(R) ADS-932 (R) 16-Bit, 2MHz Sampling A/D Converters INNOVATION and EXCELLENCE FEATURES * * * * * * * * * 16-bit resolution 2MHz sampling rate Functionally complete No missing codes over full military temperature range Edge-triggered 5V supplies, 1.85 Watts Small, 40-pin, ceramic TDIP 87dB SNR, -88dB THD Ideal for both time and frequency-domain applications INPUT/OUTPUT CONNECTIONS PIN GENERAL DESCRIPTION The low-cost ADS-932 is a 16-bit, 2MHz sampling A/D converter. This device accurately samples full-scale input signals up to Nyquist frequencies with no missing codes. The dynamic performance of the ADS-932 has been optimized to achieve a signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of 87dB and a total harmonic distortion (THD) of -88dB. Packaged in a 40-pin TDIP, the functionally complete ADS-932 contains a fast-settling sample-hold amplifier, a subranging (two-pass) A/D converter, an internal reference, timing/control logic, and error-correction circuitry. Digital input and output levels are TTL. The ADS-932 only requires the rising edge of the start convert pulse to operate. Requiring only 5V supplies, the ADS-932 dissipates 1.85 Watts. The device is offered with a bipolar (2.75V) analog input range or a unipolar (0 to -5.5V) input range. Models are available for use in either commercial (0 to +70C) or military (-55 to +125C) operating temperature ranges. A proprietary, auto-calibrating, error-correcting circuit enables the device to achieve specified performance over the full military temperature range. Typical applications include medical imaging, radar, sonar, communications and instrumentation. FUNCTION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 PIN +3.2V REF. OUT UNIPOLAR ANALOG INPUT ANALOG GROUND OFFSET ADJUST GAIN ADJUST DIGITAL GROUND FIFO/DIR FIFO READ FSTAT1 FSTAT2 START CONVERT BIT 16 (LSB) BIT 15 BIT 14 BIT 13 BIT 12 BIT 11 BIT 10 BIT 9 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 FUNCTION NO CONNECTION NO CONNECTION +5V ANALOG SUPPLY -5V SUPPLY ANALOG GROUND COMP. BITS OUTPUT ENABLE OVERFLOW EOC +5V DIGITAL SUPPLY DIGITAL GROUND BIT 1 (MSB) BIT 1 (MSB) BIT 2 BIT 3 BIT 4 BIT 5 BIT 6 BIT 7 BIT 8 10 FSTAT1 11 FSTAT2 GAIN ADJUST 6 GAIN ADJUST CKT. 8 FIFO/DIR 9 FIFO/READ 29 BIT 1 (MSB) ANALOG GROUND 4, 36 DIGITAL GROUND 7, 30 +5V DIGITAL SUPPLY 31 -5V SUPPLY 37 +5V ANALOG SUPPLY 38 NO CONNECTION OFFSET ADJUST 5 OFFSET ADJUST CKT. 39, 40 ANALOG INPUT 3 S/H 27 BIT 2 26 BIT 3 25 BIT 4 3-STATE OUTPUT REGISTER POWER and GROUNDING CUSTOM GATE ARRAY PRECISION +3.2V REFERENCE 2-PASS ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTER 28 BIT 1 (MSB) +3.2V REF. OUT 1 24 BIT 5 23 BIT 6 22 BIT 7 21 BIT 8 20 BIT 9 19 BIT 10 18 BIT 11 17 BIT 12 16 BIT 13 15 BIT 14 14 BIT 15 13 BIT 16 (LSB) START CONVERT 12 EOC 32 TIMING AND CONTROL LOGIC 34 OUTPUT ENABLE 33 OVERFLOW COMP. BITS 35 Figure 1. ADS-932 Functional Block Diagram DATEL, Inc., Mansfield, MA 02048 (USA) * Tel: (508)339-3000, (800)233-2756 Fax: (508)339-6356 * E-mail:sales@datel.com * Internet: www.datel.com (R) ADS-932 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS PARAMETERS +5V Supply (Pins 31, 38) -5V Supply (Pin 37) Digital Inputs (Pins 8, 9, 12, 34, 35) Analog Input (Pin 3) Bipolar Unipolar Lead Temperature (10 seconds) (R) PHYSICAL/ENVIRONMENTAL LIMITS UNITS 0 to +6 0 to -6 -0.3 to +VDD +0.3 Volts Volts Volts Volts Volts Volts C 5 -10 to +5 +300 PARAMETERS MIN. TYP. MAX. UNITS 0 -55 -- -- +70 +125 C C -- -- -65 4 18 -- -- -- +150 C/Watt C/Watt C Operating Temp. Range, Case ADS-932MC ADS-932MM Thermal Impedance jc ca Storage Temperature Range Package Type Weight 40-pin, metal-sealed, ceramic TDIP 0.56 ounces (16 grams) FUNCTIONAL SPECIFICATIONS (TA = +25C, VCC = 5V, +VDD = +5V, 2MHz sampling rate, and a minimum 3 minute warm-up unless otherwise specified.) +25C ANALOG INPUTS Input Voltage Ranges Unipolar Bipolar Input Resistance (pin 3) Input Resistance (pin 2) Input Capacitance 0 to +70C MIN. TYP. MAX. -- -- 655 418 -- 0 to -5.5 2.75 687 426 10 -- -- -- -- 15 +2.0 -- -- -- 40 -- -- -- -- 250 -- -- -0.95 -- -- -- -- 16 MIN. -55 to +125C TYP. MAX. -- -- -- -- -- 0 to -5.5 2.75 685 400 10 -- -- -- -- 15 -- +0.8 +20 -20 -- +2.0 -- -- -- 40 -- -- -- -- 250 16 1 0.5 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 -- -- -- +1.0 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.3 -- -- -- -0.95 -- -- -- -- 16 -- -- -90 -90 -81 -81 -- -- -88 -87 83 82 MIN. TYP. MAX. UNITS -- -- -- -- -- 0 to -5.5 2.75 685 400 10 -- -- -- -- 15 Volts Volts pF -- +0.8 +20 -20 -- +2.0 -- -- -- 40 -- -- -- -- 250 -- +0.8 +20 -20 -- Volts Volts A A ns 16 1.5 0.5 0.15 0.2 0.2 0.15 -- -- -- +1.0 0.5 0.4 0.5 0.5 -- -- -- -0.95 -- -- -- -- 16 16 2 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.5 -- -- -- +1.5 0.8 0.9 0.9 0.9 -- Bits LSB LSB %FSR %FSR %FSR % Bits -- -- -90 -90 -81 -81 -- -- -88 -88 -80 -80 dB dB -80 -80 -- -- -88 -87 -80 -80 -- -- -85 -84 -78 -77 dB dB 87 86 -- -- 83 82 87 86 -- -- 80 80 85 84 -- -- dB dB 79 78 -- 84 84 83 -- -- -- 79 78 -- 84 84 83 -- -- -- 76 76 -- 82 82 83 -- -- -- dB dB Vrms -- -89 -- -- -89 -- -- -89 -- dB -- -- 7.8 7.1 -- -- -- -- 7.8 7.1 -- -- -- -- 7.8 7.1 -- -- MHz MHz -- -- -- -- 90 77 +8 5 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 90 77 +8 5 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 90 77 +8 5 -- -- -- -- dB V/s ns ps rms 200 225 -- 200 225 -- 200 225 -- ns DIGITAL INPUTS Logic Levels Logic "1" Logic "0" Logic Loading "1" Logic Loading "0" Start Convert Positive Pulse Width STATIC PERFORMANCE Resolution Integral Nonlinearity Differential Nonlinearity (fin = 10kHz) Full Scale Absolute Accuracy Bipolar Zero Error (Tech Note 2) Bipolar Offset Error (Tech Note 2) Gain Error (Tech Note 2) No Missing Codes (fin = 10kHz) DYNAMIC PERFORMANCE Peak Harmonics (-0.5dB) dc to 500kHz 500kHz to 1MHz Total Harmonic Distortion (-0.5dB) dc to 500kHz 500kHz to 1MHz Signal-to-Noise Ratio (w/o distortion, -0.5dB) dc to 500kHz 500kHz to 1MHz Signal-to-Noise Ratio (& distortion, -0.5dB) dc to 500kHz 500kHz to 1MHz Noise Two-Tone Intermodulation Distortion (fin = 200kHz, 240kHz, fs = 2MHz, -0.5dB) Input Bandwidth (-3dB) Small Signal (-20dB input) Large Signal (-0.5dB input) Feedthrough Rejection (fin = 1MHz) Slew Rate Aperture Delay Time Aperture Uncertainty S/H Acquisition Time ( to 0.001%FSR, 5.5V step) 2 (R) (R) DYNAMIC PERFORMANCE (Cont.) Overvoltage Recovery Time A/D Conversion Rate ADS-932 MIN. +25C TYP. MAX. MIN. 0 TO +70C TYP. -55 TO +125C TYP. MAX. -- 2 250 -- 500 -- -- 2 3.15 -- -- +3.2 30 5 3.25 -- -- +2.4 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- +0.4 -4 +4 -- -- 10 -- -- 10 -- -- Straight Binary, Complementary Binary, Complementary Offset Binary, Complementary Two's Complement, Offset Binary, Two's Complement +4.75 -4.75 +5.0 -5.0 +5.25 -5.25 +4.75 -4.75 +5.0 -5.0 +5.25 -5.25 +4.9 -4.9 -- -140 -- -- +225 -135 1.85 -- 260 -- 2.0 0.07 -- -140 -- -- +225 -135 1.85 -- 260 -- 2.0 0.07 -- -140 -- -- MAX. MIN. UNITS 250 -- 500 -- -- 2 250 -- 3.15 -- -- +3.2 30 5 3.25 -- -- 3.15 -- -- +3.2 30 5 3.25 -- -- Volts ppm/C mA +2.4 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- +0.4 -4 +4 +2.4 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- +0.4 -4 +4 Volts Volts mA mA 10 ns +5.0 -5.0 +5.25 -5.25 Volts Volts +225 -135 1.85 -- 260 -- 2.0 0.07 mA mA Watts %FSR/%V 