S-85S1P Series SUPPLY VOLTAGE DIVIDED OUTPUT, 5.5 V INPUT, 200 mA SYNCHRONOUS STEP-DOWN SWITCHING REGULATOR WITH 260 nA QUIESCENT CURRENT www.ablic.com Rev.1.5_01 (c) ABLIC Inc., 2017-2018 The S-85S1P Series introduces own distinctive low power consumption control and COT (Constant On-Time) control and features ultra low current consumption and fast transient response. PWM / PFM switching control automatically switches to PFM control when under light load, and the IC operates at ultra low current consumption of 260 nA quiescent current. The S-85S1P Series realizes high efficiency in a wide range of load current consumption and provides strong support for extended period operation of mobile devices and wearable devices which are equipped with compact batteries. The function of the supply voltage divided output is prepared in the S-85S1P Series. The supply voltage divided output is a function that divides the input voltage (VIN) of the DC-DC converter into VIN/2 or VIN/3 and outputs the voltage. For example, this function makes it possible that the IC connects to a low voltage microcontroller A/D converter directly and the microcontroller monitors a battery voltage. Features Applications * Wearable device * Bluetooth device * Wireless sensor network device * Healthcare equipment * Smart meter * Portable game device DC-DC converter block * Ultra low current consumption: * Efficiency (when under 100 A load): * Fast transient response: * Input voltage: * Output voltage: 260 nA quiescent current 90.5% COT control 2.2 V to 5.5 V 0.7 V to 2.5 V, in 0.05 V step 2.6 V to 3.9 V, in 0.1 V step * Output voltage accuracy: 1.5% (1.0 V VOUT 3.9 V) 15 mV (0.7 V VOUT < 1.0 V) * Switching frequency: 1.0 MHz (at PWM operation) * High side power MOS FET on-resistance: 420 m * Low side power MOS FET on-resistance: 320 m * Soft-start function: 1 ms typ. * Under voltage lockout function (UVLO): 1.8 V typ. (detection voltage) 135C typ. (detection temperature) * Thermal shutdown function: * Overcurrent protection function: 450 mA (at L = 2.2 H) * Automatic recovery type short-circuit protection function:Hiccup control * Input and output capacitors: Ceramic capacitor compatible Supply voltage divider block * Low current consumption: * Input voltage: * Output voltage: Ta = -40C to +85C Typical Application Circuit CIN 10 F Efficiency L 2.2 H SW VIN PVSS VOUT VOUT COUT 10 F VOUT(S) = 1.8 V 100 80 60 40 EN 20 PMOUT PMEN VSS * SNT-8A ( 2.46 mm x 1.97 mm x t0.5 mm max.) 280 nA typ. 1.5 V to 5.5 V VIN/2 (S-85S1PCxx) VIN/3 (S-85S1PDxx) Overall * Operation temperature range: * Lead-free (Sn 100%), halogen-free VIN Package CPM 0.22 F 0 0.01 VIN = 2.5 V VIN = 3.6 V VIN = 4.2 V 0.1 1 10 IOUT [mA] 100 1000 1 SUPPLY VOLTAGE DIVIDED OUTPUT, 5.5 V INPUT, 200 mA SYNCHRONOUS STEP-DOWN SWITCHING REGULATOR WITH 260 nA QUIESCENT CURRENT Rev.1.5_01 S-85S1P Series Block Diagram CIN VIN VOUT SW - + + SW L VOUT - + + - EN COUT PVSS UVLO VIN PMEN PMOUT + - CPM VSS Figure 1 2 VIN SUPPLY VOLTAGE DIVIDED OUTPUT, 5.5 V INPUT, 200 mA SYNCHRONOUS STEP-DOWN SWITCHING REGULATOR WITH 260 nA QUIESCENT CURRENT Rev.1.5_01 S-85S1P Series Product Name Structure Users can select supply voltage divider block output voltage and DC-DC converter block output voltage for the S-85S1P Series. Refer to "1. Product name" regarding the contents of product name, "2. Package" regarding the package, "3. Product name list" regarding details of the product name. 1. Product name S-85S1P x xx - I8T1 U Environmental code U: Lead-free (Sn 100%), halogen-free Package name abbreviation and packing specification*1 I8T1: SNT-8A, Tape *2, *3 DC-DC converter block output voltage 07 to 39 (e.g., when the output voltage is 0.7 V, it is expressed as 07.) Supply voltage divider block output voltage C: VIN/2 D: VIN/3 *1. *2. *3. 2. Refer to the tape drawing. Refer to "3. Product name list". In the range from 0.7 V to 2.5 V, the products which have 0.05 V step are also available. Contact our sales office when the product is necessary. Package Table 1 Package Name SNT-8A Dimension PH008-A-P-SD Package Drawing Codes Tape PH008-A-C-SD Reel PH008-A-R-SD Land PH008-A-L-SD 3 SUPPLY VOLTAGE DIVIDED OUTPUT, 5.5 V INPUT, 200 mA SYNCHRONOUS STEP-DOWN SWITCHING REGULATOR WITH 260 nA QUIESCENT CURRENT Rev.1.5_01 S-85S1P Series 3. Product name list Table 2 Output Voltage (VOUT) 0.7 V 15 mV 0.8 V 15 mV 0.9 V 15 mV 1.0 V 1.5% 1.1 V 1.5% 1.2 V 1.5% 1.3 V 1.5% 1.4 V 1.5% 1.5 V 1.5% 1.6 V 1.5% 1.7 V 1.5% 1.8 V 1.5% 1.9 V 1.5% 2.0 V 1.5% 2.1 V 1.5% 2.2 V 1.5% 2.3 V 1.5% 2.4 V 1.5% 2.5 V 1.5% 2.6 V 1.5% 2.7 V 1.5% 2.8 V 1.5% 2.9 V 1.5% 3.0 V 1.5% 3.1 V 1.5% 3.2 V 1.5% 3.3 V 1.5% 3.4 V 1.5% 3.5 V 1.5% 3.6 V 1.5% 3.7 V 1.5% 3.8 V 1.5% 3.9 V 1.5% Remark 4 S-85S1PCxx S-85S1PC07-I8T1U S-85S1PC08-I8T1U S-85S1PC09-I8T1U S-85S1PC10-I8T1U S-85S1PC11-I8T1U S-85S1PC12-I8T1U S-85S1PC13-I8T1U S-85S1PC14-I8T1U S-85S1PC15-I8T1U S-85S1PC16-I8T1U S-85S1PC17-I8T1U S-85S1PC18-I8T1U S-85S1PC19-I8T1U S-85S1PC20-I8T1U S-85S1PC21-I8T1U S-85S1PC22-I8T1U S-85S1PC23-I8T1U S-85S1PC24-I8T1U S-85S1PC25-I8T1U S-85S1PC26-I8T1U S-85S1PC27-I8T1U S-85S1PC28-I8T1U S-85S1PC29-I8T1U S-85S1PC30-I8T1U S-85S1PC31-I8T1U S-85S1PC32-I8T1U S-85S1PC33-I8T1U S-85S1PC34-I8T1U S-85S1PC35-I8T1U S-85S1PC36-I8T1U S-85S1PC37-I8T1U S-85S1PC38-I8T1U S-85S1PC39-I8T1U S-85S1PDxx S-85S1PD07-I8T1U S-85S1PD08-I8T1U S-85S1PD09-I8T1U S-85S1PD10-I8T1U S-85S1PD11-I8T1U S-85S1PD12-I8T1U S-85S1PD13-I8T1U S-85S1PD14-I8T1U S-85S1PD15-I8T1U S-85S1PD16-I8T1U S-85S1PD17-I8T1U S-85S1PD18-I8T1U S-85S1PD19-I8T1U S-85S1PD20-I8T1U S-85S1PD21-I8T1U S-85S1PD22-I8T1U S-85S1PD23-I8T1U S-85S1PD24-I8T1U S-85S1PD25-I8T1U S-85S1PD26-I8T1U S-85S1PD27-I8T1U S-85S1PD28-I8T1U S-85S1PD29-I8T1U S-85S1PD30-I8T1U S-85S1PD31-I8T1U S-85S1PD32-I8T1U S-85S1PD33-I8T1U S-85S1PD34-I8T1U S-85S1PD35-I8T1U S-85S1PD36-I8T1U S-85S1PD37-I8T1U S-85S1PD38-I8T1U S-85S1PD39-I8T1U Please contact our sales office for products with specifications other than the above. SUPPLY VOLTAGE DIVIDED OUTPUT, 5.5 V INPUT, 200 mA SYNCHRONOUS STEP-DOWN SWITCHING REGULATOR WITH 260 nA QUIESCENT CURRENT Rev.1.5_01 S-85S1P Series Pin Configuration 1. SNT-8A Table 3 Top view 1 2 3 4 8 7 6 5 Figure 2 Pin No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Symbol PMOUT VOUT VSS SW PVSS VIN 7 EN 8 PMEN Description Supply voltage divided output pin Voltage output pin GND pin External inductor connection pin Power GND pin Power supply pin Enable pin "H" : Enable (normal operation) "L" : Disable (standby) Supply voltage divided output enable pin "H" : Enable (normal operation) "L" : Disable (standby) 5 SUPPLY VOLTAGE DIVIDED OUTPUT, 5.5 V INPUT, 200 mA SYNCHRONOUS STEP-DOWN SWITCHING REGULATOR WITH 260 nA QUIESCENT CURRENT Rev.1.5_01 S-85S1P Series Absolute Maximum Ratings Table 4 (Unless otherwise specified: Ta = +25C, VSS = 0 V) Item Symbol VIN pin voltage EN pin voltage DC-DC converter block PMEN pin voltage Supply voltage divider block VOUT pin voltage DC-DC converter block PMOUT pin voltage Supply voltage divider block SW pin voltage PVSS pin voltage Operation temperature Storage temperature VIN VEN VPMEN VOUT VPMOUT VSW VPVSS Topr Tstg Absolute Maximum Rating Unit VSS - 0.3 to VSS + 6.0 VSS - 0.3 to VIN + 0.3 VSS + 6.0 VSS - 0.3 to VSS + 6.0 VSS - 0.3 to VIN + 0.3 VSS + 6.0 VSS - 0.3 to VIN + 0.3 VSS + 6.0 VSS - 0.3 to VIN + 0.3 VSS + 6.0 VSS - 0.3 to VSS + 0.3 VSS + 6.0 -40 to +85 -40 to +125 V V V V V V V C C Caution The absolute maximum ratings are rated values exceeding which the product could suffer physical damage. These values must therefore not be exceeded under any conditions. Thermal Resistance Value Table 5 Item Symbol Condition Board A Board B Junction-to-ambient thermal resistance*1 JA SNT-8A Board C Board D Board E *1. Test environment: compliance with JEDEC STANDARD JESD51-2A Remark Refer to " Power Dissipation" and "Test Board" for details. 