.50 .50 .29 .19 dia. PVC .28 "HL" w/ monocoil .185 .182 .12 1.5 .25 "BL" "D" dia. bundle .25 dia. "L" 13 models MODEL NUMBER "HL" "BL" "L" "D" P/N BA1.57PMTA 1.38 7.5 .5 84 .09 24263 BA11.5PMTA 1.38 7.5 .5 18 .062 23955 BA1.53PMTAM3.6 3.61 7.5 .5 36 .09 BA1.53PMTAM2 2.00 7.5 .5 36 .09 23625 BA.755PMTA 1.38 7.5 .5 60 .046 23608 BA1.5.8PMTA 1.38 4.5 .5 9 .09 22750 BA1.54PMTA 1.38 7.5 .5 48 .09 22341 BA.751.8PMTA 1.38 7.5 .5 21 .046 22145 BA1.51PMTA 1.38 7.5 .5 12 .09 22103 BA1.56PMTA 1.38 7.5 .5 72 .09 21880 BA13PMTA 1.38 7.5 .5 36 .062 21777 BA.753PMTA 1.38 7.5 .5 36 .046 21758 BA1.52PMTA 1.38 7.5 .5 24 .09 21640 BA1.53PMTA 1.38 7.5 .5 36 .09 20325 REV. A Changed bundle diameter on P/N 23608, was incorrect at .09 3/15/95 GPK Tolerances (unless otherwise specified) all dim's in inches X.X = .1" X.XX = .01" X.XXX = .005" "L" = .5" per foot DESCRIPTION: DATE 3/22/88 the photoelectric specialist MADE IN USA Banner Engineering Corp. 9714 Tenth Avenue North Minneapolis, MN 55441 Tel # 612-544-3164 FAX # 612-544-3213 Sales Dept. FAX # 612-544-3573 Applications Dept. This drawing is the property of BANNER ENGINEERING CORPORATION and is proprietary in general and in detail. Its contents shall not be revealed to outside parties without the written consent of BANNER ENGINEERING CORPORATION. BA1.53PMTA Sheet 1 of 1 FIBER OPTIC ASSEMBLY & MOD. DRWG# 20325 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ! 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ! Main Office: (650) 588-9200 ! Outside Local Area: (800) 258-9200 ! www.stevenengineering.com .50 .29 .50 .25 dia. stainless .185 .182 .29 .50 .50 1.5 .25 .187 "D" dia. bundle 7.5 .5 "L" 17 models MODEL NUMBER "L" "D" P/N BF.753S 36 .046 20536 BF11S 12 .062 17990 BF12S 24 .062 17884 BF13S 36 .062 17227 BF14S 48 .062 20294 BF16S 72 .062 20950 BF19S 108 .062 20951 BF2.9S 11 .125 17229 BF21.5S 18 .125 20452 BF210S 120 .125 17230 BF212S 144 .125 20530 BF216.4S 197 .125 20679 BF21S 12 .125 17231 BF22.6S 31 .125 20191 BF22S 24 .125 17396 BF23.5S 42 .125 17810 DESCRIPTION: BF23S 36 .125 17237 DATE 1/25/88 REV. Tolerances (unless otherwise specified) all dim's in inches X.X = .1" X.XX = .01" X.XXX = .005" "L" = .5" per foot the photoelectric specialist MADE IN USA Banner Engineering Corp. 9714 Tenth Avenue North Minneapolis, MN 55441 Tel # 612-544-3164 FAX # 612-544-3213 Sales Dept. FAX # 612-544-3573 Applications Dept. This drawing is the property of BANNER ENGINEERING CORPORATION and is proprietary in general and in detail. Its contents shall not be revealed to outside parties without the written consent of BANNER ENGINEERING CORPORATION. BF23S FIBEROPTIC ASSEMBLY & MODIFICATIONS Sheet 1 of 2 DRWG# 17237 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ! 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ! Main Office: (650) 588-9200 ! Outside Local Area: (800) 258-9200 ! www.stevenengineering.com MODEL NUMBER "L" "D" P/N BF230S 360 .125 20133 BF24S 48 .125 17240 BF25S 60 .125 17241 BF26S 72 .125 17242 BF28S 96 .125 20221 BF29S 108 .125 20742 BF23SM600 36 .125 17376 BF26.5SM600 78 .125 17394 BF27S 84 .125 21425 BF15S 60 .062 21731 BF.443S 36 .027 22019 BF28.2S 98 .125 22061 BF11.5S 18 .062 22158 BF110S 120 .062 22176 BF.751S 12 .046 22218 BF15SM600 60 .062 22274 BF21.7S 20 .125 22842 BF1.517S 20 .090 BF.751.7S 20 .046 BF26.5S 78 .125 23134 BF21.3S 15 .125 23412 BF215S 180 .125 23457 BF249S 588 .125 BF.756SM600 72 .046 BF26SM600 72 .125 23906 BF18S 96 .062 23971 BF111S 132 .062 23970 BF22.5S 30 .125 24160 BF25.5S 66 .125 24215 BF1.83S 10 .062 24638 BF2.75S 9 .125 BF23.7S 44 .125 BF2.83S 10 .125 NOTE: M600 suffix indicates fibers potted on common ferrule end with epoxy that operates in max. temperature of 600 F 26 models REV. 24869 Tolerances (unless otherwise specified) all dim's in inches X.X = .1" X.XX = .01" X.XXX = .005" "L" = .5" per foot DESCRIPTION: DATE 1/25/88 the photoelectric specialist MADE IN USA Banner Engineering Corp. 9714 Tenth Avenue North Minneapolis, MN 55441 Tel # 612-544-3164 FAX # 612-544-3213 Sales Dept. FAX # 612-544-3573 Applications Dept. This drawing is the property of BANNER ENGINEERING CORPORATION and is proprietary in general and in detail. Its contents shall not be revealed to outside parties without the written consent of BANNER ENGINEERING CORPORATION. BF23S FIBEROPTIC ASSEMBLY & MODIFICATIONS Sheet 2 of 2 DRWG# (Note-See Previous Page for Drawing) Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ! 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ! Main Office: (650) 588-9200 ! Outside Local Area: (800) 258-9200 ! www.stevenengineering.com 17237 NOTE: M600 suffix indicates fiber potted on probe end with epoxy that operates in max. temperature of 600 F .50 .50 .29 1.4 "PL" .25 dia. Stainless steel .185 .182 .09 dia. .310 "D" dia. bundle 1.5 .25 7.5 .5 "L" MODEL NUMBER "D" "L" "PL" BP16SM5 .06 72 5.0 21271 P/N BP13SM.5MB .06 36 .5 20809 BP11.2S .06 14 3.00 20961 BP11.3S .06 15 3.00 17931 BP11.5S .06 18 3.00 17864 BP11S .06 12 3.00 20641 BP12S .06 24 3.00 17875 BP13SM.44 .06 36 .44 17256 BP13SM.50 .06 36 .50 17811 BP13SM.56 .06 36 .56 20271 BP13SM1 .06 36 1.00 17822 BP13SM1.25 .06 36 1.25 20249 BP13SM1.5 .06 36 1.50 21038 BP13SM4 .06 36 4.00 20995 BP14S .06 48 3.00 20075 BP15S .06. 60 3.00 20001 BP16S 06 72 3.00 17814 BP18S .06 96 3.00 20946 DESCRIPTION: BP13S .06 36 3.00 17255 DATE 3/21/88 19 models REV. A Removed model number BP16SM3 (page2) 9/15/95 GPK Tolerances (unless otherwise specified) all dim's in inches X.X = .1" X.XX = .01" X.XXX = .005" "L" = .5" per foot the photoelectric specialist MADE IN USA Banner Engineering Corp. 9714 Tenth Avenue North Minneapolis, MN 55441 Tel # 612-544-3164 FAX # 612-544-3213 Sales Dept. FAX # 612-544-3573 Applications Dept. This drawing is the property of BANNER ENGINEERING CORPORATION and is proprietary in general and in detail. Its contents shall not be revealed to outside parties without the written consent of BANNER ENGINEERING CORPORATION. BP13S FIBEROPTIC ASSEMBLY & MODIFICATIONS Sheet 1 of 2 DRWG# Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ! 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ! Main Office: (650) 588-9200 ! Outside Local Area: (800) 258-9200 ! www.stevenengineering.com 17255 NOTE: M600 suffix indicates fiber potted on probe end with epoxy that operates in max. temperature of 600 F MODEL NUMBER "D" "L" "PL" BP13SM600 .06 36 3.0 21013 P/N BP13SM2M600 .06 36 2.0 20648 BP16SM600 .06 72 3.0 17935 BP13.5S .06 42 3.0 21451 BP125SM600 .06 300 3.0 22313 BP.753S .046 36 3.0 22426 BP13SM1M600 .06 36 1.0 22494 BP13SM5 .06 36 5.0 22507 BP13SM.75 .06 36 .75 22519 BP12SM600 .06 24 3.0 22945 BP14SM1 .06 48 1.00 22959 BP12SM1 .06 24 1.00 23041 BP17SM22 .06 84 22.0 23467 BP18.33S .06 100 3.0 BP13SM.19 .06 36 .19 24010 BP.53SM1 .032 36 1.0 24117 BP112S .06 144 3.00 15 models REV. A Removed model number BP16SM3 9/15/95 GPK Tolerances (unless otherwise specified) all dim's in inches X.X = .1" X.XX = .01" X.XXX = .005" "L" = .5" per foot DESCRIPTION: DATE 3/21/88 the photoelectric specialist MADE IN USA Banner Engineering Corp. 9714 Tenth Avenue North Minneapolis, MN 55441 Tel # 612-544-3164 FAX # 612-544-3213 Sales Dept. FAX # 612-544-3573 Applications Dept. This drawing is the property of BANNER ENGINEERING CORPORATION and is proprietary in general and in detail. Its contents shall not be revealed to outside parties without the written consent of BANNER ENGINEERING CORPORATION. BP13S FIBEROPTIC ASSEMBLY & MOD. Sheet 2 of 2 DRWG# (Note-See Previous Page for Drawing) Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ! 