Evaluates: MAX194/MAX195
__Detailed Description of Software
EPROM Resident Program
A small bootstrap program is stored in the EPROM locat-
ed on the 68HC16 board. The EPROM resident program
initializes the 68HC16, tests the static RAM, configures
the chip-select logic, establishes serial communications
with the host, and downloads program KIT194 into RAM.
It starts operating on power-up or whenever the RESET
button is pressed. After RESET, it tests the RAM, then
waits to receive a serial character on its serial port before
transmitting its identification banner.
RAM Resident Program
KIT194.S19 is a 68HC16 RAM-resident program that is
transferred from disk to the static RAM on the 68HC16
module. When the KIT194 program is running, it offers
the commands listed in Table 2.
Personal Computer Program
MAX194.EXE, which runs on an IBM-compatible com-
puter, is a terminal program that establishes communi-
cation with the 68HC16 module and allows the user to
download and run the Maxim-provided RAM resident
program. The serial communication baud rate is initiat-
ed at 1200 baud (default setting) to ensure proper
operation with basic systems.
The MAX194.EXE program provides several commands
that are associated with the host computer. These com-
mands are listed in Table 4.
The MAX194.EXE program can store the text of a termi-
nal session in a log file. To begin recording the terminal
session, press ALT+O [the letter O]. The program will
ask for a file name. Press ENTER to accept the default
file name, or type in a different name. If a file with that
name already exists, the old file will be erased. To close
the file, press ALT+C. The log file will contain the com-
plete text of the terminal session from the time the file is
opened until it is closed.
Using the QSPI to Read the MAX194
The 68HC16 module uses its Queued Serial Peripheral
Interface (QSPI) in master mode to read the MAX194.
The MAX194 EV kit software uses the algorithm
described below. Refer to the example program of
Listing 1, which assigns QSPI entries 0 and 1 and pro-
grammable chip-select PCS0 to the MAX194. Note:
This interface scheme requires that the QSPI clock be
active during the MAX194 reset (see Reset and
Calibration Procedure section).
1) Initialize the QSPI parameters as follows:
2) Verify that EOC is low before starting the conversion.
3) Start the QSPI transfer.
4) Wait until QSPI transfer is complete. The CPU may
perform other tasks while waiting.
5) Extract the significant bits from QSPI RAM. Bits
B13–B06 are located in QSPI receive RAM entry
RR0 bits 7–0, and bits B05–B00 are located in entry
RR1 bits 9–4. RR1 bits 3–2 are the sub-LSB bits of
the MAX194 (see Table 5).
MAX194 Evaluation System/Evaluation Kit
4 _______________________________________________________________________________________
Table 4. Commands Available in
MAX194.EXE Terminal Program
ALT+L Load and run resident code on 68HC16.
ALT+X Exit to DOS.
ALT+P Change port (COM1, COM2).
ALT+R Send RESET command to 68HC16.
ALT+O Open a log file.
ALT+C Close the log file.
ALT+B Display baud rate menu.
ALT+1 1200 baud
ALT+4 4800 baud
ALT+9 9600 baud
19200 baudALT+2
SPBR 51.68MHz serial clock
CPOL 0 Serial clock is low when idle
CPHA 1CPOL ≠CPHA, data valid on
falling clock edge
Ten bits per QSPI transfer. Use
two consecutive QSPI transfers
to read the MAX194.
Delay 119ns between CS and first
clock in the first QSPI transfer to
satisfy MAX194 tDA.
COMD.0 $D0
Control RAM for first QSPI trans-
fer: CONT = 1, BITSE = 1, DTL =
0, DSCK = 1, PSC0 = 0
COMD.1 $40
Control RAM for second QSPI
transfer: CONT = 0, BITSE = 1,
DTL = 0, DSCK = 0, PSC0 = 0
NEWQP 0Index of first queue entry to
ENDQP 1Index of last valid queue entry