6 Min. - - - - - Typ. 211 173 - - - Max. - - - - - Unit C/W C/W C/W C/W C/W SUPPLY VOLTAGE DIVIDED OUTPUT, 5.5 V INPUT, 200 mA SYNCHRONOUS STEP-DOWN SWITCHING REGULATOR WITH 260 nA QUIESCENT CURRENT Rev.1.5_01 S-85S1P Series Electrical Characteristics 1. DC-DC converter block Table 6 (VIN = 3.6 V*1, Ta = +25C unless otherwise specified) Item Operating input voltage Output voltage*2 Symbol VIN Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit - 2.2 VOUT(S) x 0.985 VOUT(S) - 0.015 3.6 5.5 VOUT(S) x 1.015 VOUT(S) + 0.015 V 1.0 V VOUT 3.9 V, no external parts VOUT 0.7 V VOUT <1.0 V, no external parts Current consumption during shutdown Current consumption during switching off High level input voltage Low level input voltage High level input current Low level input current High side power MOS FET on-resistance Low side power MOS FET on-resistance High side power MOS FET leakage current Low side power MOS FET leakage current Current limit*3 ISSS VOUT(S) V V - 1 100 nA - 260 500 nA 1.1 - -100 -100 - - - - - 0.3 100 100 V V nA nA VSH VSL ISH ISL VOUT = VOUT(S) + 0.1 V, VEN = VIN, no external parts, no switching operation VIN = 2.2 V to 5.5 V, EN pin VIN = 2.2 V to 5.5 V, EN pin VIN = 2.2 V to 5.5 V, EN pin, VEN = VIN VIN = 2.2 V to 5.5 V, EN pin, VEN = 0 V RHFET ISW = 100 mA - 420 - m RLFET ISW = -100 mA - 320 - m IHSW VIN = 2.2 V to 5.5 V, VEN = 0 V, VSW = 0 V - 1 100 nA ILSW VIN = 2.2 V to 5.5V, VEN = 0 V, VSW = VIN -100 1 - nA ILIM L = 2.2 H *5 tON(S) = 1/fSW x VOUT/VIN, VOUT = VOUT(S) x 0.9 - When VIN falls When VIN rises - 450 - mA tON(S)/1.3 tON(S) tON(S)/0.7 ns - 1.7 1.9 - 1.9 2.1 ns V V - V - ms ISS1 ON time*4 tON Minimum OFF time UVLO detection voltage UVLO release voltage tOFF(MIN) VUVLO- VUVLO+ UVP detection voltage VUVP Soft-start wait time tSSW Soft-start time tSS Thermal shutdown detection temperature Thermal shutdown release temperature VEN = 0 V VOUT(S) Time until VOUT starts rising Time until VOUT reaches 90% after it starts rising - 100 1.8 2.0 VOUT(S) x 0.7 1.5 - 1.0 - ms TSD Junction temperature - 135 - C TSR Junction temperature - 115 - C - - *1. VIN = VOUT(S) + 1.0 V (VOUT(S) 2.6 V) *2. VOUT: Actual output voltage VOUT(S): Set output voltage *3. The current limit changes according to the L value for the inductor to be used, input voltage, and output voltage. Refer to " Operation" for details. *4. tON: Actual ON time tON(S): Set ON time *5. fSW : Switching frequency (1 MHz) 7 SUPPLY VOLTAGE DIVIDED OUTPUT, 5.5 V INPUT, 200 mA SYNCHRONOUS STEP-DOWN SWITCHING REGULATOR WITH 260 nA QUIESCENT CURRENT Rev.1.5_01 S-85S1P Series 2. Supply voltage divider block Table 7 (VIN = 3.6 V, Ta = +25C unless otherwise specified) Item Symbol Operating input voltage VIN Condition - S-85S1PCxx S-85S1PDxx Min. 1.5 - - -10 -30 -20 - - - Typ. 3.6 VIN/2 VIN/3 - - - - 2.2 1.1 Max. 5.5 - - 10 30 20 1000 10 10 Unit V V V A mV mV ms ms - 280 550 nA Output voltage*1 VPMOUT(S) -10 A IPMOUT 10 A Load current IPMOUT Output offset voltage VPOF -10 A IPMOUT 10 A Output impedance RPS -10 A IPMOUT 10 A Set-up time tPU CPM = 0.22 F, no load ISS1P VPMEN = VIN, no load (VEN = 0 V) VPSH VIN = 3.6 V, Determined by VPMOUT output level 1.0 - - V VPSL Determined by VPMOUT output level - - 0.25 V IPSH VPMEN = VIN -100 - 100 nA IPSL VPMEN = 0 V -100 - 100 nA RPLOW VPMEN = 0 V, VPMOUT = 0.1 V - 2.8 - k Current consumption *2 during operation PMEN pin input voltage "H" PMEN pin input voltage "L" PMEN pin input current "H" PMEN pin input current "L" Discharge shunt resistance during power-off - S-85S1PCxx S-85S1PDxx S-85S1PCxx S-85S1PDxx *1. VPMOUT(S): Set output voltage VPMOUT(S) + VPOF: Actual output voltage *2. Current consumption when only the supply voltage divider block is in operation. 8 SUPPLY VOLTAGE DIVIDED OUTPUT, 5.5 V INPUT, 200 mA SYNCHRONOUS STEP-DOWN SWITCHING REGULATOR WITH 260 nA QUIESCENT CURRENT Rev.1.5_01 S-85S1P Series Operation 1. DC-DC converter block 1. 1 Fast transient response Distinctive COT (Constant On-Time) control is used for DC-DC converter control. The S-85S1P Series monitors the output voltage (VOUT) using a comparator and if VOUT falls below the targeted value, the high side power MOS FET will turn on for a certain amount of time. Since the high side power MOS FET turns on and VOUT rises immediately after the load current fluctuates rapidly and VOUT falls, the fast transient response is realized. The S-85S1P Series outputs ON time in proportion to VOUT and in inverse proportion to power supply voltage. Therefore, when in continuous mode, even if the power supply voltage or VOUT settings would change, it always operates at a quasi-fixed frequency of 1 MHz. 1. 2 PWM / PFM switching control The S-85S1P Series automatically switches between the pulse width modulation method (PWM) and pulse frequency modulation method (PFM) according to the load current. If the output current (IOUT) is large, the IC will operate at PWM control. If IOUT is small, the IC will operate at PFM control and skip the pulse according to the load current. This reduces switching loss and improves efficiency when under light load. The S-85S1P Series has a built-in reverse current detection circuit. The reverse current detection circuit monitors the current flowing through the inductor. If the bottom of ripple current in the inductor falls to 0 mA, the high side power MOS FET and low side power MOS FET will turn off and switching operation will stop. Switching frequency will fall from 1.0 MHz by skipping a pulse. This means that the smaller IOUT is, the more the switching frequency (fSW ) will drop, and it reduces switching loss. 1. 