Downloaded from MIL-sTD-1683A(SH) 8 November 1982 SUPERSEDING MIL-STD-1683 (SH) 3 September 1976 MILITARY CONNECTORS STANDARD AND JACKETED ELECTRIC , SELECTION FOR SHIPBOARD CABLE , STANDARD USE -O w .&q!pi FSC 5935 FSC 6145 Downloaded from MIL-STD-1683A(SU) 8 November 19S2 I DEPARTMENT NAVAL OF" THE NAVY SEA SYSTEMS COMMAND Connectors and Jacketed Cable, Electric, Selection Standard For Shipboard Use MIL-STD-16S3A(SH) 1. This Military Standard is approved for use by the Naval Sea Systems Command, Department of the Navy, and is available for use by all Departments and Aqencies of the Department of Defense. 2. Beneficial comments (recommendations, additions , deletions) and a"y pertinent data may be of "se in improvinq this document should be addressed to Commander, Naval Sea SEA 55z3, Washington, CC 20362 by using the self-addressed StandardSystems Command, ATTN: ization Document Improvement Proposal (DD Form 1426) appearing at the end of this document which or by letter. Downloaded from 141L-STD-1683A(SH) 8 November 1982 FOSEWORD lo 1. The purpose of this standard is to standardize on Connector/insert and wiring assignments for jacketed shipboard cable for new ship design. This standard covers the majority of uses and is, arranged in a form for quick reference and selection. The applicable connector specification should be used for specif i. design details. iii Downloaded from MIL-STD-1683A(SH) 8 November 1982 CONTENTS Page Paragraph 1. SCOPE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l.l scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. REFERENCED DOCUMENTS . . . . . . . . . . 2.1 Issue of documents . . . . . . . . . . . 3. . . . . . . . . . . GENERAL SJ3QUIAEMENTS 3.1 Connector selection . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2 Shell size/insert arrangement combinations 3.3 Overall shield or group shield . . . . . 3.4 Discontinued and obsolete cables . . . . 3.5 Armored cable and SFI adaptera . . . . . 4. DETAIL REQUIREMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . 4.1 Connector and cabling configurations . . 4.2 Connector inserts to cables . . . . . . . 4.3 Cables n0tlis@d . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.41nsert arrangements . . . . . . . . . . . 4.5 Part numbering system . . . . . . . . . . 4.6 Sack shell hardware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 1 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 9 10 TASLES Tab le I 11 III IV v VI MIL-C-5015 Connector Inserts to MIL-C-915 Cable Cross Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MIL-CL915 Cable to MIL-C- 5015 Connector/Insert Cross Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MIL-C-5015 Contact Information . . . . . . . . . . . MIL-C-28 S4 O Connector Inserts to MIL-C-915 Cable Cross Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MIL-C-915 Cable to MI L-c-2S840 Connector Insert Cross Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MIL-c-28840 Contact Information . . . . . . . . . . . iv . . . . 5 . . . . . . . . 6-S . . . . 51 . . . . . . . . 51 52 s Downloaded from MIL-.5TD-1683A[sH) 8 November 1982 SECTION 100 - GENERAL CONNECTORS INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT 1OSL-3 - (3 Contacts, size 16) 12s-3 - (2 Contacts, size 16) 14s-2 - (4 Contacts, size 16) 16s-1 - (7 Contacts, size 16) 18-1 - (10 Contacts, size 16) 18-6 - (1 Contact, siZe 4) 20-2 - (1 Contact, size O) 20-4 - (4 Contacts, size 121 20-27 - (14 Contacts, size 16) 22-22 - (4 Ccmtacts, size 8) 22-23 - (8 Contacts, size 12) 24-28 - (24 Contacts, size 16) 28-21 - (37 Contacts, size 16) 32-17 - (4 Contacts. size 4) 36-5 - (4 Contacts, size O) 36-10 - (4S Contacts, size 16) 40-56 - (85 Contacts, size 16) 40-62 - (60 Contacts, size 16) INSERT INSERT 44-52~/ 44-52~/ ~/For type - (lo4 Contacts, size 16) - (104 Contacts, size 16 MIL-C-5015 connector on both ends or a 104 Contact, size 16 MIL-C-5015 connector on one end and rectangular connector on the other end. ) a 90 or 120-pin ~5Au-44, 2SWU_30r 3sW0-24, MSP and MSPW ~/For type 2U4 ~ ca~~e . 2su-30, cable. v 2SWAU-30, MSCU-91, TTSU-50, 3sU-24, Downloaded from MIL-STD-16S3A(SH) 8 November 1982 1. SCOPE 1.1 a. This etandard ie intended for use in selecting the proper connector shell size and insert combination tm fit a particular MIL-c-915 cable. In addition, it includes wiring information (cable conductor to connector contact assignments, data for seleoting connsctor hardware accessories, and information regarding certain rectangular connectors. 2. RSPSSENCED ODCUMSNTS 2.1 ISSUOS Of documents. invitation for bids or request specif led h-rein. The following documents, of the issue in ef feet on date for proposal, form a part of this standard to the extent of SPECIFICATIONS MILXTARY MIL-C-915 - Cable and Cord, Electrical, for Shipboard use, General Specification for. MIL-C-915/3 - cord, Electrical, 300 Volts, -S OCOP a"d 2COP. 141L-C-915/5 - cable, Electrical, 300 Volts, Typs OLT. MIL-C-915/6 - Cable, Electrical, 600 Volts, Typss SHOP, DSOF, TSOF, and FHOF. MIL-c-915/7 - Ctile, Electrical Type DSWS. MIL-C-915/S - Cable, Electrical, 600 Volts, Types x%3, TSS, FSS, and 7SS. MIL-C-915/11 - Cord, Electrical, 600 Volts, TYpe McOS. MIL-C-915/14 - Cable, Electrical, 600 Volts, Type MSOF. MIL-C-915/15 - Cord, Electrical, 300 Volts, Type MMOP. MIL-C-915/17 - Cable, Electrical, Type PBTMU .MI L-C-915/19 - Cable, Electrical, TyW TPu. 600 Volts, Tysx TSF . MIL-C-915/20 - Cable, Electrical, 125 Volts, Type TWXF. MIL-C-915/21 - Cable, Electrical, 300 Volts , Tyx TSP. - Cable, Electrical, MIL-c-915/22 - cable, Electrical, 300 Volts, Type TTOP. MIL-C-915/24 - Cable, Electrical, 300 volts, Type TTRS. MIL-c-915/25 1000 volts, Type SSGU. - Cable, Electrical, MIL-c-915/28 1000 Volts, TyP-3 DSGU. - Cable, Electrical, MIL-c-915/29 1000 Volts, Type TSGU . - Cable, Electrical, MIL-c-915/30 1000 Volts, TyP.s FSSU. - Cable, Electrical, MIL-C-915/31 - Cable, Electrical, 1000 Volts, TYpe MSCO (Including Variations MIL-c-915/32 WSCA and MSCS) . 1000 Volts, Type 7SG0. - Cable, Electrical, MIL-c-915/34 TYm TCJU and TCTU . - Cable. Electrical. MIL-c-915/35 cable, Electrical ~ 35b Volts, Type TTSU. MIL-c-915/37 cable, Electrical Types TCJX, TCKX and TCTX. MIL-c-915/38 - Cable, Electrical, Type PI. MIL-c-915/39 Cable, Electrical, 600 Volts, Types OPS, FPS, TPS, and 7PS. MIL-C-915/40 600 Volts, `rype 2AU and 2AUS. - Cable, Electrical, MIL-c-915/41 TYPe 1S50MU and 1S50M7JS. - Cable, Electrical, MIL-c-915/42 360 VOlts. TvDe MU and MOS. MIL-C-9 15/43 - cable, Electrical, Type lSWU; -- cable, Electrical, MIL-c-915/44 Type 2SU and 2SUS. - Cable, Electrical, MIL-c-915/45 Type 2SWAU. - cable, Electrical, MIL-c-915/46 - Cable, Electrical, Type lSWAU. MIL-c-915/47 Type 2SWF. - Cable, Electrical, MIL-c-915/48 TyF9 2SWU . - cable, Electrical, MIL-c-915/49 300 VOlts, TYpO MS. - Cable, Electrical, MIL-c-915/50 Type 3SU. - cable, Electrical, MIL-c-915/51 - Cable, Electrical, TyPS 3SWU . MIL-c-915/52 Type 3U . - Cable, Electrical, MIL-c-915/53 600 Volts, Type ECM. - Cable, Electrical, MIL-c-915/54 Type LS75M0 . - cable, Electrical, MIL-c-915/55 Type lSNU. - cable, Electrical, MIL-c-915/56 Type lSAU . - Cable, Electrical, MIL-c-915/57 600 Volts , TYPS NWF. - cable, Electrical, MIL-c-915;58 Type lSU. - Cable, Electrical, MIL-c-915/59 1 Downloaded from MIL-STD-1683A(SH) S November 1982 MILITARY . (continued) MIL-C-915/60 - Cable, Electrical, 600 Volts. Types 2SJ, 3SJ and 4SJ. MIL-C-915/61 - Cable, Electrical, Type s 2s. MIL-C-915/62 - Cable, Electrical, 600 Volts , Type 3SF. MIL-C-915/63 - cable; Electrical, 300 volts , Type 2U. MIL-c-915/64 - Cable, Electrical, 600 Volts, TyPe 2WAU. MIL-c-915/65 - Cable, Electrical, TyPe lSMWU. MIL-c-915;66 - Cable, Electrical, 59 - Conductor, Type MSPW. MIL-C-9 15/67 - Cable, Electrical, 59 - conductor, Type MSP. MIL-C-915/68 - Cable , Electrical, 1000 Volts, TWO Conductor, Type Dww. MIL-C-915/69 - Cable, Electrical, 1000 Volts, Three Conductor, Type TNW. MIL-C-915/70 - Cable, Electrical, 1000 volts, Four Conductor, Type FWW. MIL-C-9 15/71 - Cable, Electrical, 1000 Volts, Multiconductor, Type MNW. MIL-C-915/72 - Cable, Electrical, 300 Volts, Type TPWW. 3000 Volts, TvDe SRW. DRW and TRW. - Cable, Electrical, MIL-c-915/73 - Cable, Electrical, 600 Volts, Ty;~ 5SS . MIL-c-915/74 - Cable, Electrical, Type 8WW6. MIL-c-915/75 MIL-C-915/76 - Cable, Electrical, Type 4ww8. MIL-c-915/77 - Cable. Electrical, Tvve 2SWL-7. MIL-c-915)78 - Cable; Electrical; T~~e and Size 21Ai-42. MIL-C-5015 - Connectors, Electric, AN Type, Ceneral specification for. MIL-C-22 520 - Crimpinq Tools, Terminal Hand or Powsr Actuated Wire Termination aid Tool Kits, General .suecification for. MIL-c-22520/l - Crimping Tools, Terminal, Ha;d, Wire Termination fOK Wire Barrel Sizes 12 Through 20. MIL-c-22520/2 - Crimping Tools, Terminal, Hand, Wire Termination for Wire Barrel Sizes 20 Through 28. MIL-C-287 31 - Connector, Electrical, Rectangular, Removal Contact Formed Blade, Fork Type (For Rack and Panel and other Applications) , General Specification for. MIL-c-28731/17 - connector, Electrical, Insert (lnSUlatOr) Male, Rectangular, Polarized, Center Screw Lock, For 120 Removable Contacts. MIL-c-28731/20 - Connector, Electrical, COntaCt, Fork TYPe, CrimP R=OVable (8.5 Amperes) . MIL-c-28840 - c:onnector, Electrical, Circular, Threaded, High DensitY, High Shock Shipboard, Class D, General Specification for. Connector, Electrical, Circular Threaded, High Shock, High MIL-c-28S40/6 Density, Shipboard, Backshell, Straight, Cable Sealing and Shield Termination, Connector, Electric. connector, Electrical, Circular Threaded, High, Shock, High MIL-c-28S40/8 Density, SbipbOard, Backshell, `0" cable `eallng and `h=eld Termination, Connector', Electric. Connector, Electrical, Circular Threaded, High Shock, High MIL-c-28840/9 Density, Shipboard, BackShell, 45 0 Cable Sealing and Shield Termination, Connector, Electric. Connector, Electrical, Circular, SCrew Threads, High Density, MIL-C-28840/10 High Shock, Shipboard, Crimp COntaCtS Receptacle, wall Mounting,' Classes D and DS. Connectors, Electrical, Circular, Screw Threads, High MIL-c-28840/11 Density, High Shock, Shipboard, Crimp Contacts, Receptacle, cable Connecting, Classes D and DS. Connectors, Electrical, Circular, Screw Threads, High MIL-C-2S840/12 Density, High Shock, Shipboard, Crimp Contacts Receptacle, Mounting Sex, Classes D and DS. Connector, Electrical, Circular, Screw Threads, High Density, MIL-c-28840/14 High Shock, Shipboard, Crimp Contacts Receptacle, Jam Nut Mounting, Classes D and DS. - Connector, Electrical, Circular, Screw Threads, High Density, MIL-c-28840/16 High Shock, Shipboard, Crimp Contacts Plug, Classes D and DS. - Connector, Electrical, Circular, Screw Threads, High Density, MIL-c-28840/17 High Shock, Shipboard, Crimp Contacts Plug, Assembly, Dpen Wire, classes D and DS. - Connector, Electrical, Circular, Screw Threads, High Density, MIL-c-28840/lS High Shock, Shipboard, Crimp Contacts Plug, Assembly, Open Wire 90, Classes D and DS. 2 Downloaded from I 9 MIL-STD-1683A(SH) 8 NOVember 1982 MILITARY - (Continued) MIL-tC-2884 0/19 - connector, -' MIL-C-28840/20 MIL-C-28S40/21 iIL-c-28840/26 MIL-c-28840/28 MIL-c-28840/29 MIL-c-39029 MI L-C-390 29/44 MIL-c-39029/45 MI L-C-39 029/83 MI L-C-390 29/84 MIL-1-81969 - MIL-I-81969/33 MIL-I-81969/34 E~=trica~ ~ircular screw Threads, High Density, High shOck, shipboard, Crimp