Search Results for 10-260469-1P
Part Number Found: 10-260469-01P CONN PLUG
Amphenol Industrial Operations
40 - 60 Delaware Ave.
Sidney, NY
Phone: 888-364-9011
Fax: 520-397-7169
Product Family Information - MIL-C-5015 NON MS
Product Family Information - SM-E and SM-R
Product Line: For part numbers and data related to '102...', following is a possible supplier.
Amphenol RF's 1.0/2.3 connector series
Amphenol RF,4 Old Newtown Road,Danbury, Ct. 06810,Phone: (800) 627-7100,Fax: (203) 796-2032
Technical Information
Product Line: For part numbers and data related to '10...', following is a possible supplier.
pin contacts
Amphenol Limited,Thanet Way, Whitstable,,Kent CT5 3JF, England,Tel: +44 (0)1227 773 200,Fax: +44 (0)1227
276 571
Product Line: For part numbers and data related to '1...', following is a possible supplier.
Amphenol RF's 1.0/2.3 connector series
Amphenol RF,4 Old Newtown Road,Danbury, Ct. 06810,Phone: (800) 627-7100,Fax: (203) 796-2032
Technical Information