3 Ultra low current consumption When in discontinuous mode, the S-85S1P Series reduces current consumption to 260 nA typ. by intermittently operating a control circuit and a protection circuit. When under light load, the high side power MOS FET and low side power MOS FET will turn off. When switching operation stops and a certain amount of time elapses, only the necessary circuits will operate. Under voltage lockout function (UVLO), thermal shutdown function, current limit function, and automatic recovery type short-circuit protection function are prepared in the S-85S1P Series, and each protection function will carry out detection operation for a certain amount of time from when the high side power MOS FET turns on under light load. It is thus able to realize ultra low current consumption. When under heavy load, the IC changes to continuous mode as a result of the fact that the high side power MOS FET and low side power MOS FET turn on continuously, so all the IC, including the protection circuits, will operate. 1. 4 EN pin This pin starts and stops switching operation. When the EN pin is set to "L", the operation of all internal circuits, including the high side power MOS FET, is stopped, reducing current consumption. Current consumption increases when a voltage of 0.3 V to VIN - 0.3 V is applied to the EN pin. When not using the EN pin, connect it to the VIN pin. Since the EN pin is neither pulled down nor pulled up internally, do not use it in the floating status. The structure of the EN pin is shown in Figure 3. Table 8 EN Pin Internal Circuit VOUT Pin Voltage VOUT*1 "H" Enable (normal operation) "L" Disable (standby) "High-Z" *1. Refer to *2 in Table 6 in " Electrical Characteristics". VIN EN VSS Figure 3 9 SUPPLY VOLTAGE DIVIDED OUTPUT, 5.5 V INPUT, 200 mA SYNCHRONOUS STEP-DOWN SWITCHING REGULATOR WITH 260 nA QUIESCENT CURRENT Rev.1.5_01 S-85S1P Series 1. 5 Under voltage lockout function (UVLO) The S-85S1P Series has a built-in UVLO circuit to prevent the IC from malfunctioning due to a transient status at power-on or a momentary drop in the supply voltage. When UVLO status is detected, the high side power MOS FET and low side power MOS FET will turn off, and the SW pin will change to "High-Z". For this reason, switching operation will stop. The soft-start function is reset if UVLO status is detected once, and is restarted by releasing the UVLO status. Note that the other internal circuits operate normally and the status is different from the disabled status. Also, there is a hysteresis width for avoiding malfunctions due to generation of noise etc. in the input voltage. 1. 6 Thermal shutdown function The S-85S1P Series has a built-in thermal shutdown circuit to limit overheating. When the junction temperature increases to 135C typ., the thermal shutdown circuit becomes the detection status, and the switching operation is stopped. When the junction temperature decreases to 115C typ., the thermal shutdown circuit becomes the release status, and the switching operation is restarted. If the thermal shutdown circuit becomes the detection status due to self-heating, the switching operation is stopped and output voltage (VOUT) decreases. For this reason, the self-heating is limited and the temperature of the IC decreases. The thermal shutdown circuit becomes release status when the temperature of the IC decreases, and the switching operation is restarted, thus the self-heating is generated again. Repeating this procedure makes the waveform of VOUT into a pulse-like form. Switching operation stopping and starting can be stopped by either setting the EN pin to "L", lowering the output current (IOUT) to reduce internal power consumption, or decreasing the ambient temperature. Table 9 Thermal Shutdown Circuit Release: 115C typ.*1 Detection: 135C typ.*1 *1. Junction temperature 1. 7 VOUT Pin Voltage VOUT "High-Z" Overcurrent protection function The S-85S1P Series has a built-in current limit circuit. The overcurrent protection circuit monitors the current that flows through the low side power MOS FET and limits current to prevent thermal destruction of the IC due to an overload, magnetic saturation in the inductor, etc. When a current exceeding the current limit (ILIM) flows through the low side power MOS FET, the current limit circuit operates and prohibits turning on the high side power MOS FET until the current falls below the low side current limit (ILIMDET). If the value of the current that flows through the low side power MOS FET falls to the ILIMDET or lower, the S-85S1P Series returns to normal operation. ILIMDET is fixed at 270 mA typ. in the IC, and ILIM will vary depending on the external parts to be used. The relation between ILIM, the inductor value (L), the input voltage (VIN), and the output voltage (VOUT) are shown in the following expression. ILIM = ILIMDET + 10 1 (VIN - VOUT) x VOUT x VIN 2 x L x fSW SUPPLY VOLTAGE DIVIDED OUTPUT, 5.5 V INPUT, 200 mA SYNCHRONOUS STEP-DOWN SWITCHING REGULATOR WITH 260 nA QUIESCENT CURRENT Rev.1.5_01 S-85S1P Series 1. 8 Automatic recovery type short-circuit protection function (Hiccup control) The S-85S1P Series has a built-in automatic recovery type short-circuit protection function for Hiccup control. Hiccup control is a method for periodically carrying out automatic recovery when the IC detects overcurrent and stops the switching operation. 1. 8. 1 When over load status is released <1> Overcurrent detection <2> Under voltage protection circuit (UVP circuit) detects a drop in the output voltage (VOUT). <3> 220 s elapse <4> Switching operation stop (for 9 ms typ.) <5> Overload status release <6> The IC restarts, soft-start function starts. In this case, it is unnecessary to input an external reset signal for restart. <7> VOUT reaches VOUT(S) after 1.0 ms typ. elapses. <1> Overload status <5> Normal load status ILIMDET = 270 mA typ. *1 IL IOUT = 200 mA max. 0A VSW 0V VOUT(S) VOUT VUVP typ. 0V <3> <7> 220 s 9.0 ms typ. 1.0 ms typ. <2> <4> <6> *1. Inductor current Figure 4 1. 8. 2 <1> <2> <3> <4> <5> <6> <1> When over load status continues Overcurrent detection The UVP circuit detects a drop in VOUT. 220 s elapse Switching operation stop (for 9 ms typ.) The IC restarts, soft-start function starts. The status returns to <2> when over load status continues after 1.25 ms typ. elapses. Overload status ILIMDET = 270 mA typ. *1 IL IOUT = 200 mA max. 0A VSW 0V VOUT(S) VOUT VUVP typ. <3> <6> <3> 220 s 9.0 ms typ. 1.25 ms typ. 220 s <2> <4> <5> <2> <4> 0V 9.0 ms typ. *1. Inductor current Figure 5 11 SUPPLY VOLTAGE DIVIDED OUTPUT, 5.5 V INPUT, 200 mA SYNCHRONOUS STEP-DOWN SWITCHING REGULATOR WITH 260 nA QUIESCENT CURRENT Rev.1.5_01 S-85S1P Series 1. 