500 -- ns MHz ANALOG OUTPUT Internal Reference Voltage Drift External Current DIGITAL OUTPUTS Logic Levels Logic "1" Logic "0" Logic Loading "1" Logic Loading "0" Delay, Falling Edge of Enable to Output Data Valid Output Coding POWER REQUIREMENTS Power Supply Ranges +5V Supply -5V Supply Power Supply Currents +5V Supply -5V Supply Power Dissipation Power Supply Rejection Footnotes: All power supplies must be on before applying a start convert pulse. All supplies and the clock (START CONVERT) must be present during warm-up periods. The device must be continuously converting during this time. There is a slight degradation in performance when operating the device in the unipolar mode. Effective bits is equal to: When COMP. BITS (pin 35) is low, logic loading "0" will be -350A. This is the time required before the A/D output data is valid once the analog input is back within the specified range. This time is only guaranteed if the input does not exceed 4.75V (bipolar) or +2 to -7.5V (unipolar). (SNR + Distortion) - 1.76 + Full Scale Amplitude 20 log Actual Input Amplitude 6.02 A 1MHz clock with a positive pulse width is used for all production testing. See Timing Diagram for more details. 40ns < Start Pulse < 175ns or 280ns < Start Pulse < 460ns The minimum supply voltages of +4.9V and -4.9V for VDD are required for -55C operation only. The minimum limits are +4.75V and -4.75V when operating at +125C. TECHNICAL NOTES 1. Obtaining fully specified performance from the ADS-932 requires careful attention to pc-card layout and power supply decoupling. The device's analog and digital ground systems are connected to each other internally. For optimal performance, tie all ground pins (4, 7, 30 and 36) directly to a large analog ground plane beneath the package. 3. Pin 35 (COMP. BITS) is used to select the digital output coding format of the ADS-932 (see Tables 2a and 2b). When this pin has a TTL logic "0" applied, it complements all of the ADS-932's digital outputs. Pin 35 is TTL compatible and can be directly driven with digital logic in applications requiring dynamic control over its function. There is an internal pull-up resistor on pin 35 allowing it to be either connected to +5V or left open when a logic "1" is required. Bypass all power supplies and the +3.2V reference output to ground with 4.7F tantalum capacitors in parallel with 0.1F ceramic capacitors. Locate the bypass capacitors as close to the unit as possible. 4. To enable the three-state outputs, connect OUTPUT ENABLE (pin 34) to a logic "0" (low). To disable, connect pin 34 to a logic "1" (high). 2. The ADS-932 achieves its specified accuracies without the need for external calibration. If required, the device's small initial offset and gain errors can be reduced to zero using the adjustment circuitry shown in Figure 2. When using this circuitry, or any similar offset and gain calibration hardware, make adjustments following warm-up. To avoid interaction, always adjust offset before gain. Tie pins 5 and 6 to ANALOG GROUND (pin 4) if not using offset and gain adjust circuits. 5. Applying a start convert pulse while a conversion is in progress (EOC = logic "1") will initiate a new and probably inaccurate conversion cycle. Data from both the interrupted and subsequent conversions will be invalid. 3 (R) ADS-932 (R) When the FIFO is initially empty, digital data from the first conversion (the "oldest" data) appears at the output of the FIFO immediately after the first conversion has been completed and remains there until the FIFO is read. 6. Do not enable/disable or complement the output bits or read from the FIFO during the conversion process (from the rising edge of EOC to the falling edge of EOC). 