API_newlayouts_single:APIcatalog_newlayouts 8/26/10 12:18 PM Page 95 0.813 0.05 27.94 Min. Operating Temperature -55C to +125C -55C to +85C @ full rated current Current Rating at 85C Ambient 40C Rise Maximum Power Dissipation at 85C 0.70 W Dielectric Withstanding Voltage 2500 V RMS Incremental Current The current which will decrease the inductance by approximately 5%. Inductance Measurement Inductance is measured @ 1 kHz with 1 VAC open circuit and 0 dc bias. Inductance Tolerance Tolerance is specified by suffixing an alpha character to the part number as follows: J = 5%, K = 10%, and L = 15%. Units are normally supplied to the tolerance indicated in table. High Saturation Bobbin allows for high inductance with low DCR. High Resistivity Core offers very high parallel resistance, resulting in maximum coil performance. 4590 Marking DELEVAN; inductance; tolerance. 4590R Marking DELEVAN; 4590R; dash number with tolerance letter. DELEVAN 39 uH 10% Example: 4590R-393K DELEVAN 4590R 393K -392K -472K -562K -682K -822K -103K -123K -153K -183K -223K -273K -333K -393K -473K -563K -683K -823K -104K -124K -154K -184K -224K -274K -334K -394K -474K -564K -684K -824K -105K -125K -155K -185K -225K -275K -335K -395K -475K -565K -685K -825K -106K -126K -156K -186K -226K -276K -336K -396K -476K -566K -686K -826K -107K SERIES 4590 FERRITE CORE 3.9 0.007 9.75 4.7 0.008 9.11 5.6 0.011 7.77 6.8 0.011 7.60 8.2 0.013 7.15 10.0 0.016 6.44 12.0 0.018 6.07 15.0 0.020 5.76 18.0 0.022 5.49 22.0 0.024 5.26 27.0 0.025 5.15 33.0 0.028 4.87 39.0 0.031 4.63 47.0 0.034 4.45 56.0 0.043 3.93 68.0 0.059 3.355 82.0 0.066 3.175 100 0.084 2.815 120 0.113 2.43 150 0.129 2.27 180 0.150 2.105 220 0.162 2.025 270 0.226 1.715 330 0.257 1.61 390 0.288 1.52 470 0.393 1.30 560 0.504 1.15 680 0.570 1.08 820 0.643 1.015 1000 0.844 0.89 1200 0.977 0.825 1500 1.18 0.75 1800 1.50 0.665 2200 1.76 0.615 2700 2.13 0.56 3300 2.53 0.51 3900 2.84 0.48 4700 3.79 0.415 5600 4.24 0.395 6800 5.75 0.34 8200 6.44 0.32 10000 7.30 0.30 12000 9.34 0.265 15000 10.7 0.25 18000 14.8 0.21 22000 18.0 0.19 27000 22.7 0.17 33000 25.7 0.16 39000 29.7 0.15 47000 33.7 0.14 56000 38.0 0.13 68000 52.8 0.11 82000 67.3 0.10 100000 76.0 0.09 s or ct du In 0.032 0.002 1.10 Min. * Millimeters 22.86 Max. 11.55 Max. ER Inches 0.900 Max. 0.455 Max. MB Physical Parameters er w Po NU Actual Size (Max.) Example: 4590-393K L TA EN S) EM MP CR (A IN DC T EN RR NG CU TI ) RA S T MP EN (A RR UM CU XIM MA CE AN ) ST S SI HM RE M (O DC MU XI MA CE AN CT 10% DU ) IN (H SH High Current Filter Inductors Length Diameter Lead Size AWG #20 TCW Lead Length L NA MI NO 4590R 4590 DA SERIES 8.2 7.5 6.9 6.3 5.7 5.2 4.7 4.3 3.9 3.5 3.2 2.9 2.7 2.5 2.3 2.1 1.9 1.7 1.6 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 0.95 0.88 0.80 0.74 0.67 0.61 0.56 0.51 0.46 0.42 0.38 0.34 0.31 0.29 0.26 0.24 0.22 0.20 0.18 0.17 0.15 0.14 0.12 0.11 0.10 0.09 0.09 0.08 0.07 0.07 0.06 Optional Tolerances: J = 5% L = 15% *Complete part # must include series # PLUS the dash # For surface finish information, refer to www.delevanfinishes.com Packaging Bulk only 270 Quaker Rd., East Aurora NY 14052 * Phone 716-652-3600 * Fax 716-652-4814 * E-mail: apisales@delevan.com * www.delevan.com 1/2009