9 Pre-bias compatible soft-start function The S-85S1P Series has a built-in pre-bias compatible soft-start circuit. If the pre-bias compatible soft-start circuit starts when electrical charge remains in the output voltage (VOUT) as a result of power supply restart, etc., or when VOUT is biased beforehand (pre-bias status), switching operation is stopped until the soft-start voltage exceeds the internal feedback voltage, and then VOUT is maintained. If the soft-start voltage exceeds the internal feedback voltage, switching operation will restart and VOUT will rise to the output voltage setting value (VOUT(S)). This allows VOUT(S) to be reached without lowering the pre-biased VOUT. In soft-start circuits which are not pre-bias compatible, a large current flows as a result of the discharge of the residual electric charge through the low side power MOS FET when switching operation starts, which could cause damage, however in a pre-bias compatible soft-start circuit, the IC is protected from the large current when switching operation starts, and it makes power supply design for the application circuit simpler. In the S-85S1P Series, VOUT reaches VOUT(S) gradually due to the soft-start circuit. In the following cases, rush current and VOUT overshoot are reduced. * At power-on * When the EN pin changes from "L" to "H". * When UVLO operation is released. * When thermal shutdown is released. * At short-circuit recovery In addition, the soft-start circuit operates under the following conditions. The soft-start circuit starts operating after "H" is input to the EN pin and the soft-start wait time (tSSW ) = 1.5 ms typ. elapses. The soft-start time (tSS) is set to 1.0 ms typ. * At power supply restart (the IC restart) * At UVLO detection (after UVLO release) * At thermal shutdown detection (after thermal shutdown release) * After Hiccup control Soft-start wait time (tSSW) Soft-start time (tSS) Soft-start operation during pre-bias VEN VOUT VSW Figure 6 12 SUPPLY VOLTAGE DIVIDED OUTPUT, 5.5 V INPUT, 200 mA SYNCHRONOUS STEP-DOWN SWITCHING REGULATOR WITH 260 nA QUIESCENT CURRENT Rev.1.5_01 S-85S1P Series 2. Supply voltage divider block The supply voltage divided output is a function that divides the input voltage (VIN) of the DC-DC converter into VIN/2 or VIN/3 and outputs the voltage. For example, the microcontroller can monitor battery voltage by inputting the output voltage (VPMOUT) to the A/D converter in the microcontroller. Connecting the IC and the microcontroller makes it possible that it is used as a remained battery capacity monitor for lithium-ion rechargeable batteries, coin batteries, and other batteries. VIN is divided into VIN/2 in S-85S1PCxx, and VIN/3 in S-85S1PDxx. Low output impedance is realized since the buffer amp in the supply voltage divider block constitutes a voltage follower. Each the supply voltage divider block and DC-DC converter block operate independently. When the PMEN pin is "L" and the supply voltage divider block is in standby status, the electrical charge in the output capacitor connected to the PMOUT pin is discharged by an impedance of approximately 2.8 k. 2. 1 Basic operation Figure 7 shows the block diagram of the supply voltage divider block to describe basic operation. Reference voltage (Vrefpm) is generated by dividing the input voltage (VIN) to VIN/2 or VIN/3 using the dividing resistance (Rpm1 and Rpm2). Since the buffer amplifier constitutes a voltage follower, it can perform the feedback control so that VPMOUT and Vrefpm are the same. Low output impedance is realized by the buffer amplifier, while outputting VPMOUT according to VIN. When "L" is input to the PMEN pin the current which flows to Rpm1 and Rpm2 and the current which flows to the buffer amplifier can be stopped. The buffer amplifier output is pulled down to VSS by the built-in N-channel transistor, and VPMOUT is set to the VSS level. The difference, the output offset voltage (VPOF), is generated between VPMOUT and VPMOUT(S), and it is expressed with VPMOUT = VPMOUT(S) + VPOF. In addition, VPMOUT will change slightly according to the load current, and the value of change is expressed as the output impedance (RPS). VIN SW Rpm1 Vrefpm Buffer amplifier + - Rpm2 PMEN VSS PMOUT Supply voltage divided output enable circuit Figure 7 13 SUPPLY VOLTAGE DIVIDED OUTPUT, 5.5 V INPUT, 200 mA SYNCHRONOUS STEP-DOWN SWITCHING REGULATOR WITH 260 nA QUIESCENT CURRENT Rev.1.5_01 S-85S1P Series 2. 2 PMEN pin The PMEN pin controls the supply voltage divided output enable circuit. When "H" is input to the PMEN pin, the supply voltage divided output enable circuit operates. This enables the supply voltage divided output and allows for monitoring of the power supply voltage. When "L" is input to the PMEN pin, the supply voltage divided output enable circuit stops. This disables the supply voltage divided output, reducing the IC current consumption. In addition, the PMEN pin has absolutely no effect on the operation of the DC-DC converter block. Table 10 PMEN Pin "H" "L" *1. Supply Voltage Divided Output Enable (normal operation) Disable (standby) Output Voltage (VPMOUT) VPMOUT*1 VSS level Refer to *1 in Table 7 in " Electrical Characteristics". Figure 8 shows the internal equivalent circuit structure in relation to the PMEN pin. The PMEN pin is neither pulled up nor pulled down, so do not use it in the floating status. When not using the PMEN pin, connect it to the VIN pin. Note that the current consumption increases when a voltage of 0.25 V to VIN - 0.3 V is applied to the PMEN pin. VIN PMEN VSS Figure 8 14 SUPPLY VOLTAGE DIVIDED OUTPUT, 5.5 V INPUT, 200 mA SYNCHRONOUS STEP-DOWN SWITCHING REGULATOR WITH 260 nA QUIESCENT CURRENT Rev.1.5_01 S-85S1P Series 2. 3 PMEN pin voltage and output voltage (VPMOUT) Figure 9 shows the relation between the PMEN pin voltage and the supply voltage divided output. When "H" is input to the PMEN pin, the supply voltage divided output is enabled. Once set-up time (tPU) = 10 ms *1 max. elapses, the output voltage (VPMOUT) will settle and the power supply voltage can be monitored. When "L" is input to the PMEN pin, the supply voltage divided output is disabled. VPMOUT is set to the VSS level by the built-in N-channel transistor. By inputting "H" and "L" alternately to the PMEN pin, allowing for minimization of current consumption during the period when the power supply voltage is not monitored. *1. Ta = +25C, VIN = 3.6 V, CPM = 0.22 F, no load Active "H" VPMEN tPU tPU VPMOUT(S) + VPOF VPMOUT(S) + VPOF VPMOUT Figure 9 Remark VPMEN = VIN VSS 15 SUPPLY VOLTAGE DIVIDED OUTPUT, 5.5 V INPUT, 200 mA SYNCHRONOUS STEP-DOWN SWITCHING REGULATOR WITH 260 nA QUIESCENT CURRENT Rev.1.5_01 S-85S1P Series Typical Application Figure 10 shows the circuit diagram of the typical application in the S-85S1P Series, and Figure 11 shows the timing chart. As shown in Figure 10, connect the PMOUT pin to an analog input pin (AIN pin) of the A/D converter in the microcontroller. The microcontroller can monitor the battery voltage by inputting the output voltage (VPMOUT) to the A/D converter. The input voltage from the battery is converted to output voltage by the switching operation, and the microcontroller starts driving with the voltage. The supply voltage divided output can be controlled by inputting "H" and "L" signals output from the microcontroller I/O pin to the PMEN pin. Control the supply voltage divided output according to the A/D converter operation timing. When inputting "H" to the PMEN pin, the microcontroller monitors the battery voltage. The IC current consumption can be minimized by inputting "L" to the PMEN pin when battery voltage is not monitored. Microcontroller S-85S1P Series L VOUT EN Battery CIN VDD SW VIN PMEN PMOUT PVSS VSS COUT AIN I/O CPM Figure 10 Active "H" VPMEN tPU tPU VPMOUT(S) + VPOF VPMOUT Voltage monitoring timing Figure 11 16 A/D converter tPU VSS SUPPLY VOLTAGE DIVIDED OUTPUT, 5.5 V INPUT, 200 mA SYNCHRONOUS STEP-DOWN SWITCHING REGULATOR WITH 260 nA QUIESCENT CURRENT Rev.1.5_01 S-85S1P Series Typical Circuit VIN VOUT SW CIN 10 F - + + SW SS L VIN VOUT 2.2 H - + + - EN COUT 10 F PVSS UVLO VIN PMEN + - CPM 0.22 F VSS Figure 12 Caution The above connection diagram and constants will not guarantee successful operation. Perform thorough evaluation using an actual application to set the constants. 