PLASTIC MEDIUM-POWER SILICON TRANSISTORS ... designed for general-purpose amplifier and low-speed switching applications. I Rating Collector-Emitter Voltage Collector-Base Emitter-Base Collector I Symbol Voltage VCEO 40 VCB 40 Voltage Current VEB Base Current Device Dissipation @ Tc = 25C Derate above 25C Total Device Dissipation Derate above 25C Operating and Storage Temperature THERMAL ] ~i: I Unit ,J$ 6@$i' 80 Vdc `%:%60 80 1 4 Vdc 10 15 15 Adc 65 -- Watts Wloc Watts 0.016-- Wfoc i "TJ, T~tg --45 to +150 -- o~ I CHAR~'&~,~lSTICS ,..,, .. ,M'ttiristics Symbol Max unit Thermal Resi$t~~&$hnction `to Case ReJC 1.92 Ocfw Thermal ~~tis~~ce, to Ambient ~oJA 62.5 Ocm Junction FIGURE z * 1 - POWER STYLE 1: PIN 1, 2, 3. 4. DERATING 2 0 F a ~ 2.0 40 ~ n ,m \ \ \ TA % : 1.0 20 \ La 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Registered Data. INCHES MIN MAX 0.595 0.620 0.380 0.4050.180 0.190 0.025 0.035. 0.142 0.147 0.095 0,105 0.110 0.130 0.014 0.022 0.500 0.562 0.045 0.050 0.190 0.210 0.100 0,120 0.080 0:110 0.045 0,055 0.235 0.255 0.030 0.050- CASE 221A-02 TO-220AB 160 T,TEMPERATURE (C) JEDEC NOTE: 1. OIM. L& HAPPLIES TO ALL LEADS, BASE COLLECTOR EMITTER COLLECTOR MILLIMETERS OIM MIN MAX A 15.11 15.75 B 9,65 10.29 4,08 C 4.82 0,84 D 0.89 F 3,61 3.73 G 2,41 2.87 H 2.79 3.30 J 0.36 0.58 K 12.70 14.27 L 1.14 1.27 N 4.83 5.33 a 2.54 3.04 R 2.04 2.79 s 1.14 1.39 T 5.97 6.48 _u 0.76 1.27 \. z 3.0 60 ~ `Indicates `-m I mAdc 2.0 -- -- I Vdc 10 250 -- -- .3., , \!~- Range "$~dfi638E `&Q''~k$,'~*>$:Y.s~.?t \ ,: ,. *...."., ,,~ --0.52-- @ TA = 25~ $??e..e~ -P'- *,$.;``~'` ii,,, ~i ....$ Juncti~~,~':3{ 2N6387 .. 5.0 -- ,,, .,~>... `,~<,,,..h ~ ,, .$~,p ` 3. Ic $~e "Y~f* ,%>' ,. Q] **. la ~,,,*...,:, t,,,.I.:::+,.z - Continuous Peak Total I 2N6386 MOTOROLA INC., 1977 ", : DS332~ -:. I !, ,, *E LECTRICaL CHARACTERISTICS (Tc = 25C unless otherwise noted) Characteristic 1 Symbol Min Max Unit I I OFF CHARACTERISTICS Collector-Emitter Sustaining Voltage (1c = 200mAdc, (1) vCEO(~u$) IB =0) Vdc 40 ` 60 80 2N6386 2N6387 2N6388 @hector Cutoff Current ICEO (VCE = 40 Vdc, IB = O) 2N6386 (VCE = 60 Vdc, lB = 0) (VCE = 80 Vdc, IB = 0) 2N6387 Collector Cutoff 2N6388 ,*!. 1.0 ~$L-i t,. .*t\$ ~ .,1 ,$.~:, ,..,s: , .?,> ~ <,,~gt:? ICEX (VCE = 40 Vdc, vE8(off] = 1.5'Vdc) 2N6386 = 1.5 Vdc) 2N6387 = 1.5 Vdc) 2N638B = 1.5 Vdc, TC = 125C) 2N6386 (VCE = 60 Vdc, vEB(~ff) = 1.5 Vdc, TC = 125C) 2N6387 (VCE = 80 Vdc, vEB(off) = 1.5 Vdc, TC = 125C) 2N6388 Cutoff 1.0 1.0 Currant (VCE = 60 Vdc, vEB(off) (VCE = BO Vdc, vEB(Off) (VCE = 40 Vdc, vEB(off) Emitter mAdc -. .,.yth$#>,,$ `+."> .$,. >r,.f,":!$};:$ -- 300 300 300 -- 3 .~+,,$ii~i~..$$ ~g : " *> >.,,. ,~b .$;? mAd~ ,$% ~ :Q'sT1<p*,. .', Current i EBO mAdc , ,:,,,Zti@ ~,,,)$,,, `J,<:?,. .., ~J< ,::,i.,~~' ,~':,++ ....... ..;4,,# (VBE = 5.0 Vdc, Ic = O) ON CHARACTERISTICS(1) r .,. , .,.,.,, ,.,:,...,,.. ..... f "DC Current Gain hFE (IC = 3.0 Adc, VCE `3.0 2N6386 (1C = 10 Adc, VCE = 3.0 Vdc) 2N6387, Saturation (1C = 3.0 Adc, iB = 0.006 2N6387, ` Base-Emitter ,. d'::t;yQQo .,$' q ,, ,,? 100 ~~:\,R.* ""` 100 .,,,\ vG&f$at) `.