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ! Main Office: (650) 588-9200 ! Outside Local Area: (800) 258-9200 ! www.stevenengineering.com 17255 .50 .50 .29 5/16 x 24 Thd Brass 2 Jam Nuts included .23 dia. PVC w/monocoil .185 .182 .31 .50 "TL" "D" dia. bundle 1.5 .25 "BL" "L" MODEL NUMBER "BL" "L" "TL" "D" BT212P 7.5 .5 144 1.5 .125 P/N BT21.5P 7.5 .5 18 1.5 .125 22981 BT.53P 7.5 .5 36 1.5 .032 22627 BT110P 7.5 .5 120 1.5 .062 BT12P 7.5 .5 24 1.5 .062 22236 BT12PM.38 7.5 .5 24 .38 .062 21885 BT15P 7.5 .5 60 1.5 .062 21563 BT220P 7.5 .5 240 1.5 .125 21559 BT16P 7.5 .5 72 1.5 .062 21555 BT23PM.75 7.5 .5 36 .75 .125 21452 BT.752P 7.5 .5 24 1.5 .046 21124 BT11P 7.5 .5 12 1.5 .062 17981 BT13P 7.5 .5 36 1.5 .062 17263 BT210P 7.5 .5 120 1.5 .125 20623 BT215P 7.5 .5 180 1.5 .125 17830 BT21P 7.5 .5 12 1.5 .125 20797 BT22P 7.5 .5 24 1.5 .125 17273 BT24P 7.5 .5 48 1.5 .125 17281 BT25P 7.5 .5 60 1.5 .125 17283 BT26P 7.5 .5 72 1.5 .125 20038 BT28P 7.5 .5 96 1.5 .125 17895 BT29P 7.5 .5 108 1.5 .125 20667 BT23P 7.5 .5 36 1.5 .125 17275 22 models REV. A Changed crimp diameter, was.29 3/15/96 GPK Tolerances (unless otherwise specified) all dim's in inches X.X = .1" X.XX = .01" X.XXX = .005" "L" = .5" per foot DESCRIPTION: DATE 4/14/88 the photoelectric specialist MADE IN USA Banner Engineering Corp. 9714 Tenth Avenue North Minneapolis, MN 55441 Tel # 612-544-3164 FAX # 612-544-3213 Sales Dept. FAX # 612-544-3573 Applications Dept. This drawing is the property of BANNER ENGINEERING CORPORATION and is proprietary in general and in detail. Its contents shall not be revealed to outside parties without the written consent of BANNER ENGINEERING CORPORATION. BT23P FIBEROPTIC ASSEMBLY & MODIFICATIONS Sheet 1 of 2 DRWG# 17275 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ! 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ! Main Office: (650) 588-9200 ! Outside Local Area: (800) 258-9200 ! www.stevenengineering.com "BL" "L" "TL" "D" P/N BT14P 7.5 .5 48 1.5 .062 23314 BT18P 7.5 .5 96 1.5 .062 23710 BT1.8P 4.5 .5 9 1.5 .062 23736 BT240P 7.5 .5 480 1.5 .125 BT.756P 7.5 .5 72 1.5 .046 BT.753P 7.5 .5 36 1.5 .046 24162 BT216P 7.5 .5 192 1.5 .125 24462 MODEL NUMBER 5 models REV. A Changed crimp diameter, was.29 3/15/96 GPK Tolerances (unless otherwise specified) all dim's in inches X.X = .1" X.XX = .01" X.XXX = .005" "L" = .5" per foot DESCRIPTION: DATE 4/14/88 the photoelectric specialist MADE IN USA Banner Engineering Corp. 9714 Tenth Avenue North Minneapolis, MN 55441 Tel # 612-544-3164 FAX # 612-544-3213 Sales Dept. FAX # 612-544-3573 Applications Dept. This drawing is the property of BANNER ENGINEERING CORPORATION and is proprietary in general and in detail. Its contents shall not be revealed to outside parties without the written consent of BANNER ENGINEERING CORPORATION. BT23P FIBEROPTIC ASSEMBLY & MODIFICATIONS Sheet 2 of 2 DRWG# 17275 (Note-See Previous Page for Drawing) Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ! 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ! Main Office: (650) 588-9200 ! Outside Local Area: (800) 258-9200 ! www.stevenengineering.com .50 .50 NOTE: M600 suffix indicates that fibers potted on angled end with epoxy that operates in max. temperatures of 600 F .29 .50 .31 .25 dia. stainless steel .62 .050 "TL" .185 .182 1.5 .25 .38 R "AL" "D" dia. bundle .187 5/16 x 24 Thd Brass 2 Jam Nuts included 7.5 .5 "L" "TL" "AL" "L" "D" P/N BTA13SM600 1.5 1.1 36 .062 22932 BTA25.5S 1.5 1.1 66 .125 22643 BTA225SM600 1.5 1.1 300 .125 21991 BTA22S 1.5 1.1 24 .125 21895 BTA225S 1.5 1.1 300 .125 21879 BTA110S 1.5 1.1 120 .062 21710 BTA16S 1.5 1.1 72 .062 21705 BTA25S 1.5 1.1 60 .125 21473 BTA27S 1.5 1.1 84 .125 21472 BTA28S 1.5 1.1 96 .125 21471 BTA29S 1.5 1.1 108 .125 21470 BTA24S 1.5 1.1 48 .125 21326 BTA23SM600 1.5 1.1 36 .125 20388 BTA23SM.62 1.5 .62 36 .125 20052 BTA13S 1.5 1.1 36 .062 20195 BTA21.5S 1.5 1.1 18 .125 20163 BTA210S 1.5 1.1 120 .125 20290 BTA211S 1.5 1.1 132 .125 20291 BTA215S 1.5 1.1 180 .125 20341 BTA21S 1.5 1.1 12 .125 20806 BTA26S 1.5 1.1 72 .125 20377 BTA23S 1.5 1.1 36 .125 20008 MODEL NUMBER 22 models D Changed crimp diameter, was .29. Changed "D" on P/N 23825, was incorrect at .062 3/12/96 GPK C Change "AL" dim. on P/N 23330, was .62 5/20/94 GPK B Added .050 tolerance to .62 "HL" dimension 4/27/94 GPK REV. A Changed "AL" length of P/N 23240 to 1.1, was .62 3/9/94 GPK Tolerances (unless otherwise specified) all dim's in inches X.X = .1" X.XX = .01" X.XXX = .005" "L" = .5" per foot DESCRIPTION: DATE 2/27/88 the photoelectric specialist MADE IN USA Banner Engineering Corp. 9714 Tenth Avenue North Minneapolis, MN 55441 Tel # 612-544-3164 FAX # 612-544-3213 Sales Dept. FAX # 612-544-3573 Applications Dept. This drawing is the property of BANNER ENGINEERING CORPORATION and is proprietary in general and in detail. Its contents shall not be revealed to outside parties without the written consent of BANNER ENGINEERING CORPORATION. BTA23S Sheet 1 of 2 FIBEROPTIC ASSEMBLY & MODIFICATIONS DRWG# 20008 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ! 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ! Main Office: (650) 588-9200 ! Outside Local Area: (800) 258-9200 ! www.stevenengineering.com 17 models "TL" "AL" "L" "D" P/N BTA26SM.62 1.5 .62 72 .125 22967 BTA1.54S 1.5 1.1 48 .090 23060 BTA13SM2.2 1.5 2.2 36 .062 BTA13SM2.4 1.5 2.4 36 .062 BTA12SM2.4 1.5 2.4 24 .062 BTA.53S 1.5 1.1 36 .032 BTA25SM600 1.5 1.1 60 .125 BTA.53SM.62 1.5 .62 36 .032 23259 BTA12S 1.5 1.1 24 .062 23330 BTA.753S 1.5 1.1 36 .046 23562 BTA12.8S 1.5 1.1 33 .062 BTA12.83S 1.5 1.1 34 .062 23777 BTA12.7S 1.5 1.1 32 .062 23778 BTA12.33S 1.5 1.1 28 .062 23779 BTA23SM1.9 1.5 1.88 36 .125 23825 BTA13SMT.87M.62 .87 .62 36 .062 23839 BTA23SM.8 1.5 .8 36 .125 BTA214SM.8 1.5 .8 168 .125 BTA14S 1.5 1.1 48 .062 BTA15S 1.5 1.1 60 .062 BTA115S 1.5 1.1 180 .062 BTA112S 1.5 1.1 144 .062 BTA26SM600 1.5 1.1 72 .125 BTA26SM.8 1.5 .8 72 .125 BTA214S 1.5 1.1 168 .125 24465 BTA11S 1.5 1.1 12 .062 24475 BTA227S 1.5 1.1 324 .125 BTA18S 1.5 1.1 96 .062 24597 BTA23SMAL1.5 1.5 1.5 36 .125 24914 BTA26SMAL1.5 1.5 1.5 72 .125 MODEL NUMBER NOTE M600 suffix indicates that fibers potted on angled end with epoxy that operates in max. temperatures of 600 F 23169 23240 23883 24273 D Changed crimp diameter, was .29. Changed "D" on P/N 23825, was incorrect at .062 3/12/96 GPK C Changed "AL" dim. on P/N 23330, was .62 5/20/94 GPK B Added .050 tolerance to .62 "HL" dimension 4/27/94 GPK REV. A Changed "AL" length of P/N 23240 to 1.1, was .62 3/9/94 GPK Tolerances (unless otherwise specified) all dim's in inches X.X = .1" X.XX = .01" X.XXX = .005" "L" = .5" per foot DESCRIPTION: DATE 2/27/88 the photoelectric specialist MADE IN USA Banner Engineering Corp. 9714 Tenth Avenue North Minneapolis, MN 55441 Tel # 612-544-3164 FAX # 612-544-3213 Sales Dept. FAX # 612-544-3573 Applications Dept. This drawing is the property of BANNER ENGINEERING CORPORATION and is proprietary in general and in detail. Its contents shall not be revealed to outside parties without the written consent of BANNER ENGINEERING CORPORATION. BTA23S FIBEROPTIC ASSEMBLY & MODIFICATIONS Sheet 2 of 2 DRWG# 20008 (Note-See Previous Page for Drawing) Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ! 