Agere Systems Inc. 5
Advance Product Brief
March 1997 AT M Buffer Manag er (ABM)
Description (continued)
Ingress Queue Processor (IQP) (continued)
Transmission of Cells from the Cell Data RAM to
the Switch Fabric
The IQP schedules cells for transmission from the cell
data RAM to the switch fabric using a two-level round-
robin selection process. Queues are visited in order on
a round-robin basis. If a queue is empty, or if all of its
delay priority subqueues are backpressured, then that
queue is skipped and the next queue is visited until a
nonempty, nonbackpressured queue is found.
Once a queue is chosen, one of its four delay priority
subqueues is selected. A programmable weighted
round-robin schedule is used to determine how fre-
quently each delay priority in a queue is read. It allows
the higher delay priorities to be read more frequently
than lower priorities while ensuring that these lower
delay priority subqueues are not starved. There is a
separate weighted round-robin schedule for each
queue that is independently configurable by the micro-
processor . Each schedule provides a 16-entry (weight)
table to determine the sequence of delay priorities to
be serviced and, therefore, the fraction of total band-
width allocate d to each dela y prior i ty. If a cell is avail-
able from the subqueue chosen by the weighted round-
robin schedule, then that cell is taken. Otherwise, the
highest nonempty, nonbackpressured delay priority
subqueue is chosen.
For the chosen subqueue, a cell is read from the
ingress cell data RAM and the pointer of the released
buffer location is returned to the ingress free list. The
IQP compares the subqueue length against the appli-
cable ingress thresholds (EFCI, SEFCI, LCI, and LNI).
If a threshold is exceeded, then the appropriate field in
the cell header is marked and various individual statis-
tic counters are updated. Depending on the cell type
(user data or RM), the subqueue length or the total
ingress buffer occupancy is inserted into the cell local
header. The cell is then forwarded to VTOP.
Switch Fabric Interface (VTOP)
VTOP controls the 12-bit ATLANTA switch fabric inter-
faces (eight bits of data, one start of cell (SOC) bit, one
bit of parity, and one complementary clock pair) of the
ABM. When configured for use with an external switch
fabric (e.g., an ATLANTA fabric using ASX and ACE
devices) these interfaces are operational. When the
ABM is configured for stand-alone mode, the transmit
and receive paths are connected internally. There are
two full-duplex interfaces: port 0 and port 1. Both of
these interfaces operate at a maximum bandwidth of
622 Mbits/s (ATM cell rate). Identical cell streams are
transmitted on each port. A user-programmable config-
uration bit, CFG1_reg[2], determines which port is
used to receive cells. The other port will be used as the
redundant port. Every time slot (68 GCLK cycles),
VT OP perf orms an ingres s transm it ope ratio n. If a dat a
cell is not available for transmission, an IDLE cell is
sent. VTOP can accommodate slightly greater than
one egress receive operation per time slot.
Ingress Tr ansmit Operation
The IQP can transfer a cell from the cell data RAM to
VT OP ev ery t ime slot . VT OP is r espon sibl e f or fo rwar d-
ing this cell to the switch fabric. To initiate the transfer,
VTOP drives the 64 consecutive bytes of data onto the
data bus along with an odd parity bit. The first byte of
the cell transfer is indicated by asserting the SOC bit.
The data bus is driven low for the remaining four cycles
of the time slot.
Egress Receive Operation
The transfer of a cell from the switch fabric to VTOP is
initiated when SOC is asserted by the external switch
fabric. The 64 consecutive cell bytes are received into
a four cell FIFO. Any additional bytes before the next
SOC are ignored. Parity is checked on the incoming
cell and if a parity error is detected, that cell is flushed
from the FIFO and the VERRP status bit is set. If the
status bit is not masked, then a microprocessor inter-
rupt will be generated by asserting MINTN Low.
To accommodate small frequency differences with the
external fabric, if the FIFO occupancy ever reaches
three cells, then egress backpressure will be applied to
briefly throttle the switch fabric on all delay priorities.
This egres s bac kpr es sure in formation (EBP_ STATU S )
is sent via the ingress path to the switch fabric (see the
data formats section). Once a full cell is written into the
FIFO, VTOP generates an internal cell available signal
to the EQP.