CLC006 CLC006 Serial Digital Cable Driver with Adjustable Outputs Literature Number: SNLS015F CLC006 Serial Digital Cable Driver with Adjustable Outputs General Description Key Specifications National's Comlinear CLC006 is a monolithic, high-speed cable driver designed for the SMPTE 259M serial digital video data transmission standard. The CLC006 drives 75 transmission lines (Belden 8281 or equivalent) at data rates up to 400 Mbps. Controlled output rise and fall times (650 ps typical) minimize transition-induced jitter. The output voltage swing, typically 1.65V, set by an accurate, low-drift internal bandgap reference, delivers an 800 mV swing to backmatched and terminated 75 cable. Output swing is adjustable from 0.7 VP-P to 2 VP-P using external resistors. The CLC006's class AB output stage consumes less power than other designs, 185 mW with both outputs terminated, and requires no external bias resistors. The differential inputs accept a wide range of digital signals from 200 mVP-P to ECL levels within the specified common-mode limits. All this make the CLC006 an excellent general purpose high speed driver for digital applications. The CLC006 is powered from a single +5V or -5.2V supply and comes in an 8-pin SOIC package. 650 ps rise and fall times Data rates to 400 Mbps 200 mV differential input Low residual jitter (25 pspp) Features No external pull-down resistors Adjustable output amplitude Differential input and output Low power dissipation Single +5V or -5.2V supply Replaces GS9008 in most applications Applications Digital routers and distribution amplifiers Coaxial cable driver for digital transmission line Twisted pair driver Serial digital video interfaces for the commercial and broadcast industry SMPTE, Sonet/SDH, and ATM compatible driver Buffer applications Typical Application 10008402 (c) 2011 National Semiconductor Corporation 100084 CLC006 Serial Digital Cable Driver with Adjustable Outputs August 22, 2011 CLC006 270 Mbps Eye Pattern Connection Diagram (8-Pin SOIC) 10008403 Order Number CLC006BM See NS Package Number M08A 10008401 2 If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required, please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Office/ Distributors for availability and specifications. Supply Voltage Output Current Maximum Junction Temperature Storage Temperature Range Lead Temperature (Soldering 10 Seconds) 6V 30 mA +125C -65C to +150C 1000V +160C/W +105C/W 254 Mhr Recommended Operating Conditions Supply Voltage Range (VCC - VEE) +300C +4.5V to +5.5V Electrical Characteristics (VCC = 0V, VEE = -5V; unless otherwise specified). Parameter Condition Typ +25C Min/Max +25C Min/Max 0C to +70C Min/Max -40C to +85C Units 37 -- -- -- mA 34 28/45 26/47 26/47 mA STATIC DC PERFORMANCE Supply Current, Unloaded 150 @ 270 Mbps (Note 5) (Note 3) Output HIGH Voltage (VOH) (Note 3) -1.7 -2.0/1.4 -2.0/1.4 -2.0/1.4 V Output LOW Voltage (VOL) (Note 3) -3.3 -3.6/3.0 -3.6/3.0 -3.6/3.0 V 10 30 50 50 A Output Swing REXT = (Note 3) 1.65 1.55/1.75 1.53/1.77 1.51/1.79 V Output Swing REXT = 10 k 1.30 -- -- -- V Common Mode Input Range Upper Limit -0.7 -0.8 -0.8 -0.8 V Common Mode Input Range Lower Limit -2.6 -2.5 -2.5 -2.5 V Minimum Differential Input Swing 200 200 200 200 mV Power Supply Rejection Ratio (Note 3) 26 20 20 20 dB 650 425/825 400/850 400/850 ps Supply Current, Loaded Input Bias Current AC PERFORMANCE Output Rise and Fall Time (Note 3, Note 4, Note 5) Overshoot 5 % Propagation Delay 1.0 ns Duty Cycle Distortion 50 Residual Jitter 25 ps -- -- -- pspp MISCELLANEOUS PERFORMANCE Input Capacitance 1.0 pF Output Resistance 10 Output Inductance 6 nH Note 1: "Absolute Maximum Ratings" are those values beyond which the safety of the device cannot be guaranteed. They are not meant to imply that the devices should be operated at these limits. The table of "Electrical Characteristics" specifies conditions of device operation. Note 2: Min/Max ratings are based on product characterization and simulation. Individual parameters are tested as noted. Outgoing quality levels are determined from tested parameters. Note 3: Spec is 100% tested at +25C Note 4: Measured between the 20% and 80% levels of the waveform. Note 5: Measured with both outputs driving 150, AC coupled at 270 Mbps. 3 CLC006 ESD Rating (Human Body Model) Package Thermal Resistance JA 8-pin SOIC JC 8-pin SOIC Reliability Information MTTF Absolute Maximum Ratings (Note 1) CLC006 Operation INPUT INTERFACING The CLC006 has high impedance, emitter-follower buffered, differential inputs. Single-ended signals may also be input. Transmission lines supplying input signals must be properly terminated close to the CLC006. Either A.C. or D.C. coupling as in Figure 2 or Figure 3 may be used.Figures 2, 4 and Figure 5 show how Thevenin-equivalent resistor networks are used Load Type to provide input termination and biasing. The input D.C. common-mode voltage range is 0.8V to 2.5V below the positive power supply (VCC). Input signals plus bias should be kept within the specified common-mode range. For an 800 mVP-P input signal, typical input bias levels range from 1.2V to 2.1V below the positive supply. Resistor to VCC (R1) Resistor to VEE (R2) ECL, 50, 5V, VT=2V 82.5 124 ECL, 50, 5.2V, VT=2V 80.6 133 ECL, 75, 5V, VT=2V 124 