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ! Main Office: (650) 588-9200 ! Outside Local Area: (800) 258-9200 ! www.stevenengineering.com .185 .182 .50 .50 .23 dia. PVC .29 1.1 .50 .29 w/monocoil .8 .5 R .187 "D" dia. bundle "L" MODEL NUMBER "L" "D" P/N IA210P 120 .125 22595 IA29P 108 .125 22448 IA.752P 24 .046 22434 IA14P 48 .062 22403 IA214P 168 .125 22206 IA212P 144 .125 22205 IA12P 24 .062 21437 IA2.8P 9 .125 21410 IA13P 36 .062 17289 IA16P 72 .062 17292 IA18P 96 .062 20827 IA2.5P 6 .125 20807 IA21P 12 .125 20666 IA24P 48 .125 20798 IA25P 60 .125 20468 IA26.5P 78 .125 20386 IA26P 72 .125 20395 IA27P 84 .125 20942 IA28P 96 .125 17998 IA23P 36 .125 17298 20 models REV. A Changed "D" on P/Ns 23537 & 23538 (sht 2) were incorrect at .062 1/3/95 GPK Tolerances (unless otherwise specified) all dim's in inches X.X = .1" X.XX = .01" X.XXX = .005" "L" = .5" per foot DESCRIPTION: DATE 5/16/88 the photoelectric specialist MADE IN USA Banner Engineering Corp. 9714 Tenth Avenue North Minneapolis, MN 55441 Tel # 612-544-3164 FAX # 612-544-3213 Sales Dept. FAX # 612-544-3573 Applications Dept. This drawing is the property of BANNER ENGINEERING CORPORATION and is proprietary in general and in detail. Its contents shall not be revealed to outside parties without the written consent of BANNER ENGINEERING CORPORATION. IA23P FIBEROPTIC ASSEMBLY & MODIFICATIONS Sheet 1 of 2 DRWG# 17298 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ! 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ! Main Office: (650) 588-9200 ! Outside Local Area: (800) 258-9200 ! www.stevenengineering.com MODEL NUMBER "L" "D" P/N IA216P 192 .125 22649 IA22P 24 .125 22808 IA21.5P 18 .125 22809 IA1.5P 6 .062 23278 IA11.5P 18 .062 23313 IA2.83P 10 .125 23537 IA21.6P 19 .125 23538 IA21.2P 14 .125 23549 IA221P 252 .125 23858 IA21.4P 17 .125 23942 IA215P 180 .125 IA21.3P 15 .125 24736 IA22.6P 31 .125 24740 12 models REV. A Changed "D" on P/Ns 23537 & 23538, were incorrect at .062 1/3/95 GPK Tolerances (unless otherwise specified) all dim's in inches X.X = .1" X.XX = .01" X.XXX = .005" "L" = .5" per foot DESCRIPTION: DATE 5/16/88 the photoelectric specialist MADE IN USA Banner Engineering Corp. 9714 Tenth Avenue North Minneapolis, MN 55441 Tel # 612-544-3164 FAX # 612-544-3213 Sales Dept. FAX # 612-544-3573 Applications Dept. This drawing is the property of BANNER ENGINEERING CORPORATION and is proprietary in general and in detail. Its contents shall not be revealed to outside parties without the written consent of BANNER ENGINEERING CORPORATION. IA23P FIBEROPTIC ASSEMBLY & MODIFICATIONS Sheet 2 of 2 DRWG# 17298 (Note-See Previous Page for Drawing) Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ! 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ! Main Office: (650) 588-9200 ! Outside Local Area: (800) 258-9200 ! www.stevenengineering.com .185 .182 .50 .50 .29 .25 dia. stainless 1.1 .50 .29 .8 .5 R .187 "D" dia. bundle "L" MODEL NUMBER "L" "D" P/N IA.753S 36 .046 20682 IA1.54S 48 .090 20847 IA1.55S 60 .090 21204 IA12S 24 .062 17390 IA13S 36 .062 17290 IA15S 60 .062 17291 IA16S 72 .062 17293 IA2.5S 6 .125 17888 IA2.7S 8 .125 17827 IA2.83S 10 .125 17847 IA2.9S 11 .125 17903 IA21.1S 13 .125 17829 IA21.2S 14 .125 17828 IA21.33S 16 .125 17946 IA21.5S 18 .125 17947 IA21.65S 19.5 .125 17956 IA210S 120 .125 17375 IA23S 36 .125 17299 18 models REV. A Changed "L" on P/N 17946, was incorrect at 15. 5/15/95 GPK Tolerances (unless otherwise specified) all dim's in inches X.X = .1" X.XX = .01" X.XXX = .005" "L" = .5" per foot DESCRIPTION: DATE 5/4/88 the photoelectric specialist MADE IN USA Banner Engineering Corp. 9714 Tenth Avenue North Minneapolis, MN 55441 Tel # 612-544-3164 FAX # 612-544-3213 Sales Dept. FAX # 612-544-3573 Applications Dept. This drawing is the property of BANNER ENGINEERING CORPORATION and is proprietary in general and in detail. Its contents shall not be revealed to outside parties without the written consent of BANNER ENGINEERING CORPORATION. IA23S FIBEROPTIC ASSEMBLY & MODIFICATIONS Sheet 1 of 2 DRWG# 17299 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ! 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ! Main Office: (650) 588-9200 ! Outside Local Area: (800) 258-9200 ! www.stevenengineering.com 49 models NOTE M600 suffix indicates that fibers potted on angled end with epoxy that operates in max. temperatures of 600 F MODEL NUMBER "L" "D" P/N MODEL NUMBER "L" "D" P/N IA212S 144 .125 17885 IA24.1S 49 .125 23788 IA213S 156 .125 17391 IA230S 360 .125 24385 IA214S 168 .125 20852 IA217S 204 .125 23354 IA215S 180 .125 20861 IA19S 108 .062 IA218S 216 .125 20598 IA22.3S 27 .125 23698 IA21S 12 .125 17294 IA21.15S 13.5 .125 23697 IA22.10S 25 .125 17921 IA226S 312 .125 23830 IA220S 240 .125 20831 IA223S 276 .125 23969 IA22S 24 .125 17295 IA1.7S 8 .062 24146 IA23.5S 42 .125 17297 IA28SM600 96 .125 24290 IA24S 48 .125 17300 IA112S 144 .125 IA25S 60 .125 17839 IA1.5S 6 .062 IA26S 72 .125 17301 IA28.83S 106 .125 IA27.5S 90 .125 20298 IA214.8S 177 .125 IA27S 84 .125 17302 IA1.8S 9 .062 IA28S 96 .125 17303 IA2.38S 4.6 .125 IA29S 108 .125 17843 IA2.66S 8 .125 IA211S 132 .125 21195 IA.443S 36 .027 IA11S 12 .062 21241 IA210SM600 120 .125 IA1.53S 36 .090 21261 IA1.5.7S 8 .090 IA26SM600 72 .125 17385 IA23SM600 36 .125 20035 IA11.33S 16 .062 21522 IA11.83S 22 .062 21523 IA11.6S 19 .062 21883 IA12.7S 32 .062 21884 IA.752S 24 .046 22099 IA21.6S 19 .125 22121 IA22.7S 32 .125 22122 IA24SM600 48 .125 22423 IA14S 48 .062 22517 IA24.5S 54 .125 22817 IA2.8S 9 .125 22845 IA22.6S 31 .125 22846 IA22.8S 33 .125 22851 IA22.5S 30 .125 22854 IA21.3S 15 .125 23125 IA21.7S 20 .125 23126 24370 24578 59272 REV. A Changed "L" on P/N 17946, (sht 1) , was incorrect at 15 5/15/95 GPK Tolerances (unless otherwise specified) all dim's in inches X.X = .1" X.XX = .01" X.XXX = .005" "L" = .5" per foot DESCRIPTION: DATE 4/7/88 the photoelectric specialist MADE IN USA Banner Engineering Corp. 9714 Tenth Avenue North Minneapolis, MN 55441 Tel # 612-544-3164 FAX # 612-544-3213 Sales Dept. FAX # 612-544-3573 Applications Dept. This drawing is the property of BANNER ENGINEERING CORPORATION and is proprietary in general and in detail. Its contents shall not be revealed to outside parties without the written consent of BANNER ENGINEERING CORPORATION. IA23S FIBEROPTIC ASSEMBLY & MODIFICATIONS Sheet 2 of 2 DRWG# 17299 (Note-See Previous Page for Drawing) Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ! 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ! Main Office: (650) 588-9200 ! Outside Local Area: (800) 258-9200 ! www.stevenengineering.com .185 .182 .50 .50 .29 .23 dia. PVC 1.1 .50 .29 w/monocoil .8 .187 .5 R 5/16 x 24 Thd Brass 2 Jam Nuts included 1.5 "D" dia. bundle "L" MODEL NUMBER "L" "D" IAT230P 360 .125 P/N IAT.75.5P 6 .046 IAT18P 96 .062 23152 IAT21.5P 18 .125 23093 IAT15P 60 .062 23047 IAT16P 72 .062 22751 IAT11.7P 20 .062 22560 IAT11.4P 17 .062 22559 IAT215P 180 .125 22253 IAT29P 108 .125 22252 IAT.753P 36 .046 22096 IAT25P 60 .125 21701 IAT21P 12 .125 21405 IAT2.4P 5 .125 21151 IAT2.7P 8 .125 21150 IAT13P 36 .062 20058 IAT210P 120 .125 20581 IAT214P 168 .125 20457 IAT24P 48 .125 20287 IAT26P 72 .125 20582 IAT28P 96 .125 20456 IAT23P 36 .125 20053 20 models REV. Tolerances (unless otherwise specified) all dim's in inches X.X = .1" X.XX = .01" X.XXX = .005" "L" = .5" per foot DESCRIPTION: DATE 3/29/88 the photoelectric specialist MADE IN USA Banner Engineering Corp. 9714 Tenth Avenue North Minneapolis, MN 55441 Tel # 612-544-3164 FAX # 612-544-3213 Sales Dept. FAX # 612-544-3573 Applications Dept. This drawing is the property of BANNER ENGINEERING CORPORATION and is proprietary in general and in detail. Its contents shall not be revealed to outside parties without the written consent of BANNER ENGINEERING CORPORATION. IAT23P FIBEROPTIC ASSEMBLY & MODIFICATIONS Sheet 1 of 2 DRWG# 20053 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ! 