17 SUPPLY VOLTAGE DIVIDED OUTPUT, 5.5 V INPUT, 200 mA SYNCHRONOUS STEP-DOWN SWITCHING REGULATOR WITH 260 nA QUIESCENT CURRENT Rev.1.5_01 S-85S1P Series External Parts Selection Selectable values and recommended values for external parts are shown in Table 11. Use ceramic capacitors for CIN and COUT. Table 11 Item Selectable value Recommended value 1. Input Capacitor (CIN) 2.2 F or larger 10 F Output Capacitor (COUT) 4.7 F to 100 F 10 F Inductor (L) Supply Voltage Divider Block Output Capacitor (CPM) 1.5 H to 10 H 2.2 H 0.10 F to 0.22 F - DC-DC converter block input capacitor (CIN) CIN can lower the power supply impedance, average the input current, improve the efficiency and noise tolerance. Select a capacitor according to the impedance of the power supply to be used. Also take into consideration the DC bias characteristics of the capacitor to be used. 2. DC-DC converter block output capacitor (COUT) COUT is used to smooth output voltage. If the capacitance is large, the overshoot and undershoot during load transient and output ripple voltage can be improved even more. Select a proper capacitor after the sufficient evaluation under actual conditions. Table 12 Recommended Capacitors (CIN, COUT) List (at VOUT(S) 3.3 V) Manufacturer Part Number Capacitance Withstanding Voltage Dimensions (L x W x H) Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd. TDK Corporation Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd. GRM155R60J106ME15 C1608X5R0J106K080AB GRM185R60J106ME15 10 F 10 F 10 F 6.3 V 6.3 V 6.3 V 1.0 mm x 0.5 mm x 0.5 mm 1.6 mm x 0.8 mm x 0.8 mm 1.6 mm x 0.8 mm x 0.5 mm Table 13 Recommended Capacitors (CIN, COUT) List (at VOUT(S) > 3.3 V) Manufacturer Part Number Capacitance Withstanding Voltage Dimensions (L x W x H) TDK Corporation Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd. C1608X5R0J106K080AB GRM185R60J106ME15 10 F 10 F 6.3 V 6.3 V 1.6 mm x 0.8 mm x 0.8 mm 1.6 mm x 0.8 mm x 0.5 mm 3. DC-DC converter block inductor (L) When selecting L, note the allowable current. If a current exceeding this allowable current flows through the inductor, magnetic saturation may occur, and there may be risks which substantially lower efficiency and damage the IC as a result of large current. Therefore, select an inductor so that peak current value (IPK), even during overcurrent detection, does not exceed the allowable current. When prioritizing the load response, select an inductor with a small L value such as 2.2 H. When prioritizing the efficiency, select an inductor with a large L value such as 10 H. IPK is calculated using the following expression. IPK = IOUT + 1 (VIN - VOUT) x VOUT x VIN 2 x L x fSW Table 14 Recommended Inductors (L) List Manufacturer Part Number Inductance ALPS ELECTRIC CO., LTD. Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Wurth Elektronik GmbH & Co. KG Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd. TDK Corporation Coilcraft, Inc. GLUHK2R201A DFE201210S-2R2M=P2 74438343022 LQM2MPN2R2MGH MLP2016G2R2M PFL2015-222ME 2.2 H 2.2 H 2.2 H 2.2 H 2.2 H 2.2 H 18 Rated Current 1700 mA 2000 mA 1100 mA 1300 mA 850 mA 1050 mA Dimensions (L x W x H) 2.0 mm x 1.6 mm x 1.0 mm 2.0 mm x 1.2 mm x 1.0 mm 2.0 mm x 1.6 mm x 1.0 mm 2.0 mm x 1.6 mm x 0.9 mm 2.0 mm x 1.6 mm x 1.0 mm 2.2 mm x 1.45 mm x 1.5 mm SUPPLY VOLTAGE DIVIDED OUTPUT, 5.5 V INPUT, 200 mA SYNCHRONOUS STEP-DOWN SWITCHING REGULATOR WITH 260 nA QUIESCENT CURRENT Rev.1.5_01 S-85S1P Series 4. Supply voltage divider block output capacitor (CPM) When selecting CPM, take into consideration the operation stability. If the capacitance is large, the rising time until VPMOUT reaches the intended voltage (set-up time (tPU)) will be longer. Table 15 Recommended Capacitors (CPM) List Manufacturer Part Number Capacitance Withstanding Voltage Dimensions (L x W x H) TDK Corporation TDK Corporation Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd. CGA2B2X5R1A104M050BA C0603X5R0J224M030BB GRM033R60J104ME19 GRM033R60J224ME90 0.10 F 0.22 F 0.10 F 0.22 F 6.3 V 6.3 V 6.3 V 6.3 V 1.0 mm x 0.5 mm x 0.5 mm 0.6 mm x 0.3 mm x 0.3 mm 0.6 mm x 0.3 mm x 0.3 mm 0.6 mm x 0.3 mm x 0.3 mm 19 SUPPLY VOLTAGE DIVIDED OUTPUT, 5.5 V INPUT, 200 mA SYNCHRONOUS STEP-DOWN SWITCHING REGULATOR WITH 260 nA QUIESCENT CURRENT Rev.1.5_01 S-85S1P Series Board Layout Guidelines Note the following cautions when determining the board layout for the S-85S1P Series. * Place CIN as close to the VIN pin and the PVSS pin as possible. * Make the VIN pattern and GND pattern as wide as possible. * Place thermal vias in the GND pattern to ensure sufficient heat dissipation. * Keep thermal vias near CIN and COUT approximately 3 mm to 4 mm away from capacitor pins. * Large current flows through the SW pin. Make the wiring area of the pattern to be connected to the SW pin small to minimize parasitic capacitance and emission noise. * Do not wire the SW pin pattern under the IC. Total size: 5.7 mm x 2.4 mm = 13.7 mm2 Figure 13 Reference Board Pattern Caution The above pattern diagram does not guarantee successful operation. Perform thorough evaluation using the actual application to determine the pattern. Remark 20 Refer to the land drawing of SNT-8A and "SNT Package User's Guide". SUPPLY VOLTAGE DIVIDED OUTPUT, 5.5 V INPUT, 200 mA SYNCHRONOUS STEP-DOWN SWITCHING REGULATOR WITH 260 nA QUIESCENT CURRENT Rev.1.5_01 S-85S1P Series Precautions * Mount external capacitors and inductors as close as possible to the IC, and make single GND. * Characteristic ripple voltage and spike noise occur in the IC containing switching regulators. Moreover rush current flows at the time of a power supply injection. Because these largely depend on the inductor, the capacitor and impedance of power supply to be used, fully check them using an actually mounted model. * The 10 F capacitor connected between the VIN pin and the VSS pin is a bypass capacitor. It stabilizes the power supply in the IC when application is used with a heavy load, and thus effectively works for stable switching regulator operation. Allocate the bypass capacitor as close to the IC as possible, prioritized over other parts. * Although the IC contains a static electricity protection circuit, static electricity or voltage that exceeds the limit of the protection circuit should not be applied. * The power dissipation of the IC greatly varies depending on the size and material of the board to be connected. Perform sufficient evaluation using an actual application before designing. * ABLIC Inc. assumes no responsibility for the way in which this IC is used on products created using this IC or for the specifications of that product, nor does ABLIC Inc. assume any responsibility for any infringement of patents or copyrights by products that include this IC either in Japan or in other countries. 