XC74UL4066 ETR1308_002 CMOS Logic DESCRIPTION XC74UL4066 is CMOS analog switch manufactured using silicon gate CMOS processes. The small supply current, which is one of the features of the CMOS logic, gives way to high speed analog or digital signal switching. As the series is integrated into a mini molded, SSOT-25 and SON-6 package, high density mounting is possible. APPLICATIONS FEATURES Palmtops High Speed Operation : tpd = 2ns (TYP.) Operating Voltage Range : 2V ~ 5.5V Digital equipment Low Power Consumption : 1A (MAX.) : 22(TYP.) Low ON Resistance CMOS Logic Analog Switch Ultra Small Packages * Under Development : SSOT-25, SON-6* PIN CONFIGURATION OUT/IN IN/OUT GND Vcc SSOT-25 TOP VIEW XC74UL4066N LOGIC DIAGRAM CONT SON-6 TOP VIEW XC74UL4066R FUNCTIONS CONTROL STATE L H OFF ON H=High level L=Low level 1/11 XC74UL4066 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS PARAMETER Supply Voltage Control Input Voltage Switch Output Voltage Control Input Diode Current Switch Output Diode Current Switch Output Current VCC,GND Current Power Dissipation SYMBOL VCC VCONT VOUT IIK IOK IOUT ICC,IGND SSOT-25 Ta=-40~85 RATINGS -0.5~+6.0 -0.5~+6.0 -0.5~VCC+0.5 -20 20 25 50 150 Pd SON-6 Storage Temperature Range UNITS V V V mA mA mA mA mW 200 Tstg -65~+150 Voltage is all ground standardized. Ta=25 RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS CONDITIONS UNITS Supply Voltage PARAMETER SYMBOL VCC(V) VCC 2~5.5 V Input Voltage VIN 0~5.5 V Output Voltage VOUT 0~VCC V Operating Temperature Range Topr Input Rise and Fall Time tr,tf -40~+85 3.3 0~100 5.0 0~20 ns/V DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS PARAMETER "High" Level Control Input Voltage" "Low" Level Control Input Voltage" Peak ON Resistance ON Resistance SYMBOL VIH VIL RONmax RON(1) VCC(V) CONDITIONS Ta=25 Ta=-40~85 MIN. TYP. MAX. MIN. MAX. 2.0 1.5 1.5 3.0 2.1 2.1 5.5 3.85 3.85 2.0 0.5 0.5 3.0 0.9 0.9 5.5 1.65 1.65 550 2.0 VCONT=VIH 130 350 3.0 VIN=0~VCC 22 50 65 4.5 IIN/OUT=1mA 12 25 35 2.0 VCONT=VIH 23 50 65 3.0 VIN=GND or VCC 14 30 40 4.5 IIN/OUT=1mA 10 20 25 UNITS V V Power Off Leak Current IS(OFF) 5.5 VCONT=VIL, VIN=VCC, VOUT=GND 0.1 1.0 A Power On Leak Current IS(ON) 5.5 VCONT=VIH, VIN=VCC, OR GND 0.1 1.0 A Control Input Current ICONT 5.5 VIN=VCC or GND 0.1 1.0 A Static Supply Current ICC 5.5 VIN=VCC or GND 1.0 5.0 A 2/11 XC74UL4066 SWITCHING ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS PARAMETER Delay Time SYMBOL VCC(V) CONDITIONS Ta=-40~85 TYP. MAX. MIN. MAX. 2.0 RL=10k 4 20 23 tPHL 3.3 CL=50pF 3 6 8 2 5 6 tZL tZH 2.0 RL=1k 9 50 65 3.3 CL=50pF 5 10 12 3 8 10 5.0 Output Disable Time Ta=25 MIN. tPLH 5.0 Output Enable Time (tr=tf=3ns) tLZ tHZ UNITS ns ns 2.0 RL=1k 12 60 75 3.3 CL=50pF 10 23 27 8 20 25 0.05 % 200 MHz -60 dB 5.0 ns RL=10k Sine Wave Distortion Rate 3.0 CL=50pF fIN=1kHz RL=600k, CL=50pF -3dB Band Width 3.0 VOUT =- 3dB 20log 10 VIN RL=600k Feed Through 3.0 (Switch- off) fIN=1kHz Cross Talk (Control Switch) Maximum Control Input Frequency Control Input Capacitance CL=50pF CiN 2.0 RL=600k 60 3.0 CL=50pF 100 4.5 fIN=1kHz 150 2.0 RL=1k 30 3.0 CL=15pF 30 4.5 VOUT=VCC/2 30 5 10 10 mV MHz pF Switch Input/Output Capacitance CIN/OUT 6 pF Feed Through Capacitance CIN-OUT 0.5 pF Power Dissipation Capacitance CPD 13 pF Note: CPD is defined as the value of the internal equivalent capacitance which is derived from the operating supply current at times of "No Load". Ensure that the average operating supply current at times of "No Load" meets the following conditions: ICC (opr)=CPDVCCFIN+ICC 3/11 XC74UL4066 DELAY TIME WAVEFORM TEST CIRCUIT 4/11 XC74UL4066 OUTPUT ENABLE TIME, OUTPUT DISABLE TIME WAVEFORM TEST CIRCUIT 5/11 XC74UL4066 SINE WAVE DISTORTION RATE -3dB BAND WIDTH 6/11 XC74UL4066 FEED THROUGH TEST CIRCUIT CROSS TALK WAVEFORM TEST CIRCUIT 7/11 XC74UL4066 MAXIMUM CONTROL INPUT FREQUENCY WAVEFORM TEST CIRCUIT 8/11 XC74UL4066 ON RESISTANCE VOLTAGE DEPENDANCIES OF ON RESISTANCE 9/11 XC74UL4066 POWER OFF LEAK CURRENT POWER ON LEAK CURRENT 10/11 XC74UL4066 1. The products and product specifications contained herein are subject to change without notice to improve performance characteristics. Consult us, or our representatives before use, to confirm that the information in this catalog is up to date. 2. We assume no responsibility for any infringement of patents, patent rights, or other rights arising from the use of any information and circuitry in this catalog. 3. Please ensure suitable shipping controls (including fail-safe designs and aging protection) are in force for equipment employing products listed in this catalog. 4. The products in this catalog are not developed, designed, or approved for use with such equipment whose failure of malfunction can be reasonably expected to directly endanger the life of, or cause significant injury to, the user. (e.g. Atomic energy; aerospace; transport; combustion and associated safety equipment thereof.) 5. Please use the products listed in this catalog within the specified ranges. Should you wish to use the products under conditions exceeding the specifications, please consult us or our representatives. 6. We assume no responsibility for damage or loss due to abnormal use. 7. All rights reserved. No part of this catalog may be copied or reproduced without the prior permission of Torex Semiconductor Ltd. 11/11