : mm) SPEC NO: DSAH7160 REV NO: V.3 DATE: FEB/15/2011 APPROVED: WYNEC CHECKED: Allen Liu DRAWN: C.H.HAN PAGE: 5 OF 7 ERP:1201200207 AAD1-9090SE9ZC/2 Recommended Solder Steps SPEC NO: DSAH7160 REV NO: V.3 DATE: FEB/15/2011 APPROVED: WYNEC CHECKED: Allen Liu DRAWN: C.H.HAN PAGE: 6 OF 7 ERP:1201200207 PACKING & LABEL SPECIFICATIONS AAD1-9090SE9ZC/2 SPEC NO: DSAH7160 REV NO: V.3 DATE: FEB/15/2011 APPROVED: WYNEC CHECKED: Allen Liu DRAWN: C.H.HAN PAGE: 7 OF 7 ERP:1201200207