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ! Main Office: (650) 588-9200 ! Outside Local Area: (800) 258-9200 ! www.stevenengineering.com MODEL NUMBER "TL" "L" "D" P/N IAT26.7P 1.5 80 .125 23687 IAT220P 1.5 240 .125 IAT27P 1.5 84 .125 23889 IAT21.4P 1.5 17 .125 24733 IAT11.2P 1.5 14 .062 24734 4 models REV. Tolerances (unless otherwise specified) all dim's in inches X.X = .1" X.XX = .01" X.XXX = .005" "L" = .5" per foot This drawing is the property of BANNER ENGINEERING CORPORATION and is proprietary in general and in detail. Its contents shall not be revealed to outside parties without the written consent of BANNER ENGINEERING CORPORATION. DESCRIPTION: IAT23P DATE 5/4/95 Sheet 2 of 2 the photoelectric specialist MADE IN USA Banner Engineering Corp. 9714 Tenth Avenue North Minneapolis, MN 55441 Tel # 612-544-3164 FAX # 612-544-3213 Sales Dept. FAX # 612-544-3573 Applications Dept. FIBEROPTIC ASSEMBLY & MODIFICATIONS DRWG# 20053 (Note-See Previous Page for Drawing) Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ! 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ! Main Office: (650) 588-9200 ! Outside Local Area: (800) 258-9200 ! www.stevenengineering.com .185 .182 .50 .50 .29 .25 dia. stainless 1.1 .50 .29 .8 .187 .5 R 5/16 x 24 Thd Brass 2 Jam Nuts included "TL" "D" dia. bundle "L" "TL" "L" "D" P/N .7 24 .125 24413 IAT21.3SM.7M600 .7 15 .125 24414 IAT.75.9S 1.5 11 .046 20360 IAT.752S 1.5 24 .046 20212 IAT12S 1.5 24 .062 21116 IAT13S 1.5 36 .062 17913 IAT19S 1.5 108 .062 20246 IAT2.5S 1.5 6 .125 20953 IAT2.83S 1.5 10 .125 20954 IAT2.8S 1.5 9 .125 17936 IAT21.33S 1.5 16 .125 20955 IAT21.5S 1.5 18 .125 20956 IAT210S 1.5 120 .125 17925 IAT211S 1.5 132 .125 20862 IAT212S 1.5 144 .125 20381 IAT214S 1.5 168 .125 20412 IAT215S 1.5 180 .125 20020 IAT21S 1.5 12 .125 20683 IAT23S 1.5 36 .125 17307 MODEL NUMBER IAT22SM.7M600 19 models REV. Tolerances (unless otherwise specified) all dim's in inches X.X = .1" X.XX = .01" X.XXX = .005" "L" = .5" per foot DESCRIPTION: DATE 3/28/88 the photoelectric specialist MADE IN USA Banner Engineering Corp. 9714 Tenth Avenue North Minneapolis, MN 55441 Tel # 612-544-3164 FAX # 612-544-3213 Sales Dept. FAX # 612-544-3573 Applications Dept. This drawing is the property of BANNER ENGINEERING CORPORATION and is proprietary in general and in detail. Its contents shall not be revealed to outside parties without the written consent of BANNER ENGINEERING CORPORATION. IAT23S FIBEROPTIC ASSEMBLY & MODIFICATIONS Sheet 1 of 3 DRWG# 17307 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ! 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ! Main Office: (650) 588-9200 ! Outside Local Area: (800) 258-9200 ! www.stevenengineering.com 54 models MODEL NUMBER NOTE M600 suffix indicates that fibers potted on angled end with epoxy that operates in max. temperature of 600 F "TL" "L" "D" P/N "TL" "L" "D" P/N IAT220S 1.5 240 .125 20527 IAT.753S 1.5 36 .046 23208 IAT225S 1.5 300 .125 20342 IAT13SM600 1.5 36 .062 23243 IAT22S 1.5 24 .125 17296 IAT12.5S 1.5 30 .062 23228 IAT230S 1.5 360 .125 17891 IAT116S 1.5 192 .062 23405 IAT24S 1.5 48 .125 17818 IAT2.6S 1.5 7 .125 23428 IAT25S 1.5 60 .125 17945 IAT.75.5S 1.5 6 .046 IAT26S 1.5 72 .125 17374 IAT.443S 1.5 36 .027 23569 IAT27S 1.5 84 .125 17308 IAT1.7S 1.5 8 .062 23570 IAT28S 1.5 96 .125 20397 IAT212SM600 1.5 144 .125 23571 IAT29S 1.5 108 .125 20674 IAT27SM600 1.5 84 .125 23572 IAT16S 1.5 72 .062 21234 IAT.53S 1.5 36 .032 23613 IAT23SM600 1.5 36 .125 17859 IAT217S 1.5 204 .125 23637 IAT25SM600 1.5 60 .125 20049 IAT13SM.75 .75 36 .062 IAT210SM600 1.5 120 .125 20160 IAT260S 1.5 720 .125 IAT26SM600 1.5 72 .125 20376 IAT219S 1.5 228 .125 23808 IAT220SM600 1.5 240 .125 20533 IAT.756S 1.5 72 .046 23838 IAT15S 1.5 60 .062 21389 IAT21.6S 1.5 19 .125 23851 IAT114S 1.5 168 .062 21557 IAT24.5S 1.5 54 .125 IAT122S 1.5 264 .062 21558 IAT17S 1.5 84 .062 23962 IAT26.5SM600 1.5 78 .125 21684 IAT140SM600 1.5 480 .062 24024 IAT11.2S 1.5 14 .062 21691 IAT145SM600 1.5 540 .062 24025 IAT21.3S 1.5 15 .125 21743 IAT221.5S 1.5 258 .125 IAT14S 1.5 48 .062 21822 IAT112S 1.5 144 .062 IAT1.53S 1.5 36 .090 22078 IAT11.5S 1.5 18 .062 24170 IAT19.5S 1.5 114 .062 22084 IAT225SM600 1.5 300 .125 24214 IAT216S 1.5 192 .125 22114 IAT2.7S 1.5 8 .125 IAT218S 1.5 216 .125 22115 IAT21.7S 1.5 20 .125 IAT22.5S 1.5 30 .125 22238 IAT23.7S 1.5 44 .125 22264 IAT21.4S 1.5 17 .125 22402 IAT11S 1.5 12 .062 22561 IAT11.5S 1.5 18 .062 IAT23SM.9 .88 36 .125 22659 IAT18S 1.5 96 .062 22741 IAT23.3S 1.5 39 .125 IAT13.3S 1.5 39 .062 IAT28SM600 1.5 96 .125 IAT225SM600 1.5 300 .125 23070 MODEL NUMBER REV. Tolerances (unless otherwise specified) all dim's in inches X.X = .1" X.XX = .01" X.XXX = .005" "L" = .5" per foot DESCRIPTION: DATE 3/28/88 the photoelectric specialist MADE IN USA 24274 Banner Engineering Corp. 9714 Tenth Avenue North Minneapolis, MN 55441 Tel # 612-544-3164 FAX # 612-544-3213 Sales Dept. FAX # 612-544-3573 Applications Dept. This drawing is the property of BANNER ENGINEERING CORPORATION and is proprietary in general and in detail. Its contents shall not be revealed to outside parties without the written consent of BANNER ENGINEERING CORPORATION. IAT23S FIBEROPTIC ASSEMBLY & MODIFICATIONS Sheet 2 of 3 DRWG# 17307 (Note-See Previous Page for Drawing) Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ! 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ! Main Office: (650) 588-9200 ! Outside Local Area: (800) 258-9200 ! www.stevenengineering.com 9 models MODEL NUMBER "TL" "L" "D" P/N IAT240SM600 1.5 480 .125 24300 IAT255SM600 1.5 660 .125 24301 IAT215SM600 1.5 180 .125 24327 IAT23SM2 2.0 36 .125 IAT112S 1.5 144 .062 IAT214SM600 1.5 168 .125 IAT26SMTL .5 72 .125 IAT22.6S 1.5 31 .125 24566 IAT230SM600 1.5 360 .125 24891 IAT.754S 1.5 48 .046 24680 IAT16SM600 1.5 72 .062 24700 IAT130S 1.5 360 .062 IAT29SM600 1.5 108 .125 IAT2.83SM600 1.5 10 .125 IAT.7510S 1.5 120 .046 IAT226.3S 1.5 315 .125 IAT21.4SMTL .50 17 .125 24920 IAT221S 1.5 252 .125 59276 NOTE M600 suffix indicates that fibers potted on angled end with epoxy that operates in max. temperature of 600 F 24395 24884 24909 REV. Tolerances (unless otherwise specified) all dim's in inches X.X = .1" X.XX = .01" X.XXX = .005" "L" = .5" per foot DESCRIPTION: DATE 3/28/88 the photoelectric specialist MADE IN USA Banner Engineering Corp. 9714 Tenth Avenue North Minneapolis, MN 55441 Tel # 612-544-3164 FAX # 612-544-3213 Sales Dept. FAX # 612-544-3573 Applications Dept. This drawing is the property of BANNER ENGINEERING CORPORATION and is proprietary in general and in detail. Its contents shall not be revealed to outside parties without the written consent of BANNER ENGINEERING CORPORATION. IAT23S FIBEROPTIC ASSEMBLY & MODIFICATIONS Sheet 3 of 3 DRWG# 17307 (Note-See Page 16 for Drawing) Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ! 