Contacts Plug, Assembly, Open Wire 45., Classes D and DS. - cOnnectOr, Electrical. Circular, Screw Threads, High Density, High shock, shipboard, crimp CQntS.ctS Receptacle, wall Mounting, Assembly, Straight, Classes DJ and DJS. --- --. - connector, Electrical, Circular, Screw Threads, High Density, High Shock, Shipboard, Crimp Contacts Receptacle, Cable Connecting Assembly, Straight, Classes DJ and DJS. - Connector, Electrical, Circular, Screw Threads, High Density, High Shock, Shiphoard, crimp contacts Plug Assembly, Straight, Classes DJ and DJS. Circular Screw Threads, High Density, - Connector, Electrical, High Shock, .shiphoard, Crimp Contacts Plug, Assembly, 90" Classes DJ and DJS. - Connector, Electrical, Circular, Screw Threads, High Density, Hiqh shock, Shipboard, Crimp COntaCtS P1U9, AS S*lY, 45", Cl&mes 0.7 and 6JS. Contacts, Electrical, C-9neXal Specification fOr. - Contact, Electrical Connector, Pin, Crimp Removable, (Pox MIL-C-5015 Series MS3400 Connectors) . - Contact, Electrical Connector, Socket, Crimp Removable, (For MIL-C-5015 Series MS3400 Connectors) . - Contacts, Electrical Connector, Pin, Crimp Removable (For MIL-C-28 S4O Connectors) . - Contacts, Electrical Connector, Socket, Crimp Removable (For MIL-C-28840 Connectors) . Installing and Removal TOOlS, Connector Electrical contact, General Specification fOr. - Installing and Removable TOOIS, cOnnectOr Electrical cOntact~ Type 1, class 1. Composition A (FOr use with MIL-c-28840) EC (Connectors) . - Installing amd Removable Tools, Connector Electrical contact, Type 11, Class 1, Composition A (For use with MIL-C-28540) EC (Connectors) . STANDARDS MILITARY MI L-STD-1 310 - Shipboard Bonding, Grounding, and Dther Techniques for Electromagnetic Compatibility and Safety. MIL-sTD-169s - Insert Arrangements fOr MIL-c-2s840 (Et) `igh `ensity `hock circular Electrical Connectors. MS3150 - Dies For Crimping MS3190 Type S Contact Wire Sarrels (Install Dies in MS25441-1 Head) . NS3187 - Plug, End Seal, For MIL-c-26482, MIL-c-5015, MIL-c-81703 and MIL-C-83723 Electrical Connectors. NS318S - Backshell, 90", Cable Sealing and Shield Termination, Connector, Electric: 45", Cable Sealing, and Shield Termination, Connector, MS3189 - Backshell, Electric. NS334S - Contact, Bushing, Electric wire Barrel. MS3400 - connector, Receptacle, Electric, Wall MOunting, FrOnt Release, Crimp Contact, AN Type. (Inactive fOr Design) MS3401 - Connector, Receptacle, Electric, Cable c0nnectin9, Front Release, Crimp contact, Af4 Type. MS3402 - Connector, Receptacle, Electric, Jam Nut Mounting, Front Release, Crimp Contact, AN Type. NS3404 - Connector, Receptacle, Electric, Jam Nut Mounting, Front Release, CrimD Contact. AW Tvoe. MS3406 - Conne&or, Plug, Eletitric, Front Release, Crimp Contact, AN Type. MS340S - Connector, Plug, Electric, 90 Assembly, Crimp Contact, AN Type. MS3409 - Connector, Plug, Electric, 45 " Assembly, Crimp Contact, AN Type. MS3437 - Backshell, Straight, Cable Sealing and Shield Termination, Connector, Electric. 3 Downloaded from MIL-STD-1683A(SH) 8 November 1982 M2LITARY - (Continued) N.$25441 - Crimping Tcol, Terminal, Hydraulic Operated, Wire Size 8 Through 4/0 . NS27186 - Plug, End Seal, Electrical Connector sizes 16, 20, and 50 Ohms Coaxial. f.LS90455- Installing Tool, Electrical connector Contact. MS90456 - Tool, Removal, Contact, Connector. (Copies of specifications specific acquisition functions by the contracting officer. ) 3. GENERAL and standards, required by manufacturers in connection with should be obtained from the ccmtracting activity or as directed REQUIREMENTS The connectors and shipboard ]acketed cable shall be selected 3.1 Connector selection. from the lists specified in QIis standard. The lists are formulated on the basis of the particular connector insert arrangement for MIL-c-915 cable considering maximum outside wire cable diameter, quantity, and size of conductors versus quantity and accommodating size of the contacts. The shell size/insert arrangement 3.2 ~ size/insert arrangement combinations. combinations included have been selected by cable outer diameter, quantity of contacts associated with the cable characteristics, both to minimize the number of different insert combinations and to keep the number of unused cOntactB to a minimum. The overall shield or group shield (for example shield. 3.3 Overall shield or w-- rs shielded singles, ~e~pa are treated as a conductor and are listed in the wiring This approach information as a conductor to be connected through a connector contact. Shielding techniques are in accordance indicates a maximum usage or worse case condition. with M1L-STD-131O . 3.4 Discontinued and obsolete tained in this document. cables. Discontinued and obsolete cables are not con- Armored cables shall have the same Connector/ 3.5 Armored cable and R. F. 1. adapters. insert and contact=gnments as their counterparts (for example PSGA-3 same as TSGU-3) . Additionally, the RF I adapter is required on back shells. 4. DETAIL RSQUIREMENTS 4.1 Comector and cablinq configurations. information for the =lowmg configurations: (a) (b) (c) given l%is standard provides connector and cabling MIL-c-5015 connectors on botb ends of MIL-c-915 cable. Type 2u45 cable (.&!IL-c-915/63): (1) 104-Pin, size 16 contact, MI L-C-5015 connector on both ends. (2) 104-pin, size 16 contact, MIL-c-5015 connector on one end and a 90- or 120-pin rectangular connector on the other end. MIL-c-2S840 - COnAectors on both ends of MIL-C-915 cable. 4.2 Connector in t~ti~t=n 4.3 Cables insert dat~ts ~ inserts listed, ar~ted The appropriate to *. of this standard. insert to cable MIL-c-915 cable types which do not appear because of various mismatches. 4.4 Insert arrangements. The insert views depicted sheets represent the wiring side of a socket (receptacle) quantity and size of contacts. 4 requirements are in the connector/ on the COnnec.tOr/insert and present in fO~atiOn data regarding @ Downloaded from MIL-STD-1683A (SH ) 8 November 1982 SECTION 100 TABLE MIL-C-5015 Connector inserts INSERT 1OSL-3 (11-3) 12s-3 (13-3) 14s-2 (15-2) 16s-1 (17-1) 18-1 18-6 20-2 20-4 20-27 22-22 22-23 24-28 1. 2s-21 12-17 16-5 I6-10 IO-56 Io-62 ~4-52 to MI L-c-915 cable cross-reference. CABLES DSS-2, TCOP-2, TWW-3, TPWW-1-l/2, TTSU-1-l/2, 2sJ-16, -18, -20, -22, 2SWU-1 DCOP-1, -1-1/2, -2, DHOF-3, DNW-3, DPS-3, DSGU-3, SHOF-3, TcKx-1 , TCTX-1 DLT, DSS-3 , FHOF-3 , FNW-3, FSGU-3, MCOS-2, S2S, THoF-3, Tps-3, TBS-2, `3, lSWF-2, lSWU-2, 3SJ-16, -18, -20, -22, TSGU-3, FSS-2, -3, MCOS-4, `5, MHOF-7, h7UOP-5, MWW-7, MSCTJ-7, MWF-7, TCJX-3 , TCKX-3, TCTX-3, TPNW-3, TTOP-3 , TTRS-2, TTSU-3, 4sJ-16, -20, 5SS, 7SGU-3 MCOS-6, -7, NSOF-10, WNW-10, MSCU-10, MWF-10, PBTNU-5, PI-3, TPWW-5 , TTDP-5 , TTSU-5 , lSMU-5, 2s0-3, 2SWAU-3 , 2SWF-3 , 2swu-3, 3u-3, 7ss-2 SHOF-23 , SSGU-50 SHOF-60, SSGU-75, -100, TSJ-105, TSXF-S4 DHOF-4 , -6, DNW-4 , DPS-4 , -6, DRW, DSGU-4, DSS-4, DSWS-4 , FHOF-4 , FNW-4 , FSGU-4, SRW, TCJU-4, `3'CTU-4,THOF-4, -6, TNW-4, TPS-4, -6, TRW, TSGU-4, TSS-4, 2SJ-12, -14, 3sJ-12, -14 MHOF-14, MNW-14, MSCU-14, MU-14, MWF-14, TCJX-7, TCKX-7, TCTX-7 , TPU-6 , TTRS-4 , 2SWF-4 , 3su-3, 3SWU-3 DHOF-9, -14, DNW-9, -14, -23, DPS-9, -14, DSGU-9, -14, -23, FHOF-9, FNW-9, -23, FPS-14, FSGO-9, -23, `3T30F-9,-14, TNW-9, -14, -23, TPS-9, -14, -23, TSGU-9, -14, -23, 2sJ-7, ,- 9, -11, 3SJ-9 , 4NW-8 FSS-4 , 4SJ-14, 7PS-6 , 7SGU-4 , 8NW-6 MROF-19, -24, MNW-19, -24, M6cu-19, -24, MWF-19, -24, PI-7, TCTX-12, TPWW-10 , TSP-11, TTDP-10 , TTRS-6, -8, TTSU-10 , 1S75MU-8 , 2su-7, 2SWAU-7, 2swP-7, 2SWL-7, 2swD-7, 2IJ-10, 3U- 7 wHOF-30, -37, MNW-30, -37, MSC22-30, -37, MWF-30, -37, PSTWU-15 , PI-12 , TCJX-12 , TCXX-12 , TPNW-15 , T3'OP-15, TTRS-10, -12, TTSU-15 , lSWU-14 , 1S50MU-16 , 2su-10, 2SWAO-10, 2swu-12, 2u-15, 3SF-7 , 3SU-7 , 3swu-7, 3u-12 DHOF-23, -30, DNW-50, D6GU-50 , FHOF-42, FSGU-50 , THOF-23, -42, TWW-50, TPS-30, TSGD-50 DHOF-83, DWW-75, -100, DSGU-75, -100, PHOF-60, FSGU-75, -1oo, TWW-75, -1oo, TsGu-75# -1oo MHOF-44, MWW-44, MS-37, 24SCU-44, TPNW-20, TTRS-16, TTSU-20, lswD-20, 1S50NU-20, 2su-14 , 2SWAU-14 , 2u-19 , 3SU-10 , 3SWU-10 ECM, MHOF-61 , M6cu-61, TPWW-40, TSP-31, TT5u-40, lsu-36 , 1S50MU-40, 2AU-40, 2su-24, 2SWAU-24, 2SWU-24, 2u-30, 2wAu-40 , 3SU-19 , 3swu-19 PBTMU-30, TPNW-30 , `2Tsu-30, lSWU-30 , 2SU-19 , 2SWAU-19 , 2swu-19, 3SU-14 , 3SWU-14 MSCU-91, MSP, MSPW, TTSU-50 , lSAU-44 , 2su-30, 2SWAU-30, 2swu-30, 2u-45 , 3su-24 , 3SWU-24 5 ! Downloaded from MIL-STD-1683A(SH] 8 Novefier 1982 TABLE 11. M C-915 Csme CABLE IwSERT DCOP- 1 woP-1-l/2 DCOP-2 12s-3 12S-3 12S-3 DHOF-3 DHOF-4 DHOF- 6 DHOF-9 DHOF-14 DHOF-23 DHOP-30 DHOF-83 12s-3 20-4 20-4 22-22 22-22 32-17 32-17 36-5 DLT 14s-2 DNW-3 DNW- 4 DNW- 9 DNW- 14 DNW-23 DNW- 50 DNW-75 DNW-1OO 12s-3 20-4 22-22 22-22 22-22 32-17 36-5 36-5 DPS- 3 DPS-4 DPS-6 DPS-9 DPS-14 12s-3 20-4 20-4 22-22 22-22 DRW 20-4 DSGU-3 DSGU-4 DSGU-9 DSGU-14 DSGU-23 DSGU-50 DSGU-75 DSGU-1OO 12s-3 20-4 22-22 22-22 22-22 32-17 36-5 36-5 DSS- 2 DSS - 3 DSS-4 1OSL-3 14s-2 20-4 DSWS- 4 20-4 ECM 40-56 to MIL-C-5C II cOnn.sctOr/insert cross-reference. , INSERT CABLE CABLE INSERT FHOF- 3 PHOF-4 FHOF-9 FHOF-42 FSOF-60 14S-2 20-4 22-22 32-17 36-5 MNW-30 M54W-37 MNW-44 28-21 2s-21 36-10 MS-37 36-10 FNW- 3 FNW-4 FNW-9 PM- 23 14S-2 20-4 22-22 22-22 FPS-14 22-22 FSGU-3 FSGU-4 FSGU-9 PSGU-23 FSGU-50 FsGu-75 FsGO-100 14S-2 20-4 22-22 22-22 32-17 36-5 36-5 MSCU-7 MSCU-10 MSCU-14 MSCU-19 MSCU-24 MSCU-30 MSCU-37 MSCU-44 MSCU-61 MSCU-91 16s-1 18-1 20-27 24-28 24-2S 2s-21 2s-21 36-10 40-56 44-52 MSP 44-52 MSPW 44-52 Fss-2 Fss-3 FSS-4 16s-1 16s-1 22-23 Mu-14 20-27 wWF-7 ?4WF-10 MWP-14 MWF-19 MWF-24 MWF-30 WWF-37 16s-1 1s-1 20-27 24-2S 24-2S 2a-21 28-21 PBTWU-5 PBTMu-15 PBT~- 30 1s-1 2s-21 40-62 PI-3 PI-7 PI-12 1s-1 24-2S 28-21 SHOF- 3 SHDF-23 SHOF-60 12s-3 18-6 20-2 SRW 20-4 SSW-50 SSGU-75 sSGU-1OO 18-6 20-2 20-2 14 S-2 16s-1 16s-1 1s-1 18-1 MHOF-37 WHOF-44 KSOF-61 16s-1 Is-1 20-27 24-28 24-2S 28-21 28-21 36-10 40-56 M!40P- 5 16s-1 MNW-7 MNW-lo KO?W-14 NNW-19 MNW-24 16s-1 18-1 20-27 24-2S 24-2S 6 a) I ~ Downloaded from MIL-sTD-16 83A (sH) S November 19S2 TASLE B B II. MIL-C-9 CASLE Csble to Ml INSERT S2S. 14S-2 TCOP- 2 1OSL-3 TCJU-4 20-4 TCJX-3 TCJX-7 TCJX-12 16S-1 20-27 2s-21 TCKX-1 TCKX- 3 TCKX- 7 TCKX-12 12s-3 16s-1 20-27 2s-21 TCTU-4 C-5015 tonne< CASLE ass-ref eren ISERT TSGU-3 TSGU-4 TSGU-9 TSGD-14 TSCU-23 TSGU-50 TSGU-75 TSGU-1OO 14s-2 20-4 22-22 22-22 22-22 32-17 36-5 36-5 TSP-11 TSP-31 24-2S 40-56 20-4 TSS-2 TSS-3 TSS-4 14s-2 14s-2 20-4 TCTX-1 TCTX- 3 TCTX- 7 TCTX- 12 12s-2 16S-1 20-27 24-28 TTOP-3 TTOP - 5 2TOP-10 TTfJP-15 16s-1 18-1 24-2S 2s-21 THOF-3 THOF- 4 THOF- 6 TEOF-9 THOF-14 THOF-23 THOF-42 14 S-2 20-4 20-4 22-22 22-22 32-17 32-17 TTRS-2 TTRS-4 21T2s-6 TTRS-8 TTRS-10 TTS5-12 T3!Rs-16 16S-1 20-27 24-2S 24-28 2s-21 28-21 36-10 TNW- 3 TNW-4 Tww- 9 TNN-14 TNW-23 TNW-50 TNW- 75 TNW-1OO 1OSL-3 20-4 22-22 22-22 22-22 32-17 36-5 36-5 msu-1-l/2 TTsu- 3 TTSU-5 TTSU-10 TTSU-15 TTSU-20 TTSU-30 TTSU-40 TTSU-50 IOSL-3 16s-1 18-1 24-28 2s-21 36-10 40-62 40-56 44-52 lSAU-44 44-52 lSNU-5 18-1 lsu-36 40-56 TPNW-30 TPNW-40 1OSL-3 16S-1 1s-1 24-28 28-21 36-10 40-62 40-56 lSWP-2 14s-2 TPS-3 TPS-4 TPS-6 TPS-9 TPS-14 TPS-23 TPS-30 14s-2 20-4 20-4 22-22 22-22 22-22 31-17 lSWU-2 lSNU-14 lSWU-20 lSWU-30 14s-2 2s-21 36-10 40-62 1s50Mu-16 1s50Mu-20 1S50MU-40 28-21 36-10 40-56 TPU-6 20-27 1s75Mu-8 24-28 TRP-105 20-2 2AU-40 40-56 TRW 20-4 TRXF-S4 20-2 2sJ-7 2sJ-9 2SJ-11 22-22 22-22 22-22 7 CAELS o - Continued INSERT 2SJ-12 ZSJ-14 2ss-16 ZSJ-18 )SJ-20 )SJ-22 20-420-4, 1OSL-3 1OSL-3 1OSL-3 1OSL-3 Ls.u3 ZSU-7 ?Su-lo ?SU-14 MU-19 2su-24 2SU-30 1s-1 24-28 28-21 36-10 40-62 40-56 44-52 2SWAU-3 2SWAU-7 2SWAU-10 2SWAU-14 2SWAU-19 2SWAU-24 2sWAU-30 1s-1 24-28 28-21 36-10 40-62 40-56 44-52 2SWF-3 2sWF-4 2sWF-7 1s-1 20-27 24-2S 2sWL-7 24-2S 2SWU-1 2sWU-3 2sWU-7 2SW-12 2swu-19 2SWU-24 2swu-30 1OSL-3 18-1 24-2S 28-21 40-62 40-56 44-52 2U-10 2u-15 2u-19 2u-30 2u-45 24-28 28-21 36-10 40-56 44-52 2WAU-40 40-56 3SF-7 2s-21 3SJ-9 3sJ-12 3SJ-14 3sJ-16 3sJ-18 3sJ-20 3sJ-22 22-22 20-4 20-4 14s-2 14S-2 14s-2 14s-2 3SU-3 3SU-7 3SU-10 3SU-14 3SU-19 3su-24 20-27 28-21 36-10 40-62 40-56 44-52 3SWU-3 20-27 Downloaded from MIL-STD-1683A (SH) 8 November 1982 TASLS II. MIL-C-! Cable to M >ctOr/insert :ross-referer CASLE INSERT CAELE INSERT CASLE 3SWU-7 3SWU-10 3SWU-14 3SWU-19 3sWU-24 28-21 36-10 40-62 40-56 44-52 3U-3 3U- 7 3u-12 18-1 24-28 28-21 4NW-8 `22-22 4SJ-14 4sJ-16 4SJ-20 22-23 16 S-1 16s-1 5ss 16 S-1 7PS-6 22-23 7SGU-3 7SGU-4 16s-1 22-23 7ss-2 18-1 8NW- 6 22-23 TABLE WIRE SIZE .C-5015 co STRIP L. ENGTH Inch III. ~ C-5015 FRONT RSLEASE CONTACT SOCKET IL-C-39029 `45 PIN MIL-C39029 /44 4- Contact TOOL STAACT s90456 INSERT MS90455 i !. - Continued INSERT ;ormation. CRIMP M22520/ .