7. The OVERFLOW bit (pin 33) switches from 0 to 1 when the input voltage exceeds that which produces an output of all 1's or when the input equals or exceeds the voltage that produces all 0's. When COMP BITS is activated, the above conditions are reversed. If the output three-state register has been enabled (logic "0" applied to pin 34), data from the first conversion will appear at the output of the ADS-932. Attempting to write a 17th word to a full FIFO will result in that data, and any subsequent conversion data, being lost. 8. When configuring the ADS-932 for the unipolar mode, Pin 1 (+3.2V REF.) should be connected to Pin 2 (Unipolar) through a non-inverting op-amp. For precision DC applications an OP-07 type amplifier is recommended, while AC applications requiring the lowest level of harmonic distortion should consider the AD9631. When configuring the ADS-932 for the bipolar mode, Pin 2 (Unipolar) should be physically disconnected from the surrounding circuitry. This will help prevent noise from coupling into the A/D. Once the FIFO is full (indicated by FSTAT1 and FSTAT2 both equal to "1"), it can be read by dropping the FIFO READ line (pin 9) to a logic "0" and then applying a series of 15 rising edges to the read line. Since the first data word is already present at the FIFO output, the first read command (the first rising edge applied to FIFO READ) will bring data from the second conversion to the output. Each subsequent read command/rising edge brings the next word to the output lines. After the 15th rising edge brings the 16th data word to the FIFO output, the subsequent falling edge on READ will update the status outputs (after a 20ns maximum delay) to FSTAT1 = 0, FSTAT2 = 1 indicating that the FIFO is empty. INTERNAL FIFO OPERATION The ADS-932 contains an internal, user-initiated, 18-bit, 16word FIFO memory. Each word in the FIFO contains the 16 data bits as well as the MSB and overflow bits. Pins 8 (FIFO/ DIR) and 9 (FIFO READ) control the FIFO's operation. The FIFO's status can be monitored by reading pins 10 (FSTAT1) and 11 (FSTAT2). If a read command is issued after the FIFO empties, the last word (the 16th conversion) will remain present at the outputs. FIFO Reset Feature At any time, the FIFO can be reset to an empty state by putting the ADS-932 into its "direct" mode (logic "0" applied to pin 8, FIFO/DIR) and also applying a logic "0" to the FIFO READ line (pin 9). The empty status of the FIFO will be indicated by FSTAT1 going to a "0" and FSTAT2 going to a "1". The status outputs change 40ns after applying the control signals. When pin 8 (FIFO/DIR) has a logic "1" applied, the FIFO is inserted into the digital data path. When pin 8 has a logic "0" applied, the FIFO is transparent and the output data goes directly to the output three-state register (whose operation is controlled by pin 34 (ENABLE)). Read and write commands to the FIFO are ignored when the ADS-932 is operated in the "direct" mode. It takes a maximum of 20ns to switch the FIFO in or out of the ADS-932's digital data path. FIFO Status, FSTAT1 and FSTAT2 Monitor the status of the data in the FIFO by reading the two status pins, FSTAT1 (pin 10) and FSTAT2 (pin 11). FIFO Write and Read Modes Once the FIFO has been enabled (pin 8 high), digital data is automatically written to it, regardless of the status of FIFO READ (pin 9). Assuming the FIFO is initially empty, it will accept data (18-bit words) from the next 16 consecutive A/D conversions. As a precaution, pin 9 (which controls the FIFO's READ function) should not be low when data is first written to an empty FIFO. CONTENTS Empty (0 words)