v4.0 11
SX-A Family FPGAs
Boundary-Scan Testing (BST)
All S X-A devices are IEEE 1149.1 c ompliant and offer sup erior
diagnostic and testing capabilities by providing Boundary
Scan Testing (BST) and probing capabilities. The BST
function is controlled through the special JTAG pins (TMS,
TDI, TCK, TDO, and TRST). The functionality of the JTAG
pins is defined by two available modes: Dedicated and
Flexible. TMS cannot be employed as user I/O in either mode.
Dedicated Mode
In Dedicated mode, all JTAG pins are reserved for BST;
designers cannot use them as regular I/Os. An internal
pull-up resistor is automatically enabled on both TMS and
TDI pins, and the TMS pin will function as defined in the
IEEE 1149.1 (JTAG) specification.
To select Dedicated mode, users need to reserve the JTAG
pins in Actel’s Designer software. To reserve the JTAG pins,
users can ch eck the "R eserve JTAG " box in "Devi ce Sele ct io n
Wizard" (Figure 10).
Flexible Mode
In Flexible mode, TDI, TCK, and TDO may be employed as
either use r I /Os or as JTA G i nput pi ns. The int ernal re sist ors
on the TMS and TDI pins are not present in flexible JTAG
To select the Flexible mode, users need to uncheck the
"Reserve JTAG" box in "Device Selection Wizard" in Actel’s
Desi gn er s oft wa re . I n Fl exi bl e m od e, TDI , TCK a nd TDO pi ns
may function as user I/Os or BST pins. The functionality is
controlled by the BST TAP controller. The TAP controller
receives two control inputs, TMS and TCK. Upon power-up,
the TAP controller enters the Test-Logic-Reset state. In this
state, TDI, TCK and TDO function as user I/ Os. The TDI, TCK,
and TDO are tran sforme d from user I/ Os into BST pins whe n
a rising edge on TCK is detect ed wh ile TMS is at logic low. To
return to Test-Logic Reset state, TMS must be high for at
least five TC K cycles. An extern al 10K pull-up resistor to VCCI
sho uld be placed on the TM S pin to pull it HIGH by de fault.
Table 5 describes the different co nfigur ation requirements of
BST pins and their functionality in different modes.
The TRST pin functions as a dedicated Boundary-Scan Reset
pin when the "R eserve JT AG Test Reset" option is selected as
shown in Figure 10. An internal pull-up resistor is
permanently enabled on the TRST pin in this mode. Actel
recommends connecting this pin to ground in normal
operation to keep the JTAG state controller in the
Test-Logic-Reset state. When JTAG is being used, it can be
left floating or be driven high.
When the "Reserve JTAG Test Reset" option is not selected,
this pin will func tion as a regular I/O. If unused as an I/O i n
the desig n, it wil l be conf igur ed as a tristate d outp ut.
Probing Capabilities
SX-A devi ces also p rovid e a n inte rna l prob ing ca pa bility th at
is accessed with the JTAG pins. The Silicon Explorer II
Diagnostic Hardware is used to control the TDI, TCK, TMS
and TDO pins to select the desired nets for debugging. The
user assigns the selected internal nets in Actel’s Silicon
Explorer II software to the PRA/PRB output pins for
observation. Silicon Explorer II automatically places the
device into JTAG mode. However, probing functionality is
only activated when the TRST pin is driven high or left
floating, allowing the internal pull-up resistor to pull TRST
HIGH. If the TRST pin is held LOW, the TAP controller
remains in the Test-Logic-Reset state so no probing can be
performed. However, the user must drive the TRST pin HIGH
or allow t he internal pu ll- up r esi s to r to pul l TRS T H IG H.
When selecting the "Reserve Probe Pin" box as shown in
Figure10, direct the layout tool to reserve the PRA and PRB
pins as dedicated outputs for probing. This "reserve" option is
merely a guideline. If the designer assigns user I/Os to the
PRA and PRB pins and selects the "Reserve Probe Pin"
option, Designer Layout will override the "Reserve Probe Pin"
option and place the user I/Os on those pins.
To allow probing capabilities, the security fuse must not be
programmed. Programming the security fuse disables the
probe circuitry. Table6 summarizes the possible device
configurations for probing once the device leaves the
"Test-Logic-Reset" JTAG state.
Figure 10 •Device Selection Wizar d
Table 5 •Boundary-Scan Pin Configurations and Functions
Mode Designer "Reserve JTAG" Selection TAP Controller State
Dedicated (JTAG) Checked Any
Flexible (User I/O) Unchecked Test-Logic-Reset
Flexible (JTAG) Unchecked Any EXCEPT Test-Logic-Reset