-01 w/DIE T3DL s.25441 W/ S3150 DIE SEALING PLUG US31S7 -16 -22 -16 /1-02 -T-- -16 -2 .250 -16 -16 -16 /1-02 ---- -16 -2 16, 18, 20 .250 '12 -12 /1-02 ---- -12 -2 12, 14, 16 .250 -12 -12 -12 /1-02 ---- -12 -2 8 and 10* .500 -s -8 -8 ----- -8 -8 -2 4 and 6* .500 -4 -4 -4 ---.- -4 -4 -2 .625 -o -o -o ----- -0 -o -2 22, 24, 26 1.250 16, 18, 20 O and 2* with no. fi with no. 6 with no. 2 1-16 , ushing adapter MS... -s-lo m. #ire, bushing adapter MS334S-4-6 tire, bushing adapter MS334S-O-2 s Downloaded from MIL-STD-1683A(SH) 8 November 1982 4.5 ~ numherinq ~. connectors is as follows: An example of the part numbering AII example of the complete MS part number of connectors individual data and ordering information see MIL-c-5015 both, as applicable. system for MIL-C-5015 is shown below. or the MS sheet, For or P ]L ,yp. ~ 00 RCPT , 01 RCPT, 04 RCPT , 06 PLUG, 08 PLUG, 09 PLUG, ~ WALL MT CA CONN JAN NUT MT STRAIGHT 90" ASSY 45 ASSY Altn Insert Posn W, X, YOr Z Blsnk for Norm Contact P S D E A B -- High shock Complete Connector Assembly - Designator Pin Socket 16-22 or 12-16 16-22 or 12-16 Less Pins Less Sockets Insert Pin Socket Arrangement Msignator for Backshell Sealing Range Shell Size (See Note 1) Wateri S-st Blank NOTE 1: Des ignator less steel Wrought Aluminum The marking of the connector sizes, on a package connector, will be designated as follows: 10SL 12s 14s 16s becomes becomes becomes becomes of a DJ twe 11 13 15 17 This is for ClaSS O and DJ connectors only, but the connector and it's associated parts will be marked with the MIL-C-5015 Part nunber. For detail information 4. 5.1 Back Shell hardware. applicable ~ sheet IM53188, 3189, or 3437) . 9 on the back shell hardware, see the Downloaded from MIL-STD-1683A(SR) 8 November 1982 4.6 ~ numberinq ~. An example of the complete part number of connectors is shown below. individual data and ordering information see MIL-s-28840. M28840/ EXANFLE OF : 26 /14 /16 /17 /18 /19 /26 /28 /29 Wall Mounting Receptacle indicates Cable Connecting Receptacle indicates Box Mounting Receptacle indicates Jam Nut Mounting Receptacle indicates plug indicates plug & open wire adapter (straight) assembly indicates plug & open wire adapter (90 e) assembly indicates plug & open wire adapter (450 ) assembly indicates plug & jacketed cable adapter (straight) assembly indicates plug & jacketed cable adapter (90) assembly indicates Dlu.a & jacketed &abie adapter (450 ) assembly Class Code Classes [ Position T /10 indicates /12 L Key :;?J Nurber /11 T -- For 1 Alternate keying positions (rotation of minor keys) see catalog section for plug and receptacle key and keyway positions. -- CONTACT DES lGNATOR P = Pin Contacts 20-22 S = Socket Contacts 20-22 A = Pin Insert - no pins supplied B . Socket Insert - no sockets surmlied D = Pin Contact;- 20-26 E = Socket Contacts 20-28 F = Pin Contacts 20-20 G = Socket Contacts 20-20 -- . are designated by code Contact Style letter: CODE LETTER ?+ -- BACKSHELL s~LE DESIGNATOR A-EMI/Environmental B-Environmental Backshell size designator Sizes The backshells are identified by the appropriate letter: A, B, COr Das shown in, the applicable specification sheet of MIL-c-28S40. CLASS D - Aluminum A11OY Connector with I She] fused Cadmium (0 .D.) over Sizt electroless nickel finish--Insert Arr. fluorosilicone elastOmer seals Des~ DS - Stainless Steel Connector s with fused Cadmium (black) Inserts are designated by Shell sizes are over nickel finish- flwarodesignated by code shell size, code letter, silicone elastomer seals. and by a code number. letter: c DJ - Aluminum Alloy BackshellG-1 is shown in Connector Assembly with fuse DESIGNATOR SHELL S1 ZE Example: 11 MIL-STD-1698 as a size 25 A cadmium (0.D. ) over `electrO13 insert containing ninetyB less nickel finishtwo #20 contacts. 15 c fluorosilicone elastomer 17 D seals. 19 E DJS - Stainless Steel BackshellE 23 Connector Assembly with fused F 25 G Cadmium (black) over nickel 29 finish- fluorosilicone elastoH 33 J ma seals. For detail information on the backshell hardware see the 4.6.1 BackShell hardware. applicable specification sheet (MIL-c-2884 0/6, /8, or /9) . 10 @ Downloaded from MIL-STO-1683A SH) 8 November 19 i 2 5. EXPLANATION OF DATA SHEET ORGANIZATION 5.1 The views depicted on these Data Sheets represent the wiring side of a socket (receptacle) and present information regarding quanitity snd size of contact and insert arrangement. Insert arrangsme.nt Number of contacts Contact size 5.2 Cable information. types to which the insert 1OSL-3 3 16 is assigned are listed, 5.3 The Data Sheets which follow are arrsnged in numerical insert arrangement number, see tables for list of inserts. 5.4 Where data for a particular suitable notation so indicates. 5.5 Unless unussd contact. otherwise noted, insert an asterisk arrangement runs followed order to more (*) in the wiring by wiring for each section than one paqe, information denotes by a an Preparing activity: Navy - SH (Project 5935 -N161) 11 Downloaded from M1L-sTD-1683A(sH) 8 November 1982 SECTION IOD - GEN12L4L03NNELTORS Insert 1OSL-3 contacts Qty, 3 Size 16 = CASLE O.D. (MAX) Inch DSS-2 TCOP-2 TNW-3 TmN-lh TTSU-l!$ 2sJ-162SJ-18 2sJ-20 2SJ-22 2Swu-1 CONDUCTORSISHIELD DIA1.f&TFR. (NDM) !z!z Inch 0.390 .345 .411 .220 .330 .265 .246 .220 .203 .255 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 MIL-C ~ D.048 .049 .060 .030 .030 .057 .051 .041 .032 .050 8 3 69 72 37 60 60 60 60 PART NUliBERORDERING INFOSMATION (see L.6) MS340 * DJ1l B BI B A B B A I Ms340 WIRING INFORMAmON lNSERT CABLE TYPE 1OSL-3 `TCOP2 `rNw-3 2'PNN-1% msu-l!j A B c 1 BLK 2 WH'I 3 RSD Information ` 2sJ-16,18, 20,22 Dss-2 2SWU-1 1 BLK 2 WH'I 3 sHLD 1 BLK 1 Wm SHLD on insert and wiring 12 for 1OSL-3. P/s Fls P/s DIE D/E P/s P/s P/s DIE E'ls Downloaded from N2L-STD-1683A(SH) 8 November 1982 Insert 12S-3 contacts Qty, 2 Size 16 CONDUCTOKSISHIELD DIAMETER (Nc@. 2nch w DCOP-1 DCOP-1% DCOP-2 DHOF-3 DNN-3 DPS-3 DSGU-3 SHOF-3 `TCKX-1 TCTX-1 0.250 .315 .330 .425 .390 .455 .391 .210 .456 .350 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 MIL-C & 3 3 3 6 68 40 29 6 38 38 0.038 .049 .049 .061 .060 .060 .060 .061 .060 .034 FAST NUMBER 0SDER2NG 1NEVFW4.'21ON (see 4.6) N5340 * DJ13 `43 E E D E D D A D 1] NS340 * DJ13 E 3 WIRING 1NFDRWATION B CABLE TYPE 12S-3 SHOF-3 DCOP-1,lk,2 DIIOF- 3 DW- 3 DPS-3 DSGU-3 TCKX-1 Tax-l A B BLK * 1 BLK 2 Nm 1 RED 2 NW Information on insert and wiring 13 for 12s-3 P/s Pls P/s P/s P/s Pls P/s P/s Al% A/B Downloaded from M2L-sTD-1683A(sH) 8 November 1982 insert 14S-2 Q OA o' m DLT DSS-3 FHOF-3 FNw-3 FSGU-3 MCOS-2 S2S THOF-3 TPS-3 TSGU-3 Tss-2 TSS-3 lSWF-2 lSWU-2 3sJ-16 3sJ-18 3SJ-20 3sJ-22 CONDUCTORSISHIELD DIAMiTEfl(NCM~ !@ INCH 4 0.049 3 .060 4 .061 4 .060 4 .060 3 .049 3 .050 CABLE .a_&a 0.710 5D0 .480 .447 .447 .460 .450 .475 .411 .400 .500 .625 .455 .285 .264 .234 .217 4 4 4 4 4 4 qty, 4 Size 16 MIL-C & 5 8 6 70 31 11 61 6 40 3U 8 8 47 44 60 60 60 60 .033 .031 .057 .051 .041 .032 PART NUMBER OSDERING INSOSMATION (see 4.6) MS340 * DJ15 B 2 P/S D P/s D Pls D Pls D Pls D P/s D PIs D Pfs D Pfs D Pls & P/s D P/s B D/E D DIE E Pfs E P/s E P/s :: MS340 * DJ15 E 2 D/E WIRING 1NFOSMATION INSERT CABLE TYPE 14s-2 `THOF3 TPS-3 2'SGU-3 DSS-3 MCOS-2 S2S DL'2 FHOF-3 FNN-3 FSGU-3 TSS-2,3 3sJ-16,18 20,22 lswF-2 lSWU-2 A B 1 ELK 2 WST 1 BLK 1 WHT 1 BLS 2 NST 1 ILK 2 WH'I 1 BLS SHLD c 3 -D SHLD BLS SHLD (Inner) SHLD (outer) * 3 8SD 3 RED 2 WHT 4 Gm SHLD SHLD D * * Information on insert and wiring 14 for 14s-2 Downloaded from MIL-sTD-168 3A (SH) 8 November 1982 Insert 16S-1 0 contact. O"g CABLE Q?#Q I FSs-2 FSS-3 MCOS-4 MCOS-5 M310F-7 MNOP-5 w-7 MSCU-7 I.WF7 TCJX-3 TCKX-3 TC2X-3 TFNW-3 T20P-3 lTRS-2 Ti"su-3 4sJ-16 4sJ-20 5ss 7SGU-3 CONDUCTORS/SHIELD DIANFiT~ (NCM~ INCH 5 0.04B 5 .060 5 .049 6 .042 7 .U57 5 .028 7 .048 7 .u48 7 .050 5 .060 6 .06U 6 .034 6 .030 6 .03B 6 .038 6 .03U 5 .057 5 .U41 7 .050 7 .060 Qz 0.500 5U0 .510 .390 .500 .305 .390 .484 .500 .742 .742 .552 .29D .48U .680 .450 .325 .280 .560 .545 Qty, 7 Size 16 MIL-C & PART NUNT!ER0RuE81NG 1NFOF.MTION (see 4.6) N3340 * DJ17 E 1 E E D E D DI E E B B E D E A E D D .4* 1 )43340* DJ17 A 1 8 8 11 11 14 15 71 32 58 38 38 38 72 24 25 37 60 60 74 34 PIS P/s P/s P/s Pfs DIE P/s P/s P/s A[B A/B AIB D/E F/s ?1s D/E P/s PIs Pls PIS W1R2NG 1NFO8MATION m CAULE TYPE 16s-1 G A B c D E F MMOP-5 FSS-2,3 McOS-5 MCOS-4 4SJ-16,20 5ss 1 2 3 4 5 1 BLR 2 WST 3 RED 4 Gsx SHLD * * 1BLK18ED 2WST l!NIT 3 `XH'I2 RED SSLD 2 8X 4G8N3SED 58ED3GFJ ** BLK WIT RED GSN USN * * Information 1 BLR 1 WHT SSLD 2 RED 3 G8N 4 BLU * on insert TCJX-3 TCXX-3 TCTX-3 and wiring 15 TPNW-3 TTOP-3 TTSU-3 TTS.9-2 1.!HOF-7 row-7 NSCU-7 MWF-7 7SG0-3 1 1 2 2 3 3 1 BLX 1 NST SHLD 2 BLK 2 WST SHLD * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 BLK WST BLK BED BLX GRN * for 16s-1 BI.K !mr2 SED GSN OSN BLU WllT/ BLK Downloaded from MIL-sTD-1683A(sH) 8 N.avemt,er 1982 Insert 18-1 contacts Qty, 10 Size 16 !?A-Q# 0.480 .595 .585 .480 .622 .635 .540 .685 .340 .590 .540 .500 .520 .520 .625 .710 .625 .625 MCOS-6 MSOF-10 m-lo MSCU-10 I'U'IF-10 PETM7-5 PI-3 `2 PNN-5 2TOP-5 T2SU-5 IsMu-s 2SU-3 2SWAU-3 2SWF-3 2SWU-3 3U-3 7SS-2 CONUUCTURS/SHIELD DIAWJCEE (NOM) INCH 0.038 8 .049 8 .057 10 .048 10 .048 10 .050 10 .03U 10 .048 9 .030 10 .038 10 .030 10 .033 10 .033 9 .033 9 .033 9 .050 9 .030 9 .048 8 q-g MIL-c ~ 11 11 14 71 32 58 17 39 72 24 37 56 45 46 48 49 53 8 PART NUICBERuROERING INF08XATION (see ill M834U * UJIB .41 4 A A B B A s F A A A A A B B B :: MS340 * DJ18 B 1 P18 P(S Pls PIs E'fs Fls hlB P/s DIE P(S DIE DIE D/E D/E D/E P/s DIE P/S !41R1NG1NFUUI44TION m CABLE TYTE 18-1 PI-3 2sU-3 2SWAU-3 2sWF-3 2SWU-3 3U-3 MIoF-10 N2?w10 MSCU-10 MWF-10 PB2TU5-5 TPNW-5 T'fOF-5 TTSU-5 lSMU-5 MCOS-6 MCOS-7 7SS-2 J 1 A B c D E F G H 1 BLK 1 WRT SHLU 2 BLK 2 NiP3 slim 3 BLK 3 NH'2 SHLO 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 1 8LS 2 wHT 3 sED 4 GF.N 5 OSN 6 BLU 7 wRT/BLS 8 sED/BLS 9 GSN/BLS 10 OSN/BLK 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 1 BLK SHLD 2 WH'I SHLU 3 R2D SHLC 4 GSN SHLD 5 USN SHLD 1 BLX 1 WIrI SHLD 2 BLU 2 RED SHLU 3 YEL 4 G8N 1 BLS 2 NHT 3 RED 4 au? 5 OEIJ 6 BLU 7 