Model 560015 Antenna Feed Matrices 4 x 4 Buller Applications Power Amplifiers Sectorize Base Station Transmissions Beam Forming e Wireless Infrastructure GSM and AMPS a a Q m Q i 3 9 a Lor 2) Q > a | 0 Qo g = Lor O Q 3 Ko) Q ~ | a Frequencies Features Electrical Specifications _ oe Commercial Grade Type Frequency Isolation Q : = q Low Cost ; GHz : 15M fr es Mex Lightweight Butler 1.7+2.0 20 - 0.60 * 100% Tested vswA Amp.Bal. wie Connectors. | Fiush Mountin exit ae ex : yeee eS 9 1.25 +0.60 as a Notes: Impedance: 50 ohms nominal. Meets MIL-E-5400 Class 3 requirements. Additional screening available for military and space applications. Electrical and Mechanical Specifications subject to change without notice. Outline Drawing 180 SMA JACK Bx 50 | Ls be 4 a 32 OO Ee A Ls) ee & 3.00 $ || Lig? % 248 2a 2.700 38 = i O-. NOTES: I DATE 2 Pr 1. MARKING SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE . 3 = CODE WITH MIL-STD-130 z E 125 2. FINISH: EPOXY PAINT PER @ \ MIL-C-22750 #8 o- oe | COLOR CHIP 33180 (BLUE) PER 7 FED-STD-595 --| as 25 TE OVER EPOXY PRIMER PER Is _ at MIL-P-23377 3. DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES 4X 8336 THRU Sales Desk USA: Voice: (800) 544-2414 Fax: (315) 432-9121 Sales Desk Europe: Voice: (+44) 23 92 232392 Fax: (+44) 23 92 251369 Anaren 32: Whatll we think of next?= 3 2 = E S bbe oe so] 3 3 8 O ! ' ! : mao por free aE 5 wHiO = = it 5} -------- je ------ - Be Vonis= <= "E uO 1 o ree O ! : - 2. iB stl eee 1H e ae as ii t 1 8 = ~~ 7 8 e* [ap] s907 uinjgay Vertical Launched Connectorized Components 460015 Phase Balance 1700 460015 Isolation [gp] uapeos; 1850 1925 2000 Frequency [MHz] 4TH 2000 4775 41850 1925 Frequency [Miz] 4700 com w.anaren ww 9121 2414 Fax: (315) 432 Sales Desk Europe: Voice: (+44) 23 92 232392 Fax: (+44) 23 92 251369 Sales Desk USA: Voice: (800) 544 Whatll we think of next? 5.2.12