21 SUPPLY VOLTAGE DIVIDED OUTPUT, 5.5 V INPUT, 200 mA SYNCHRONOUS STEP-DOWN SWITCHING REGULATOR WITH 260 nA QUIESCENT CURRENT Rev.1.5_01 S-85S1P Series Characteristics (Typical Data) 1. Example of major power supply dependence characteristics (Ta = +25C) DC-DC converter block Current consumption during switching off (ISS1) vs. Input voltage (VIN) 1. 2 100 400 80 300 200 100 40 0 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 VIN [V] 4.5 5.0 5.5 1. 3 Output voltage (VOUT) vs. Input voltage (VIN) VOUT(S) = 1.2 V 1.230 2.0 1. 4 1.220 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 VIN [V] 4.5 5.0 5.5 Output voltage (VOUT) vs. Input voltage (VIN) VOUT(S) = 1.8 V 1.840 1.820 VOUT [V] 1.210 1.200 1.190 1.800 1.780 1.180 1.170 60 20 0 VOUT [V] Current consumption during shutdown (ISSS) vs. Input voltage (VIN) 500 ISSS [nA] ISS1 [nA] 1. 1 1.760 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 VIN [V] 4.5 5.0 5.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 VIN [V] 4.5 5.0 5.5 1. 5 Output voltage (VOUT) vs. Input voltage (VIN) VOUT(S) = 2.5 V 2.600 VOUT [V] 2.400 2.200 2.000 1.800 2.0 1. 6 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 VIN [V] 4.5 5.0 5.5 ON time (tON) vs. Input voltage (VIN) VOUT(S) = 1.8 V 1.0 1. 7 fSW [MHz] tON [s] 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.0 2.0 22 Switching frequency (fSW) vs. Input voltage (VIN) VOUT(S) = 1.8 V 1.4 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 VIN [V] 4.5 5.0 5.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 VIN [V] 4.5 5.0 5.5 SUPPLY VOLTAGE DIVIDED OUTPUT, 5.5 V INPUT, 200 mA SYNCHRONOUS STEP-DOWN SWITCHING REGULATOR WITH 260 nA QUIESCENT CURRENT Rev.1.5_01 S-85S1P Series Soft-start wait time (tSSW) vs. Input voltage (VIN) 1. 9 2.50 2.00 2.00 1.50 1.00 0.50 3.0 3.5 4.0 VIN [V] 4.5 5.0 5.5 2.0 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 RHFET [m] RHFET [m] 2.5 High side power MOS FET on-resistance (RHFET) 1. 11 vs. Input voltage (VIN) 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 VIN [V] 4.5 5.0 2.0 80 ILSW [nA] 80 20 4.5 5.0 5.5 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 VIN [V] 4.5 5.0 5.5 60 40 20 0 0 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 VIN [V] 4.5 5.0 5.5 1. 14 High level input voltage (VSH) vs. Input voltage (VIN) 2.0 1.0 1.0 0.8 0.8 VSL [V] 1.2 0.6 0.4 0.2 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 VIN [V] 4.5 5.0 5.5 1. 15 Low level input voltage (VSL) vs. Input voltage (VIN) 1.2 0.0 3.5 4.0 VIN [V] 1. 13 Low side power MOS FET leakage current (ILSW) vs. Input voltage (VIN) 100 40 3.0 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 100 60 2.5 Low side power MOS FET on-resistance (RLFET) vs. Input voltage (VIN) 5.5 1. 12 High side power MOS FET leakage current (IHSW) vs. Input voltage (VIN) IHSW [nA] 1.00 0.00 2.0 1. 10 1.50 0.50 0.00 VSH [V] Soft-start time (tSS) vs. Input voltage (VIN) 2.50 tSS [ms] tSSW [ms] 1. 8 0.6 0.4 0.2 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 VIN [V] 4.5 5.0 5.5 0.0 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 VIN [V] 4.5 5.0 5.5 23 SUPPLY VOLTAGE DIVIDED OUTPUT, 5.5 V INPUT, 200 mA SYNCHRONOUS STEP-DOWN SWITCHING REGULATOR WITH 260 nA QUIESCENT CURRENT Rev.1.5_01 S-85S1P Series Supply voltage divider block 1. 16 Output voltage (VPMOUT) vs. Input voltage (VIN) 1. 17 Output voltage (VPMOUT) vs. Input voltage (VIN) VPMOUT(S) = VIN/3 3.0 2.5 2.5 VPMOUT [V] VPMOUT [V] VPMOUT(S) = VIN/2 3.0 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 1. 18 1.0 0.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 VIN [V] Current consumption during operation (ISS1P) vs. Input voltage (VIN) 20 VPOF [mV] 800 ISS1P [nA] 40 600 400 1. 20 10 1. 21 VPMOUT(S) = VIN/2, CPM = 0.22 F tPU [ms] tPU [ms] 6 4 Set-up time (tPU) vs. Input voltage (VIN) VPMOUT(S) = VIN/3, CPM = 0.22 F 6 4 2 0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 VIN [V] PMEN pin input voltage "H" (VPSH) vs. Input voltage (VIN) 1. 23 1.0 0.8 0.8 VPSL [V] 1.2 1.0 0.6 0.4 0.2 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 VIN [V] PMEN pin input voltage "L" (VPSL) vs. Input voltage (VIN) 1.2 0.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 VIN [V] 8 2 1. 22 -20 10 8 0 0 -40 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 VIN [V] Set-up time (tPU) vs. Input voltage (VIN) 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 VIN [V] 1. 19 Output offset voltage (VPOF) vs. Input voltage (VIN) 1000 0 VPSH [V] 1.5 0.5 200 24 2.0 0.6 0.4 0.2 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 VIN [V] 0.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 VIN [V] SUPPLY VOLTAGE DIVIDED OUTPUT, 5.5 V INPUT, 200 mA SYNCHRONOUS STEP-DOWN SWITCHING REGULATOR WITH 260 nA QUIESCENT CURRENT Rev.1.5_01 S-85S1P Series 2. Example of major temperature characteristics (Ta = -40C to +85C) DC-DC converter block 2. 1 Current consumption during switching off (ISS1) vs. Temperature (Ta) 2. 2 500 200 VDD = 5.5 V VDD = 2.2 V 300 200 VDD = 3.6 V 100 2. 3 -40 -25 150 ISSS [nA] ISS1 [nA] 400 0 Current consumption during shutdown (ISSS) vs. Temperature (Ta) VDD = 2.2 V 100 25 Ta [C] 50 75 85 Output voltage (VOUT) vs. Temperature (Ta) VDD = 5.5 V 50 0 0 VDD = 3.6 V 2. 4 -40 -25 0 25 Ta [C] VOUT(S) = 1.8 V 1.840 1.210 1.200 1.190 VDD = 3.6 V 2. 5 -40 -25 1.800 1.760 0 25 Ta [C] 50 VDD = 5.5 V 1.780 1.180 1.170 VDD = 2.2 V VDD = 3.6 V 1.820 VOUT [V] VOUT [V] VDD = 2.2 V VDD = 5.5 V 75 85 Output voltage (VOUT) vs. Temperature (Ta) VOUT(S) = 1.2 V 1.230 1.220 50 75 85 -40 -25 0 25 Ta [C] 50 75 85 Output voltage (VOUT) vs. Temperature (Ta) VOUT(S) = 2.5 V 2.560 VOUT [V] 2.540 VDD = 5.5 V 2.520 2.500 2.480 VDD = 3.6 V 2.460 2.440 2. 6 40 25 0 25 Ta [C] 50 75 85 ON time (tON) vs. Temperature (Ta) 2. 7 1.2 1.4 0.8 VDD = 3.6 V 0.6 fSW [MHz] tON [s] 1.0 VDD = 2.2 V 0.4 0.2 0.0 Switching frequency (fSW) vs. Temperature (Ta) VDD = 5.5 V -40 -25 0 25 Ta [C] 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 50 75 85 VDD = 3.6 V VDD = 5.5 V -40 -25 0 VDD = 2.2 V 25 Ta [C] 50 75 85 25 SUPPLY VOLTAGE DIVIDED OUTPUT, 5.5 V INPUT, 200 mA SYNCHRONOUS STEP-DOWN SWITCHING REGULATOR WITH 260 nA QUIESCENT CURRENT Rev.1.5_01 S-85S1P Series Soft-start wait time (tSSW) vs. Temperature (Ta) 2.00 2.00 1.50 VDD = 5.5 V 1.00 VDD = 3.6 V 40 25 VDD = 2.2 V 25 Ta [C] 50 RLFET [m] RHFET [m] 2. 11 VDD = 5.5 V 25 0 25 Ta [C] 50 250 200 200 100 50 0 -40 -25 0 25 Ta [C] 50 0.6 0.2 0.0 VDD = 2.2 V -40 -25 VDD = 3.6 V 25 Ta [C] 25 0 VDD = 3.6 V 25 Ta [C] 50 75 85 VDD = 5.5 V VDD = 3.6 V 100 VDD = 2.2 V 50 0 25 Ta [C] 50 75 85 VDD = 5.5 V 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 75 85 -40 -25 1.2 0.0 0 75 85 2. 