For a complete description, recommendations, and usage
guidelines for product features, refer to the AR0237
Developer Guide.
3.0 mm Dual Conversion Gain Pixel
To improve the low light performance and keep the high
dynamic range, a lar ge (3.0 mm) dual conversion gain pixel
is implemented for better image optimization. With a dual
conversion gain pixel, the conversion gain of the pixel may
be dynamically changed to better adapt the pixel response
based on dynamic range of the scene.
By default, the sensor powers up in Linear Mode. One can
change to HDR Mode. The HDR scheme used is
multi-exposure HDR. This allows the sensor to handle up t o
96 dB of dynamic range. In HDR mode, the sensor
sequentially captures two exposures by maintaining two
separate read and reset pointers that are interleaved within
the rolling shutter readout. The exposure ratio may be set to
4×, 8 ×, 16×, or 32×. Sensor also provides flexibility to choose
any exposure ratio by setting number of t2 exposure rows
independent of the t1 exposure. The data will be output as
line interleaved data as described in the T1/T2 Line
Interleaved Mode section. There is also an option to output
either T1 only or T2 only.
The active array supports a maximum of 1928 ×1088
pixels to support 1080p resolution. Utilizing a 3.0um pixel
will result in an optical format of 1/2.7-inch (approximately
6.6 mm diagonal).
Frame Rate
At full (1080p) resolution, the AR0237 is capable of
running up to 60 fps in linear mode and 30 fps in line
interleaved mode.
Image Acquisition Mode
The AR0237 supports two image acquisition modes:
•Electronic Rolling Shutter (ERS) Mode:
This is the normal mode of operation. When the
AR0237 is streaming, it generates frames at a fixed
rate, and each frame is integrated (exposed) using the
ERS. When ERS mode is in use, timing and control
logic within the sensor sequences through the rows of
the array, resetting and then reading each row in turn. In
the time interval between resetting a row and
subsequently reading that row, the pixels in the row
integrate incident light. The integration (exposure) time
is controlled by varying the time between row reset and
row readout. For each row in a frame, the time between
row reset and row readout is the same, leading to
a uniform integration time across the frame. When the
integration time is changed (by using the two-wire
serial interface to change register settings), the timing
and control logic controls the transition from old to new
integration time in such a way that the stream of output
frames from the AR0237 switches cleanly from the old
integration time to the new while only generating
frames with uniform integration. See “Changes to
Integration Time” in the AR0237 Register Reference.
•Global Reset Mode:
This mode can be used to acquire a single image at the
current resolution. In this mode, the end point of the
pixel integration time is controlled by an external
electromechanical shutter, and the AR0237 provides
control signals to interface to that shutter. The benefit
of using an external electromechanical shutter is that it
eliminates the visual artifacts associated with ERS
operation. Visual artifacts arise in ERS operation,
particularly at low frame rates, because an ERS image
effectively integrates each row of the pixel array at
a different point in time.
Embedded Data and Statistics
The AR0237 has the capability to output image data and
statistics embedded within the frame timing. There are two
types of information embedded within the frame readout.
•Embedded Data:
If enabled, these are displayed on the two rows
immediately before the first active pixel row is
•Embedded Statistics:
If enabled, these are displayed on the two rows
immediately after the last active pixel row is displayed.
Multi-Camera Synchronization
The AR0237 supports advanced line synchronization
controls for multi-camera (stereo) support.
Slave Mode
The slave mode feature of the AR0237 supports triggering
the start of a frame readout from an input signal that is
supplied from an external ASIC. The slave mode signal
allows for precise control of frame rate and register change
Context Switching and Register Updates
The user has the option of using the highly configurable
context memory, or a simplified implementation in which
only a subset of registers is available for switching.
The AR0237 supports a highly configurable context
switching RAM of size 256 ×16. Within this Context
Memory, changes to any register may be stored. The register
set for each context must be the same, but the number of
contexts and registers per context are limited only by the size
of the context memory.
Alternatively, the user may switch between two
predefined register sets A and B by writing to a context
switch change bit. When the context switch is configured to