Double Data Rate (DDR) SDRAM Controller
Lattice Semiconductor (Pipelined Version) User’s Guide
Table 8. AMBA Bus Interface Signals
status[5:0] In N/A Local target controller status register.
lt_hdata_xfern In LOW Memory or I/O high DWORD read or write data phase com-
plete. The address counter can be incremented in combina-
tion with the lt_ldataxfern.
lt_ldata_xfern In LOW Memory or I/O low DWORD read or write data phase com-
plete. The address counter can be incremented in combina-
tion with the lt_hdataxfern.
exprom_hit In HIGH Expansion ROM register hit.
bar_hit[5:0] In N/A Signals that the current address is within one of the base
address register ranges, and access is requested until the
current cycle is done (multi-function devices will need an
additional set of registers for each function).
lt_64bit_transn In LOW Signals the local target that a 64-bit read or write transaction
is underway.
clk2x In N/A This is the doubled clock signal coming from the on-chip PLL.
Signal Name Direction
State Description
clk In N/A Bus Clock. This clock times all bus transfers. All signal timings are related to
the rising edge of clk.
reset_n In LOW The bus reset signal is active LOW and is used to reset the system and the
bus. This is the only active LOW signal.
HADDR[ASIZE_BIM-1:0] In N/A The 32-bit system address bus.
HTRANS[1:0] In N/A Transfer type. This indicates the type of the current transfer, which can be
HWRITE In HIGH Transfer direction. When HIGH, this signal indicates a write transfer. When
LOW, it indicates a read transfer.
HSIZE[2:0] In N/A Transfer size. Indicates the size of the transfer, which is typically byte (8-bit),
half word (16-bit), word (32-bit) or double word (64-bit) for a 64-bit AHB Bus.
HBURST[2:0] In N/A Burst type. Indicates if the transfer forms part of a burst. Four, eight and six-
teen beat bursts are supported. The burst may be either incremental or wrap-
HWDATA[DSIZE-1:0] In HIGH Write data bus. The write data bus is used to transfer data from the master to
the bus slaves during write operations.
HSELx In HIGH Slave select. This signal indicates that the current transfer is intended for the
slave. This signal is a combinatorial decode of the address bus.
HSELregx In HIGH This signal indicates the current transfer is meant for internal registers of the
Bus Interface Block. This is valid only when HSELx is asserted.
HSELmemx In HIGH This signal indicates the current transfer is meant for DDR memory data. This
is valid only when HSELx is asserted.
HREADY In HIGH Transfer done. When HIGH, the HREADY signal indicates that a transfer has
finished on the bus.
HRDATA[DSIZE-1:0] Out N/A Read data bus. The read data bus is used to transfer data from bus slaves to
the bus master during read operations.
HREADY_out Out HIGH Transfer done. When high, the HREADY_out signal indicates that a transfer
has finished on the bus. This signal may be driven LOW to extend a transfer.
HRESP[1:0] Out N/A Transfer response. The transfer response provides additional information on
the status of a transfer. Four different responses are possible: OKAY, ERROR,
RETRY and SPLIT. RETRY and SPLIT are not supported.
clk2x In N/A This is the doubled clock signal coming from the on-chip PLL.
Table 7. PCI Local Bus Interface Signals (Continued)
Signal Name Direction Active Description