15 Low level input voltage (VSL) vs. Temperature (Ta) VSL [V] 0.8 0.4 VDD = 5.5 V 150 0 75 85 VDD = 5.5 V 1.0 50 50 2. 14 High level input voltage (VSH) vs. Temperature (Ta) 1.2 25 Ta [C] 2. 13 Low side power MOS FET leakage current (ILSW) vs. Temperature (Ta) 250 VDD = 5.5 V 0 VDD = 2.2 V 40 300 VDD = 3.6 V VDD = 2.2 V 40 25 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 300 150 VDD = 3.6 V VDD = 5.5 V Low side power MOS FET on-resistance (RLFET) vs. Temperature (Ta) 75 85 2. 12 High side power MOS FET leakage current (IHSW) vs. Temperature (Ta) IHSW [nA] 0.50 VDD = 2.2 V 40 1.00 75 85 VDD = 3.6 V VDD = 2.2 V 1.50 0.00 0 2. 10 High side power MOS FET on-resistance (RHFET) vs. Temperature (Ta) 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 tSS [ms] 2.50 0.00 VSH [V] Soft-start time (tSS) vs. Temperature (Ta) 2.50 0.50 26 2. 9 ILSW [nA] tSSW [ms] 2. 8 VDD = 2.2 V 40 25 0 VDD = 3.6 V 25 Ta [C] 50 75 85 SUPPLY VOLTAGE DIVIDED OUTPUT, 5.5 V INPUT, 200 mA SYNCHRONOUS STEP-DOWN SWITCHING REGULATOR WITH 260 nA QUIESCENT CURRENT Rev.1.5_01 S-85S1P Series 2. 17 UVLO release voltage (VUVLO+) vs. Temperature (Ta) 2.2 2.2 2.1 2.1 2.0 2.0 VUVLO [V] VUVLO [V] 2. 16 UVLO detection voltage (VUVLO-) vs. Temperature (Ta) 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.9 1.8 1.7 40 25 0 25 Ta [C] 50 75 85 1.6 40 25 0 25 Ta [C] 50 75 85 27 SUPPLY VOLTAGE DIVIDED OUTPUT, 5.5 V INPUT, 200 mA SYNCHRONOUS STEP-DOWN SWITCHING REGULATOR WITH 260 nA QUIESCENT CURRENT Rev.1.5_01 S-85S1P Series Supply voltage divider block 2. 18 Output voltage (VPMOUT) vs. Temperature (Ta) 2. 19 Output voltage (VPMOUT) vs. Temperature (Ta) VPMOUT(S) = VIN/2 VPMOUT(S) = VIN/3 3.0 2.0 VDD = 5.5 V 2.0 1.5 VDD = 1.5 V VDD = 3.6 V 1.0 VPMOUT [V] VPMOUT [V] 2.5 0.5 0.0 2. 20 -40 -25 25 Ta [C] 50 2. 21 VDD = 5.5 V VDD = 3.6 V -40 -25 VDD = 3.6 V VDD = 1.5 V -40 -25 0 25 Ta [C] 50 2. 23 75 85 VDD = 5.5 V VDD = 1.5 V -40 -25 0 VDD = 3.6 V 25 Ta [C] 50 75 85 Set-up time (tPU) vs. Temperature (Ta) VPMOUT(S) = VIN/2, CPM = 0.22 F VPMOUT(S) = VIN/3, CPM = 0.22 F 10 10 VDD = 3.6 V 6 4 VDD = 1.5 V -40 -25 VDD = 5.5 V VDD = 3.6 V 8 VDD = 5.5 V tPU [ms] 8 tPU [ms] 50 0 -40 75 85 2. 22 Set-up time (tPU) vs. Temperature (Ta) 0 25 Ta [C] Output offset voltage (VPOF) vs. Temperature (Ta) -20 200 2 0 20 VPOF [V] ISS1P [nA] VDD = 1.5 V 40 800 0 VDD = 5.5 V 0.5 75 85 1000 400 1.0 0.0 0 Current consumption during operation (ISS1P) vs. Temperature (Ta) 600 1.5 6 VDD = 1.5 V 4 2 0 25 Ta [C] 50 0 75 85 -40 -25 0 25 Ta [C] 50 75 85 2. 24 PMEN pin input voltage (VPSH) vs. Temperature (Ta) 2. 25 PMEN pin input voltage (VPSL) vs. Temperature (Ta) 1.2 1.2 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 28 VDD = 3.6 V VDD = 5.5 V 1.0 VPSL [V] VPSH [V] 1.0 VDD = 1.5 V -40 -25 0 50 75 85 VDD = 5.5 V 0.6 0.4 0.2 25 Ta [C] VDD = 3.6 V 0.8 0.0 VDD = 1.5 V -40 -25 0 25 Ta [C] 50 75 85 SUPPLY VOLTAGE DIVIDED OUTPUT, 5.5 V INPUT, 200 mA SYNCHRONOUS STEP-DOWN SWITCHING REGULATOR WITH 260 nA QUIESCENT CURRENT Rev.1.5_01 S-85S1P Series Transient response characteristics The external parts shown in Table 16 are used in "3. Transient response characteristics". Table 16 Element Name Inductor Input capacitor Output capacitor Part Number GLUHK2R201A C1608X5R0J106K080AB C1608X5R0J106K080AB Power-on (VOUT = 1.8 V, VIN = 0 V 3.6 V, Ta = +25C) VIN VOUT IL 4 3. 1. 2 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 IOUT = 200 mA 5 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 100 VIN VOUT IL 0 1 2 3 Time [ms] 4 IL [mA] 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 100 VIN [V], VOUT [V] 3. 1. 1 IOUT = 0.1 mA 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 Time [ms] 3. 2 Manufacturer ALPS ELECTRIC CO., LTD. TDK Corporation TDK Corporation IL [mA] VIN [V], VOUT [V] 3. 1 Constant 2.2 H 10 F 10 F 5 Transient response characteristics of EN pin VOUT IL 1 2 3 Time [ms] 4 IOUT = 200 mA 5 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 100 VEN VOUT IL [mA] VEN 3. 2. 2 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 IL 0 1 2 3 Time [ms] 4 5 Power supply fluctuation (VOUT = 1.8 V, Ta = +25C) IOUT = 0.1 mA 5 3. 3. 2 VIN = 3.6 V 4.2 V 3.6 V 2.10 5 2.00 4 4 VIN 3 VOUT 2 1 0 10 20 30 Time [ms] 40 50 1.90 IOUT = 200 mA VIN = 3.6 V 4.2 V 3.6 V 2.10 2.00 VIN 1.90 3 1.80 2 1.70 1 VOUT VOUT [V] 3. 3. 1 VIN [V] 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 100 VIN [V] 3. 3 IOUT = 0.1 mA VEN [V], VOUT [V] 3. 2. 1 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 0 IL [mA] VEN [V], VOUT [V] (VOUT = 1.8 V, VIN = 3.6 V, VEN = 0 V 3.6 V, Ta = +25C) VOUT [V] 3. 1.80 1.70 0 10 20 30 Time [ms] 40 50 29 SUPPLY VOLTAGE DIVIDED OUTPUT, 5.5 V INPUT, 200 mA SYNCHRONOUS STEP-DOWN SWITCHING REGULATOR WITH 260 nA QUIESCENT CURRENT Rev.1.5_01 S-85S1P Series Load fluctuation (VOUT = 1.8 V, VIN = 3.6 V, Ta = +25C) IOUT [mA] 20 10 IOUT 0 10 30 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Time [ms] 0.8 3. 4. 2 300 1.95 200 1.90 100 1.85 1.80 VOUT 20 2.00 1.75 1.70 1.0 IOUT = 0.1 mA 200 mA 0.1 mA 2.00 1.95 IOUT 0 100 1.90 1.85 1.80 VOUT 1.75 200 300 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Time [ms] 0.8 VOUT [V] IOUT = 0.1 mA 10 mA 0.1 mA IOUT [mA] 3. 4. 1 30 VOUT [V] 3. 4 1.70 1.0 Reference Data The external parts shown in Table 17 are used in " Reference Data". Table 17 Condition <1> <2> Input Capacitor (CIN) C1005X5R0J106M050BC (10 F) TDK Corporation C1005X5R0J106M050BC (10 F) TDK Corporation [%] 1. 1 Efficiency () vs. Output current (IOUT) 1. 2 1.5 80 1.4 60 40 0 0.001 VIN = 3.6 V VIN = 5.5 V VIN = 5.5 V 1.3 1.2 1.1 0.01 0.1 1 IOUT [mA] 10 1.0 0.001 100 VIN = 3.6 V 0.01 0.1 1 IOUT [mA] 10 100 VOUT = 1.8 V (External parts: Condition<1>) Efficiency () vs. Output current (IOUT) 2. 2 Output voltage (VOUT) vs. Output current (IOUT) 100 2.0 80 1.9 60 40 VOUT [V] [%] 2. 1 VIN = 3.6 V VIN = 5.5 V 20 0 0.001 30 Output voltage (VOUT) vs. Output current (IOUT) 100 20 2. Output Capacitor (COUT) C1005X5R0J106M050BC (10 F) TDK Corporation C1005X5R0J106M050BC (10 F) TDK Corporation VOUT = 1.2 V (External parts: Condition<1>) VOUT [V] 1. Inductor (L) GLUHK2R201A (2.2 H) ALPS ELECTRIC CO., LTD DFE201210S (2.2 H) Toko Ink. VIN = 5.5 V 1.8 1.7 VIN = 3.6 V 1.6 0.01 0.1 1 IOUT [mA] 10 100 1.5 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 IOUT [mA] 10 100 SUPPLY VOLTAGE DIVIDED OUTPUT, 5.5 V INPUT, 200 mA SYNCHRONOUS STEP-DOWN SWITCHING REGULATOR WITH 260 nA QUIESCENT CURRENT Rev.1.5_01 S-85S1P Series VOUT = 1.2 V (External parts: Condition<2>) [%] 3. 1 Efficiency () vs. Output current (IOUT) 3. 2 1.5 80 1.4 60 40 VIN = 3.6 V VIN = 5.5 V 20 0 0.001 VIN = 5.5 V 1.3 1.2 1.1 0.01 0.1 1 IOUT [mA] 10 1.0 0.001 100 VIN = 3.6 V 0.01 0.1 1 IOUT [mA] 10 100 VOUT = 1.8 V (External parts: Condition<2>) Efficiency () vs. Output current (IOUT) 4. 