BHN SHLD * * * BLS WHT 8SD BLK WET BSD BLS WHT RED * Information 0n insert 16 BLS WHT F.I.K SED 8LS cm BLS USN BLS BLU arid wiring for 18-1 * * 9 Downloaded from MIL-STD-16S3A(SH) 8 November 19S2 o insert 18-6 contacts 0 m cA8LE Q&#@ SHOF-23 SsGu-50 0.460 .520 CONDUCTORSISHIELD = D1~~H(NOMl 1 1 Qty, 1 size 4 MIL-C ~ 0.190 ** .254 6 28 ,*Contact Bushing; MS3348-4-6 Required Information for insert 17 18-6 PART NUMBER ORDERING 1NFORMATION (see b.6) NS340 * DJ18 A 6 PIS MS340 * IL318A 6 PIS Downloaded from MIL-STD-1683A(SH) 8 Noven!Aer 1982 0(3 CONDUCTORS/SfllELD CAELE S==,. sSGU-75 SSGU-1OO `2P.F-1Q5 Txxi-84 _ : .602 .669 .760 .600 y 1 1 1 1 Insert 2 contact Qty, 1 size 0 NIL-C y .317** .363 .410 .410 `N:yo':D~,~:; 2$ 28 20 21 **cOntact Rushing; MS3348-O-2 Required Information for insert 18 PART NOFU$ERoSO 20-2 ~,,o~m,o;~j~ Downloaded from /, `, MIL-STD-1683A(SH) 8 November 1982 lnsert 20-4 contacts Qty, 4 size 12 C'4BLS "%#Q 0.460 .510 .430 .489 .585 .670 .427 .500 .800 .550 .513 .513 .400 .430 .430 .48D .550 .449 .553 .620 .710 .449 .500 .400 .302 .440 .325 DHOF-4 DHOF-6 DWW-4 DPS-4 DPS-6 DEW DSGU-4 DSS-4 DSWS-4 FMOF-4 3NW-4 FSGU-4 SRW TCJU-4 TCTU-4 2310F-4 TsOF-6 TNW-4 TPS-4 `CPS-6 TRW TSGU-4 TSS-4 2sJ-12 2SJ-14 3SJ-12 3SJ-14 CONDUCTORS/SHIELD nlmER (NOM) L@ ~CH 2 0.077 2 .097 2 .076 2 .076 2 .092 2 .076 2 .076 3 .076 3 .076 4 .077 .076 4 4 .076 1 .076 2 .076 2 .076 3 .077 3 .097 3 .D76 3 .076 3 .092 3 .076 .076 3 .076 4 .092 3 .072 3 4 .D92 4 .072 PAST NUMBER 0SDES2NG INFOSM.4TION(,,, L.6) M2L-C U MR340 6 6 68 40 40 73 29 8 7 6 70 31 73 35 35 6 6 69 40 40 73 30 8 60 60 60 MS340 DJ20 4. A F .4 A B F A G A A A F A A A A A A B B A k F F A' DJ20 F WIRING 1NFORMATION = CABLF TYPE 20-4 SRW DHOF-4,6 DNW-4 DPS-4,6 DRW DSGU-4 TCJU-4 TcTU-4 l'SOF-4 ,6 TNN-4 TPS-4,6 TRW 2'SGU-4 Dss-4 TSS-4 DSWS-4 3sJ-12, 2SJ-12, 14 14 FHOF-4 3NW-4 FSGU-4 A B c D BLK ** * ** 1 BLK 3 RED * B CRY * 3 RSD * 6 BLU * 1 BLK 2 WS'I 3 SED * 1 BLK 2 WHT sHU! * 1 2 3 4 2 WHT Information 0" insert 19 and wiring 1 BLK 2 WHT 3 RED SHLD for 20-4 BLK WHT BED Gro4 Downloaded from MIL-STD-168 3A (SH ) 8 Novernbex 1982 o `OOA Insert 2D 1000 contacts "CM3wclgc QtY, 14 Size 16 Fo C'JE CA8LE COndUCtOrS/5M1ELD = lDIOF-14 m-14 F25CU-14 MU-14 M,iF-14 TC.IX-7 TCKX-7 Tc1'x-7 `CPU-6 TTRS-4 2SWF-4 3SU-3 3SWU-3 Q+tv!'w 0.635 .515 .668 .400 .635 .983 .983 .731 1.000 .740 .625 .700 .700 Qz =%%@ 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 12 12 12 12 12 NIL-C a 0.057 .048 .048 .039 .050 .060 .060 .034 .051 .038 .033 .050 .050 PART NUMBER ORDE 1NF!38MATION(s.. & 14 71 32 43 58 38 38 38 19 25 48 51 52 M-S340* D.J20B 27 A B F B E E B E B B B II M3340 * DJ20 B 27 mRING lNFoWTION lNSERT CBLE TYPE 20-27 TPU-6 3SU-3 3SWU-3 `TTRS-4 2SWF-4 FDIOF-14 NNW-14 M3CU-14 m-lb MWF-14 L M N x B c D E F G H 1 J A 1 BU 1 2 2 3 3 b 4 5 5 6 6 1 BLK 1 WHT 1 RED 1 BLK 1 WH'I SHLD 2 Bm 2 WWI SHLD 3 BLK 3 us's SKLD 4 BLK 4 NH'I SHLD * * 1 8LK 2 ?lllT 3 WD 4 GRN 5 OKN 6 BLU 7 WHTIBLX 8 S2DIBU 9 GBN/BLK 10 ORN/BLK 11 BLU/BLK 12 BLK/WHT 13 RRDJB2.X 14 G8N/BLK mm BL8 F.ED BU Gitll BU ORN BLK BLu BU B~ * * SHLD 2 BLK 2 WI+I 2 SED SRLD 3 BLK 3 NHT 3 RED SHLD * * Information on insert and wiring 20 TCJX-7 TCKX-7 TC'CX-7 1 RED 1 2 2 3 3 WHT RED BLK RED GRN 6 WHT181.K 7 RED 7 WHTIGSN for 20-27 Downloaded from 6UL-STD-1683A(SH) 8 Novetier 1982 Ineert 22-22 Contacts Qty, 4 Size 8 DHOF-9 DHOF-14 DNN-9 DNN-14 DNW-23 DPS-9 DPS-14 DSGU-9 DSGL-14 DSGU-23 PHOF-9 FNN-9 FNW-23 FPS-14 FSGU-9 FsGu-23 TSOF-9 THOF-14 TNW-9 TNW-14, lwN-23 TPS-9 TTS-14 TPS-23 TSGU-9 TSGU-14 TSGU-23 2SS-7 2SJ-9 2SJ-11 3s3-9 4NN-8 0.570 .7D5 .545 .610 .69D .628 .730 .544 .670 .815 .660 63D .830 .815 .630 .950 .600 .750 .6'25 .67D .760 .657 .751 .866 .575 .720 .870 .605 .530 .445 .600 .740 conductorsISHIELD DIAMETER (NOM) w! LNCH 2 0 .120** 2 .145 2 108** 2 .136** 2 .171 2 .1D8** 2 .137** 2 .108** 2 .136** 2 .171 4 .120** 4 .108** 4 .171 4 .136** 4 .108** 4 .171 3 .120** 3 .145 3 .108** 3 .136** 3 .171 3 .108** 3 .136** 3 .171 3 .108** 3 .136** 3 .171 3 .171 3 .136** 3 .108** 4 .136** 4 .136** MIL-C ~ PART NUMBER OEDESING 1NFDRMATION (see ~ .6) 6 6 68 68 68 40 40 29 29 29 6 70 70 40 31 31 6 6 69 69 69 40 40 40 30 30 30 60 60 60 60 76 DJ 22 A B A A B B D A B D B 8 D D s H A D B E D B D D B D D .4 A A .! ]J 22 D **Contact Bushins; M33348-8-1O, Required WIRING 1NFORM.4TION ON PAGE 22-22 (2) Information for insert 21 22-22 (1) s Downloaded from MI L-sTD-16 83A (SS) 8 November 1982 WIRING 1NF3RMATION B CABLE TYPE 22-22 DHOF-9,14 DNN-9,14,23 DPS-9,14 DSGU-9,14,23 THOF-9,14 TNN-9,14,23 TPS-9,14,23 TSGU-9,14,23 2SJ-7,9,11 IHOF-9 FNW-9,23 FZS-14 FSGU-9,23 4NW-8 3SJ-9 A 1 BLK c D * 2 WH'1 * 1 BLK 2 WtrI 3 RED * 1 BLK 2 WET SHLD * 1 2 3 4 1 BLK 2WHT 3 RED SHLD ,B Wiring information for insert 22 22-22 (2) ELK WHT RED GKN Downloaded from MIL-STD-1683A(SH) 8 November 1982 Insert 22-23 C.tltaccs Qty, S size 12 CABLE --TYPE FSS-4 4sJ-14 7?s-6 7SGU-4 8NN-6 !!&& 0.625 .370 .775 .595 .670 = CONDUCTORS/SHISLD DI~ER (NOM) D/CH 5 0.076 5 .072 7 .092 7 .076 8 .092 MIL-C % 8 60 40 34 75 PART mER 0RDES2NG 1NSOSI4.MTION (see L.6) Ms340 * DJ22 B 23 PIS G PIs D P/s A PIs :! Ms340 * DJ22 B 23 PIs wIRING 1NFOSMATION = CALILETwE 22-23 Fss-4 4SJ-14 7PS-6 7SGU-4 8NW-6 H A B c D E F G 1 BLK 2 WHT 3 51D 4 Grm SHLD * * * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Information BLS NHT BED cm ORN BLU NSTIBLS * on insert BLS NH'I RED GsN OSN BLU WHT/ELS sSDIBLK and wiring 23 for 22-23 Downloaded from MIL-STD-1683A(SH) 8 November 1982 Insert 24-28 Contact. WY, 24 Size 16 CONDUCTORSISHIELD CARLE m w MHOF-19 MlOF-24 N-19 MNW-24 M5CU-19 M3CU-24 MNF-19 MWF-24 PI-7 TCCX-12 TPNN-10 `2 SP-11 TTOP-10 2-IRS-6 lTR3-8 2TSU-10 1S75MU-8 2su-7 2SWAU-7 2swF-7 2SWL-7 2SNU-7 2U-10 3U-7 0.705 .795 .560 .650 .738 .855 .745 .836 .900 .964 .450 .735 .700 .880 .990 .675 .1.030 .660 .660 .815 .910 .910 .48o "~ 19 ;4 19 24 19 24 19 2L 21 24 20 22 20 18 24 20 16 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 0.057 .057 .048 .048 048 .048 .050 .050 .048 .034 .030 .030 .038 .038 .038 .030 .033 .033 .033 .033 .060 .050 .020 .050 KIL-C u pART NUMBER OF.DESING lNFOFO@.T1ON(see ~ 14 14 71 71 32 32 58 58 39 38 72 22 24 25 25 37 55 45 46 48 77 49 63 53 M3340 MR340 WIP.ING1NFOSMATION ON PAGE 211-28(2) Information for insert 24 24-28 (1) DJ24 A D A A B D A D D G F A A D G A G A A D D D F DJ24 D P/s P/s P/s P/s P/s Pls FIs P/s E'ls AIB DIE DIE P/s P/s P/s D/E DIE DIE DIE DIE Pls Pls DIE Pls Downloaded from MIL-STO-1683A(SH) 8 Novetier 1982 WIRING 1NFORMATION = . .. . . 24-28 1S75MTJ-8 TPw+1O lTKs-6 PI-7 3U-7 TTSU-10 `2 TRS-8 2sU-7 TrOP-lo 2SWD-7 2U-10 2sWF-7 2sWAU-7 2sWZ-7 M N T s L F G H P 1 BLK SHLD 2 WRT SHLD 3 RED SHLD 4 GRN SHLD 5 OKW SHLD 6 BLU SHLB 7 NST/BLX SHLD 8 RKD/BLS SHLD * * * u Y x w R K E & B c D J Q v z * * ** ** ** m,.. 1 BLK 1 WHT 2 BLX 2 RED 3 BLK 3 GKN 4 BLK 4 OF(N 5 BLK 5 BLU 6 Bm 6 BRN 7 BLK 7 Gu S BLK 8 YEL 9 BLK 9 PUR 10 B~ 10 TAN **sRL~ 1 BLK 1 WST SKLD 2 BLK 2 WST SHLD 3 BLS 3 WHT sHLD 4 BLK 4 WHT sHLD 5 Bm 5 WST SHLD 6 BLK 6 WHT SSLD 7 Bm 7 NHT SHLD 8 BLX B WHT sSLD 1 BLK 1 WHT SHLD 2 BLS 2 WST SHLD 3 BLK 3 WHT SHLD 4 BLW 4 WST SHLD 5 BLX 5 WtiT SHLD 6 BLK 6 WHT SWLD 7 BLX 7 WST SSLD * * * 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 TSP-11 MJF-19,24 MSC!3-19 ,24 MNW-19,24 M2i0F-19 ,24 BLK 1 BLK wHT 1 w+'2 RKD 2 BK BLX 2 RED wfiT 3 BLK 3 GBX ~D BLK 4 B~ WRT 4 ORN 5 BLX ED BLK 5 BLU wHT 6 B~ mD 6 BEN BLS 7 BLK UlrI 7 GRA B BLK mD BLX 8 YEL WHT 9 BLK R2D 9 PUR BLX 10 BLK liklT10 TA14 11 BLK 11 PNK * * * * 1 BLK 1 8ED 2 WS'I 1 WST 3 BID 2 E?D f+ GFW 2 BLS 3 RED 5 Om 3 GRN 6 BLU 7 mT/BLK i RBD 8 RED/BLS 4 ORN 5 En 9 GRN/BLK 5 BLU 10 ORN/BLK 11 BLU/BLX 6 KBD 12 BLK/WKT 6 WST/BLK 13 R2DIwIIT 7 S2D 14 Cvx;ilm 7 WHi/G8N 15 BLU/WHT 8 RED 16 BLK/KED 8 WWlOm 17 WST@D 9 RED 18 OBN/RED 9 NHT/BLU 19 BLU/RED 10 RBD 20 RSD/GSJ 10 NST/SSD 21 oBN/GBN 11 RSD 22 BLx/wHT/K2D 11 BLVWST 23 NST/BLS/Ri3D 12 RED 24 BID/BLK/WIT 12 GSN/W3iT ** (SHD for 2U-1,3hly) Wiringinformation for 25 insert TCTX-12 24-28 (2) Downloaded from MIL-STD-16S3A(SH) 8 November 1982 Insert 28-21 contacts Qty, 37 Size 16 m CABLE Q+._#zl KHOF-30 kDlOF-37 hNh-30 F04W-37 MRCW30 MSCU-37 MJF-30 MWF-37 PBTNU-15 PI-12 `CCJX-12 TWX-12 TPNW-15 TTWP-lS TTRS-10 TTRR-12 TTSU-15 lSNU-14 1S50MU-16 2SU-10 2sWAU-1O 2SNU-12 2+15 3sF-7 3SU-7 3SWU-7 3u-12 0.835 .925 .685 .740 .901 .972 .945 1.045 .750 1.155 1.269 1.269 .510 .830 1.080 1.100 .750 .870 .825 .830 .830 1.200 .560 1.040 .910 .910 1.090 cONDucTOss/SHIELD ~ i31fwrsR (NOM~ DiCH 30 0.057 37 .057 30 .048 37 .048 30 .048 37 .048 30 .050 37 .050 30 .030 36 .048 24 .060 24 .060 30 .030 30 .038 30 .038 36 .038 30 .030 28 .033 32 .033 30 .033 30 .033 36 .050 31 .020 28 .050 28 .050 28 .050 36 .050 MIL-C ~ PART NUMBER ORDERING 1NFOF!MATION(s,. 4.6) 14 14 71 71 32 32 58 5s 17 39 38 38 72 24 25 25 37 44 42 45 46 49 63 62 51 52 53 Ms340 M3340 WIRING 1NFORMA?1ON ON PAGES 28-21 (2) and 28-21 (3) Information for insert 26 28-21 (1) 2J28 8 B A A D D D D B D E E A B D D B R B B B D A D B B DJ28 D P/s PIs Pls P/s P/s Pls Pls F/S A/B P/s A/8 AIB D/F/ ?/s P/s P/s DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE P/s DIE Pfs P/s P/s P/s Downloaded from MIL-STD-1683A(SH) 8 November 1982 WIRING 1NFOSMATION CABLE TYPE v w d c u ?4 N P x e k j h b T L F G H J R z f m s r P n g a s K E A B c D TCJX-12 TCK%12 3sF-7 3SU-7 3SNU-7 lSWU-14 MHDF-3D w-30 NsCu-30 NF-30 TTSS-10 2SWAU-10 2SU-10 1 RID 1 WHT 2 BED 2 BLK 3 RED 3 GS.N 4 SED 4 OBN 5 B2D 5 BLU 6 SED 6 WHT/BI,S 7 SF.D ? WHT/GSJ 8 SED 8 WH'TIOSN 9 BED 9 WHTfBLU 10 SED 10 WT15ED 11 SED' 11 BLKIWHT 12 SED 12 GSJUWHT 1 BI,K 1 WH'I 1 RED SHLD 2 BLK 2 WHT 2 SSD SHLD 3 BLK 3 WH'1 3 BED SHLD 4 BLK 4 WHT 4 RED SHLD 5 BLK 5 WHT 5 Si3D SHLD 6 BLK 6 WHT 6 BSD SHLD 7 BLK 7 WRT 7 BED SHLD * * * * * * * * * 1 BLK StUD 2 WHT SHLD 3 SED SHLD 4 GSN SHIJI 5 OSN SBLD 6 BLU SHLD 7 WT/BLK SHLU 8 SED/BLS SHLD 9 GSN/BLK SHLD 10 OSN/BLK SHLD 11 BLU/BLK Stu,rl 12 BLK/WHT SHLD 13 SF.DII?HT SHLD 14 GSN/WHT SHLS 1 BLK 2 wST 3 SED 4 GSN 5 OSN 6 BLU 7 NtlT/BLK 8 sED/BI.K 9 GSfi/BLK 10 OBfi/BLK 11 ELU;BLK 12 BLK/NHT 13 RED/WHT 14 GSN/WIIT 15 BLU/WHT 16 BLK/SED 17 WHT/SED lB OSli/F.ED 19 BLU;SED 20 RSD/GSN 21 ORN/Gm 22 BLK/WIT/SED 23 WHT/BLK/RED 24 sEDIBLK/wHT 25 GBX/BLK/tilIT 26 DBN;BI.K;WIIT 27 BLU/BLK/WEIT 2B BLK/S2D/GEN 29 WtlT/lIED/GS24 30 KED/BLK/GS!i 1 BLK 1 WHT SHLD 2 BLK 2 WHT SHLD 3 BLK 3 WsT SHLD 4 BLK 4 Nwr SHLD 5 BLK 5 WHT SHLD 6 BLK 6 WHT SHLD 7 BLS 7 Wn'1 SHLD B ELK BWHT. SHLD 9 BLK 9 WHT SHLD 10 BLK 10 Wlrl SklLD * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Wiring information * * * * * * * * * for insert 27 * * * * * * * 28-21 (2) Downloaded from MIL-sTD-1683A(S13) 8 November 1982 WIR~G = ~UFMATIUN (Centinued) CABLE 2'YPE 28-21 PBTMIJ-15 2U-15 `rPNw-1 s `T20P-15 T2'SU-15 1S50MU-16 PI-12 2SWU-12 TT7L5-12 3U-12 MwF-37 MHDF-37 w-37 M3CU-37 v w d c u M N P x 1 B2K 1 I.wI 2 ELK 2 SED 3 BLK 3 GXN 4 BLK 4 ORN 5 BLK 5 BLU 6 BLK 6 BKN 7 BLK 7 GXA B BLK 8 YEL 9 BLK 9 PuR 10 BLK 10 TAN U BLK 11 PNX 12 Wm 12 RED 13 wHT 13 GRN 14 NHT lb OKN 15 WHT 15 BLU ** ~"~D * 1 B2,K SHLD 2 WHT SHLD 3 KKD 5flLD 4 GSN SHLD 5 OKX SHLD 6 BLU SHLD 7 wRT/BLX SHLD B REU/BLK SHLD 9 GKN/BLK SHLD 10 ORN/BLK SHLD 11 BLU/BLK 5HLD 12 BLX(WHT SHLD 13 KED/WH'2 SHLD 14 GKN/wH'I SHLD 15 BLU/WHT SHLD 16 BLK/RED SNLD 1 BLK 1 NHT sHLU 2 BLK 2 WHT sI+LD 3 BLK 3 WwT SHI.E 4 BLK 4 WKT SHLU 5 BLK 5 WWI SHLU 6 BLK 6 WH'1 sHW 7 BLK 7 WHT SHLD 8 BLK 8 !JHT SHLD 9 BLK 9 WHT SHLU 10 BLK 10 WKT SHLD 11 BI.K 11 WHT SHLU 12 BLK 12 UH'I SHLD * 1 ELK 1 WITI lKKU 2 BLK 2WHT 2 RED 3 BLK 3 WHT 3 KEu 4 BLK 4 I.nrI 4 sED 5 BLK 5 !