$ .. .,*,, .$- ~+:~.. iy> #"*"$% "" `:L:*\~& +:~., $?\~*.3~~ 2N63BB 2N6387; 2N6388 2N6386 2N6387, 2N638W 2N6386 ,::~ `! =3.0 Vdc) (IC = 5.0 Adc, VCE = 3.0 Vdc) (1C = 8.0 Adc, VCE =3.0 2N638~$m388 2N6q&:*w, `+ .$,$ .,*sti3,\, ,.'y,$ 2,@3&$bY,~N6388 .,;.,.,<~,. ,,,,. .,.:t.~ ,.t.,f :$:~, \,x&.... .-) ,$>J *:'$:$tt.~$t Vdc) ([C = 10 Adc, VCE = 3.0 Vdc) CHARACTERISTICS ,Small-Signal Current Gain VBE(on) `$O61OO OESIREO USEO BELOWl~= 100 mA approx -----__-m,;_,-_ +12 v CURRENT 2.8 4.5 4.5 i~. I hfe ! 20 200 Cob TUT I ~n ?* PF ~non h<. LEVEI S ~ Vdc 2.8 (VCB = 10 Vdc, iE = O, f = 1.0 M~&.+*$Y ,<;$' ~:,,). ,,~.$ `Small-Signal Current Gain ,$i \. TO OBTAIN Vdc 4{]" (IC = 1.0 Adc, VCE = 5:0 Vdc, fte$t = 1.0~,H$3,':? ,,,~$, .~l.,;, ,. Output Capacitance RR &'k&***D " 2.0 2.0 3.0 3.0 ~:.<g~. On Voltage (ic = 3.0 Adc, vCE OYNAMIC 2N6388 2N6386 (IC = 5.OAdc, iB = 0.01 Adc) (1C = 8.0 Adc, iB = 0.08 Adc) (ic = 10 Adc, iB = 0.1 Adc) 20000 20000 `.g;f~qg Voltage Adc) `.\\Jt 2N6386 (1C = 5.0 AdC, VCE `3.0 Vdc) "" ([c = 8.0 Adc, VCE = 3.0 Vdc) Collector-Emitter : Vdc) I I -- IJII III 1--1-T ~ J II G `."= 1 Iiii `V ,, . L--&25fis f . . . ..-. I for td and t,, 01 is tisonnected and V2 = O `.2 F I /iB =ZOU f:, = 10, p ;l:~~ t , I f I I I I Iff IC,,COLLECTORCURRENT (AMPS) , t I ,iI I 1 1111 FIGURE 4 - THERMAL .+\ RESPONSE :.\:.,}& 1 b TJ~150~C ` ` "''" y 0.2 A ---BONOING WIRE LIMITEO g 0.1 ---THERMALLY LIMITEO G @Tr = 1000C b --SECOND BREAKOOWN LIMITED I 2N63 CURVES APPLY BELOW RATEO Vr~n - `~-" E I I I I I I II ,;,:t ~.;,j.,. ,,& ~~.t*t~: .!1 ,,.,,,,,..$, \x*<& . `~ >:.:.,., ,}:$ ~,, .:",',`t\:t .$!$+,. ~Wre are two limitations on the power handling abilitv of a h ~ $:,, t~nslstor: average Iu nction temperature and second breakdown. -{l~~~fe operating area curves indicate I c - VCE limits of the trarrsister that must be obseNed for reliable operation; i.e., the transistor,, must not be subjactad to greater dissipation than the cuwes indicate. The data of Figure 5 is based on TJ(pk] = 150C; TC invariable depending on conditions. Second breakdown pulsa limits are val id TJ(Pk) mav be for dutv cycles 10 10% provided TJ(p~} < 150C. calculated from tha data in Figure 4. At high case temperatures, thermal limitations will reduce the power that can be handled to values less than the limitations imposed bv swond (see AN415A). FIGURE 7 - CAPACITANCE ..F; ,!.,, f, FREQUENCY (kHz) VR, REVERSE VOLTAGE (VOLTS) breakdown ,.,.,,, ,.,: .,:, ;.>, .:,;,? ,., ,.,, ~,,,,,1 ,.,;.' .:~. ~', , .,, .,.,, ,. --, ., ,,` ,.~ ,' ,,!. ,:~: , .,i, , ,,, . ,:, ,, : -, .,. :... ,,, .J ., i,: : ", i - ,Yr,,,, ,.r ,, : il A., ., ",. : .:,. .,, ,, ., . ,,. ,.,, ,, . ..,.,,,. . ,, r.. FIGURE 8- --.,-< ,,, .,. DC CURRENT GAIN FIGURE 9- COLLECTOR SATURATION REGION COLLECTOR , ,, , ,::,,' 5, ,:~ *: , I 1 ,, :. .,-.2 # A I ! ~-----_._--_ 1 __q I v I .-,.,,, v [/ / A I /1/ / I I I I 1 411, ,~. ", .. . ~'. ;,f `/ ,. ,.,, ,"f; , ,*, .. ,1. ~, ,1 ~ 101 I 1 1 1 I ., .,. : ,.-l -0.6 -0.4 -0,2 0 I I { r 1 r-- 1 I / I I I I I i I 1 I I +0.2 +0.4 +0.6 +0.r 1 l'=8.Ok 1=120 `--J I "." ~ `"- `." I I EMITTER !