AIC1680 Ultra Low Power Voltage Detector FEATURES DESCRIPTION The AIC1680 is an accurate, ultra-low power Ultra-Low Quiescent Current. 1.5V to 10.0V Input Voltage Operation. Flexible Detection Voltage Setting 0.1V Step in the Range of 1.6V to 6.0V consumption voltage detector IC, fabricated with advanced CMOS process. The AIC1680 consists of a comparator, a voltage reference unit, High Detection Voltage Accuracy at 2.5%. Built-In Detection Voltage Hysteresis. Three Output Types: N-ch, P-ch and CMOS. Space Saving Packages: TO-92, SOT-89, SOT-23 and SOT23-5. hysteresis circuit. The consumption current is so low that it can often be ignored when compared to the battery self-discharge current. The values of detection APPLICATIONS a resistor divider, two output drivers, and a and hysteresis voltage are set internally and are Battery Checker for Battery-Operated Systems. CPU & Logic Circuit Reset. Memory Back-up Circuit. Level Discriminator. Power Failure Detector. accurately controlled by trimming techniques. There are three types of output: N-ch opendrain, P-ch open-drain, and CMOS. Four types of package, TO-92, SOT-89, SOT-23 and SOT23-5, are available to save board space. TYPICAL APPLICATION CIRCUIT VIN VDD AIC1680N 100K VOUT VOUT GND Voltage Level Indicator (N-ch Open-Drain Output) Analog Integrations Corporation 4F, 9, Industry E. 9th Rd, Science Based Industrial Park, Hsinchu Taiwan, ROC DS-1680-00 TEL: 886-3-5772500 Dec 29, 00 FAX: 886-3-5772510 1 AIC1680 ORDERING INFORMATION AIC1680XXXCX PACKAGING TYPE U: SOT-23 X: SOT-89 Z: TO-92 V:SOT23-5 ORDER NUMBER AIC1680CU (SOT-23) PIN CONFIGURATION 2 FRONT VIEW 1: VOUT 2: VDD 3: GND 1 DETECTION VOLTAGE OPTIONAL 16: 1.6V 17: 1.7V : : 60: 6.0V AIC1680CX (SOT-89) FRONT VIEW 1: VOUT 2: VDD 3: GND 1 OUTPUT TYPE N: N-ch Open Drain P: P-ch Open Drain C: CMOS AIC1680CZ (TO-92) 3 FRONT VIEW 1: VOUT 2: VDD 3: GND 2 3 1 2 3 AIC1680CV (SOT-23-5) FRONT VIEW 1: VOUT 2: VDD 3: GND 4: NC 5: NC 5 (MARK SIDE) 1 4 2 3 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINS Supply Voltage ........................................................................................................ 10V Output Voltage ................................................................................Vss-0.3 to 10V Operating Temperature Range .................................................................. -30C ~ 80C Storage Temperature Range ................................................................... - 65C ~ 150C Lead Temperature (Soldering) 10 sec. ...................................................................260C Output Current .................................................................................................20mA 2 AIC1680 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS SYMBOL PARAMETER (Test Conditions : Ta=25C ) TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT VDET Detector Voltage 0.975 1.0 1.025 VDET VHYS Detector Threshold Hysteresis 0.03 0.05 0.07 VDET VDD=2.0V 0.7 1.1 A VDD=3.0V 0.9 1.5 VDD=4.5V 1.3 2.0 VDD=6.0V 1.8 2.7 VDD=10.0V 3.2 4.8 IDD VDD Supply Current Operation Voltage IOUT (Nch) Output Current IOUT (Pch) Output Current 1.5 10 VDS=0.5V VDD=2.4V 3.24 VDS=0.5V VDD=3.6V 5.85 VDS=0.5V VDD=4.6V 7.74 VDS=0.5V VDD=6.0V 10.44 VDS=-2.1V VDD=4.5V 3.5 mA 150 ppm/C Temperature Coeficience TDELAY V Output Delay Time mA 200 S BLOCK DIAGRAM VDD VDD - VOUT + + VOUT 1.25V 1.25V GND GND N-ch open drain output P-ch open drain output VDD - VOUT + 1.25V GND CMOS output 3 AIC1680 PIN