187 ECL, 75, 5.2V, VT=2V 121 196 800 mVP-P, 50, 5V, VT=1.6V 75.0 154 800 mVP-P, 75, 5V, VT=1.6V 110 232 800 mVP-P, 2.2K, 5, VT=1.6V 3240 6810 10008404 FIGURE 1. Input Stage 10008405 FIGURE 2. AC Coupled Input 4 CLC006 10008406 FIGURE 3. DC Coupled Input 10008407 10008408 FIGURE 4. Single Ended 50 ECL input FIGURE 5. Differential 50 ECL Input OUTPUT INTERFACING The CLC006's class AB output stage, Figure 6, requires no standing current in the output transistors and therefore requires no biasing or pull-down resistors. Advantages of this arrangement are lower power dissipation and fewer external components. The output may be either D.C. or A.C. coupled to the load. A bandgap voltage reference sets output voltage levels which are compatible with F100K and 10K ECL when correctly terminated. The outputs do not have the same output voltage temperature coefficient as 10K. Therefore, noise margins will be reduced over the full temperature range when driving 10K ECL. Noise margins will not be affected when interfacing to F100K since F100K is fully voltage and temperature compensated. 5 CLC006 10008409 FIGURE 6. Output Stage 10008410 FIGURE 7. Differential Input DC Coupled Output OUTPUT AMPLITUDE ADJUSTMENT The high and low output levels of the CLC006 are set by a circuit shown simplified in Figure 8. Output high and low levels may be set independently with external resistor networks connected between REXT-H (pin 3), REXT-L (pin 4) and the power supplies. The resistor networks affect the high and low output levels by changing the internally generated bias voltages, VH and VL. The nominal high and low output levels are VCC-1.7V and VCC-3.3V, respectively, when the pins REXT-H and REXT-L are left unconnected. Though the internal components which determine output voltage levels have accurate ratios, their absolute values may be controlled only within about 15% of nominal. Even so, without external adjustment, output voltages are well controlled. A final design should accommodate the variation in externally set output voltages due to the CLC006's part-to-part and external component tolerances. Output voltage swing may be reduced with the circuit shown in Figure 9. A single resistance chosen with the aid of the graph, Figure 10, is connected between pins 3 and 4. Output voltage swing may be increased with the circuit of Figure 11. Figure 12 is used to estimate a value for resistor R. Note that both of these circuits and the accompanying graphs assume that the CLC006 is loaded with the standard 150. Be aware 6 sistances used to set output levels when the D.C. loading on the CLC006 differs appreciably from 150. 10008411 FIGURE 8. Equivalent Bias Generation Circuit 10008412 FIGURE 9. Differential Input Reduced Output 7 CLC006 that output loading will affect the output swing and the high and low levels. It may be necessary to empirically select re- CLC006 10008413 FIGURE 10. Resistance Pins 3 to 4 vs Output Voltage Reduced Output @ 150 Load 10008414 FIGURE 11. Differential Input Increased Output 10008415 FIGURE 12. Resistance Pins 3 to 4 vs Output Voltage Increased Output @ 150 Load 8 CLC006 OUTPUT RISE AND FALL TIMES Output load capacitance can significantly affect output rise and fall times. The effect of load capacitance, stray or otherwise, may be reduced by placing the output back-match resistor close to the output pin and by minimizing all interconnecting trace lengths. Figure 13 shows the effect on risetime of parallel load capacitance across a 150 load. 10008416 FIGURE 13. Rise Time vs CL PCB Layout Recommendations Printed circuit board layout affects the performance of the CLC006. The following guidelines will aid in achieving satisfactory device performance. * Use a ground plane or power/ground plane sandwich design for optimum performance. * Bypass device power with a 0.01 F monolithic ceramic capacitor in parallel with a 6.8 F tantalum electrolytic capacitor located no more than 0.1" (2.5 mm) from the device power pins. * Provide short, symmetrical ground return paths for: -- inputs, -- supply bypass capacitors and -- the output load. * Provide short, grounded guard traces located -- under the centerline of the package, -- 0.1" (2.5 mm) from the package pins -- on both top and bottom of the board with connecting vias. 9 CLC006 Physical Dimensions inches (millimeters) unless otherwise noted Order Number CLC006BM NS Package Number M08A 10 CLC006 Notes 11 CLC006 Serial Digital Cable Driver with Adjustable Outputs Notes For more National Semiconductor product information and proven design tools, visit the following Web sites at: Products Design Support Amplifiers WEBENCH(R) Tools Audio App Notes Clock and Timing Reference Designs Data Converters Samples Interface Eval Boards LVDS Packaging Power Management Green Compliance Switching Regulators Distributors LDOs Quality and Reliability LED Lighting Feedback/Support Voltage References Design Made Easy Applications & Markets Mil/Aero PowerWise(R) Solutions Serial Digital Interface (SDI) Temperature Sensors SolarMagicTM PLL/VCO PowerWise(R) Design University THE CONTENTS OF THIS DOCUMENT ARE PROVIDED IN CONNECTION WITH NATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION ("NATIONAL") PRODUCTS. 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