/UT 5 RED 6 BLK 6wlIT 6 RSD 7 BLK 7 16TTI 7 RED 8 BLK 8 WKT 8 RED 9 BLK 9 WH'I 9 RED 10 BLK 10 WK'I 10 REU 11 BLK 11 WKT 11 RED 12 BLK 12 wHT 12 RED * 1 BLX 2 NlrI 3 F3JD 4 GKN 5 Osil 6 BLU 7 WHT/BLX B P&U/BLK 9 GSN/BLK 10 08N/B= 11 BLUIBLK 12 BLK/WHT 13 X8D;WWT 14 GBN/NHT 15 BLU/WHT 16 BLX/KED 17 NRT/RID 18 ORN/K2D 19 BLUIREU 20 F.KD/GSll 21 ORN/GRX 22 BLK/WKT/KEU 23 WBTJBLKJXED 24 FWDIBLKIWIIT 25 GRN/B2.K/wWT 26 OKN/BI.K/WflT 27 BLuIBLKINHT 2B 21LX/KED/ GSN 29 WUT/REDfGKX 3D RED/BLX/GKN 31 GRIi/BLK/OXN 32 URN/BLK/GKli 33 BLU/WHT/UKN 34 BLKINHTIORX 35 WHT/R2D/082i 36 ORN/WxT/BLU 37 NHT/XEU/BLU : i b T L P G H J k z f m .5 r P . g . s K E A B c D * * * * * * * * * * ** (SIILDfOr ZU.15 Only) Wirinq Information for insert 28 28-21 (3) Downloaded from MIL-STD-1683A(SH) 8 NOVelnber 1982 Insert 32-17 Contact. Qty, 4 size 4 E CABLE !?@_& DHOP-23 DXOF-30 DNt-50 DsGu-50 FHOF-42 FSGU-50 THOF-23 TROF-42 TN1-50 TPS-30 TsGu-50 0.860 .960 .910 .911 1.3S0 1.050 .900 1.250 .969 ,976 .969 COndUCtOrS/SHIELD ~ DIAI.ETER(NOM) INCH 2 0.190** 2 220** 2 .254 2 .254 4 .260 4 .254 3 190** 3 .260 3 .254 3 202** 3 .254 MIL-C ~ 6 6 68 29 6 31 6 6 69 40 30 PART NU!EiERORDERING 1NFoRMATION (see &.6) Ms340 * DJ32 A 17 P/S B A A E B A D B B II 1 MS340 * DJ32 B 17 ?/S **Contact Bushing: MS3348-4-6 Required WIRING INFORMATION 32-17 DHOF-23,30 DNW-50 DSGU-50 THOF-23,42 TNW-50 TFS-30 TsGU-50 FHOF-42 FsGu-50 A B c D 1 BLK * 2 WHT * 1 BLK 2 wHT 3 RED * 1 2 3 4 Information on insert and wiring 29 BLK WHT RED GFUJ for 32-17 Downloaded from MIL-STD-1683A(SH) 8 November 1982 Insert 36-5 COrltact. Qty, 4 size o CABLE O.D. (NM) INCH DROF-83 1.450 DNW-75 1.080 DNW-1OO 1.170 DSGU-75 1.064 DSGU-1OO 1.167 FHOF-60 1.510 FSGU-75 1.240 FSGU-1OO 1.358 2'NN-75 1.134 TNN-1OO 1.266 TsGU-75 1.134 TSGU-100 1.266 m CO~ucTORslsHIELD ~ DI.mhm2f (NOM) INCH 2 0.380 2 317** 2 .363 317** .363 31O** 317** 4 .363 3 317** 3 .363 3 317** 3 .363 MIL-C ~ 6 68 68 29 29 6 31 31 69 69 30 30 PAST NDNP.ER0F03ER1NC 1NFOSMATION (see h .6) MS340 * DJ36 D 5 P/S A A A A D B D A B .4 MS340 DJ36 B P/s III .* COne.CC S"shing M3 3348-0-2 Squired W1mNG 1NFORMATION W GA8LE TTPE 36-5 DEOF-83 DNW-75, 100 DSGU-75, 100 FTIOF-60 FSGU-75, 100 TNW-75, 100 TSGU-75, 100 A B c D 1 BLK * 2 WHT * 1 2 3 4 1 BLK 2 WST 3 SSD * Information BLR WHT RED GSN on insert ~and wiring 30 for 36-5 Downloaded from MIL-STD-1683A (SH) 8 November 1982 Insert 36-10 `0$)', . CObooo "q;o~oq;q"u `0"0%'020 o"Obo' do .0 f~ (yoh 01 ,-J 0 Contacts Qty, 48 Size 16 "qooQo?:y "o 0. CA8LE Z_,, FrNw-44 MS-37 NSCU-44 TPNW-20 TTK5-16 TTSU-20 lSNU-20 1S50MU-20 2sU-14 2sWAU-14 2u-19 3SU-10 3SWU-10 y 0.840 .800 1.084 .560 .190 .830 1.030 .905 .930 .930 .580 1.190 1.190 CONDUCTORSfSHIELD ~ DLAWiXES (NOM) DWH 0.057 44 44 .048 38 .063 44 .048 40 .030 48 .038 40 .030 40 .033 40 .033 42 .033 42 .033 39 .020 4D .050 40 .050 MIL-C ~ PAW WER OWERING 1I4FOIU4ATION (see ~ .6) 14 71 50 32 72 25 37 44 42 45 46 63 51 52 M-s340 DJ36 & 10 I :$ A F A 1 G A G I G G F A DJ36 A 10 N3340 for insert 31 36-10 P/s DIE PIS DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE Dl!i Pfs PIS I w1A2NC 1NFOFI4ATION ON PAGES 36-10 (2) and 36-1o (3) Information PfS (1) Downloaded from MIL-STD-1683A(SH) 8 November 1982 WIRING 1NN3KMATION B CABLE TYPE 36-10 1s50Nu-20 lSWU-20 2su-14 2SWAU-14 WBOF-44 imw-411 N.5CU-44 z 1 BLK SWLD 2 WHT SHLD 3 KED StlLD 4 GS2? SHLD 5 OHW SHLD 6 BLU SHLD 1 W8TIBLK SHLU 8 KID/BLK SHLD 9 GB2i/BLX SHLD 10 0BWIB2K SHLD 11 BLU/BLK SHLD 12 BLK/WHT SELO 13 8ED/WKT SHLD 14 GKNIWT2 SHLD 15 BLUPJHT SHLD 16 BLKIKKD SHLD 17 WHTfKED sHLD 18 0KNIK2D SHLD 19 BLU/KED SHLD 2D HEDIGKN sHLD 1 BLK 1 WS'3 SHLD 2 BLK 2 Ww2 SHLD 3 BLK 3 wliT SHLD 4 BLK 4 WHT SHLO 5 BLK 5 NHT SHLD 6 BLK 6 WW2 SHLD 7 BLK 7 WH'I SBLD 8 BLK 8 NH't SHLD 9 BLK 9 WBT SHLD 10 BLK 10 WUT SHIE 11 BLK 11 UKI 5HLD 12 BLX 12 WHT SHLD 13 BLX 13 WHT SHLD 14 BLK 14 WHT SHLD 1 BLK ; R s a h `3 P f x Q K L M T b j r w v u n : P J D E F G N u . k s x z Y t . d v 0 H c A B * * * * * * * * Wiring 2 WK3 3 KED 4 GKW 5 Olw 6 BLU 7 NBT/BLK S KED/BLK 9 GKWIBLS 10 OKNIBLK 11 BLUIBLK 12 BLS/NHT 13 KED/NHT 14 Gs2i/mT 15 BLU/WHT 16 BLK/KED 17 WHTIK3D 18 DBN/KJD 19 BLU/BED 20 KSD/GKN 21 08N/GKN 22 BLK/WST/RED 23 WRT/BLK/KED 24 8SDlBLK/WWT 25 GKN/ELK/wHT 26 OKN/BLK/NWT 27 BLU/BLS/WKT 28 BLKIHEDJGFW 29 WNT/8ED/GSJ 30 KEDIBLK/GRJl 31 G8N/F,LX/DSX 32 OKNIBLXIGSl 33 BLuIWHTIORX 34 BLxIWH'210BW 35 WOT/RED/OEJ 36 OBN/WH'C/BLUE 37 NNTIK2DIBLU 38 BRN 39 BRNIBJX 40 BRNIWHT 41 BBNIKSD 42 BRNIGSN 43 BKNlORW 44 BKN/BLU * * * * * * * * * * information for insert 32 36-LO (2) Downloaded from MIL-STD-1683A(SH) 8 November 1982 WIRING INFORiWiTION (Continued) W CABLE ~E 36-1o MS-37 2U-19 3SU-10 3SWU-10 TPNN-20 `2 TSU-20 z 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 BLX 1 Nm 2 BLX 2 SSD 3 BLX 3 GSN 4 BLK 4 OSN 5 BLX 5 BLU 6 BLX 6 BSN 7 BLK 7 GSA 8 BLX B YEL 9 BLX 9 PUR 10 BLS 10 TAN 11 BLX 11 PNK 12 WET 12 BED 13 NH'1 13 GSN lb N2rI 14 OFW 15 WST 15 BLU 16 wllT 16 BKN 17 ?ll+T 17 GSA 18 WHT lB YEL 19 WHT 19 PUR SHW 1 BLX 1 WflT 1 sSD Sms 2 BLX 2 WHT 2 B3D SSLD 3 BLX 3 NHT 3 SED sHLD 4 BLK 4 NHT 4 SED SHLD 5 BLX 5 WRT 5 SED sHIL! 6 BLX 6 NST 6 SSD SHLC 7 BLX 7 WST 7 SED SRIX 8 BLX 8 WT B SED SHI.E 9 BLK 9 WHT 9 B2D slim 10 BLX 10 WHT 10 sSD sHLD 1 BLK 1 WET 2 BLK 2 SED 3 BLX 3 GSN 4 BL8 4 OSN 5 BLX 5 BLO 6 BLK 6 BSN 7 BLK 7 GSA 8 BLS B YSL 9 BLK 9 Pus 10 BLX 10 TAN 11 BLX 11 PNK 12 WH'I 12 SSD 13 W&T 13 GSN 14 NUT 14 0B3J 15 NHT 15 BLU 16 NliT 16 BB14 17 WW2 17 GK#. 18 NHT lB YEL 19 WIT 19 PUx 20 WH'I 20 TAN R s q P f x Q K L M T b w v u J D E F G N u c k s x z Y t m d v 0 H c A B BLX Wlrl RED GSN OSN BLU Wlrrflmx SSD/BLK GSN/BLX OsiJ/ BLK BLU/BLX BLX/WflT ssD/wHT GsN/uxT BLU/WHT 16 BLS/RED 17 NST/RED lB OSJi/iIED 19 BLU/P.ZD 20 SED/GSN 21 OSNIGBN 22 BLX/UST/~D 23 WRT/BLK/SED 24 SED/BLX/WHT 25 G~lB7.x/WH'2 26 0F041Bl,@4tlT 27 BLU/BLX/!illT 28 SLX/RID/G~ 29 WHT/SED/GSN 30 SSD/BLK/GRN 31 GSN/BLK/OSX 32 OSN/BLUG~ 33 BLU/WST/OFOl 34 BLX/WH'2/OSN 35 NST/SED/OSN 36 OSN/WHTIBLU 37 Nfl'2/S2D/BLU SHLD * * * * * * * * * * Wiring * * * * * * * * * information for insert 33 * * * * * * * * 36-10 (3) * * * * * * * * Downloaded from MIL-ST23-1683A(SH) 8 November 1982 . . Insert 40-56 Co*tact. Qty, 85 Size 16 COndUCtOrS/5HIELD w `Imm~H(NoM) ECM 1.370 MsOP-61 MSCU-61 TPNw-40 `2 SP-31 TTSU-40 lsu-36 1.175 1.220 .750 1.062 1.200 .985 1s50Mu-40 2AU-40 2su-24 2SWAU-24 2SWU-24 2U-30 2WAU-40 3su-19 3SWU-19 1.185 1.370 1.210 1.210 1.590 .700 1.370 1.430 1.430 24 56 61 61 80 62 80 64 8 80 80 80 72 72 61 81 76 76 0.039 .050 .057 .048 .030 .030 .030 .039 .050 .033 .033 .033 .033 .050 ..020 .033 .050 .050 MIL-C ~ PART ND14SEROSDERING INFORMATION (see b.6) 54 MS340 * DJ40 B 56 PtS Pfs A Pls B Pis F DIE A DfE B DIE A PIs P/s H & DIE B DIE A DIE A I DIE Pls D F DIE B DIE D Pls MS340 * DJ40 D 56 P/S 14 32 72 22 37 59 42 41 45 46 49 63 66 51 52 I I 1" WIRING 1NFOSMATION ON PAGES Lo-56 (2) through bo-56 (5) Information for insert 34 40-56 (1) a Downloaded from MIL-STD-1683A(SH) 8 NOVelllber 1982 MIR13JGIXFOBMATION = CABLE TYPE 40-56 MBOF-61 M5CU-61 x. Y M AH w m n P z AK l.v AU AT AF v k a b : q AA AL AW BE BD Bc BB AS AE " j z K s T u v f r As AM Ax BF BP BN TSP-31 lsu-36 1 BLK 1 BLK 1 WHT 2 WST 2 BLK 3 RED 2 KED 4 GKN 3 BLK 5 Om 3 GSN 6 BLU 4 BLK 7 WHT/BLK B R3iD/BLK 4 OKN 9 G8N/BLK 5 BLK 10 OSN/BLK 5 BLU 6 BLK 11 BLU/BIX 6 B8N 12 BLK/WWI 13 SED/WH'I 7 BLK 14 GSN/WHT 7 GSA 15 BLU/W8T 8 BLK 8 YEL 16 BLK/SED 17 NHT/P.XD 9 BLK 18 OKN/FU+D 9 PUR 19 BLU;SKD 10 BLK 10 TAN 20 F.ED/GSN 11 BLK 21 ORNIGKN 22 BLsIWHTIE62D 11 PNK 23 wB3VBLKIWKD 12 WHT 24 SED/BLK/N8T 12 RED 25 GRN/BLK/WHT 13 WHT 26 OSN;BI.K;WST 13 GKN 27 BLU!BLKINST 14 MST 28 BLK/P.ED/GFN 14 ORN 29 NHT/K2D/GRJ 15 WH'I 3D SED/BLK/GRN 15 BLU 31 GKN/BLK/OF!N 16 WKT 32 OKN/BLKIGSl 16 BSX 33 BLU/NHT/OSli 17 WHT 34 BLK/WHT/OSX 17 GM 35 WHTISED/URN 18 WHY 36 OSNIWST/BLU 18 YEL 37 WST/KED/BLU 19 WH'2 19 PUR 3$ Bm 2D WIIT 39 BKN/BLK 2D TAN 40 BSNIWS'I 21 Ww2 41 BKNtSED 21 FNK 42 BRN/GSN 22 SSD 43 BF2i/OKW 22 GSN 44 BKNIBLU 45 WH'T/BI.K\BLU23 S2D &h RED[NST/BLU 23 Om Wiring 2swu-24 3SU-19 TPNW-40 2SU-24 2SWAU-24 3SWU-19 TTSU-40 ECM 1 BLK 1 BLK StILD 1 NHT 2 WHT SHLD 5HLD 2 BLK 3 SED 2 WH2' SID,D SHLD 4 GKi4 3 BLK 5BLD 3 WsT 5 DsX slum SHLD 4 BLK 6 BLU 4 N8T SHIZ SHLD 7 WBT/BLK 5 BLK SnLD 5 WH'I 8 sSD/BLK SHLD SHLD 6 BLK 9 GsNIBLK 6 WHT SHLD sHLD 10 OSN/BLK `1BLK SHLD 7 WHT 11 BLU/BLK sHIE SHLD 8 BLK 12 BLK/W!iT 8 WHT SHLD SHLD 13 KSD/WHT 9 BLK SHLD 9 WHT 14 GKN/WHT SHLD SHLD 10 BLK 15 BLU/WHT 10 W8T SHI,D sm.D 16 ELS/SED 11 BLK SHLD 11 WH'I 17 NHTISSD sHLD SHLD 12 BLK 18 OSN{SSD 12 WHT SHLD Slu.u 19 BLU/SSD 13 BLK S81D 13 WHT 20 SED/GUN SHLD SHLD 14 BLK 21 0sNlGi7N 14 WST S8LD SBLD 22 BS,K/WHT/S2D 15 BLS SHLD 15 WHT 23 WHT/BLK/X2D SHLD 511LD 16 BLK information for insert 35 40-56 1 BLK 1 WST 1 UED SHLD 2 BLK 2 WHT 2 SED SHLD 3 BLK 3 WHT 3 RED sHLD 4 BLK 4 WHT 4 sSD SHLD 5 BLK 5 WBT 5 F&n SHLD 6 BLK 6 WHT 6 SED sHLD 7 BLK 7 WHT 7 sED sHLD 8 BLK 8 WH'2 S sKD SHLD 9 BLK 9 NHT 9 RED SHLD 10 BLK 10 WHT 10 SED sHLD 11 BLK 11 W8T 11 SED SHLD 12 BLK 12 WHT (2) 1 BLK 1 BLK 1 WHT 1 WHT 2 BLK SHLD 2 SED 2 ELK 3 BLK 2 WHT SHLD 3 GRN 4 BLK 3 BLK 3 WH'I 4 URN 5 BLK 5 BLu 4 SLK 4 WH'2 6 BLK SHI.D 6 BKN 7 BLK 5 BLK 5 WHT 7 GM B BLK SHLD 8 YBL 6 BLK 9 BLK 6 WH'2 SHLD 9 PUR 7 ELK 10 BLK 10 TAN 7 WET 11 BLK SHLD 8 ELK 11 PNK 12 Ws'1 B WHT SHLD 12 RED 13 WHT 1 ELK 1 BLS 13 GKW 1 BLK 14 WHT 1 BLK 14 ORW 1 ELK 15 WHT 1 WHT 15 ELU 16 US'2 1 WHT 16 BKN 2 BLK 2 ELK 17 WHT 2 ELK 17 G8A 18 WIIT 2 BLK 18 YEL 2 BLK 19 WHT 2 NET 2 WIT 19 PuR 20 Wm 3 BLK 20 TAN 3 BLK 21 WsT 3 BLK 21 PNK 3 ELK 22 8SD 3 BLK 22 em 3 WIT 23 R2D 3 Wm 23 OSN 4 8LK Downloaded from MIL-sTD-1683A(sH) S November 19S 2 .. --.- WLNING LIW+UU9M1UN (Continued) = CABLE TYPE 40-56 ktlOF-61 MSCU-61 BN BL BK BA As Au t i Y P F H J K L M w g k AY BH BK BV BU WI BS B.J AZ M AC h x N E A B c D TSP-31 lsu-36 47 GKN/OKN/SED 24 48 OKNIRSD/ELU 24 BLU;P.ED;UW 25 BLK/D7Ui/SED 25 WHT/BLK/0S2i 26 SED/OSN/BLK 26 GSN/KID/BLU 27 54 ORN/BLK/BLU 27 55 8Lu/BLK/osJ 28 56 BLK/OSN/GUJi 28 57 wsT/oRx/GsI 29 29 58 KF.DIOFWIGS24 59 GBNIBLK/BLU 30 6U OSNIGSN/BLU 30 61 BLuIGSNIOSN 31 * 31 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Wiring 2SWU-24 2SU-24 3SU-19 TPNW-40 2SWAU-24 3SWU-19 TTSU-40 ECM KED BLU SED BRN S2D GSA SED YEL HED PUR BSD T&i BSD PNK GM 08X .* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 24 WD/BLS/WHT 16 WHT SHLD 8HLD 25 GSN/BLS/NHT 17 BLK SHLD 1? WHT 26 ORN/BLK/WHT SHLD SHLD 18 BLK 27 BLU/BLS/WHT 18 WHT SHLD SHLD 28 BLK/RSD/Gl?l 19 ELK SHLD 19 WHT 29 WilT/SED/GRN SHLD 20 BLK SHLD 30 KSD/BI.K/GSN 20 WH'I SHLD SHIE 31 GFUi/ELK/OFW 21 BLK 8HLD 21 WHT 32 OKN/BLS/GRJ SNLD 22 BLK SHLO 33 BLU/WHT/OBJ 22 WH'I SHLD SHLD 34 BLKIWET/DSJ 23 BLK SRLD 23 WHT 35 WHT/KIDlOKX SHLD 24 BLK SHLD 36 OBIJ/WH'21BLU24 WHT SHLD SHLD * * * * * * * * * * * * * .