2 Output voltage (VOUT) vs. Output current (IOUT) 100 2.0 80 1.9 60 40 VOUT [V] 4. 1 [%] 4. Output voltage (VOUT) vs. Output current (IOUT) 100 VOUT [V] 3. VIN = 3.6 V VIN = 5.5 V 20 0 0.001 VIN = 5.5 V 1.8 1.7 VIN = 3.6 V 1.6 0.01 0.1 1 IOUT [mA] 10 100 1.5 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 IOUT [mA] 10 100 31 SUPPLY VOLTAGE DIVIDED OUTPUT, 5.5 V INPUT, 200 mA SYNCHRONOUS STEP-DOWN SWITCHING REGULATOR WITH 260 nA QUIESCENT CURRENT Rev.1.5_01 S-85S1P Series Power Dissipation SNT-8A Tj = 125C max. Power dissipation (PD) [W] 1.0 0.8 B 0.6 A 0.4 0.2 0.0 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 Ambient temperature (Ta) [C] 32 Board Power Dissipation (PD) A 0.47 W B C 0.58 W - D - E - 175 SNT-8A Test Board ICMountArea (1) Board A Item Size [mm] Material Number of copper foil layer Copper foil layer [mm] 1 2 3 4 Thermal via Specification 114.3 x 76.2 x t1.6 FR-4 2 Land pattern and wiring for testing: t0.070 74.2 x 74.2 x t0.070 - (2) Board B Item Size [mm] Material Number of copper foil layer Copper foil layer [mm] Thermal via 1 2 3 4 Specification 114.3 x 76.2 x t1.6 FR-4 4 Land pattern and wiring for testing: t0.070 74.2 x 74.2 x t0.035 74.2 x 74.2 x t0.035 74.2 x 74.2 x t0.070 - No. SNT8A-A-Board-SD-1.0 ABLIC Inc. 1.970.03 8 7 6 5 3 4 +0.05 1 0.5 2 0.08 -0.02 0.480.02 0.20.05 No. PH008-A-P-SD-2.1 TITLE SNT-8A-A-PKG Dimensions No. PH008-A-P-SD-2.1 ANGLE UNIT mm ABLIC Inc. +0.1 o1.5 -0 2.250.05 4.00.1 2.00.05 o0.50.1 0.250.05 0.650.05 4.00.1 4 321 5 6 78 Feed direction No. PH008-A-C-SD-2.0 TITLE SNT-8A-A-Carrier Tape No. PH008-A-C-SD-2.0 ANGLE UNIT mm ABLIC Inc. 12.5max. 9.00.3 Enlarged drawing in the central part o130.2 (60) (60) No. PH008-A-R-SD-1.0 TITLE SNT-8A-A-Reel No. PH008-A-R-SD-1.0 QTY. ANGLE UNIT mm ABLIC Inc. 5,000 0.52 2.01 2 0.52 0.2 0.3 1. 2. 1 (0.25 mm min. / 0.30 mm typ.) (1.96 mm ~ 2.06 mm) 1. 2. 3. 4. 0.03 mm SNT 1. Pay attention to the land pattern width (0.25 mm min. / 0.30 mm typ.). 2. Do not widen the land pattern to the center of the package (1.96 mm to 2.06mm). Caution 1. Do not do silkscreen printing and solder printing under the mold resin of the package. 2. The thickness of the solder resist on the wire pattern under the package should be 0.03 mm or less from the land pattern surface. 3. Match the mask aperture size and aperture position with the land pattern. 4. Refer to "SNT Package User's Guide" for details. 1. 2. (0.25 mm min. / 0.30 mm typ.) (1.96 mm ~ 2.06 mm) TITLE No. PH008-A-L-SD-4.1 SNT-8A-A -Land Recommendation PH008-A-L-SD-4.1 No. ANGLE UNIT mm ABLIC Inc. Disclaimers (Handling Precautions) 1. All the information described herein (product data, specifications, figures, tables, programs, algorithms and application circuit examples, etc.) is current as of publishing date of this document and is subject to change without notice. 2. The circuit examples and the usages described herein are for reference only, and do not guarantee the success of any specific mass-production design. ABLIC Inc. is not responsible for damages caused by the reasons other than the products described herein (hereinafter "the products") or infringement of third-party intellectual property right and any other right due to the use of the information described herein. 3. ABLIC Inc. is not responsible for damages caused by the incorrect information described herein. 4. Be careful to use the products within their specified ranges. Pay special attention to the absolute maximum ratings, operation voltage range and electrical characteristics, etc. ABLIC Inc. is not responsible for damages caused by failures and / or accidents, etc. that occur due to the use of the products outside their specified ranges. 5. When using the products, confirm their applications, and the laws and regulations of the region or country where they are used and verify suitability, safety and other factors for the intended use. 6. When exporting the products, comply with the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act and all other export-related laws, and follow the required procedures. 7. The products must not be used or provided (exported) for the purposes of the development of weapons of mass destruction or military use. ABLIC Inc. is not responsible for any provision (export) to those whose purpose is to develop, manufacture, use or store nuclear, biological or chemical weapons, missiles, or other military use. 8. The products are not designed to be used as part of any device or equipment that may affect the human body, human life, or assets (such as medical equipment, disaster prevention systems, security systems, combustion control systems, infrastructure control systems, vehicle equipment, traffic systems, in-vehicle equipment, aviation equipment, aerospace equipment, and nuclear-related equipment), excluding when specified for in-vehicle use or other uses. Do not apply the products to the above listed devices and equipments without prior written permission by ABLIC Inc. Especially, the products cannot be used for life support devices, devices implanted in the human body and devices that directly affect human life, etc. Prior consultation with our sales office is required when considering the above uses. ABLIC Inc. is not responsible for damages caused by unauthorized or unspecified use of our products. 9. Semiconductor products may fail or malfunction with some probability. The user of the products should therefore take responsibility to give thorough consideration to safety design including redundancy, fire spread prevention measures, and malfunction prevention to prevent accidents causing injury or death, fires and social damage, etc. that may ensue from the products' failure or malfunction. The entire system must be sufficiently evaluated and applied on customer's own responsibility. 10. The products are not designed to be radiation-proof. The necessary radiation measures should be taken in the product design by the customer depending on the intended use. 11. The products do not affect human health under normal use. However, they contain chemical substances and heavy metals and should therefore not be put in the mouth. The fracture surfaces of wafers and chips may be sharp. Be careful when handling these with the bare hands to prevent injuries, etc. 12. When disposing of the products, comply with the laws and ordinances of the country or region where they are used. 13. The information described herein contains copyright information and know-how of ABLIC Inc. The information described herein does not convey any license under any intellectual property rights or any other rights belonging to ABLIC Inc. or a third party. Reproduction or copying of the information from this document or any part of this document described herein for the purpose of disclosing it to a third-party without the express permission of ABLIC Inc. is strictly prohibited. 14. For more details on the information described herein, contact our sales office. 2.2-2018.06 www.ablic.com