DESCRIPTIONS VDD: Power Supply and Detected Voltage Input. GND: Ground. Vout: Detector Output TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS Supply Current vs. Supply Voltage 3.5 Supply Current (A) 3.0 Ta=25C 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Supply Voltage(V) N-ch Driver Sinking Current vs. VDS VDET=1.8V VDET=1.8V 1.4 VDD=1.7V 4 1.2 Sinking Current (mA) Sinking Current (mA) 5 VDD=1.5V 3 2 VDD=1.3V 1 0 VDD=1.1V 1.0 0.8 0.6 VDD=0.9V 0.4 0 1 2 3 VDS (V) 4 5 0.2 0 1 2 3 4 5 VDS (V) 4 AIC1680 TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS (Continued) VDET=2.5V 7 10 VDD =2.4V 8 Sinking Current (mA) Sinking Current (mA) VDET=2.5V VDD =2.2V 6 4 2 VDD =2.0V 6 5 VDD =1.8V 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 VDD =4.4V 20 VDD =4.0V 20 5 VDD =3.5V 25 Sinking Current (mA) Sinking Current (mA) 4 VDET=4.5V VDET=4.5V 30 3 VDS (V) VDS (V) 15 10 5 15 VDD =3V 10 5 0 0 1 2 VDS (V) 3 4 0 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 VDS (V) P-ch Driver Output Current vs. VDS VDET=2.5V 6 6 5 5 VDS=-1.5V Output Current (mA) Output Current (mA) VDET=1.8V VDS=1.5V 4 VDS=1.0V 3 2 VDS=0.5V 1 4 6 VDD (V) VDS=-1.0V 3 2 VDS=-0.5V 1 0 2 4 8 10 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 VDD (V) 5 AIC1680 TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS (Continued) VDET=4.5V 6 Output Current (mA) 5 VDS =-1.5V 4 VDS =-1.0V 3 2 VDS =-0.5V 1 5 6 7 8 9 10 VDD (V) APPLICATION INFORMATIONS The timing diagram of VDD and VOUT is shown in below: CMOS Type VDET VDD VHYS The guaranteed minimun operation voltage is 1.5V. As the supply voltage(VDD) is reduced below 1.5V, the performance degrades, N-ch or P-ch driving capacity degrades, and the supply current decreases. AIC1680 isn't functioning when VDD down to 0.8V. 0.8V VOUT NMOS Type VDET VDD VHYS 0.8V VOUT 6 AIC1680 PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS SOT-23 (unit: mm) C D SYMBOL MIN MAX A 1.00 1.30 A1 -- 0.10 A2 0.70 0.90 b 0.35 0.50 C 0.10 0.25 D 2.70 3.10 E 1.40 1.80 L E H 1 e A A2 e A1 b 1.90 (TYP) H 2.60 3.00 L 0.37 -- 1 1 9 SOT-23 Marking Part No. AIC1680-N16CU AIC1680-P16CU AIC1680-C16CU AIC1680-N17CU AIC1680-P17CU AIC1680-C17CU ........... Marking U16N U16P U16C U17N U17P U17C Part No. AIC1680-N59CU AIC1680-P59CU AIC1680-C59CU AIC1680-N60CU AIC1680-P60CU AIC1680-C60CU Marking U59N U59P U59C U60N U60P U60C (0.1V INCREMENT) 7 AIC1680 SOT-89 (unit: mm) D A SYMBOL MIN MAX C A 1.40 1.60 B 0.36 0.48 C 0.35 0.44 D 4.40 4.60 D1 1.62 1.83 E 2.29 2.60 D1 H E L B e e1 e 1.50 (TYP.) e1 3.00 (TYP.) H 3.94 4.25 L 0.89 1.20 SOT-89 Marking Part No. AIC1680-N16CX AIC1680-P16CX AIC1680-C16CX AIC1680-N17CX AIC1680-P17CX AIC1680-C17CX ........... Marking X16N X16P X16C X17N X17P X17C Part No. AIC1680-N59CX AIC1680-P59CX AIC1680-C59CX AIC1680-N60CX AIC1680-P60CX AIC1680-C60CX Marking X59N X59P X59C X60N X60P X60C (0.1V INCREMENT) TO-92 (unit: mm) A E L C SYMBOL MIN MAX A 4.32 5.33 C e1 D 0.38 (TYP.) D 4.40 5.20 E 3.17 4.20 e1 L 1.27 (TYP.) 12.7 - 8 AIC1680 SOT-23-5 (unit: mm) C D L H E e 1 A A2 MIN MAX A 1.00 1.30 A1 -- 0.10 A2 0.70 0.90 b 0.35 0.50 C 0.10 0.25 D 2.70 3.10 E 1.40 1.80 e A1 b SYMBOL 1.90 (TYP) H 2.60 3.00 L 0.37 -- 1 1 9 SOT-23-5 Marking Part No. AIC1680-N16CV AIC1680-P16CV AIC1680-C16CV AIC1680-N17CV AIC1680-P17CV AIC1680-C17CV ........... Marking V16N V16P V16C V17N V17P V17C Part No. AIC1680-N59CV AIC1680-P59CV AIC1680-C59CV AIC1680-N60CV AIC1680-P60CV AIC1680-C60CV Marking V59N V59P V59C V60N V60P V60C (0.1V INCREMENT) 9