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ! Main Office: (650) 588-9200 ! Outside Local Area: (800) 258-9200 ! www.stevenengineering.com NOTE M600 suffix indicates that fibers potted on angled end with epoxy that operates in max. temperatures of 600 F .185 .182 .50 .50 .29 .50 .31 .25 dia. stainless "HL" .050 1.5 .38 R "AL" "D" dia. bundle .187 5/16 x 24 Thd Brass 2 Jam Nuts included "L" MODEL NUMBER "L" "HL" "AL" "D" P/N MODEL NUMBER "L" "HL" "AL" "D" P/N 36 .62 1.1 .062 22282 ITA11S 12 .62 1.1 .062 22272 ITA13SM600 ITA11.7S 20 .62 1.1 .062 22210 ITA1.53S 36 .62 1.1 .090 22146 ITA14S 48 .62 1.1 .062 23149 21965 ITA225SM600 300 .62 1.1 .125 21543 21907 ITA12S 24 .62 1.1 .062 23146 21543 ITA11.1S 13 .62 1.1 .062 23145 21486 ITA21SM.62 12 .62 .62 .125 23200 21117 ITA24SM600 48 .62 1.1 .125 23577 20244 ITA24.5S 54 .62 1.1 .125 23341 20180 ITA23.5S 42 .62 1.1 .125 23461 20944 ITA1.51.5S 18 .62 1.1 .09 23475 20790 ITA213S 156 .62 1.1 .125 23507 20689 ITA27SM600 84 .62 1.1 .125 23501 20779 ITA212SM600 144 .62 1.1 .125 23500 20269 ITA25SM600 60 .62 1.1 .125 23623 40 models ITA15S ITA.753S ITA21.3S ITA23SM600 ITA16S ITA26SM600 ITA.752SM.62 ITA13S ITA2.5S ITA21.5S ITA210S ITA212S ITA215S 60 36 15 36 72 72 24 36 6 18 120 144 180 .62 .62 .62 .62 .62 .62 .62 .62 .62 .62 .62 .62 .62 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 .62 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 .062 .046 .125 .125 .062 .125 .046 .062 .125 .125 .125 .125 .125 ITA21S 12 .62 1.1 .125 20488 ITA22S 24 .62 1.1 .125 20431 ITA230S 360 .62 1.1 .125 20210 ITA23SM.75 36 .62 .75 .125 20726 ITA23SM.8 36 .62 .8 .125 20226 ITA24S 48 .62 1.1 .125 20367 ITA25S 60 .62 1.1 .125 20164 ITA26S 72 .62 1.1 .125 20114 ITA27S 84 .62 1.1 .125 20292 ITA28S 96 .62 1.1 .125 20594 ITA29S 108 .62 1.1 .125 20245 DESCRIPTION: ITA23S 36 .62 1.1 .125 17967 DATE 3/30/88 C B REV. A Added end tip dimension tolerances 4/5/95 GPK Changed incorrect P/N for ITA24.5S, was 23338 6/1/94 GPK Removed ITA29SM900 - incorrect dimensions 11/13/91 GPK Tolerances (unless otherwise specified) all dim's in inches X.X = .1" X.XX = .01" X.XXX = .005" "L" = .5" per foot the photoelectric specialist MADE IN USA Banner Engineering Corp. 9714 Tenth Avenue North Minneapolis, MN 55441 Tel # 612-544-3164 FAX # 612-544-3213 Sales Dept. FAX # 612-544-3573 Applications Dept. This drawing is the property of BANNER ENGINEERING CORPORATION and is proprietary in general and in detail. Its contents shall not be revealed to outside parties without the written consent of BANNER ENGINEERING CORPORATION. ITA23S Sheet 1 of 2 FIBEROPTIC ASSEMBLY & MODIFICATIONS DRWG# Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ! 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ! Main Office: (650) 588-9200 ! Outside Local Area: (800) 258-9200 ! www.stevenengineering.com 17967 11 models MODEL NUMBER "L" "HL" "AL" "D" P/N ITA23SM8X1.1 36 8.0 .1 1.1 .125 23665 ITA21.4S 17 .62 1.1 .125 23702 ITA221S 252 .62 1.1 .125 23773 ITA222S 264 .62 1.1 .125 23774 ITA224.5S 294 .62 1.1 .125 23775 ITA225.5S 306 .62 1.1 .125 23776 ITA225S 300 .62 1.1 .125 23972 ITA28SM600 96 .62 1.1 .125 24190 ITA23SM2X1.1 36 2.0 1.1 .125 24386 ITA13SM3X1.1 36 3.0 1.1 .062 ITA23SM3X1.1 36 3.0 1.1 .125 ITA216.4SM600 197 .62 1.1 .125 ITA210SM600 120 .62 1.1 .125 24637 ITA21.8SM.8 21 .62 .8 .125 24896 ITA227S 324 .62 1.1 .125 24919 C B REV. A Added end tip dimension tolerances 4/5/95 GPK Changed incorrect P/N for ITA24.5S, was 23338 6/1/94 GPK Removed ITA29SM900 - incorrect dimensions 11/13/91 GPK Tolerances (unless otherwise specified) all dim's in inches X.X = .1" X.XX = .01" X.XXX = .005" "L" = .5" per foot DESCRIPTION: DATE 4/13/95 the photoelectric specialist MADE IN USA Banner Engineering Corp. 9714 Tenth Avenue North Minneapolis, MN 55441 Tel # 612-544-3164 FAX # 612-544-3213 Sales Dept. FAX # 612-544-3573 Applications Dept. This drawing is the property of BANNER ENGINEERING CORPORATION and is proprietary in general and in detail. Its contents shall not be revealed to outside parties without the written consent of BANNER ENGINEERING CORPORATION. ITA23S FIBEROPTIC ASSEMBLY & MODIFICATIONS Sheet 2 of 2 DRWG# (Note-See Previous Page for Drawing) Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ! 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ! Main Office: (650) 588-9200 ! Outside Local Area: (800) 258-9200 ! www.stevenengineering.com 17967 Dimensions shown are millimeters (inches) NOTE: Suffix 'HF' denotes high-flex fiber cable - very small bend radius permissible before transmission loss. polyethylene 2X O 2.2 stainless steel (.09) O 5.1 (.20) 2X O 1.0 (.04) "FL" "L" REV. 2 models MODEL NUMBER "L" "FL" P/N PBF415UHF 4572 (180) 17.0 (.67) 56046 PBF46UHF 2000 (79) 17.0 (.67) 51786 Tolerances (unless otherwise specified) X.X = .1" X.XX = .01" X.XXX = .005" "L" = .5" per foot Banner Engineering Corp. Minneapolis, MN 55441 Tel # 612-544-3164 the photoelectric specialist FAX # 612-544-3213 Sales Dept. MADE IN USA FAX # 612-544-3573 Applications Dept. This drawing is the property of BANNER ENGINEERING CORPORATION and is proprietary in general and in detail. Its contents shall not be revealed to outside parties without the written consent of BANNER ENGINEERING CORPORATION. DESCRIPTION: PBF46UHF DATE 5/21/98 Sheet 1 of 1 PLASTIC FIBER OPTIC ASSEMBLY DRWG# Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ! 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ! Main Office: (650) 588-9200 ! Outside Local Area: (800) 258-9200 ! www.stevenengineering.com 51786 NOTE: Suffix "HF" denotes high-flex fiber cable - very small bend radius permissible before transmission loss. Dimensions shown are millimeters (inches) 2X O 2.2 polyethylene stainless steel O 5.1 (.09) (.20) O 3.0 (.118) 2X O 1.0 (.04) "L" 14.0 "FL" (.55) REV. MODEL NUMBER PBFM46UHF "L" "FL" 2000 (79) 17.0 (.67) P/N Tolerances (unless otherwise specified) X.X = .1" X.XX = .01" X.XXX = .005" "L" = .5" per foot Banner Engineering Corp. Minneapolis, MN 55441 Tel # 612-544-3164 the photoelectric specialist FAX # 612-544-3213 Sales Dept. MADE IN USA FAX # 612-544-3573 Applications Dept. This drawing is the property of BANNER ENGINEERING CORPORATION and is proprietary in general and in detail. Its contents shall not be revealed to outside parties without the written consent of BANNER ENGINEERING CORPORATION. DESCRIPTION: PBFM46UHF 51850 DATE 12/01/98 Sheet 1 of 1 PLASTIC FIBEROPTIC ASSEMBLY DRWG# Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ! 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ! Main Office: (650) 588-9200 ! Outside Local Area: (800) 258-9200 ! www.stevenengineering.com 51850 Dimensions shown are millimeters (inches) NOTE: Suffix 'HF' denotes high-flex fiber cable - very small bend radius permissible before transmission loss. Probe lengths < 18mm (.7 in) are not bendable. 2X 2.2 polyethylene M6 x 0.75 nickel plated brass annealed stainless steel (bendable) probe (.09) O 3.0 "L" 17.0 (.12) 2X O 1.0 "PL" (.04) (.67) REV. MODEL NUMBER PBP46UHF "PL" "L" 89 (3.5) 2000 (79) P/N 51788 Tolerances (unless otherwise specified) X.X = .1" X.XX = .01" X.XXX = .005" "L" = .5" per foot Banner Engineering Corp. Minneapolis, MN 55441 Tel # 612-544-3164 the photoelectric specialist FAX # 612-544-3213 Sales Dept. MADE IN USA FAX # 612-544-3573 Applications Dept. This drawing is the property of BANNER ENGINEERING CORPORATION and is proprietary in general and in detail. Its contents shall not be revealed to outside parties without the written consent of BANNER ENGINEERING CORPORATION. DESCRIPTION: PBP46UHF DATE 5/21/98 Sheet 1 of 1 PLASTIC FIBEROPTIC ASSEMBLY DRWG# 51788 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ! 