~,:$, ,-L: ;-: -- ---- ;::',: L-,:r$'z ,~J&._ ,!:, c' Select from Epi5ase :: ~: :-; :;),: and~or ~,;;:. Unibase for ultimate circuit EPIBASEA- Designed forpowerarnplifier .; Low Collector-Emitter VCE(~at) ICBO (single diffused) anl~ switching Voltage .7 -, transistors applications. - @ IC = 10Adc @ IC = 8.0 Adc -- IMJ3772 - MJ6257 - (:M~x) @ Rated VCB -- Bandwidth (Min) UN IBASEA (Single Diffused) arid inductive = requirements. = 0.7 Vdc (Idax) O MHz @I Ic= switching Biased Second lS/b = 3.75 Adc -- Product - l.OAdc Designed for series pass regulators applications. i3reakdowrr (@ \/CE = Current Capability 40 Vdc - 2N3771 2.5 Adc (2 \~CE = 60 Vdc - 2N3772 = 3.75 ) /-,, .:, -,,-. .,.; .,-. = 0.8 Vdc (!tiax) = 1.0 mAdc = ,-, -, ..,..-.3 @ IC = 15 Adc -- ~lJ3771 High Current-Gain Forward ., based on the dejign Saturation fT=2. : .. ..- ,--.;- = 1.0 Vdc (Max) ~~ Low Leakage ~ performance .- Adc @ \jCE Reverse Biased Secold ES/b = 500 = 40 Vdc - 2N6257 Breakdown mJ (Min) ---- Energ~/ -- @ IC = 5. OAdc, L = 40 ml+ -- ,>,.7.,'.) ,,0 .?} ~>J>,>$:~ ~.::,., .,, ,:W'.t$:ti, ~,x\l.,,<,, ~ ~V?*P ~:,t . I.;,,.*, ,. . ... $i.i.. i ,<%< -Y$@y $. .*,, ` t!' ,>:l?{~l> Jp':?<&,' ~ - `~,~s, ,\W ".. 11' ,!.0 `" 1,0 1:0 1,0 2.0 mm `-'-'" Current iCBO Vdc, IE =0) I 100 Vdc, IF = 01 Cutoff ii tj.O Vdc, vEB(off) = 45 Vdc. Vra{-++i I -- Vdc, vEB(Off) Tc = 1500C) (VrG -- - Current (VCE (vc~= 30 I I 2N6257 2N3772 I `~., I MJ3772 ! MJ3771 I L u, 2N3771 = 5.0 Vdc, IC = 0) IC = O) ,... MJ6257 i Current (VBE = 7.0 Vdc, I ---- E_ 15 15 15 5.0 5.0 5.0 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- *indicates JE LEC Registered Data for 2N3771, 2N3772 a"d 2N6257. -- .- ---. ------- ,. UN I BASE 2N3771 , 2N3772, EPIBASE 2N6257 MJ3771 FIGURE g 30 ~ .L 20 10- , MJ3772, MJ6257 DC 10 7.0 5.0 0.3 0.5 0.7 1.0 2.0 3.0 Ic, COLLECTOR 5.0 CURRENT 10 7.0 20 (AMP) FIGURE 1! - CO LLECT( FIGURE Ic, COLLECTOR CURRENT MOTOfi?OLA 30 12- - ,,c (AMP) Ic, COLLECTOR Semiconductor Prod f~cts CURRENT i?n c. @ -- -- --.---- (AMP) FI(3URE 9 - CAPACITANCE v" 300 , 2N: ------MJ: 200Ic, CO LLECTOFI CUR RENT (AMP) 0.1 0.2 0,5 1.0 2.0 VR, R[;VERSE 5.0 VOLTAGE 10 (VOLTS) 20 50 100 .< 4 ,. - FIGURE 2 - THERMAL RESPONSE - 2N3771, 2N3772, 2N62!57 1.0 --D=0.50.5 I 0,3 I I .'. --- - -- -- ~ I I I I I I 1 I 11111111 I I I _ 0.1 ~ EL + = Y _ ~ I I I I II i tti k)J +t, u Ll I 1 I { I I ! I I I I I I I ! @Jc(t) = t r(t) o Ic ! I 1 i":"!w~~$:, I I 1111 I I 0,03 0.02 ` 0.01 r 0.02 `SINGLE PULSE---- 0.05 0.: 0.1 0 ` ,,,:<$" FIGURE: 3 - ACTIVE-REGION SAFE OPERATING . ~ `+$$~?,,,,. ,,t.~ A~#-'2N377l ~a,. i~~. , 2N3772, 2N6257 L sister that must be observed for reliable operation; i.e., the transistor must not be subjected to greater dissipation than the curves indicate. Figure 3 is based upon JI:D EC registered Data. Second breakdown TJ(pk) pulse limits < 200C. are valid for duty cycles to 10% provided TJ(pk) may be calculated frOm the data of Figure Figure 2. Using data OF Figure 2 and the pulse power limits of 3, TJ(pk) will be found to be Iessthan TJ(max) for Pul~ widths of 1 ms and less. When using Motorola permissible to increase the pulse power limits TJ(max). FI13U13E 5 - TURN-ON transistors, it is until limited by TIME 10 5.0 2.0 1.0 SCOPE ~ m E F -- 0.5 0.2 0.1 ~ tr, tf510ns DUTY CYCLE= 1.0% AA -4 v RBANO RC AR EVARIEU TO OBTAIN 0.05 OESIREO CURRENT D1 MUST BE FAST RECOVERY LEVELS TYPE, eg: M305300 USEO ABOVE IB =100 mA MSO61OO USED BELOW lB=l OomA 0.02 0.01 0.3 0.5 0.7 1.0 2.0 3.0 5.0 7.0 10 Ic, COLLECTORCURRENT [AMP) MOTOROLA @ Semiconductor Prt3d1wc*s Inc. 20 30 2N3771, UN I BASE 2N3772, 2N6257 IEPIBASE MJ3771 FIGURE ic, COLLECTOR CURRENT MOTOROLA --- 48w-2 PRINTED IN MA --. --. 1%72 COEFFICIENTS 14 - COLLEC T( Semiconductor BOX 20912 lM%RIAL LITHO MJ6257 (AMP) FIGURE -@ 13 - TEMPERATURE , MJ3772, 0 W630 PHOENIX, ARIZONA 85036 F~r<>ducts . A 10M 5UBS[DZARY OF h40T0R0LA Inc. .S 31~ --------------- -- INC. R?