* * * * * * * * * * * * * information for insert 36 40-56 12 KED 24 BED 24 BLU S sEE PAGE M-52(l). RECTANGULAR MIL-C-28731117 - FIXED SOCKET - TYPE D 120-PIN WITH,FORK !TYPE CONTACTS CONFORMING TO MIL-c-28731/20. (SEE PAGE U-52 (6) FOR ENLARGED VIRW) o ,3?300000000005= O,,oooooooooo,po ,,oooooooooqlo O1OOOOOOOOO,.O @ 0000000000 UNIVAC #2j59056-12 FSN-5'935-888-71191 90 PIN Information for 44-52 45 (5) o Downloaded from MIL-STD-16 83A (SH) 8 Noven!her 1982 INSERT PATTERN FOR MI L-C-28731/17 RECTANGULAR CONNECTOR (ENLARGEDvIEw) Insert pattern 46 44-52 (6) Downloaded from MIL-STD-1683A S November CABLE TTPE 44-52 2u-45 (MIL.c.91J/6j w Al Av AH v x Ax AW BH BF AU AF " i Y z a m Y AL Ax BJ BU BT BS BE AT AE : x N P R s b n z `w AY BK BV CD cc WIRING INFORMATION 1 BLK 1 WHT 2 BLX 2 XED 3 ELK 3 GSN 4 BLK 4 ORN 5 BLX 5 BLU 6 BLK 6 BSN 7 BLK 7 CM B BLX 8 YEL 9 BLX 9 PUR 10 BLK 10 TAN 11 BLK 11 PNK 12 WHT 12 BSD 13 WHT 13 GSN 14 NHT 14 ORN 15 WHT 15 BLU 16 WH'1 16 BSN 17 WHT 17 CM 18 WHT 18 YEL 19 WHT 19 PUR 20 WRT 20 TAN 21 WHT 21 PNK 22 XED 22 GRN 23 SED 23 OXN (SH) 1982 FOR T3!PE 2u4S CABLE UNIVAC (90-pIN)~/ ) #259056-12 MIL-C-28731/17 39 27 38 51 52 40 28 17 16 26 37 50 62 63 64 53 41 29 18 7 6 5 15 25 36 49 61 72 73 74 75 65 54 42 3U 19 B 4 14 24 35 4B 6U 71 82 3B BL BT BZ al CJ CK CA BU BM BD Bc BB BA BK Bs BY CF Cs CT Cu Cv CL Cs BV BN BE AV AU AT AS AR AZ BJ BR BX CE CR DA DB DC DD DE Cw CM cc BW See footnote at end of tabulation. Wiring information on insert 47 KJ2CT.4NGULAS (120. pIN ) 44-52 (7) Downloaded from MIL-sTD-16S3A(SH) 8 November 19S2 WIRING INFORMATION B CABLE TYPE 44-52 2u-45 CB CA BR BD A8 AD s 24 P.ZD 24 BLU 25 RED 25 B8N 26 RID 26 GR.4 27 RED 27 YEL 2S BED 28 PUR 29 RED 29 MN 30 RED 30 PNK 31 G8N 31 OF-N 32 CRN 32 BLU 33 Glui 33 BKN 34 GP.N 34 G8A 35 GFCi 35 YEL 36 GKN 36 PUR 37 GK24 37 TAN 38 GRN 38 PWK 39 OKN 39 BLU 40 am 40 BKN 41 OKN 41 G8A 4Z 0FJ4 42 YEL 43 OP.N 43 PUR 44 Om 44 TAN 45 ORN 45 Pm SRLD * : M D E F H J T c P AA AN 4.2 BL BW CE m m CL CK u BZ BP BC AK AC r f v L c A B K u d L See footnote FOR TYPE 2u15 CABLE (Continued) UNIVAC (90-PIN )~~ (MIL-C-915/63 ) //259056-12 MIL-C-28731117 BP BF Atl AL AK M AH AF AE AP AY CD CP Cz DK DL DM DN D? DR DF Cx CN BH Ax AM AK AA z Y x !4 v AD CY DJ DU DV DW DX DY DZ EA DS DH AN 84 85 86 76 66 55 43 31 20 9 3 13 23 34 47 59 70 81 87 77 67 56 44 32 21 10 2 12 22 33 46 58 80 88 78 68 57 45 89 79 69 9U 1 11 * * at end of tabulation Wiring information on insert 48 RECTANGULAR (120-PIN) 44-52 (S) a Downloaded from MIL-STD-16 83A (SH) 8 November 1982 WIRING INFORMATION FOR TYPE CmLE TYPE 44-52 2u45 CABLE (Continued) UNIVAC (90- PIN)l/ 2u-45 (MIL-C -915/63 ) //259056-12 * * * * * * * * * * * * BA BM BX CF CP Cs CR CH B'2 BN BB AP RECTANGULAR (120-PIN) MIL-C-28731/17 * * * * * * * * * * * * AC T s R P N M L K g ED EE EF ER EJ EK EL EB u J H F E D c B A ~lOr equivalent Wiring information on insert 49/50 44-52 (9) Downloaded from MIL-STD-1683A(SH) 8 November 1982 TABLE IV. MIL-C- 28840 Connector Section 200 inserts to MIL-C-915 INSERT WMOP-5 , TPNw-1-l/2, -3, TTOP-3 , 1"3'su-l-l/2, -3, "ISWU-2. PSTMU-5 , TPNN-5 , TTOP-5 , TTSU-5, 2SMU-5, 2SU-3, 2SUS-3 , 2SWAU-3 , 2SWF-3, -4. lSWF-12. WU-14, tis-i4, TPNW-10 , TTOP-10 , TTRS-2, -4, TTSU-10 , 2SU-7 , 2SWAU-7 , 2u-10 . PBTNU-15 , TPwW-15, TSP-11, 2suS-7, 2u-15. TPWW-20, TTRS-15, -20, lsNu-14, 1S50MU-16, -20, 1s50Mus-16, -20, 2SWAU-10, -14, 2SU-10, -14, 2u-19, -18, TTOP-15, 2swF-7. PBTMO-30 , TPNN-30, TSP-31, TTRS-8, -10, -12, -16, TTSU-30, lswu-20, -30, 2su-19, 2sus-14, -19, 2swAu-19, 2u-30, 1s75wu-8. TPNW-40, TTSU-40, lSAU-44, IS50MU-40, 2AU-40, 2AUS-40, 2su-24, -30, 2sus-24, -3o, 2swAu-24, -3o, 2u-45, 2uw-42, 2wAu-40. 2su-37, 2sus-37, 2swAu-37, 2u-60. lsMwu-70, 1S50MU-70 , 1s50Mus-70 , 2su-44 , 2SUS-49 , 2sWAU-44, TTSU-50, -6o. 15-21 17-31 19-42 23-64 25-92 29-121 33-155 CABLE cross-reference. CABLES 11-7 13-12 TABLE cable V. MIL-C-9: INSERT Cable to MI1 CABLE 2884o corm INSERT MMOP-5 11-7 lSAU-44 25-92 MU-14 15-21 lSMU-5 13-12 WOS-14 15-21 lSMWU-70 33-155 PsTNU- 5 PBTMU-15 PBTMU-30 13-12 17-31 23-64 lsu-60 29-121 lSWF-2 13-12 TPNN-1-l/2 TPNW- 3 TPNN- 5 TPNN-10 TPNW-15 TPNW-20 TPNW-30 TPNN-40 11-7 11-7 13-12 15-21 17-31 19-42 23-64 25-92 lSNU-2 lSWU-14 lSNU-20 lSWO-30 11-7 19-42 23-64 23-64 1s50Mu-16 1s50Mu-20 1S50MU-40 1S50NU-70 19-42 19-42 25-92 33-155 1s50Mus-16 1s50wDs-20 1S50MUS-40 1S50NUS-70 19-42 19-42 25-92 33-155 1s75Mu-8 23-64 2AU-40 25-92 2AUS-40 25-92 2su-3 2su-7 2SU-10 2su-14 2su-19 2su-24 2su-30 2su-37 2su-44 13-12 15-21 19-42 19-42 23-64 25-92 25-92 29-121 33-155 2suS-3 2SUS-7 2SUS-10 13-12 17-31 19-42 TSP-11 TSP-31 17-31 23-64 TTOP-3 TTOP - 5 TTOP-10 TTOP-15 11-7 13-12 15-21 19-42 TTRS-2 TTRS - 4 TTRS-6 TTRS-8 TTRS-10 TTRS-12 TTRS - 16 15-21 15-21 19-42 23-64 23-64 23-64 23-64 TTsu-1-l/2 TTSU - 3 TTSU- 5 TTSU-10 TTSU-15 TTSU- 20 TTSU-30 TTSU-40 TTSU- 50 TTSU-60 11-7 11-7 13-12 15-21 19-42 19-42 23-64 25-92 33-155 33-155 51 m insert CABLE 2sus-i4 2sus-19 2suS-24 2sus-30 2sus-37 2sus-44 cross-reference. I INSERT I I I 23-64 23-64 25-92 25-92 29-121 33-155 13-12 15-21 19-42 19-42 23-64 25-92 25-92 29-121 33-155 2SWAU- 3 2SWAU-7 2sWAU-10 2SWAU-14 2SWAU-19 2SWAU-24 2SWAU-30 2SWAU-37 2sWAU-44 25-92 2WAU - 40 I 2sWF-3 2SWF-4 2SWF-7 13-12 13-12 19-42 2U-10 2u-15 2u-19 2u-30 2u-45 2u-60 15-21 17-31 19-42 23-64 25-92 29-121 2uW-42 25-92 1. Downloaded from M1L-sTD-1683A(SH) 8 November 1982 TAELE WIRE SIZE VI. MIL-C-2884 O Contact FRONT RSLEASE CONTACT STRIP LENGTH SOCKET M39029/84 -20 PIN M39029/83 { -20 -20 I .1875 22,2426 I18751-20-22 I -20-22 .1875 1-20 TOOL 20,22,24 28,30,32 information. -20 -28 -20 -28 EXTRACT MS1969 I 34-01 I 34-01 34-01 52 CRIMP INSERT M81969 \ 33-01 I 33-0' 33-01 SEALING PLUG TCX3L M22520/34-O M22520/34-02 MS37186 I II I 1-11 -1 -1 Downloaded from MIL-STD-1683A(SH) 8 November 1982 Insert: 11-7 Contacts Qty: Size: CONDUCTORS/SHIELD DIAMETER ~ CABLE TYPE -- g 5 3 6 6 3 0.305 .220 .290 .480 .330 .450 .455 MOP-5 TPNW-1-l/2 TPNW- 3 TTOP-3 TTsu-1-l/2 TTSU- 3 lSWU-2 0.028 .030 .030 .03s .030 .030 .031 WIRING CABLE ~ 11-7 D 4 1 3 6 7 1NFO!U4ATION TPNW- 3 TTSU-3 TTOP - 3 lSWU-2 MOP- 1 BLK 2 WiiT 1 1 2 2 3 3 1 BLK SHLD 2 WST SHLD 1 BLR 2 WHT 3 RED 4 GRN 5 ORN 6* 7* 3 Pxo ; -4J26 TYPE * BLK WRT BLK RED BLK GRN * Information on insert 53 and wiring NUMBER ORDERING 1NF05MATION M28840/26cAlA 15 72 72 24 37 37 44 TPNW-1-l/2 TTsu-1-l/2 PART MIL-C * 5 on 11-7 7 20 ~ * & A A c B c 1 I CAICB=T Downloaded from MIL-sTD-1683A(SH) 8 November 1982 0 30001 Ood Insert: `Kjonoo' CABLE Conductors/sHIELD DIAMETER QX TYPE -- PBTNU- 5 TPNW- 5 TTQP - 5 TTSU-5 lSMU-5 2su-3 2su-3 2SUS- 3 2SWAU- 3 2SWF-3 2SWF-4 lSWF-2 10 0.540 .340 .590 .540 .500 .520 .500 .535 .52o .625 .625 .625 WIRING CABLE contacts II Qty: Size: MIL-C * 0.030 .030 .038 .030 .033 .033 .033 .033 .033 .033 .033 .033 :: 10 10 9 9 10 9 9 12 4 2su-3 2SUS-3 2SWAU-3 2SWF-3 1 BLK 9 1 WHT 6 2 BLK 5 2 RRD 8 3 SLK 11 3 GRN 12 4 SLK 10 4 ORN 7 5 BLK 3 5 BLU 2 * 1 * A *" (SHLD for 2SUS-3 1 SLK 1 WRT SHLD 2 ELK 2 WHT SHLD 3 SLK 3 WST SHLD **s.~L~ 17 72 24 37 56 45 45R 45R 46 48 48 47 M28840/26cBlc I c c LH c c D D CBDBT M80 lSMU-5 2SWF-4 lSWF-2 1 BLK SHLD 2 WHT SHLD 3 RED SHLD 4 GSW SHLD 5 OKW SHLD 1 BLK 1 WHT SHLD 2 BLK 2 WHT SHLD 3 BLK SHLD SHLD 4 BLK 4 WRT SHLD 1 BLK SHLD 2 WHT SHLD only) Information on insert and wiring 54 B ~ 1 T[ lNFDBMATION 12 20 PART NUMBER ORDERING INFORMATION TYPE PBTMU - 5 TPNW- 5 TTOP- 5 TTSU-5 13-12 for 13-12 Downloaded from MIL-STD-1683A(SH) 8 November 1982 Insert: 5-21 Contacts Qty: Size: CABLE E o~ Mu-14 MUS-14 TPNW-10 TTOP - 10 TTRS- 4 TTSU-10 TTRS-2 2su-7 2su-7 2sWAU-7 2U-10 2us-6 0.400 .460 .450 .700 .740 .675 .680 .660 .610 .660 .480 .430 CONDUCTORS/SHIELD QTY DIAMETER ---- 14 16 20 MIL-C -915/ . 43 43P 72 24 25 37 25 45 45R 46 63 63R 0.039 .039 .030 .03s .038 .030 .038 .033 .033 .033 .020 .020 20 12 20 6 21 21 21 21 14 WIRING INFORMATION Information ON PAGE 15-21 on insert 55 15-21 21 20 PART NUMBER ORDERING INPORMATION !6CC1D B B D D n Downloaded from MIL-STD-1683A(SH) S November 1982 WIRING = CABLE 15-21 2su-7 2swAu-7 12 7 11 16 17 13 8 4 3 6 10 15 19 20 21 18 14 2 2 1 1 ELK 1 NHT SHLD 2 SLK 2 WHT SHLD 3 BLK 3 WHT SHLD 4 BLK 4 WST SHLD 5 BLK 5 WST SHLD 6 BLK 6 WHT SHLD 7 BLK 7 WST SHLD lNFORWATION TYPE TTRS-4 TTRS-2 1 BLH 1 WKT SSJLD 2 SLK 2 WST SHLD ***3 ~LK ***3 Wsl. ***s~LD **,4 BL~ ***4 ~T ****~~~D * * * TPNN- 10 TIY3P-10 TTSU-10 2U-10 1 SLK 1 NHT 2 BLK 2 RID 3 SLK 3 GRN 4 BLX 4 ORN 5 BLK 5 SLU 6 BLK 6 SRN `1BLK 7 GSA 8 BLK 8 YEL 9 BLK 9 PUR 10 SLK 10 TAN S"S,D MU-14 NUS-14 1 BLK 1 WKT 2 BLK 2 SSD 3 BLK 3 GBN 4 BLH 4 ORN 5 BLK 5 BLU 6 ELK 6 BRN SHLD SHLD 1 SLK 2 NKT 3 BED 4 GFN 5 ORN 6 BLU 7 NST/BLK S RED/BLK 9 GRW/BLK 10 ORN/SLK 11 sLU/BLK 12 sLK/NST 13 RED/NST 14 GKW/WWT ***s~LD * * ** (SHLD FOR 2U-10 ONLY) ** (SHLD FOR MUS-14 ONLY) (FOR TTRs-4 oNLy) Wiring information for insert 56 15-21 (1) Downloaded from M1L-sTD-1683A(SH) 8 November 1982 Insert: 17-31 Contacts Qty: Size: CONDUCTORS /SHIELO DIAWETER ~ PBTMU-15 TPNW-15 TSP-11 2SU-10 2SUS-7 2U-15 0.750 .510 .735 .660 .645 .560 30 30 22 30 22 31 MIL-C ~ 0.030 .030 .030 .033 .033 .020 17 72 22 45R 45R 63 PART Xi*/ Wiring information on page 17-31 (1) Information on insert 57 17-31 31 20 NUMBER ORDERING 1NFOAMATION A--- B B B CD Aii Ti Downloaded from MIL-sTD-1683A(sH) 8 November 1982 WIRING m CARLE 17-31 2SU-10 16 10 15 21 22 17 11 5 4 9 14 20 26 27 28 23 18 12 6 2 1 3 8 19 25 30 31 29 24 13 7 lNFORNATION TYPE TsP-11 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 1 BLK 1 WHT SHLD 2 BLK 2 WHT SHLD 3 BLI( 3 WIT SHLD 4 BLK 4 NHT SH.LD 5 BLK 5 WHT SHLD 6 BLK 6 NHT SHLD 7 BLK 1 NHT SHLD S BLK 8 WKT SHLD 9 BLK 9 WHT SHLD 10 SLK 10 NHT SHLD .* {SHLD FOR 2u-15 BLK NST BLK RED BLK GBN BLK ORN BLK BLU SLK BRN BLK GRA BLK YEL BLK PUR BLH TAN ELK PNK * * * * * PBTMU-15 TPNN-15 2u-15 1 BLK 1 WHT 2 ELK 2 KEu 3 BLK 3 GKW 4 BLK 4 OKN 5 BLK 5 BLU 6 BLK 6 BRN 7 BLK 7 GPA 8 BLK 8 YEL 9 BLK 9 PUR 10 BLK 10 TAN 11 BLK 11 PNK 12 NHT 12 SED 13 NHT 13 GAN 14 WHT 14 ORN 15 WHT 15 BLU S"J,D 2SUS-7 1 BLK 1 WHT SHLD 2 BLK 2 WHT SHLD 3 BLK 3 WHT SHLD 4 BLK 4 WHT SHLD 5 BLK 5 WHT SHLD 6 BLK 6 NHT SHLD 7 BLK 7 NHT SHLD SHLD ONLY) Wiring information for insert 58 17-31 (1) Downloaded from MIL-STO-1683A(SH) S Novsmber 1982 Insert: 19-42 contacts Qty: Size: CONDUCT08S/SHIELO OIAMETER ~ TPNW-20 TTRS-6 TTSU-15 TTSU-20 1s50Nu-16 1s50Mu-16 1s50Mu-20 1s50Mu-20 1s50Mus-16 1s50Mus-20 2SWAU-14 2su-14 2SU-14 2u-19 2US-18 2SWAU-10 2SU-10 2SUS-10 2SWF-7 lSWO-14 TTQP-15 40 12 0.560 .880 .s00 .870 .825 .726 .905 .810 .820 .840 .930 .930 .780 .580 .590 .830 .830 .795 .815 .87o .830 :: 32 :: 40 33 41 42 42 42 39 38 30 30 31 :: 30 Wiring information MIL-C on pages Information 72 25 37 37 42 42R 42 42R 42R 42R 46 45 45R 63 63R 46 ::R 48 44 24 s s B B B B B B B B A A B B B B h 19-42 (1) a"d 19-42 (2) on insert 59 PART NUMBER ORDERING INFORMATION * 0.030 .038 .038 .038 .033 .033 .033 .033 .033 .033 .033 .033 .033 .020 .020 .033 .020 .020 .033 .031 .038 19-42 42 20 Downloaded from MIL-STD-1683A(SH) 8 November 1982 lNSERT CARLE 19-42 ls50Mu-16 ls50Mus-16 22 15 21 28 29 23 16 9 8 14 20 27 34 35 36 30 24 2.7 10 4 3 2 7 13 19 26 33 39 40 41 42 37 31 18 11 5 1 6 12 25 32 38 * ** - WIRING INFORMATION 1S50MU-20 1S50MUS-20 TTRS-6 2SU-14 2sWAU-14 1 BLK 1 WET StiLD 2 BLK 2 WHT SHLD 3 BLK 3 WHT SHLD 4 BLK 4 WHT SHLD 5 BLK 5 WHT SHLD 6 BLK 6 WHT SHLD * 1 BLK 1 NHT SHLD 2 BLK 2 WHT SHLD 3 BLK 3 WWT SHLD 4 BLK 4 NHT SHLD 5 SLK 5 NHT SHLD 6 BLK 6 NHT SHLD 7 BLK 7 WHT sHLD 8 BLK B WHT sHLD 9 BLK 9 WHT SHLD 10 BLK 10 WHT SHLD 11 BLK 11 WHT sHLD 12 BLK 12 NHT sRLD 13 BLK 13 NST sHLD 14 ELK 14 WRT SHLD TYPE 1 BLK SHLD 2 WHT SHLD 3 RED SHLD 4 GRN SHLD 5 ORN SHLD 6 BLU SHLD 7 WRT/BLK SHLD 8 RED/BLK SHLD 9 GRN/BLK SHLD 10 ORN/BLK SHLD 11 BLU/'BLK SHLD 12 BLK/WHT SHLD 13 RED/WHT SHLD 14 GRN/WHT SHLD 15 BLU/NHT SHLD 16 BLK/RED SHLD *SHLD * * 1 BLK SHLD 2 WiiT SHLD 3 RED SHLD 4 GKN SHLD 5 ORN SHLD 6 BLU SHLD 7 NH T/BLK SHLD 8 RSD/BLK SHLD 9 GRN/BLK SHLD 10 ORN/BLK SHLD 11 BLU/BLK SHLD 12 BLK/WHT SHLD 13 RBD/NHT 5HLD 14 GKN/WHT SHLD 15 sLU/NHT SHLD 16 BLK/RED SHLD 17 wHT/RED SHLD lB ORN/RED SHLD 19 BLU/RED SHLD 20 RED/GRN SHLD .