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ! Main Office: (650) 588-9200 ! Outside Local Area: (800) 258-9200 ! www.stevenengineering.com Dimensions are in millimeters (inches) Note: "HF" suffix indicates high flex fiber cable - very small bend radius permissible before transmission loss. stainless steel (non-bendable) probe 2X O 2.2 polyethylene stainless steel 3.0 (.09) 2.5 (.12) (.10) 2X O 1.0 O 5.1 3.00 (.20) (.04) (.120) "L" 14.0 "PL" (.55) REV. 1 model MODEL NUMBER PBPS46UHF "L" "PL" 2000 (79) 51 (2.0) P/N 51824 Tolerances (unless otherwise specified) X.X = .1" X.XX = .01" X.XXX = .005" "L" = .5" per foot DESCRIPTION: DATE 10/01/98 Banner Engineering Corp. Minneapolis, MN 55441 Tel # 612-544-3164 the photoelectric specialist FAX # 612-544-3213 Sales Dept. MADE IN USA FAX # 612-544-3573 Applications Dept. This drawing is the property of BANNER ENGINEERING CORPORATION and is proprietary in general and in detail. Its contents shall not be revealed to outside parties without the written consent of BANNER ENGINEERING CORPORATION. PBPS46UHF Sheet 1 of 1 PLASTIC FIBER OPTIC ASSEMBLY DRWG# 51824 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ! 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ! Main Office: (650) 588-9200 ! Outside Local Area: (800) 258-9200 ! www.stevenengineering.com Dimensions shown are millimeters (inches) NOTE: Suffix 'HF' denotes high-flex fiber cable - very small bend radius permissible before transmission loss. M6 x 0.75 nickel plated brass O 4.0 polyethylene 2X O 2.2 (.16) (.09) 2X O 1.0 (.04) "L" "TL" 3.0 (.12) REV. MODEL NUMBER "TL" "L" PBT430UHF 14.0 (.55) 9144 (360) PBT425UHF 14.0 (.55) 7620 (300) PBT413UHF 14.0 (.55) 3963 (156) PBT415UHF 14.0 (.55) 4572 (180) PBT46UHF 14.0 (.55) 2000 (79) P/N Tolerances (unless otherwise specified) X.X = .1" X.XX = .01" X.XXX = .005" "L" = .5" per foot DESCRIPTION: 51784 DATE 5/21/98 Banner Engineering Corp. Minneapolis, MN 55441 Tel # 612-544-3164 the photoelectric specialist FAX # 612-544-3213 Sales Dept. MADE IN USA FAX # 612-544-3573 Applications Dept. This drawing is the property of BANNER ENGINEERING CORPORATION and is proprietary in general and in detail. Its contents shall not be revealed to outside parties without the written consent of BANNER ENGINEERING CORPORATION. PBT46UHF Sheet 1 of 1 PLASTIC FIBEROPTIC ASSEMBLY DRWG# 51784 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ! 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ! Main Office: (650) 588-9200 ! Outside Local Area: (800) 258-9200 ! www.stevenengineering.com Dimensions are in millimeters (inches) NOTE: Suffix 'HF' denotes high-flex fiber cable - very small bend radius permissible before transmission loss. black plastic 2X O 3.5 (.14) 2X O 2.2 (.09) 4.0 (.157) 24.0 (.94) sensing beam 24.0 (.94) 18.0 (.71) 7.0 (.28) "SW" 24.0 (.94) 5.0 (.196) 32.0 (1.26) "L" REV. Tolerances (unless otherwise specified) all dim's in inches X.X = .1" X.XX = .01" X.XXX = .005" "L" = .5" per foot MODEL NUMBER PDIS46UHFM12 "L" "SW" 2000 (79) 12.0 (.47) P/N 56094 DESCRIPTION: DATE 6/4/99 the photoelectric specialist MADE IN USA Banner Engineering Corp. 9714 Tenth Avenue North Minneapolis, MN 55441 Tel # 612-544-3164 FAX # 612-544-3213 Sales Dept. FAX # 612-544-3573 Applications Dept. This drawing is the property of BANNER ENGINEERING CORPORATION and is proprietary in general and in detail. Its contents shall not be revealed to outside parties without the written consent of BANNER ENGINEERING CORPORATION. PDIS46UHFM12 Sheet 1 of 1 PLASTIC FIBEROPTIC ASSEMBLY DRWG# 56094 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ! 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ! Main Office: (650) 588-9200 ! Outside Local Area: (800) 258-9200 ! www.stevenengineering.com Dimensions are in millimeters (inches) NOTE: Hardened stainless steel tubing on angled end is not bendable NOTE: Suffix 'HF' denotes high-flex fiber cable - very small bend radius permissible before transmission loss. polyethylene O 2.2 (.09) O 3.3 13.9 25 (.55) (1.0) 90 3 (.13) stainless steel R 12.7 16.5 (.50) (.65) O 1.47 "L" (.058) M4 x 0.7 10.9 stainless steel (.43) M2.5 x 0.45 3.0 (.12) O 1.0 (.04) REV. Tolerances (unless otherwise specified) X.X = .1" X.XX = .01" X.XXX = .005" "L" = .5" per foot MODEL NUMBER PIAT46UHF "L" 2000 (79) P/N DESCRIPTION: 56090 DATE 6/4/99 Banner Engineering Corp. Minneapolis, MN 55441 Tel # 612-544-3164 the photoelectric specialist FAX # 612-544-3213 Sales Dept. MADE IN USA FAX # 612-544-3573 Applications Dept. This drawing is the property of BANNER ENGINEERING CORPORATION and is proprietary in general and in detail. Its contents shall not be revealed to outside parties without the written consent of BANNER ENGINEERING CORPORATION. PIAT46UHF Sheet 1 of 1 PLASTIC FIBEROPTIC ASSEMBLY DRWG# 56090 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ! 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ! Main Office: (650) 588-9200 ! Outside Local Area: (800) 258-9200 ! www.stevenengineering.com Dimensions shown are millimeters (inches) NOTE: Suffix 'HF' denotes high-flex fiber cable - very small bend radius permissible before transmission loss. polyethylene O 2.2 O "FD" stainless steel (.09) O 1.0 (.04) "L" "FL" REV. 2 models MODEL NUMBER P/N Tolerances (unless otherwise specified) X.X = .1" X.XX = .01" X.XXX = .005" "L" = .5" per foot "L" "FD" "FL" PIFM46UHF 2000 (79) 3.00 (.118) 15.0 (.59) 56091 DESCRIPTION: PIF46UHF 2000 (79) 3.18 (.125) 17.0 (.67) 51785 DATE 5/21/98 Banner Engineering Corp. Minneapolis, MN 55441 Tel # 612-544-3164 the photoelectric specialist FAX # 612-544-3213 Sales Dept. MADE IN USA FAX # 612-544-3573 Applications Dept. This drawing is the property of BANNER ENGINEERING CORPORATION and is proprietary in general and in detail. Its contents shall not be revealed to outside parties without the written consent of BANNER ENGINEERING CORPORATION. PIF46UHF Sheet 1 of 1 PLASTIC FIBEROPTIC ASSEMBLY DRWG# 51785 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ! 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ! Main Office: (650) 588-9200 ! Outside Local Area: (800) 258-9200 ! www.stevenengineering.com Dimensions are in millimeters (inches) NOTE: Suffix 'HF' denotes high-flex fiber cable - very small bend radius permissible before transmission loss. 7.6 19.1 (.30) (.75) 12.7 O 2.2 polyethylene O 10.8 (.50) (.43) (.09) M8 x 1.0 acrylic lens plastic "L" REV. MODEL NUMBER PIL46UHF "L" 2000 (79) P/N Tolerances (unless otherwise specified) X.X = .1" X.XX = .01" X.XXX = .005" "L" = .5" per foot Banner Engineering Corp. Minneapolis, MN 55441 Tel # 612-544-3164 the photoelectric specialist FAX # 612-544-3213 Sales Dept. MADE IN USA FAX # 612-544-3573 Applications Dept. This drawing is the property of BANNER ENGINEERING CORPORATION and is proprietary in general and in detail. Its contents shall not be revealed to outside parties without the written consent of BANNER ENGINEERING CORPORATION. DESCRIPTION: PIL46UHF 56092 DATE 6/4/99 Sheet 1 of 1 PLASTIC FIBEROPTIC ASSEMBLY DRWG# Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ! 