This Guide uses a real-life example to take you through the five steps for setting up a fully functional
application that will enable you to transfer data via the serial interface and to familiarize yourself with
and test the basic hardware and software features of your CP 441. The cross-references tell you
where to find more detailed information on specific topics in the operating manual.
It will take you between one and two hours to work your way through the example, depending on your
prior experience.
These are the preconditions for this example:
SYou have an S7-400 station, consisting of rack, power supply module, and CPU.
SSTEP 7 (wV5.0) is correctly installed on your programming device.
SYou have configured a project for the S7-400 station.
SThe programming device is connected to the CPU.
SYou have a CP 441-1 or CP 441-2 module complete with the appropriate configuration package, an
interface submodule and connecting cable.
SYou have prepared your connection partner for serial data transfer. If you are using a CP 441 with
RS232/V.24 interface, your programming device running the “Hyper Terminal” program can func-
tion as the connection partner. You will find “Hyper Terminal” in Windows under Start→Programs →
Accessories →Hyper Terminal. The procedure for starting the program is described below.
Installing the Configuration Package on your Programming Device
The configuration package consists of a parameterization tool for the CP 441, a library containing
function blocks, and a demo program.
Start the installation program on the CD by double-clicking the file called SETUP.EXE.
Follow the instructions issued by the installation program.
Installing the CP 441, Connecting to the Communication Partner
Insert the interface submodule into the upper slot and install the screws securing it to the module.
Hook the CP 441 onto the rack, lower the bottom edge into position and install the securing screws.
Use the connecting cable to interconnect the CP 441 and your connection partner. The pin assign-
ment of the interface adapter is detailed in Appendix B of the operating manual.
Test: Apply line voltage to the power supply module.
When the initialization phase completes, the ”FAULT1” LED lights up.
Parameterizing the CP 441
Open your project in SIMATIC Manager.
In your project, call up the HW Config configuration table by double-clicking on Hardware.
In the hardware catalog, select the CP 441 with the correct order number and drag it to the appro-
priate slot.
Double-click the CP 441 to open the “Properties CP 441” form.
Select interface 1 and specify the module.
Click the Parameters button and select the “ASCII” protocol. Double-click the Envelope.
Click the OK button to accept the parameterization defaults: 9600 bit/s, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, even
Select File → Save to save your parameterization settings and exit the form with File → Exit. In the
“Properties CP 441” form, click the OK button.
Save the configuration in your project by selecting Station → Save and Compile.