D]o]c ILC DATA DEVICE CORPORATION SEM PRODUCTS HYBRID AND DISCRETE SEM PRODUCTS JAN Qualified Modules for Navy SEM Program DESCRIPTION The product assurance program, facilities, and manufacturing procedures of ILC Data Device Corporation have been certified by the U.S. Navy for the production of JAN qualified modules for the Standard Electronic Module (SEM) program. Various standard DDC syn- chro and other data conversion products and a number of custom designed prod- ucts have been adapted to SEM config- uration with an assigned Key Code, as shown in the table. For these units to which an M28787 slash number has been assigned, DDC either has been JAN certified and is a QPL supplier, or is in the process of obtaining JAN certifi- cation. Consult the DDC factory for the most recent JAN certification status Units fisted in the table without M28787 numbers are some of the special SEMs" which DDC has qualified DDC's proven expertise in meeting SEM program requirements, its extensive ex- perience in the design and manufacture of data conversion products, and its sophisticated hybrid capability are avail- able for the creation of new SEM de- signs. The SEM modules shown in the table are able to implement complex functions such as single and dual speed synchro-to-digital tracking converters, multiplexed synchro-to-digital convert- ers, and digital-to-synchro converters. The Naval Avionics Center (NAC) in In- dianapolis, Indiana has prepared appli- cations data manuals for synchro SEM modules with assigned SEM part num- bers. These manuals are available to SEM users call (317) 353-3808. DDC 9200-KEY CODE JWP (14 BIT S'D CONVERTER) DDC 67001-KEY CODE UKT (MIL-STD-1553 R.T.U.) FEATURES FACILITY CERTIFICATION BY N.W.S.C. CRANE, INDIANA MODULE QUALIFICATION JAN AND QUALIFIED SPECIAL SPECIAL CUSTOM DESIGNS CAPABILITIES: S'D, D'S, AD. DA, DATA BUS, CUSTOM FILTERS, CUSTOM HYBRIDS D-3O0G SEM PRODUCTS CORPORATION | pocen Rrra Function sem rane. + | Key, | Module | BUS-67001 Custom Product MIL STO 15538 Interface Unit 1348 UKT | 2a! | BUS-67002 Custom Product Mil. STD 15538 Protocal and Subsystem 349 ukKU | 2a"! BUS-67003 Custom Product Mit STD 1553B Bus Controller (367 UKS | 2a! BUS -67005 600 Custom Product Mil -S1TO-1553 Dual Redundant interlace Special AAJH| 2a" | SEMQ9000 600 ADH 8516-1 12 til, Susec AVD Converter with Buffer (+ 10Y Input} Special DRG | 1A SEMO9001 601 Castom Product Sonar Filter Special DES | 1A SEM18004 301 Custom Product 60 400He 14 bit R/O Converter with Tristate Data Special NKP | 1A | SEM18005 600 Custom Product 400He 14 bit RD Converter wilb Tr-state Datla Special EER 1A SEM18005 601 Custom Product 400H2 14 bu S/D Converter with Tr stale Data {345 JAP 1A"? | SEM18007 600 | Custom Product 5VA 4 Channel D'S Converter Special ADSA; 2A"? SEM88000 600 Custom Product Selectable Bandpass Filter Special BYQ [ 2A | SEM88060 601 Custom Product Selectable Bandpass Filter Special BYK | 2A SEM88000 602 Custom Product Sulectable Bandpass Filter Special BYP | 2A | 9200 Monobrd S/D 60 400H2 14 Int S'D Converter with Tr slate Datla {937 JWP LTA 9201 H& HMSDC Senas | Dual Power Amphfier 184 SES [1c | 9202 H & HMSDC Serios i Scott Cand Heterence Cranstoamer dnpuvOutput 185 SI] iC 9203 HXDC 10 6H 1 GOH 10 bit SAD Converter Special KMJ | 1a? | 9204 HRCOT 14t 1 Ai +HDP 61 400He 14 bit RAD Convener Special KMR | IB | 9205 | H& HMSDC Sunes | Two Speed bE tror Crossover SwitchyDetector (225 HUH | 1A + 9207 HXDC 10-6-1 , 10 bt SD Converter Special HLD | 1A | 9208 HKDC 1041 ! 10 bil S'D Converter Special KMK | 1A 9210 HH & HMSDC-Senes MSB Function Generator 186 SHY | 1A | 9220 He& HMSDC Senes USB Function Generator 187 SHU | 1A G25 SC8/11 1 4 Ghaonet! MUX SynctwoSine Cos : Special pMkK | 1A4 i G24) H& HMSDC Sones OctanvQuadrant Detector {188 SHV | 1A 9250 Ht & HMSDC Series frror Detector 189 1 SHX | 1A 9251 H & HMSDC-Sencus ' 60 He Relurence Input Processor: Transtonner Special JMC | 16 | 92533 | BUS 8553 1 & BUS. 8937 1 | MIL STD 1553 BUS Adaptor (AT UL) Special MAN | 2A'"! 9271 | tt & HMSDC Seues 602 Input Processor Transfooner Spectal JMB [IC 9280 HSCT 1411 | Sold State Control Transtormer Special KMP 7 1A? ; G28) HSCT 144 1 Solid State Cootrol Transformer Spectral KME | 1A i 9286 HxC) 141 Sud State Control Pranstormer Special KMD | 1A ' 9288 HOP 41 400H4 Error Processor Special KMF | 1A 9289 HOP 64 60H Error Processor Special KMG | 1A | 9290 Custani Produet 60 400He Scott T anid Reference Transtormer Special HEC 18 9291 HOCE 141 400He 14 bit Solis State Cosme Control Transformer Spectral i KMQ | 1A 9293 HRDC 14 1 14 til FR Converter Special KMM | 1A QPF Custom Prodact Geometic AD Converter Special CA4 i 2A 9z99 HSDGC 10-4H 4 400He 10 bit S!D Converter Special KMH | 1A 9300 Custom Product 12 bit AD Cooverter (232 oad | 1B 9401 H & HMSDC Senes Quadrant Selector gad Successive Appoxination togicINAVALEX0104 925 KMA | 10 , 9450 11& HMSDC Series Refereoce Input Processor Transtoruer INNAVALEX0104-925 KMB | IB 9470 H & HMSDC Series Syachto lopot Processor Translormer INAVALEX0104 925 KMC ! IB 9900 ADH 8516 1 12 bu, Susec AsD Convedcr with Buffer (+. 5V input) | Special UPU VA NOTES (1) Contiqueatian is Format 8 (SEM) (4) Inetudes Subd SGate Seott T (2) Contiqguration is Fornat CO (6) Alburots with MiOM-28/787 par) aumber ane: preseotly JAN on in pracess ob being qualitied (3) Conhyuration os Format 0 + For modules other than "Special" refer to MIL-STD-1634 and M28787 for detailed intormation ORDERING INFORMATION 9205-HUH-M28787/225 MIL part no. (where applicable) Key Code DDC part number