Dual LockLo w Profile
Reclosable Fasteners
SJ4570 Clear
SJ4575 Black
Product Description 3M™ Dual Lock™ Low Profile Reclosable Fasteners SJ4570 and SJ4575 can
replace conventional fasteners, such as screws, clips, rivets, snaps, hook and loop
and bolts in many applications where access or repositioning is needed. Dual Lock
low profile reclosable fasteners consist of continuous strips of plastic backing, with
tiny plastic mushroom shaped stems protruding up from the backing strip. When
two pieces of 3M™ Dual Lock™ Low Profile Reclosable Fasteners are pressed
together, the “mushroom heads” interlock with one another creating an audible
snap, indicating the fastener is engaged. The Dual Lock low profile reclosable
fastener is thinner allowing it to be more flexible than similar reclosable fasteners.
The Dual Lock low profile reclosable fastener SJ4570 is a clear fastener offering
transparent properties to allow color and patterns to visibly show through giving the
fastener an almost invisible appearance. The Dual Lock low profile reclosable
fastener SJ4575 is black in color and gives a definite presence for when you want to
see your fastener or have it blend in with a dark background. The Dual Lock low
profile reclosable fasteners offer intermediate strength between regular 3M™ Dual
Lock™ and 3M™ Scotchmate™ Reclosable Fasteners, with all of the advantages of
a self-mating product.
Technical Data July, 2009
Product 3M™ Dual Lock™ Low Profile Reclosable Fastener
SJ4570 SJ4575
Material of Construction: Polypropylene
Backing Color: Clear Black
Adhesive: Color: Clear
Type: 300 LSE (Acrylic)
Liner Type: 6.5 mil 86# Polycoated Kraft
Product Construction
W eight, ounce/1 in. 2(grams/cm2): 0.012 (0.044)
Operating Temperature Range: -20°F (29°C) and up to 158°F (70°C)
Inch (mm) ± 15% without Liner:
Single Thickness .0645 (1.63)
Engaged Thickness .0910 (2.31)
Plasticizer Resistance: No
Closure Cycle Lif e: 100 - 150
Cycle Lif e is the n umber of cycles (openings and closings) that the fastener is subjected to
while maintaining 50% of the original values for tensile.
Typical Physical
Properties and
Note: The follo wing technical information and data should be considered r epresentative
or typical only and should not be used for specification purposes.
3MTM Dual LockTM Low Profile R eclosable Fasteners
SJ4570 Clear
SJ4575 Black
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Dynamic Tensile Engagement
Strength, lbs/sq. inch (kNewtons/m2): 26 (179)
Dynamic Tensile Disengagement
Strength, lbs/sq. inch (kNewtons/m2): 42 (289)
Dynamic Shear (1" x 1" overlap)
Strength, lbs/sq. inch (kNewtons/m2): 32 (220)
90° Angle T-Peel
Lbs/inch width (N/cm) 1.2 (2.1)
Static Shear Holding Power Lbs./sq. in. (g/cm2) Lbs./sq. in. (g/cm2)
on Stainless Steel 2.2 (70.3) 1.1 (35.2)
- at -20°F: 10,000 minutes 10,000 minutes
- at 72°F/50% relative humidity: 10,000 minutes 10,000 minutes
- at 158°F: NA 10,000 minutes
Static Tensile Holding P ower on aluminum
- at -20°F: 10,000 minutes 10,000 minutes
- at 72°F/50% relative humidity: 10,000 minutes 10,000 minutes
- at 158°F: NA 10,000 minutes
Typical Performance
Characteristics Note: The follo wing technical information and data should be considered r epresentative or
typical only and should not be used for specification purposes.
(Closure Performance)
90° Angle Peel Adhesion:
Lbs/inch width (N/cm)
- initial (1 minute dwell): 6.0 (10.5) 3.5 (6.1) 6.0 (10.5)
- after 1 week at 72°F/50%
relative humidity: 8.0 (14.0) 7.0 (12.3) 8.0 (14.0)
- after 1 week at 158°F: 7.0 (12.3) 5.0 (8.8) 5.0 (8.8)
- after 1 week at 100°F/100%
relative humidity: 5.0 (8.8) 6.0 (10.5) 6.0 (10.5)
• Peeled at the rate of 12 inch e s ( 3 0 5 m m ) p e r m i nute.
Note: In long term static load applications, conditions such as temperature variation, jarring,
vibration, etc., can affect long term performance. The user should design the amount of
f astening area based on the specific conditions in the application. Four square inches of
f astening area per pound of static load is suggested as a starting point for such e valuations.