*sHLD * * * * * * (FOR 1s50Mus-16 (FOR 1s50MDs-20 ONLY) ONLY) wiring information on insert 60 19-42 (1) 2u-19 1 BLK 1 WHT 2 BLK 2 RED 3 BLK 3 GRN 4 BLK 4 DRN 5 BLK 5 BLU 6 BLK 6 BRN 7 BLK 7 GRA 8 BLK 8 YEL 9 BLK 9 PUR 10 ELK 10 TAN 11 BLK 11 PNK 12 wHT 12 RKD 13 NHT 13 GRN 14 wHT 14 ORN 15 WHT 15 BLU 16 WHT 16 BRN 17 NHT 17 GRA 18 NHT 18 YEL 19 WHT 19 PUR SHLD msu-20 TPNN-20 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 20 20 BLK wHT BLK RED BLK GRN BLK ORN BLK BLU BLU BRN BLK GP.A BLK YEL ELK PUR BLK TAN BLK PNK WHT RED WHT GKN wRT ORN NRT BLU WHT BSNJ wHT GSA WHT YEL WHT PUR WHT TAN * Downloaded from MIL-STD-1683A(SH) 8 November 1982 WIRING CABLE 19-42 22 15 21 28 29 23 16 9 8 14 20 27 34 35 36 30 24 17 10 4 13 19 26 33 39 40 41 42 37 31 18 11 5 1 6 12 25 32 38 - (Continued] lNFoKMATIDN TYPE lSWD-14 2SWF-7 1 BLK SHLD 2 WHT SHLD 3 BED SHLD 4 GRN SHLD 5 ORN SHLD 6 BLU SHLD 7 WHT/BLK SHLD 8 BED/BLK SHLD 9 GRN/BLK SHLD 10 OBN/BLK SHLD 11 BLU/BLK SHLD 12 BLK/WUT SHLD 13 RSD/NHT SHLD 14 GRI-4/WHT SHLD * * 1 BLX 1 WUT SHLU 2 BLK 2 WHT SHLD 3 BLK 3 NHT SHLD 4 BLK 4 NHT SHLD 5 BLK 5 NHT SHLD 6 BLK 6 WHT SHLD 7 BLK 7 NHT SHLD * * * * * * * * * 2SWAU-10 2SUS-10 1 BLK 1 NST SHLD 2 BLK 2 NRT SHLD 3 BLX 3 NST SHLD 4 BLK 4 WHT SHLD 5 BLK 5 NST SHLD 6 BLK 6 WHT SHLD 7 BLK 7 NHT SHLD 8 BLK 8 NHT SHLD 9 BLK 9 NHT SHLD 10 BLK 10 wST SHLD ,,..sHLD * * * * * * * * * (FDR 2sus-10 TTSU-15 TTOP-15 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 BLK WHT 8LK P.sD SLK GRN BLK ORN BLK BLU BLK BAN BLK GRA BLK yEL BLK PuR BLK TAN BLK PNK WHT P.ED WHT GIHJ NUT OSN WHT BLU WRT BRN NHT GSA NUT YEL information BLK WRT BLK SSD BLK GP.N BLK ORN BLK BLu BLK BP.M BLK GKA BLK YEL BLK PUR BLK TAN BLK PNK WHT RED WHT GRN NHT ORN WHT BLU SHLD * ONLY) Wiring 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 B 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 on insert 61 19-42 (2) Downloaded from MIL-STO-1683A(SH) 8 November 1982 000000040 Insert: 23-64 Contacts Qty: Size: CONDUCTORS/SHIELD ~ DIAWSTER PBTMU-30 TPNW-30 TSP-31 TTRS-16 TTSU- 30 lSWU-30 2su-19 2SU-19 2sus-14 2sus-19 2SWAU-19 2u-30 TTRS- 8 TTRS-10 TTRS-12 lSWU-20 1S75MU-8 0.980 ,.680 1.062 1.190 1.080 1.200 1.040 .910 .815 .945 1.040 .700 .990 i.080 ljloo 1.030 1.030 60 60 62 48 60 60 57 57 43 58 57 61 24 30 .36 40 16 Wiring 0,030 .030 ..030 .'038 .038 .031 .033 .033 .033 .033 .033 .020 .038 .038 .03,8 .031 .033 information Information on pages cm insert 62 MIL-C N PART NUMBER ORDERING 1NFORMATION 17' 72 22 25 37 44 45 45R 45R 45R 46 63 25 25 a :: 55 ~1 M 63 through 23-64 64 20 ~CB~ 65 A c c c c c B B c ./ c A c c c c O 26CF1C B T Downloaded from MIL-STD-1683A(SH) 8 November 1982 WIRING m CABLE 23-64 lSWU-30 33 24 32 41 42 34 25 16 15 23 31 40 49 50 51 43 35 26 17 9 s 7 14 22 30 39 48 56 57 58 59 52 44 36 27 1s 10 4 3 2 1 6 13 21 INFORMATION TYPE TTRs-16 1 SLK SHLD 2 WHT SHLD 3 RED SHLD 4 GRN SBLD 5 ORN SHLD 6 BLU SHLD 7 WKT/SLR SHLD 8 RSD/SLK SHLD 9 GRN/BLK SRLD 10 ORN/BLR SHLD 11 BLU/BLK SHLD 12 BLK/WHT SHLD 13 RED/WRT SHLD 14 GRN/WRT SHLD 15 BLU/WHT SHLD 16 BLK/KED SHLD 17 WKT/RED SHLD 18 ORN/RED SHLD 19 BLU/RED SHLD 20 RED/GRN SHLD 21 OBN/GRN SHLD 22 SLK/WHT/F03D SHLD 1 BLK 1 WHT SHLD 2 BLK 2 t+TiT SHLD 3 BLK 3 WHT SNLD 4 BLK 4 WST SHLD 5 BLK 5 WHT SHLD 6 BLK 6 WHT SHLD 7 BLK 7 WRT SHLD 8 BLK 8 WKT SHLD 9 BLK 9 WHT SHLD 10 ELK 10 WHT SHLD 11 BLK 11 WHT SHLD 12 BLK 12 WHT SHLD 13 BLK 13 WHT SHLD 14 BLK 14 WHT SHLD 15 BLK 15 WST Wiring information 2sD-19 2SWAU-19 2sus-19 1 SLK 1 WKT SHLD 2 BLK 2 WHT SHLD 3 BLR 3 WHT SHLD 4 BLK 4 WHT SHLD 5 SLK 5 WHT SHLD 6 BLK 6 WKT SHLD 7 BLK 7 WKT SHLD B BLK 8 WHT SHLD 9 BLK 9 NKT SHLD 10 BLK 10 WHT SHLD 11 BLK 11 WHT SHLD 12 BLK 12 WHT 13 BLK 13 WHT SHLD 14 sLK 14 WKT SHLD 15 BLK 15 WHT on insert 63 PBTMU-30 TTSU-30 TPNW-30 2u-30 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 BLK WHT ELK SSD BLK GRN BLK OBN BLK BLU BLK BBN BLK GSA BLK YEL BLK PUR BLK TAN BLK PNK WHT RED WRT 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 20 20 21 21 22 22 WHT BRN WRT GSA WHT YEL NHT PUR WHT TAN WHT PNK RED GKN 23-64 TSP-31 1 BLK 1 WRT 2 BLK 2 RSD 3 BLK 3 GRN 4 BLK 4 OWN 5 BLK 5 BLU 6 BLR 6 BRw 7 SLR 7 GSA S BLK S YEL 9 BLK 9 PUR 10 BLK 10 TAN 11 sLK 11 PNK 12 WHT 12 RED 13 WHT 13 GSN 14 WHT 14 OWN 15 WHT 15 BLU 16 WHT 16 BRN 17 WHT 17 GSA 1S WHT 18 YEL 19 WHT 19 PUR 20 WHT 20 TAN 21 WHT 21 PNK 22 RED 22 GRN (1) Downloaded from MIL-STD-1683A(SH) 8 November 1982 wlRING INFORMATION . (Continued) INSERT CABLE 23-64 lSNU-30 TTRS-16 2su-19 2SWAU-19 2sus-19 23 W13T/BLK/sED SHLD 24 RED/BLK/NST SBLD 25 GRN/BLK/NHT SMLD 26 OFN/BLK/WHT SHLD 27 BLU/SLK/NHT SHLD 28 BLK/BSD/GRN SHLO 29 NHT/RRD/GBN SHLD 30 HED/BLK/GRN SHLD * SHLD 16 BLK 16 NNT SHLD slim 16 BLK 16 NHT SHLD 29 38 47 55 61 62 63 64 60 53 45 28 19 11 5 12 20 37 46 54 TYPE * * * * * * 17 SLK 17 NHT SHLD 18 BLK 18 NHT SHLD 19 BLK 19 NHT SHLD **S"LD * * * PSTNU-30 Trsu-30 TPNN-30 2u-30 23 RID 23 ORN 24 RRD 24 BLU 25 RED 25 BRN 26 RED 26 GM 27 RED 27 YEL 28 RSD 2S PUR 29 AED 29 TAN 30 RED 30 PNK **~HLD * * * * * * (SHLO FOR 2u-30 ONLY) * *** (sHL0 FOR 2sus-19 ONiy) Wiring information on insert 64 23-64 (2) TSP-31 23 23 24 24 25 25 26 26 27 27 28 28 29 29 30 30 31 31 RED OKN RRD BLU RED BRN RED GSA RED YEL RZD PUR RED TAN RSD PNK GRN oRN * Downloaded from MIL-sTD-1683A(sH) 8 November 1982 CmLE 23-64 1S75NU-8 33 24 32 41 42 34 25 16 15 23 31 40 49 50 1 BLK SHLD 2 WKT SHLD 3 RSD SHLD 4 Gl+l SHLD 5 ORN SHLD 6 BLU SHLD 7 WHT/BLK SHLD 8 RSD/BLK SHLD * WIRING 8 7 14 22 30 39 48 56 57 58 59 52 44 36 27 18 10 4 3 2 1 6 13 21 29 38 47 55 61 62 63 64 60 53 45 28 19 11 5 12 20 37 46 54 ,. (PoR TTHs-lo INFORMATION TYPE TTRS-8 TTRS-10 1 BLK 1 NUT SHLD 2 BLK 2 WKT 3 BLK 3 WHT SHLD 4 BLK 4 WHT SHLD 5 BLK 5 WKT SHLD 6 BLK 6 WUT SHLD 7 BLK 7 WHT SHLD 8 BLK 8 NUT SHLD *9 ~LK **9 ~~ **IO BLK *IO WHT *SHLD * oNJLY) Wiring TTP.s-12 lSWU-20 1 BLK 1 WHT SHLD 2 ELK 2 NHT SHLD 3 ELK 3 WHT SHLD 4 BLK 4 WliT SHLD 5 BLK 5 WHT SHLD 6 BLK 6 WKT SHLD 7 BLK 7 WHT SHLD 8 BLK 8 WIIT SHLD 9 BLK 9 WHT 10 BLK 10 WHT SHLD 11 BLK 11 WKT SHLD 12 BLK 12 NKT SHLD 1 BLK SHLD 2 WHT SHLD 3 RED SHLD 4 GRN SHLD 5 ORN SHLD 6 BLU SHLD 7 WHT/BLK 8 RED/BLK SHLD 9 GRN/BLK SHLD 10 ORN/BLK SHLD 11 BLU/BLK SHLD 12 SLK/WHT SHLD 13 RED/WHT SHLD 14 GRli/NHT SH?Q 15 BLU/WHT SHLD 16 BLK/KSD SHLD 17 NKT/KED SHLD 18 ORN/RED SHLD 19 BLU/RSD SHLD 20 P3D/GRN SHLD information on insert 65 23-64 (3) Downloaded from MIL-STD-1683A(SH) 8 November 1982 4'0(!0000000' Insert: 25-92 Contacts Qty: Size: ~ CONDUCTORS/SHIELD DIANSTER ~ 0.750 1.200 .990 1.185 1.o6O 1.180 1.370 1.400 1.210 1.040 1.280 1.100 1.075 1.135 1.210 1.280 .870 .8oO .790 1.370 80 80 88 so 80 81 81 82 72 72 90 90 73 91 72 90 91 86 85 81 CABLE TPNW- 40 TTSU-40 lSAU-44 1S50MU-40 1S50MU-40 1S50MUS-40 2AU-40 2AuS-40 2SU-24 2su-24 2su-30 2SU-30 2sus-24 2sus-30 2SWAU-24 2SWAU-30 2u-45 2us-42 2uw-42 2WAU- 40 Wiring 72 37 57 42 42R 42R 41 41R 45 45R 45 45R 45R 45R 46 46 63 63R 78 64 0.030 .038 .039 .033 .033 .033 .033 .033 .033 .033 .033 .033 .033 .033 .033 .033 .020 .020 .020 .033 information MIL-C -915/ _ on pages 67 through Information on insert 25-92 66 92 20 PART NUMBER ORDERING 1NFORMATION M28840/26cGlA B D- B c c :: M28840 69 c D D D c D c B B D D A A A 26cGl D B r Downloaded from MIL-6TD-1683A(ss) 8 November 1982 WIRING B CABLE 25-92 1S50MU-40 47 37 46 56 57 48 3s 28 27 36 45 55 65 66 67 58 49 39 29 19 18 17 26 35 44 1 BLK SHLD 2 WWT SHLD 3 RSD SHLD 4 GSU4 SHLD 5 ORN SHLD 6 BLU SSLD 7 WST/BLK SHLD 8 RSD/BLK 1 BLK SSLD 2 WST SHLD 3 RED SHLD 4 GRN SHLD 5 ORW SHLD 6 BLU SHLD 7 WST/BLR SHLD 8 KSD/BLK 9 GFN/BLK SHLD 10 ORN/BLK SSLD 11 BLU/BLK SHLD 12 BLK/WHT SHLD 13 SED~T SHLD 14 GRw/WUT SHLD 15 BLU/WHT SHLD 16 BLK/KSD SHLD 17 WHT/RED SHLD 18 ORN/HSD SHLD 19 BLU/RED SHLD 20 RED/GRN SHLD 21 ORN/GRW SHLD 22 BLK/WHT/RED SHLD 23 WST/BLK/RSD SHLD 24 REO/BLK/WHT SHLD 25 GPJi/BLK/WHT SHLO 26 ORW/BLK/WHT SHLD 27 BLU/BLK/WRT SHLD 9 GRN/SLK SHLD 10 ORW/BLK SHLD 11 BLU/BLK SHLD 12 BLK/WKT SHLD 13 RSD/WHT SHLD 14 GPJ+/WHT SHLD 15 BLU/WHT SHLD 16 BLK/RED SHLD 17 WHT/HED SHLD :: 74 75 76 71 68 59 50 40 30 20 11 10 9 8 16 25 34 43 53 63 73 82 83 84 85 86 78 1NFOFMATION TYPE lSAU-44 Wiring 2SWAU-24 2su-24 1 BLK SHLD 2 BLK 2 WST SHLD 3 BLK 3 WHT SHLD 4 BLK 4 WST SHLD 5 ELK 5 WRT 6 BLK 6 WST SHLD 7 BLK 7 WWT 8 BLH 8 WHT SHLD 9 BLK 9 WHT 10 BLK 10 WHT 8HLD 11 BLK 11 WHT SHLD 12 BLK 11 SLK 11 WRT SHLD 12 BLK 12 WRT SHLD 13 BLK 13 WUT SHLD 14 ELK 14 WST 12 WHT SHLD 22 BLK/WHT/RED SHLD 23 WHT/BLK/mD SHLD 24 RED/SLK/WHT SHLD 25 GRN/BLK/WHT SHLD 26 OPN/BLR/WHT SHLD 27 BLU/BLK/WHT SHLD information 1 BLK 1 WRT SHLD 2 BLK 2 WHT SHLD 3 BLK 3 WKT SHLD 4 BLK 4 WST SHLD 5 BLK 5 WST SHLD 6 BLK 6 WST SHLD 7 BLK 7 WST SHLD 8 ELK 8 WHT SHLD 9 ELK 9 WST SHLD 10 BLK 10 WHT 1 WST 18 ORN/RED SHLD 19 BLU/RED SHLD 20 Fu?D/GRW SHLD 21 ORWIGRN SHLD 13 BLK 13 WST SHLD 14 BLK 14 WRT SHLD 15 BLK 15 WST sfiLD 16 BLK 16 WHT SHLD 17 BLK 17 WHT SHLD 18 BLK 18 WST SHLD on insert 67 2SWAU-30 2su-30 15 BLK 15 WHT SHLD 16 BLK 16 WHT SHLD 17 BLK 17 WST SHLD 18 BLK 18 WHT SHLD 25-92 (1) 2WAU - 40 2AO-40 TTSU-40 TPNW-40 1 BLK 1 IWIT 2 BLK 2 RSD 3 ELK 3 GRN 4 BLK 4 ORN 5 BLK 5 BLU 6 ELK 6 BRN `1 BLK 7 GSA 8 ELK 8 YEL 9 BLK 9 PUR 10 BLK 10 TAN 11 sLK 11 PNK 12 WHT 12 RED 13 WRT 13 GRW 14 WHT 14 ORN 15 WHT 15 BLU 16 WST 16 BRN 17 WHT 17 GSA 18 WHT 18 YEL 19 Nm 19 Pow 20 WHT 20 TAN 21 WHT 21 PNK 22 RSD 22 GRN 23 RED 23 ORN 24 RED 24 BLU 25 RSD 25 BRN 26 RED 26 GRA 27 RED 27 YEL 2uw-42 2u-45 1 BLK 1 WRT 2 ELK 2 RED 3 BLK 3 GRN 4 BLK 4 OAW 5 BLK 5 SLU 6 BLK 6 BRW 7 SLK 7 GSA 8 BLK 8 YEL 9 BLK 9 PUR 10 BLK 10 TAN 11 BLK 11 PNK 12 WUT 12 HSD 13 WST 13 GRN 14 WHT 14 OSN 15 WHT 15 SLU 16 WHT 16 BRN 17 WST 17 GSA 18 WHT 18 YEL 19 WHT 19 PUR 20 wRT 20 TAN 21 wST 21 PNK 22 RED 22 GRN 23 RED 23 ORW 24 RED 24 BLU 25 RSD 25 BRN 26 RED 26 GSA 27 RED 27 YEL Downloaded from MIL-STD-16 S3A (SH) S No"etir 1982 WIRING INFoRMATION - (Continued) - CABLE 25-92 1S50MU-40 lSAU-44 2SWAU-24 2SU-24 2SWAU-30 2su-30 2WAU-4 O 2AU-40 Trsu-40 TPNW-40 28 BLK/RSD/GSN SHLD 29 WRT/RED/GRN SHLD 30 RED/SLK/GRN SHLD 31 GRN/SLK/OKN SHLD 32 OAN/BLR/GRN SHLD 33 BLU/WHT/0Ri4 SHLD 34 BLK/WKT/OKN SHLD 35 NST/RBD/ORN SHLD 36 OPJJ/NRT/BLU SHLD 37 WST/RKD/BLU SHLO 38 BEN SHLD 39 BRW/BLK 28 BLK/RED/GKN SHLD 29 WKT/SXD/GRN SHLD 30 RXD/SLR/GPN SHLD 31 GRN/SLK/0FU4 SHLD 32 ORN/BLK/GRN SHLD 33 SLU/WST/ORN 19 BLK 19 WRT SHLD 20 BLK 20 WHT SHLD 21 SLK 21 WST SHLD 22 BLK 19 BLK 19 WKT SHLD 20 SLK 28 28 29 29 30 30 31 31 32 32 33 33 34 34 35 35 36 36 37 37 38 38 39 39 40 40 69 60 51 41 31 21 12 5 4 3 24 33 40 52 62 72 81 88 89 90 91 92 87 79 TYPE 40 BRN/WHT SHLD * 32 22 13 6 14 23 61 71 80 SHLD 34 BLK/WHT/ORN SHLD 35 WWT/RED/OAN SHLD 36 ORN/WKT/BLU SHLD 37 NHT/RED/BLU SHLD 38 SRN SHLD 39 SRN/BLK SHLD 40 BRN/NHT SHLD 41 BRN/RED SHLD 42 BRN/GRN SHLD 43 BRN/ORN SHLD 44 BRN/SLU SHLD 20 WHT SHLD 21 BLK 21 WHT SHLD 22 BLK 22 WHT SHLD 23 ELK 23 WKT SHLD 24 BLH 24 WKT SHLD 25 BLK 25 NST SHLCI 26 SLK 26 WRT SSLD 27 BLK 27 WHT SHLD 28 BLX 28 WHT SHLD 29 SLK 29 WST SHLD 30 SLK 30 WHT SHLD 22 WHT SHLD 23 SLK 23 WST SHLD 24 BLK 24 NUT SHLD * * * RED PuR 2S3D TAN RED PNK GRN ORN GI+4 BLU GRN BRN GRN GRN GPJ4 YKL GRN PUR GRN TAN GRN PNK ORN BLU 0s24 BAN * (FOR 2u-45 ONLY) Wiring information on insert 68 25-92 (2) 2uN-42 2u-45 28 RSD 28 PUR 29 RBD 29 TAN 30 RBD 30 PNK 31 GRN 31 ORN 32 GKN 32 BLU 33 GRN 33 SRN 34 GRN 34 GRN 35 GRN 35 YEL 36 GRN 36 PUR 37 GRN 37 TAN 38 GRN 38 PNK 39 08N 39 BLU 40 ORN 40 BRN 41 ORN 41 GSA 42 ORN 42 YEL *43 o~ ,43 puR *44 ORW ..44 TAN *45 fJRw **45 pN~ *8HLD Downloaded from MIL-STD-1683A(SH) S Novemhr 19S2 Insert: 29-.121 Contacts Qty : Size: CABLE = Q Conductors/5HIELD Q DIAMETER -- lSU-60 2SU-37 2su-37 2SUS-37 2SWAU-37 2u-60 1.310 1.380 1.240 1.275 1.380 .960 120 111 111 112 111 121 MIL-C .