Absolute Maximum Ratings (Note 7)
If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required,
please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Office/
Distributors for availability and specifications.
Supply Voltage ±20V
Power Dissipation (Note 2) 500 mW
Differential Input Current (Note 3) ±10 mA
Input Voltage (Note 4) ±15V
Output Short-Circuit Duration Continuous
Operating Temperature Range
LM118 −55˚C to +125˚C
LM218 −25˚C to +85˚C
LM318 0˚C to +70˚C
Storage Temperature Range −65˚C to +150˚C
Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10 sec.)
Hermetic Package 300˚C
Plastic Package 260˚C
Soldering Information
Dual-In-Line Package
Soldering (10 sec.) 260˚C
Small Outline Package
Vapor Phase (60 sec.) 215˚C
Infrared (15 sec.) 220˚C
See AN-450 “Surface Mounting Methods and Their Effect
on Product Reliability” for other methods of soldering
surface mount devices.
ESD Tolerance (Note 8) 2000V
Electrical Characteristics (Note 5)
Parameter Conditions LM118/LM218 LM318 Units
Min Typ Max Min Typ Max
Input Offset Voltage T
= 25˚C 2 4 4 10 mV
Input Offset Current T
= 25˚C 6 50 30 200 nA
Input Bias Current T
= 25˚C 120 250 150 500 nA
Input Resistance T
= 25˚C 1 3 0.5 3 MΩ
Supply Current T
= 25˚C 5 8 5 10 mA
Large Signal Voltage Gain T
= 25˚C, V
=±15V 50 200 25 200 V/mV
=±10V, R
Slew Rate T
= 25˚C, V
=±15V, A
= 1 50 70 50 70 V/µs
(Note 6)
Small Signal Bandwidth T
= 25˚C, V
=±15V 15 15 MHz
Input Offset Voltage 615mV
Input Offset Current 100 300 nA
Input Bias Current 500 750 nA
Supply Current T
= 125˚C 4.5 7 mA
Large Signal Voltage Gain V
=±15V, V
=±10V 25 20 V/mV
Output Voltage Swing V
=±15V, R
=2kΩ±12 ±13 ±12 ±13 V
Input Voltage Range V
=±15V ±11.5 ±11.5 V
Common-Mode Rejection Ratio 80 100 70 100 dB
Supply Voltage Rejection Ratio 70 80 65 80 dB
Note 2: The maximum junction temperature of the LM118 is 150˚C, the LM218 is 110˚C, and the LM318 is 110˚C. For operating at elevated temperatures, devices
in the H08 package must be derated based on a thermal resistance of 160˚C/W, junction to ambient, or 20˚C/W, junction to case. The thermal resistance of the
dual-in-line package is 100˚C/W, junction to ambient.
Note 3: The inputs are shunted with back-to-back diodes for overvoltage protection. Therefore, excessive current will flow if a differential input voltage in excess of
1V is applied between the inputs unless some limiting resistance is used.
Note 4: For supply voltages less than ±15V, the absolute maximum input voltage is equal to the supply voltage.
Note 5: These specifications apply for ±5V ≤VS≤±20V and −55˚C ≤TA≤+125˚C (LM118), −25˚C ≤TA≤+85˚C (LM218), and 0˚C ≤TA≤+70˚C (LM318). Also,
power supplies must be bypassed with 0.1 µF disc capacitors.
Note 6: Slew rate is tested with VS=±15V. The LM118 is in a unity-gain non-inverting configuration. VIN is stepped from −7.5V to +7.5V and vice versa. The slew
rates between −5.0V and +5.0V and vice versa are tested and guaranteed to exceed 50V/µs.
Note 7: Refer to RETS118X for LM118H and LM118J military specifications.
Note 8: Human body model, 1.5 kΩin series with 100 pF.
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