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ! Main Office: (650) 588-9200 ! Outside Local Area: (800) 258-9200 ! www.stevenengineering.com 56092 Dimensions shown are millimeters (inches) NOTE: Suffix 'HF' denotes high-flex fiber cable - very small bend radius permissible before transmission loss. Probe lengths less than 50 mm (2 inches) are not bendable. M4 x 0.7 nickel plated brass annealed stainless steel (bendable) probe polyethylene O 2.2 (.09) "L" O 1.47 O 1.0 (.058) (.04) 14.0 "PL" (.55) REV. Tolerances (unless otherwise specified) X.X = .1" X.XX = .01" X.XXX = .005" "L" = .5" per foot MODEL NUMBER PIP46UHF "L" "PL" 2000 (79) 89 (3.5) P/N 51787 Banner Engineering Corp. Minneapolis, MN 55441 Tel # 612-544-3164 the photoelectric specialist FAX # 612-544-3213 Sales Dept. MADE IN USA FAX # 612-544-3573 Applications Dept. This drawing is the property of BANNER ENGINEERING CORPORATION and is proprietary in general and in detail. Its contents shall not be revealed to outside parties without the written consent of BANNER ENGINEERING CORPORATION. DESCRIPTION: PIP46UHF DATE Sheet 1 of 1 5/21/98 PLASTIC FIBEROPTIC ASSEMBLY DRWG# 51787 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ! 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ! Main Office: (650) 588-9200 ! Outside Local Area: (800) 258-9200 ! www.stevenengineering.com Dimensions shown are millimeters (inches) NOTE: Suffix 'HF' denotes high-flex fiber cable - very small bend radius permissible before transmission loss. stainless steel (non-bendable) probe polyethylene O 2.2 stainless steel 3.0 (.09) (.12) 2.5 (.10) O 3.18 (.125) "L" O 1.47 O 1.0 (.058) (.04) 14.0 "PL" (.55) REV. Tolerances (unless otherwise specified) X.X = .1" X.XX = .01" X.XXX = .005" "L" = .5" per foot MODEL NUMBER PIPS46UHF "L" 2000 (79) 'PL' 51 (2.0) P/N 51789 DESCRIPTION: DATE 5/21/98 Banner Engineering Corp. Minneapolis, MN 55441 Tel # 612-544-3164 the photoelectric specialist FAX # 612-544-3213 Sales Dept. MADE IN USA FAX # 612-544-3573 Applications Dept. This drawing is the property of BANNER ENGINEERING CORPORATION and is proprietary in general and in detail. Its contents shall not be revealed to outside parties without the written consent of BANNER ENGINEERING CORPORATION. PIPS46UHF Sheet 1 of 1 PLASTIC FIBEROPTIC ASSEMBLY DRWG# 51789 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ! 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ! Main Office: (650) 588-9200 ! Outside Local Area: (800) 258-9200 ! www.stevenengineering.com Dimensions shown are millimeters (inches) NOTE: Suffix 'HF' denotes high-flex fiber cable - very small bend radius permissible before transmission loss. annealed stainless steel (bendable) probe 10.2 * polyethylene O 2.2 5* stainless steel (.40) (.2) (.09) 2.5 (.10) O 3.0 (.12) O 1.27 O 1.0 (.050) (.040) 2.0 (.078) "L" 15.0 "PL" (.59) * This area of the probe is not bendable REV. MODEL NUMBER PIPSB46UHF "L" "PL" 2000 (79) 65 (2.56) P/N 56093 Tolerances (unless otherwise specified) X.X = .1" X.XX = .01" X.XXX = .005" "L" = .5" per foot Banner Engineering Corp. Minneapolis, MN 55441 Tel # 612-544-3164 the photoelectric specialist FAX # 612-544-3213 Sales Dept. MADE IN USA FAX # 612-544-3573 Applications Dept. This drawing is the property of BANNER ENGINEERING CORPORATION and is proprietary in general and in detail. Its contents shall not be revealed to outside parties without the written consent of BANNER ENGINEERING CORPORATION. DESCRIPTION: PIPSB46UHF DATE 6/4/99 Sheet 1 of 1 PLASTIC FIBEROPTIC ASSEMBLY DRWG# 56093 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ! 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ! Main Office: (650) 588-9200 ! Outside Local Area: (800) 258-9200 ! www.stevenengineering.com Dimensions shown are millimeters (inches) NOTE: Suffix 'HF' denotes high-flex fiber cable - very small bend radius permissible before transmission loss. M4 x 0.7 O 2.2 M2.5 x 0.45 nickel plated brass polyethylene (.09) O 1.0 (.04) "L" 11.0 3.0 (.43) (.12) REV. MODEL NUMBER "L" PIT425UHF 7620 (300) PIT430UHF 9144 (360) PIT415UHF 4572 (180) PIT46UHF 2000 (79) P/N 51783 Tolerances (unless otherwise specified) X.X = .1" X.XX = .01" X.XXX = .005" "L" = .5" per foot Banner Engineering Corp. Minneapolis, MN 55441 Tel # 612-544-3164 the photoelectric specialist FAX # 612-544-3213 Sales Dept. MADE IN USA FAX # 612-544-3573 Applications Dept. This drawing is the property of BANNER ENGINEERING CORPORATION and is proprietary in general and in detail. Its contents shall not be revealed to outside parties without the written consent of BANNER ENGINEERING CORPORATION. DESCRIPTION: PIT46UHF DATE 5/21/98 Sheet 1 of 1 PLASTIC FIBEROPTIC ASSEMBLY DRWG# Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ! 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ! Main Office: (650) 588-9200 ! Outside Local Area: (800) 258-9200 ! www.stevenengineering.com 51783 NOTE: M600 suffix indicates fiber potted on angle end with epoxy that operates in max. temperature of 600 F .50 .50 .29 .20 dia. Stainless steel .50 "PL" .185 .182 .21 .12 1.5 .25 .21 7.5 .5 "D" dia. bundle .187 dia. "L" MODEL NUMBER "PL" "L" "D" P/N BA110SMETA 1.00 120 .062 23158 BA16SMETA 1.00 72 .062 BA.752SMETA 1.00 24 .046 22618 BA.756SMETA 1.00 72 .046 BA14SMETA 1.00 48 BA1.51.3SMETA 1.00 BA1.57SMETA MODEL NUMBER "PL" "L" "D" P/N BA1.58SMETA 1.00 96 .09 23602 BA.443SMETA 1.00 36 .027 24026 BA1.53SMETAM600 1.00 36 .09 23395 22523 BA.759SMETA 1.00 108 .046 23509 .062 22411 BA.755SMETA 1.00 60 .046 23651 15 .09 22330 BA1.53SMETAM3 3.00 36 .090 59240 1.00 84 .09 22219 BA11.5SMETA 1.00 18 .06 24176 BA13.83SMETA 1.00 46 .06 22046 BA1.53SMETAM.5 .50 36 .090 24279 BA1.53SMETAM6 6.0 36 .09 22020 BA.751.5SMETA 1.00 17.5 .046 24616 BA1.51.5SMETA 1.00 18 .09 21958 28 models BA11.2SMETA 1.00 14 .06 21942 BA11.83SMETA 1.00 22 .06 21943 BA12.5SMETA 1.00 30 .06 21944 BA13.2SMETA 1.00 38 .06 21945 BA1.56SMETA 1.00 72 .09 21630 BA1.52SMETA 1.00 24 .09 21593 BA1.54SMETA 1.00 48 .09 21429 BA.753SMETA 1.00 36 .046 21363 BA13SMETA 1.00 36 .06 21362 DESCRIPTION: BA1.53SMETA 1.00 36 .09 21085 DATE 1/22/88 REV. A Changed collar, sheathing diameter was .24, .21, respectively. 11/8/95 GPK Tolerances Banner Engineering Corp. 9714 Tenth Avenue North (unless otherwise Minneapolis, MN 55441 specified) the photoelectric specialist Tel # 612-544-3164 all dim's in inches FAX # 612-544-3213 Sales Dept. MADE IN USA X.X = .1" FAX # 612-544-3573 Applications Dept. X.XX = .01" This drawing is the property of BANNER ENGINEERING CORPORATION and is X.XXX = .005" proprietary in general and in detail. Its contents shall not be revealed to outside parties "L" = .5" per foot without the written consent of BANNER ENGINEERING CORPORATION. BA1.53SMETA Sheet 1 of 2 FIBEROPTIC ASSEMBLY & MOD. DRWG# 21085 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ! 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ! Main Office: (650) 588-9200 ! Outside Local Area: (800) 258-9200 ! www.stevenengineering.com MODEL NUMBER "PL" "L" "D" P/N BA1.54.5SMETA 1.00 54 .09 24608 BA1.5.83SMETA 1.00 10 .09 24868 BA15SMETA 1.00 60 .06 24882 BA1.521SMETA 1.00 252 .09 59277 BA1.512SMETA 1.00 144 .09 MODEL NUMBER "PL" "L" "D" P/N 1 model REV. A Changed collar, sheathing diameter was .24, .21, respectively. 11/8/95 GPK Tolerances (unless otherwise specified) all dim's in inches X.X = .1" X.XX = .01" X.XXX = .005" "L" = .5" per foot DESCRIPTION: DATE 1/22/88 the photoelectric specialist MADE IN USA Banner Engineering Corp. 9714 Tenth Avenue North Minneapolis, MN 55441 Tel # 612-544-3164 FAX # 612-544-3213 Sales Dept. FAX # 612-544-3573 Applications Dept. This drawing is the property of BANNER ENGINEERING CORPORATION and is proprietary in general and in detail. Its contents shall not be revealed to outside parties without the written consent of BANNER ENGINEERING CORPORATION. BA1.53SMETA Sheet 2 of 2 FIBEROPTIC ASSEMBLY & MOD. DRWG# 21085 (Note-See Previous Page for Drawing) Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ! 