DAM05E-00 1999/05
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General Description
The AK93C41A/51A is a 1024/2048-bit serial CMOS EEPROM divided into 64/128 registers of 16 bits each.
The AK93C41A/51A has 4 instructions such as READ, WRITE, EWEN and EWDS. Those instructions control
the AK93C41A/ 51A.
The AK93C41A/51A can operate full function under wide operating voltage range from 0.9V to 3.6V. The
charge up circuit is integrated for high voltage generation that is used for write operation.
A serial interface of AK93C41A/51A, consisting of chip select (CS), serial clock (SK), data-in (DI) and data-
out (DO), can easily be controlled by popular microcontrollers or standard microprocessors. AK93C41A/51A
takes in the write data from data input pin (DI) to a register synchronously with rising edge of input pulse of
serial clock pin (SK). And at read operation, AK93C41A/51A takes out the read data from a register to data
output pin (DO) synchronously with rising edge of SK.
The DO pi n i s u suall y in hig h impedan ce stat e. The DO pi n out pu t s "L" o r "H " i n case o f data ou tpu t o r Busy/R ead y
signal outp ut .
• Software and Hardware controlled write protection
When Vcc is applied to the part, the part automatically powers up in the ERASE/WRITE Disable state. In the
ERASE/W RITE disa ble state, execution of WRIT E ins truction is disa bled. Before WRITE instr uc t ion is
executed, EWEN instruction must be executed. The ERASE/WRITE enable state continues until EWDS
instruction is executed or Vcc is removed from the part.
Execution of a read instruction is independent of both EWEN and EWDS instructions.
The PROTECT pin is available only on the AK93C51A. When PROTECT pin is tied to GND, PROGRAM
operations onto the lower 1Kbit ($00a$3F) will not be executed. When PROTECT pi n is tied to VCC, normal
operation is enabled. There is an internal pull-down on the PROTECT pin.
• Busy/Ready status signal
After a write instruction, the DO output serves as a Busy/Ready status indicator. After the falling edge of the
CS initiates the self-timed programming cycle, the DO indicates the Busy/Ready status of the chip if the CS is
brought high after a minimum of 250ns (Tcs). DO=logical "0" indicates that programming is still in progress.
DO=logical "1" indicates that the register at the address specified in the instruction has been written with the
new data pattern contained in the instruction and the part is ready f or a next instruction.
The Busy/Ready status indicator is only valid when CS is active (high). When CS is low, the DO output goes
into a high impedance state.
The Busy/Ready signal outputs until a start bit (Logic"1") of the next instruction is given to the part.
Type of Products
Model Memory size Temp.Range Vcc Package
AK93C41AV 1Kbits -10°C∼70°C
8pin Plastic SOP
8pin Plastic SOP
8pin Plastic TSSOP
AK93C51AV 2Kbits -10°C∼70°C
8pin Plastic SOP
8pin Plastic SOP
8pin Plastic TSSOP