A Product Line of Diodes Incorporated AP4306 CONSTANT VOLTAGE AND CONSTANT CURRENT CONTROLLER Description Pin Assignments The AP4306 is a highly integrated solution for a constant voltage/constant current mode SMPS application. (Top View) The AP4306 contains one 1.21V voltage reference, one low voltage reference used in current sensing circuit and two operational amplifiers. The 1.21V voltage reference, combined with one operational amplifier, makes of an ideal voltage controller for use in adapters and battery chargers. The low voltage reference, combined with another operational amplifier, makes of an ideal current limiter for output low side current sensing. Pin 1 Mark The AP4306 is fully compatible with AP4305 in functionality and electrical characteristics except its lower reference voltage for current control loop, thus higher power efficiency in SMPS applications such as low power charger can be realized with AP4306 compared to AP4305. VCTRL 1 6 VCC GND 2 5 VSENSE VOUT 3 4 ICTRL SOT26 (K Package) The AP4306 is available in SOT26 package. Features Constant Voltage and Constant Current Control Precision Internal Voltage Reference Low External Component Count Easy Compensation Low Supply Current: 0.5mA Current Control Loop Reference A Version: 70mV B Version: 100mV C Version: 150mV Operating Temperature Range: -40 to +105oC Operating Supply Voltage: 2.5V to 18V Totally Lead-free & Fully RoHS Compliant (Note1 & 2) Halogen and Antimony Free. "Green" Device (Note 3) Notes: Applications Adapters Battery Chargers 1. No purposely added lead. Fully EU Directive 2002/95/EC (RoHS) & 2011/65/EU (RoHS 2) compliant. 2. See http://www.diodes.com/quality/lead_free.html for more information about Diodes Incorporated's definitions of Halogen- and Antimony-free, "Green" and Lead-free. 3. Halogen- and Antimony-free "Green" products are defined as those which contain <900ppm bromine, <900ppm chlorine (<1500ppm total Br + Cl) and <1000ppm antimony compounds. AP4306 Document number: DS36792 Rev. 2 - 2 1 of 11 www.diodes.com January 2014 (c) Diodes Incorporated A Product Line of Diodes Incorporated AP4306 Typical Applications Circuit VOUT+ To primary R2 AP4306 VCC R4 1.210V + C1 R3 VOUT IL + VCTRL Load C3 GND ICTRL R5 VSENSE R1 R6 500 VOUT- R SS VOUT VREF R1 R 2 R1 CurrentLimit VSENSE RSS Typical Application 1 VOUT+ To primary AP4306 1.210V VCC R4 V OUT + R3 R2 IL C1 + VCTRL Load C3 GND ICTRL R5 VSENSE R1 R6 500 VOUTRSS VOUT [VREF ( I L RSS )] R1 R 2 ( I L RSS ) R1 CurrentLimit VSENSE RSS Typical Application 2 AP4306 Document number: DS36792 Rev. 2 - 2 2 of 11 www.diodes.com January 2014 (c) Diodes Incorporated A Product Line of Diodes Incorporated AP4306 Typical Applications Circuit (Cont.) VOUT+ To primary AP4306 VCC 1.210V R4 VOUT + R3 R2 IL C1 + VCTRL Load C3 GND ICTRL R5 VSENSE R1 R6 500 VOUTRSS VOUT VREF R1 R 2 ( I L RSS ) R1 CurrentLimit VSENSE VREF VSENSE VREF RSS Typical Application 3 Pin Descriptions Pin Number Pin Name 1 VCTRL Input pin of the voltage control loop 2 GND Ground 3 VOUT Output pin. Sinking current only 4 ICTRL Input pin of the current control loop 5 VSENSE Input pin of the current control loop 6 VCC AP4306 Document number: DS36792 Rev. 2 - 2 Function Power supply 3 of 11 www.diodes.com January 2014 (c) Diodes Incorporated A Product Line of Diodes Incorporated AP4306 Functional Block Diagram VCC 6 1.210V VOUT 3 VCTRL 1 GND 2 4 5 ICTRL VSENSE For A, B, C Versions Absolute Maximum Ratings (Note 4) Parameter Symbol VCC Power Supply Voltage VIN Input Voltage TJ Rating Unit 20 V -0.3 to VCC V Junction Temperature +150 C TSTG Storage Temperature -65 to +150 C TLEAD Lead Temperature (Soldering, 5sec) +260 C Thermal Resistance (Junction to Ambient) 250 C/W JA Note 4: Stresses greater than those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under "Recommended Operating Conditions" is not implied. Exposure to "Absolute Maximum Ratings" for extended periods may affect device reliability. Recommended Operating Conditions Symbol Parameter Min Max Unit VCC Power Supply Voltage 2.5 18 V TA Operating Temperature Range -40 +105 C AP4306 Document number: DS36792 Rev. 2 - 2 4 of 11 www.diodes.com January 2014 (c) Diodes Incorporated A Product Line of Diodes Incorporated AP4306 Electrical Characteristics Symbol (@VCC=5V, TA=+25C, unless otherwise specified.) Parameters Conditions Min Typ Max - 0.5 1 -40 C