-915/ PART NUNBER ORDERING lNFORNATION M28S40/26CWlA Wiring .039 .033 .033 .033 .033 .020 information o" pages 59 45 45R 45R 46 63 69 M28840 I 70 throuqh Information cm insert 29-121 121 20 71 B B B B B 26CW1A ". Downloaded from MIL-sTD-1683A(sH) 8 November 1982 WIRING INSERT CABLE 29-121 1S0-60 2SWAU-37 2SU-37 1 BLK SHLD 2 WRT SHLD 3 RED SHLD 4 GM S51L0 5 ORW SHLD 6 BLU SHLD 7 WHT/BLR SHLD 8 RRD/BLX SHLD 9 GAN/SLK SHLD 10 ORN/BLK SHLD 11 SLU/SLK SHLD 12 BLK/WHT SELD 13 lU3D/WRT SHLD 14 GPl@?XT SELD 15 BLU/WHT SELD 16 BLX/SllD SHLD 17 WRT/RSD 1 SLK 1 WST SHLD 2 BLK 2 WRT SHLO 3 BLK 3 WRT SHLD 4 BLK 4 WHT SHLO 5 BLX 5 WRT SHLD 6 BLX 6 WST 61 49 60 72 73 62 50 38 37 48 59 71 83 84 85 74 63 51 39 28 27 26 :; 58 70 82 93 94 95 96 86 75 64 52 40 29 19 18 17 16 25 35 46 57 69 81 92 102 103 104 105 106 97 87 76 65 53 41 30 INFORMATION TYPE 18 ORW/RSD SSLD 19 BLU/RXD SXLD 20 S22D/GS22 SHLD 21 02tw/GRN SHLD 22 BLX/WST/~D S15LD 23 WRT/BLK/RSD SIILD 24 KSD/BLK/WRT S5iLD 25 GS12/BLK/WRT SELD 26 OSN/BLK/WST SELD 27 BLU/SLX/WST SELD 28 B~/ssD/GPN SELD 29 WST/RED/GRW Si3LD 30 R32D/BLK/GS36 SRLD 2u-60 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 S 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 1S 1S 19 19 20 20 21 21 22 22 23 23 24 24 25 25 26 26 27 27 28 28 29 29 30 30 7 SLK 7 WRT SHLD S BLK 8 WHT SHLD 9 BLK 9 WHT SHLD 10 BLX 10 WET SHLD 11 BLK 11 WRT SHLD 12 BLK 12 WST SiiLD 13 BLK 13 WRT SELD 14 BLK 14 WRT SELD 15 BLK 15 WST SHLD 16 BLK 16 WRT SHLD 17 BLK 17 WST SHLD 18 BLK 18 WST SBLD 19 BLK 19 WRT SIILo 20 BLX 20 WsT SELD Wiring information on insert 70 SLX WST BLK SED BLK GKN SLK ORW BLK BLU BLK BRN BLX GSA BLX YEL BLK PUR BLR TAN BLK PNR WHT =0 WST GRN W5iT ORN WKT BLU WST BRW W31T GRA WST YEL WHT Pus WHT TAW WHT PNK S32D GRW RSD 0s32 RSD BLU RBD BRN RSD GSA SED Y123, 2U2D PUR RED TAW RSD PRR 29-121 I (1) Downloaded from MIL-STD-1683A(SH) 8 Novembar 1982 CASLE 29-121 lSU-60 2SWAU-37 2su-37 2u-60 31 GSN/BLK/OKN SHLD 32 ORN/BLK/GRN SHLD 33 BLU/WST/ORN SHLD 34 BLK/WHT/ORN SHLD 35 WKT/R32D/ORN SHLD 36 ORN/WHT/SLU SHLD 37 WST/RED/BLU SHLD 38 BRN SHLD 39 BRN/BLK SHLD 40 SRN/WST SHLD 41 BBN/SED SHLD 42 BRN/GRN SBLD 43 sRN/os2i SHLD 44 BRN/BLU SHLD 45 WWT/BLK/BLU SHLD 46 KSD/WHT/BLU SHLD 47 GBN/OKN/SJ3D SHLD 48 ORN/KSD/BLU SHLD 49 BLU/RBD/OSN SHLD 50 BLK/OSN/RED SSLD 51 NST/SLK/OKN SHLD 52 KED/OKN/BLK SHLD 53 GKN/KED/SLU SHLD 54 OKN/BLK/BLU SHLD 55 BLU/BLK/ORN SHLD 56 BLK/ORN/GP2+ SHLD 57 WHT/OKN/GRN SHLD 58 RED/OKN/GKN SHLD 59 GKN/BLK/BLU SHLD 60 OKN/GRN/BLU SHLD 21 ELK 21 WST SHLD 22 BLK 22 WST SHLD 23 BLK 23 WST SHLD 24 BLK 24 WST SHLD 25 BLK 25 WST SHLD 26 ELK 26 WHT SHLO 27 BLK 27 WRT SHLD 28 BLK 28 WST SHLD 29 BLK 29 WST SHLD 30 BLK 30 WWT SHLD 31 BLK 31 WST SHLD 32 BLK 32 WKT SHLD 33 BLK 33 WST SHLD 34 BLK 34 WST BHLD 35 BLK 35 WRT SHLD 36 BLK 36 WWT SHLD 37 BLS 37 WST SRLD 31 GRN 31 Osw 32 GBN 32 SLU 33 GFW 33 BKN 34 GKN 34 GRA 35 GSN 35 YEL 36 GRN 36 PUR 37 GRN 37 TAN 3s 38 PNK 39 ORN 39 BLU 40 40 BRN 41 Osw 41 GSA 42 ORN 42 YEL 43 43 Pull 44 ORN 44 Tm 45 ORN 45 PNK 46 BLU 46 BRN 47 BLU 47 GSA 48 BLU 48 YEL 49 BLU 49 PuR 50 BLU 50 TAN 51 BLU 51 PNK 52 BRN 52 GSA 53 BRN 53 YEL 54 BRN 54 PUR 55 BRN 55 TAN 56 BRN 56 PNK 57 GSA 57 YEL 5S GSA 58 PUR 59 GSA 59 TAN 60 GSA 60 PNK SHLO 20 11 10 9 8 7 15 24 34 45 56 68 80 91 101 110 111 112 113 114 115 107 9s 88 77 66 54 42 31 21 12 3 2 1 6 14 23 33 44 67 79 90 100 109 117 118 119 120 121 116 108 99 59 78 55 43 32 22 13 WIRING INFORMATION - (Continued) TYPE . Wiring information on insert 71 29-121 (2) Downloaded from MIL-STD-1683A(SH) 8 November 1982 Insert : 33-155 Contacts Qty : size: 0+ CONDUCTORS/SHIELD DIAMETER ~ 1.550 1.555 1.440 1.620 1.550 1:440 1.475 1.550 1.400 1.450 140 140 140 141 132 132 133 132 100 120 CABLE TYPE -- lSMWU-70 1S50MU-70 1S50MU-70 1s50Mus-70 2su-44 2su-44 2SUS-44 2SWAU-44 TTSU-50 TTSU-60 Wiring MIL-C ~[ 65 42 42R 42R 45 45R 45R 46 37 37 .033 .033 .033 .033 .033 ..033 .033 .033 .038 .038 information Information on pages on insert 72 PART NUMl!ER ORDERING 1NFOP.NATION M28840/26CJlB 1!, M 73 through 33-155 155 20 75 B B B B B B B c: 026 CJCB= B ~ : 1: 0' Downloaded from MIL-STD-1683A (SH) 8 November 1982 WIRING X CABLE 33-155 lSWU-70 1S50M0-70 1S5014US-70 76 63 75 88 89 77 64 51 50 62 74 87 100 101 102 86 99 112 113 114 115 103 91 79 66 53 40 2s 27 26 25 36 48 60 72 S5 1?: 123 124 125 126 127 116 104 92 so 67 :: 1NFOPJ4ATION TYPE 1 BLX SHLD 2 WHT SHLD 3 RED SHLD 4 GRN SHLD 5 ORW SHLO 6 BLU SHLD 7 WHT/BLX SHLD 8 S.EDIBLK SHLO 9 GRW/SLX SHLD 10 ORW/BLR SHLD 11 BLU/BLK SHLD 12 SLW/WHT SHLO 13 l?XD/WHT SHLD 14 GRN/WHT SHLD 15 BLU/WHT BHLD 16 BLK/RED SHLO 17 NKT/RED SHLD 1S ORN/RED SHLD 19 SLU/RSD SHLD 20 RBO/GRN SHLD 21 ORN/GRN SHLD 22 BLX/WHT/RED SHLD 23 WKT/BLK/RED SHLD 24 RED/BLK/WHT SHLD 25 GRW/BLK/WHT SHLD 26 ORN/BLX/WHT SHLD 27 BLU/BLX/WHT SHLD 2S BLR/RED/GRW TTSLI-50 29 WKT/RED/Gm SIiLD 30 RED/BLK/GR2i SHLD 1 BLK 1 WHT 2 BLX 2 REo 3 BLK 3 GRN 4 BLK 4 Oxw 5 SLK 5 BLU 6 BLR 6 BRN 7 BLK 7 GSA 8 BLK S YEL 9 BLK 9 PUR 10 BLX 10 TAN 11 BLK 11 PNK 12 WHT 12 RED 13 WHT 13 GRN 14 WKT 14 ORN 15 WKT 15 BLU 16 WKT 16 SRN 17 WHT 17 GSA 18 WKT 18 YEL 19 WST 19 POR 20 WHT 20 TAN 21 WKT 21 PNK 22 RED 22 GRW 23 RSD 23 ORN 24 RBD 24 BLU 25 RED 25 SRW 26 RED 26 GSA 27 REO 27 YEL 28 RED 28 PUR 29 F02D 29 TAN 30 RED 30 PNX Wiring information 2SWAU-44 2s0-44 2sus-44 1 SLH 1 WKT SHLD 2 BLR 2WKT SHLD 3 BLK 3 WHT SHLD 4 BLK 4 WKT SHLD 5 BLK 5 NKT SHLO 6 BLK 6 WHT SHLD 7 BLX 7 WST SHLO 8 SLK 8 WHT SRLD 9 BLX 9 WHT SHLD 10 BLX 10 WKT TTSU-60 1 BLK 1 WKT 2 BLK 2 RSD 3 BLK 3 GRW 4 BLK 4 OWN 5 BLK 5 BLU 6 BLS 6 BRW 7 BLK 7 GRA 8 BLK 8 YEL 9 BLK 9 PUR 10 BLX 10 TAN 11 BLK 11 PNK 12 WHT 12 PJ20 13 WKT 13 GRN 14 WKT 14 ORN 15 WHT 15 BLU 11 BLK 11 WKT SHLD 12 BLK 12 WHT SHLD 13 BLK 13 NsT SRLD 14 SLX 14 WKT SHLD 15 SLK 15 WHT SHLO 16 BLX 16 WHT SHLO 17 BLR 17 WKT SHLD 1S BLX 18 wHT SHLD 19 BLK 19 WWT SHLO 20 BLK 20 WKT SHLD on insert 73 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 20 20 21 21 22 22 23 23 24 24 25 :: 26 27 27 28 28 29 29 30 30 33-155 (1) WKT BRN WHT GSA WHT YEL WST PUR WHT TAN WHT PNK RED GPN RED ORN RSD BLU RED BRW 8ED GSA B33D YEL P.Eo PUR RED TAN RED PNK 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 S 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 BLK PUR WKT PUR P.ED PuR GRN PUR Osw PuR BLU PUR WHT/BLK PUR SKO/BLK PuR GKN/BLX PUR ORN/BLK PUR" BLU/BLK PUR BLX/WHT 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 20 20 21 21 22 22 23 23 24 24 25 25 26 26 27 27 28 2S 29 29 30 30 PuR" GRW/WHT PuR BLU/WHT PUR BLK/RSO PUR WKT/RED PuR ORN/RED PUR BLU/RXO PUR REO/GR2! PUR ORN/GPN PuR BLK/WHT/RED PUR WKT/BLR/RED PUR R33D/BLX/WHT PUR GRW/BLK/WHT PUR ORN/BLK/WNT PUR BLU/BLK/WHT PUR BLK/REO/GRN PuR WKT/RED/GSN PUR SED/BLK/GBN PuR PUR 13 R!3DiWKT Downloaded from MIL-STD-1683A(SH) 8 November 1962 WIRING lNFORWATION - (continUed] lNSERT CASLE 33-155 lSWU-70 1S50NU-70 1S50NUS-70 TT8u-50 2SWAU-44 2su-44 2sus-44 TTSU-60 29 18 17 16 15 14 24 35 41 59 71 84 31 Gsw/BLK/OW SHLD 32 ORN/BLK/Glm SHLD 33 BLU/WHT/OW SHLD 34 BLK/WHT/0~ SHLD 35 WHT/RSD/0R14 SHLD 36 ORN/WHT/BLU sffLD 37 WST/RED/SLU SHLD 38 SRN SnLD 39 BRN/BLK SKLD 40 BRN/WHT SHLD 41 BRN/RRD SHLD 42 BRN/GKN SHLD 43 sRw/oFN SHLD 44 SRN/BLU SHLD 45 WHT/SLK/SLU SHLD 46 RSD/WHT/BLU SHLD 47 GRN/ORN/RED SHLD 48 ORN/RED/BLU SHLD 49 BLU/RSD/ORN SHLD 50 BLK/ORN/RJ?D SHLD 51 vS+T/BLK/OSN 31 31 32 32 33 33 34 34 35 35 36 36 37 37 38 38 39 39 40 40 41 41 42 42 43 43 44 44 45 45 46 46 47 47 48 48 49 49 50 50 21 BLK 21 WHT SHLD 22 SLK 22 WHT SHLD 23 BLK 23 WHT SHLD 24 BLK 24 NUT SMLD 25 BLK 25 WHT SHLD 26 BLK 26 WHT SHLD 27 sLK 27 WdT SHLD 28 BLK 28 NHT SfiLD 29 BLK 29 WHT SHLD 30 BLK 30 wHT SHLD 31 SLK 31 NsT SHLD 32 BLK 32 WHT SHLD 33 BLK 33 wHT SHLD 34 sLK 34 WHT SHLD 35 BLK 35 WHT SHLD 36 BLK 36 WKT SHLD 37 BLK 37 WHT SHLD 38 BLK 38 WHT SHLD 39 BLK 39 WHT SHLD 40 BLK 40 i413T SHLD 31 31 32 32 33 33 34 34 35 35 36 36 37 37 38 38 39 39 40 40 41 41 42 42 43 43 44 44 45 45 46 46 47 47 48 48 49 49 50 50 51 51 52 52 53 53 54 54 55 55 56 56 57 57 58 58 59 59 60 60 1:: 122 133 134 135 136 137 138 128 117 105 83 81 68 55 42 30 19 10 9 8 7 6 5 13 23 34 46 58 70 83 1:: 121 132 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 139 129 118 106 93 TYPE GRN ORN Gsli SLU GPN BRN GM GSA Gm YEL GRN PUR GRN TAN GRN PNK ORN SLU ORN BRN ORN GsA osw YEL ORN PUR ORN TAN ORN PNK BLU BRN BLU GSA SLU YEL BLU PUR BLU TAN * 52 RSD/ORN/BLK SHLD 53 G5t@.SD/BLU SHLD 54 ORN/BLK/BLU SHLD 55 BLU/BLK/OKN SBLD 56 SLK/ORN/GRN SHLD 57 WllT/ORN/GRN SHLD 58 R5D/ORN/GRN SHLD 59 GRN/SLK/BLU SHLD 60 ORW/GRN/BLU SXLD Wiring * * * * information on insert 74 33-155 GR34 ORN GRN BLU GFU4 B~ GRN GSA GRN YEL GRN PUR GSN TAN GFil PNK ORN BLU ORN BRN ORN GSA ORN YEL 0s04 PUR ORN TAN ORN PNK BLU BRN BLU GNA BLU YEL SLU PUR BLU TAN BLU PNK BRN GSA BRN YEL BRN PUR BRN TAN BRN PNK GRA YEL GFA PUR GSA TAN GSA PNK (2) 31 31 32 32 33 33 34 34 35 35 36 36 37 37 38 38 39 39 40 40 41 41 42 42 43 43 44 44 45 45 46 46 47 47 48 48 49 49 50 50 51 51 52 52 53 53 54 54 55 55 56 56 57 57 58 58 59 59 60 60 GRN/BLK/ORN PUR ORN/BLK/GRN PUR BLU/WHT/0P2J PUR BLK/NNT/ORN PUR WHT/RED/ORN PUR ORN/NHT/BLU PUR NHT/RSD/BLU PUR BRN PUR BRN/BLK PUR BRW/WHT PUR BRN/RED PUR BRN/GRN PUR BRN/ORN PUR SRN/BLU NHT/BLK/SLU PUR s12D/NHT/BLU PUR GsN/oKN/RSD PUR ORN/RSD/BLU PUR BLU/RSD/ORN BLK/oRN/SJD PUR WHT/BLK/OFN PUR RED/ORN/BLK PUR GRN/RED/BLU PUR ORN/BLK/BLU PUR BLU/BLK/ORN PUR BLK/ORN/GRN PUR WHT/ORN/G8Z+ PUR REO/ORN/G~ PUS GRW/BLK/BLU PUR ORVGHN/BLU PUR o- Downloaded from MIL-sTo-1683A(SH) 8 November 1982 33-155 82 :: 43 31 20 11 4 3 2 1 12 22 33 45 95 108 120 131 141 150 151 152 153 154 155 149 140 130 119 107 57 44 32 21 WIRING CABLE 1NFOR2IATION - (Continued) TYPE lSWU-70 1S50WU-70 1S50NUS-70 61 SLU/GSN/ORN SHLD 62 BLK/SED/SLU SHLD 63 WHT/OBN/SLU SHLD 64 RSD/BLK/SLU SHLD 65 GRN/ORW/BLU SHLD 66 ORN/WHT/RED SHLD 67 SLU/WKT/RSD SHLD 68 BLK/GRN/SLU SHLD 69 WHT/GRN/SLU SHLD 70 RKD/GRN/BLD ,tSSLD TTSU-50 2swA0-44 2su-44 2s0s-44 `3TSU-60 41 BLK 41 WHT SHLD 42 ELK 42 WST SHLD 43 SLK 43 WHT SHLD 44 BLK 44 WHT SHLD ***sHL~ * 61 61 62 62 63 63 64 64 65 65 66 66 67 67 68 68 69 69 70 70 71 71 72 72 73 BLU/GSN/ORN PUR BLK/RED/BLU PUR WHT/0P34/BLU PUR ~D/BLK/BLU PUR GRW/ORW/BLU POR ORN/W51T/RSD PUR BLU/WHT/RJ30 PUR BLK/GRW/BLU PuR WHT/GSN/BLU PUR RED/GRW/BLU PUR GSN/WHT/RED PUR ORW/RSD/BLK ~fi/RsD/BLK PUR BLK/0PJ2/BLU PUR RSD/BFJJ/BLU PUR GSN/RSD/SI.X PUR" ;: 74 75 75 76 76 77 ORN/WHT/GRW 77 PUR SHLD SHLD (NOTS) * (FOR IS50WUS-70 ONLY) ** (~~~ 2suS-44 ONLY) Wiring information on insert 75 33-155 (3) Downloaded from STANDARDIZATION DOCUMENT IMPROVEMENT PROPOSAL I lNSTRUC1'fONS: ~kfoxmk providedtosolitit beneficed~mmenti wtichmy improve thisdocumenta"d enbance its use, DoDmntiactim, government activities, -u facturem,.vendom, orother prmpectivewmof thedocument are invited tosubmit comments to the government. 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