(Adhesive Performance) To Stainless Steel To P olypropylene To ABS
Possible Widths
(inches ± 1/16"): Standard Roll Length:
5/8" 50 yds
1" 50 yds
2" 50 yds
4" 50 yds & 75 yds
Maximum 6" 75 yds
Available Sizes
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The adhesi ve system provides reliable bonding to a wide v a riety of materials:
Bare Metals Many Plastics: ABS
Painted Metals Acrylic
Glass Polycarbonate
Fiberglass Polystyrene
Sealed Wood Rigid Vinyl
Structural Composites Po wder Coated Paints
Techniques The following information is intended to assist the designer considering the use
of 3M™ Dual Lock™ Low Profile Reclosable Fasteners SJ4570 and SJ4575. Final
product performance depends on actual conditions, such as fastener selected, the
conditions in which the fastener is applied, the time and environmental conditions in
which it is expected to perform. Because many of these factors are uniquely within
the user’s knowledge and control, it is required that the user evaluate the 3M
product to determine whether it is fit for a particular purpose and suitable for the
user’s method of application and desired end use.
As a general rule, four square inches of fastener area per pound (57.3 square
centimeters per kilogram) of static load to be supported is suggested as a starting
point for evaluation. More or less area may be needed depending on specific
conditions or end use applications.
There are typically 6 different methods for attaching Dual Lock low profile
reclosable fasteners to various surfaces. The most important technique for Dual
Lock low profile reclosable fastener is summarized below. For complete details on
techniques and options for attaching 3M™ Scotchmate™ or 3M™ Dual Lock™
Reclosable Fasteners please see the technical bulletin “Attachment of 3M™
Scotchmate™ and 3M™ Dual Lock™ Reclosable Fasteners.
Pressure Sensitive Adhesiv e attachment: The fasteners and substrate surfaces
should have equilibrated for a minimum of 1 hour at temperatures of 68°F (20°C)
or greater before application. These adhesi ve backed fasteners should be applied to
surfaces that are smooth, dry and free of oils, mold release agents or other surface
The substrate should be cleaned with an appropriate cleaning method for the
customers substrate(s) and surface contaminant(s) and amount that need to be remo v ed.
NOTE: Be sure to follow the manuf acturer’s precautions and directions for use when
using solvents, or other cleaning method.
The liner is removed and without touching the adhesive, the fastener is applied to
the surface using firm roller pressure to help ensure complete adhesive contact to
the substrate. The pressure-sensitive adhesive bonds on contact and parts can be
handled immediately. Adhesive bond strength increases with time, pressure and
temperature. A minimum of twenty four (24) hours dwell is recommended before
applying a load or disengaging. Recommended time to achieve maximum bond
strength is 72 hours (3 days).
3MTM Dual LockTM Low Profile R eclosable Fasteners
SJ4570 Clear
SJ4575 Black
3M, Dual Lock and Scotchmate are
trademarks of 3M Company
Printed in U.S.A.
©3M 2009 70-0709-3869-4 (7/09)
Recycled Paper
40% pr e-consumer
10% post-consumer
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Storage Store in original package at 72°F (22°C) and 50% relative humidity.
Shelf Life If stored under proper conditions, product retains its performance and properties for
two years from date of manufacture.
A pplication Ideas Whether you prefer our clear version for it’s transparent properties or the black
version, both are backed with 3M™ Laminating Adhesive 300LSE, 3M™ Dual
Lock™ Low Profile Reclosable Fasteners SJ4570 and SJ4575 are designed for
powder-coated paint, polypropylene, and surfaces lightly contaminated with oil as
well as acrylic, sealed wood, glass, metal, foam and fiberglass. Used in POP (point
of purchase), trade show exhibition and electronics, Dual Lock low profile
reclosable fasteners attach ceiling tiles, carpet, seat cushions, trade show graphics,
access panels, wall panels and small electronic devices.
3MTM Dual LockTM Low Profile R eclosable Fasteners
SJ4570 Clear
SJ4575 Black
Except where prohibited by law, 3M will not be liable for any loss or damage arising from the 3M product,
whether direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential, regardless of the legal theory asserted,
including warranty, contract, negligence or strict liability.
Limitation of Liability
This Industrial Adhesives and Tapes Division product was manufactured under a 3M quality system
registered to ISO 9001:2000 and ISO/TS 16949:2002 standards.
ISO 9001:2000 - ISO/TS 16949:2002
The technical information, recommendations and other statements contained in this document are
based upon tests or experience that 3M believes are reliable, but the accuracy or completeness of such
information is not guaranteed.
Technical Information
Unless an additional warranty is specifically stated on the applicable 3M product packaging or product
literature, 3M warrants that each 3M product meets the applicable 3M product specification at the time
If the 3M product does not conform to this warranty, then the sole and exclusive remedy is, at 3Ms
option, replacement of the 3M product or refund of the purchase price.
Limited Remedy,
and Disclaimer
Many factors beyond 3Ms control and uniquely within users knowledge and control can affect the use
and performance of a 3M product in a particular application. Given the variety of factors that can affect
the use and performance of a 3M product, user is solely responsible for evaluating the 3M product and
determining whether it is fit for a particular purpose and suitable for users method of application.
Product Use
Industrial Adhesives and Tapes Division
3M Center, Building 225-3S-06
St. Paul, MN 55144-1000
800-362-3550 • 877-369-2923 (Fax)
Mouser Electronics
Authorized Distributor
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SJ4570 2"X50YD-CLEAR