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ! Main Office: (650) 588-9200 ! Outside Local Area: (800) 258-9200 ! www.stevenengineering.com .50 .50 "NOTE: M600 suffix indicates fiber potted on threaded end with epoxy that operates in max. temperature of 600 F .29 .32 .30 dia. stainless 1.1 .50 .185 .182 .8 .218 .5 R 1.5 .25 5/16 x 24 Thd Brass 2 Jam Nuts included 7.5 .5 "TL" .156 dia. bundle "L" MODEL NUMBER "TL" "L" P/N BAT2.516SM600 1.5 192 24315 BAT2.520SM600 1.5 240 BAT2.515SM600 1.5 180 24069 BAT2.58S 1.5 96 23486 BAT2.56SM600 1.5 72 23173 BAT2.54SM600 1.5 48 22911 BAT2.512SM3 3.0 144 22890 BAT2.524SM600 1.5 288 22457 BAT2.511SM600 1.5 132 22456 BAT2.54S 1.5 48 22306 BAT2.57S 1.5 84 22208 BAT2.515S 1.5 180 21888 BAT2.53SM.5 .5 36 BAT2.52S 1.5 24 21676 BAT2.52.2S 1.5 26 21436 BAT2.510S 1.5 120 21428 BAT2.56S 1.5 72 21407 DESCRIPTION: BAT2.53S 1.5 36 21089 DATE 5/20/88 16 models B Bifurcation end sheathing was .30, ferrule & crimp changed. 7/7/88 GRK REV. A Corrected ferrule appearance, .218 was .213 5/31/88 Tolerances (unless otherwise specified) all dim's in inches X.X = .1" X.XX = .01" X.XXX = .005" "L" = .5" per foot the photoelectric specialist MADE IN USA Banner Engineering Corp. 9714 Tenth Avenue North Minneapolis, MN 55441 Tel # 612-544-3164 FAX # 612-544-3213 Sales Dept. FAX # 612-544-3573 Applications Dept. This drawing is the property of BANNER ENGINEERING CORPORATION and is proprietary in general and in detail. Its contents shall not be revealed to outside parties without the written consent of BANNER ENGINEERING CORPORATION. BAT2.53S Sheet 1 of 2 FIBEROPTIC ASSEMBLY & MODIFICATIONS DRWG# Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ! 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ! Main Office: (650) 588-9200 ! Outside Local Area: (800) 258-9200 ! www.stevenengineering.com 21089 MODEL NUMBER "TL" "L" BAT2.51S 1.5 12 BAT2.55S 1.5 60 BAT2.516S 1.5 192 BAT2.530S 1.5 360 BAT2.58SM600 1.5 96 BAT2.510SM600 1.5 120 BAT2.53SM600 1.5 36 P/N 2 models "NOTE: M600 suffix indicates fiber potted on threaded end with epoxy that operates in max. temperature of 600 F 24632 24830 REV. Tolerances (unless otherwise specified) all dim's in inches X.X = .1" X.XX = .01" X.XXX = .005" "L" = .5" per foot DESCRIPTION: DATE 5/20/88 the photoelectric specialist MADE IN USA Banner Engineering Corp. 9714 Tenth Avenue North Minneapolis, MN 55441 Tel # 612-544-3164 FAX # 612-544-3213 Sales Dept. FAX # 612-544-3573 Applications Dept. This drawing is the property of BANNER ENGINEERING CORPORATION and is proprietary in general and in detail. Its contents shall not be revealed to outside parties without the written consent of BANNER ENGINEERING CORPORATION. BAT2.53S Sheet 2 of 2 FIBEROPTIC ASSEMBLY & MODIFICATIONS DRWG# (Note-See Previous Page for Drawing) Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ! 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ! Main Office: (650) 588-9200 ! Outside Local Area: (800) 258-9200 ! www.stevenengineering.com 21089 "L" .50 .50 .29 .25 dia. Stainless steel .29 .50 1.1 .185 .182 .8 .187 .5 R 1.5 .25 5/16 x 24 Thd Brass 2 Jam Nuts included "BL" "TL" 24 models "BL" "TL" "L" "D" P/N BAT.752S 7.5 .5 1.5 24 .046 20344 BAT.753S 7.5 .5 1.5 36 .046 20715 BAT13S 7.5 .5 1.5 36 .062 20021 BAT14S 7.5 .5 1.5 48 .062 20415 BAT15S 7.5 .5 1.5 60 .062 20416 BAT17S 7.5 .5 1.5 84 .062 20413 BAT19S 7.5 .5 1.5 108 .062 20414 BAT21.3S 7.5 .5 1.5 15 .125 21129 BAT21.5S 7.5 .5 1.5 18 .125 20282 BAT21.7S 7.5 .5 1.5 20 .125 21128 BAT210S 7.5 .5 1.5 120 .125 17845 BAT211S 7.5 .5 1.5 132 .125 20265 BAT212S 7.5 .5 1.5 144 .125 20826 BAT215S 7.5 .5 1.5 180 .125 17939 BAT21S 7.5 .5 1.5 12 .125 20914 BAT22S 7.5 .5 1.5 24 .125 17960 BAT24.5S 7.5 .5 1.5 54 .125 20295 BAT24S 7.5 .5 1.5 48 .125 17223 BAT25S 7.5 .5 1.5 60 .125 17224 BAT26S 7.5 .5 1.5 72 .125 17831 BAT27S 7.5 .5 1.5 84 .125 20267 BAT28S 7.5 .5 1.5 96 .125 20155 BAT29S 7.5 .5 1.5 108 .125 17984 BAT23S 7.5 .5 1.5 36 .125 17222 MODEL NUMBER "D" dia. bundle REV. A Changed model number and "D" of P/N 22944, sheet 2 4/8/93 GPK Tolerances (unless otherwise specified) all dim's in inches X.X = .1" X.XX = .01" X.XXX = .005" "L" = .5" per foot This drawing is the property of BANNER ENGINEERING CORPORATION and is proprietary in general and in detail. Its contents shall not be revealed to outside parties without the written consent of BANNER ENGINEERING CORPORATION. DESCRIPTION: BAT23S DATE 3/16/88 Sheet 1 of 2 the photoelectric specialist MADE IN USA Banner Engineering Corp. 9714 Tenth Avenue North Minneapolis, MN 55441 Tel # 612-544-3164 FAX # 612-544-3213 Sales Dept. FAX # 612-544-3573 Applications Dept. FIBEROPTIC ASSEMBLY & MODIFICATIONS DRWG# 17222 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ! 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ! Main Office: (650) 588-9200 ! Outside Local Area: (800) 258-9200 ! www.stevenengineering.com MODEL NUMBER "BL" "TL" "L" "D" BAT2.23S 7.5 .5 1.5 36 .135 BAT26SM600 7.5 .5 1.5 72 .125 20699 BAT28SM600 7.5 .5 1.5 96 .125 20974 BAT23SM600 7.5 .5 1.5 36 .125 21021 BAT12S 7.5 .5 1.5 24 .062 21438 BAT210SM600 7.5 .5 1.5 120 .125 21455 BAT16S 7.5 .5 1.5 72 .062 21490 BAT118S 7.5 .5 1.5 216 .062 21537 BAT27SM600 7.5 .5 1.5 84 .125 21539 BAT112S 7.5 .5 1.5 144 .062 21571 BAT217S 7.5 .5 1.5 204 .125 21858 BAT14SM600 7.5 .5 1.5 48 .062 21974 BAT15SM600 7.5 .5 1.5 60 .062 21975 BAT225SM600 7.5 .5 1.5 300 .125 22048 BAT24SM600 7.5 .5 1.5 48 .125 22052 BAT19.5S 7.5 .5 1.5 114 .062 22085 BAT25SM600 7.5 .5 1.5 60 .125 22107 BAT110S 7.5 .5 1.5 120 .062 22250 BAT18S 7.5 .5 1.5 96 .062 22251 BAT11.3S 7.5 .5 1.5 15 .062 22589 BAT.756S 7.5 .5 1.5 72 .046 22597 BAT1.52S 7.5 .5 1.5 24 .090 BAT223S 7.5 .5 1.5 276 .125 BAT11.5S 7.5 .5 1.5 18 .062 BAT16.5S 7.5 .5 1.5 78 .062 BAT23.33S 7.5 .5 1.5 40 .125 BAT216S 7.5 .5 1.5 192 .125 22944 BAT2.7S 4.5 .5 1.5 8 .125 23049 BAT2.83S 4.5 .5 1.5 10 .125 BAT21.04SMSB 4.0 .5 1.5 12.5 .125 BAT21.04SMSBM600 4.0 .5 1.5 12.5 .125 BAT23.3SMCT 7.5 .5 1.5 39 + 2 / -0 .125 23445 BAT26.3SMCT 7.5 .5 1.5 75 + 2 / -0 .125 23446 BAT214SM600 7.5 .5 1.5 168 .125 23647 BAT11.7S 7.5 .5 1.5 20 .062 23770 BAT28SMCT 7.5 .5 1.5 96 + 2 / -0 .125 23943 BAT214S 7.5 .5 1.5 168 .125 BAT235SM600 7.5 .5 1.5 420 .125 BAT22SM600 7.5 . 5 1.5 24 .125 BAT13SM3 7.5 .5 3.0 36 .062 BAT220SM600 7.5 .5 1.5 240 .125 NOTE: M600 suffix indicates fibers potted on threaded end with epoxy that operates in max. temperature of 600 F. P/N 29 models 22802 23121 59283 REV. A Changed model number and "D" of P/N 22944, was BAT116S, .062 4/8/93 GPK Tolerances (unless otherwise specified) all dim's in inches X.X = .1" X.XX = .01" X.XXX = .005" "L" = .5" per foot the photoelectric specialist MADE IN USA Banner Engineering Corp. 9714 Tenth Avenue North Minneapolis, MN 55441 Tel # 612-544-3164 FAX # 612-544-3213 Sales Dept. FAX # 612-544-3573 Applications Dept. This drawing is the property of BANNER ENGINEERING CORPORATION and is proprietary in general and in detail. Its contents shall not be revealed to outside parties without the written consent of BANNER ENGINEERING CORPORATION. DESCRIPTION: BAT23S DATE 3/16/88 Sheet 2 of 2 FIBEROPTIC ASSEMBLY & MODIFICATIONS DRWG# 17222 (Note-See Previous Page for Drawing) Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ! 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ! Main Office: (650) 588-9200 ! Outside Local Area: (800) 258-9200 ! www.stevenengineering.com