a Ultralow Distortion, Wide Bandwidth Voltage Feedback Op Amps AD9631/AD9632 FEATURES Wide Bandwidth AD9631, G = +1 AD9632, G = +2 Small Signal 320 MHz 250 MHz Large Signal (4 V p-p) 175 MHz 180 MHz Ultralow Distortion (SFDR), Low Noise -113 dBc typ @ 1 MHz -95 dBc typ @ 5 MHz -72 dBc typ @ 20 MHz +46 dBm 3rd Order Intercept @ 25 MHz 7.0 nV/Hz Spectral Noise Density High Speed Slew Rate 1300 V/s Settling 16 ns to 0.01%, 2 V Step 3 V to 5 V Supply Operation 17 mA Supply Current APPLICATIONS ADC Input Driver Differential Amplifiers IF/RF Amplifiers Pulse Amplifiers Professional Video DAC Current to Voltage Baseband and Video Communications Pin Diode Receivers Active Filters/Integrators/Log Amps FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM 8-Pin Plastic Mini-DIP (N), Cerdip (Q), and SO (R) Packages 8 NC -INPUT 2 7 +VS +INPUT 3 6 OUTPUT -V S 4 5 NC AD9631/32 (Top View) These characteristics position the AD9631/AD9632 ideally for driving flash as well as high resolution ADCs. Additionally, the balanced high impedance inputs of the voltage feedback architecture allow maximum flexibility when designing active filters. The AD9631 is offered in industrial (-40C to +85C) and military (-55C to +125C) temperature ranges and the AD9632 in industrial. Industrial versions are available in plastic DIP and SOIC; MIL versions are packaged in cerdip. -30 HARMONIC DISTORTION - dBc A proprietary design architecture has produced an amplifier that combines many of the best characteristics of both current feedback and voltage feedback amplifiers. The AD9631 and AD9632 exhibit exceptionally fast and accurate pulse response (16 ns to 0.01%) as well as extremely wide small signal and large signal bandwidth and ultralow distortion. The AD9631 achieves -72 dBc at 20 MHz and 320 MHz small signal and 175 MHz large signal bandwidths. 1 NC = NO CONNECT PRODUCT DESCRIPTION The AD9631 and AD9632 are very high speed and wide bandwidth amplifiers. They are an improved performance alternative to the AD9621 and AD9622. The AD9631 is unity gain stable. The AD9632 is stable at gains of two or greater. Utilizing a voltage feedback architecture, the AD9631/AD9632's exceptional settling time, bandwidth, and low distortion meet the requirements of many applications which previously depended on current feedback amplifiers. Its classical op amp structure works much more predictably in many designs. NC VO = 2V p-p VS = 5V RL = 500 -50 -70 2ND HARMONIC -90 3RD HARMONIC -110 -130 10k 100k 1M 10M 100M FREQUENCY - Hz Figure 1. AD9631 Harmonic Distortion vs. Frequency, G = +1 REV. A Information furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Analog Devices. One Technology Way, P.O. Box 9106, Norwood. MA 02062-9106, U.S.A. Tel: 617/329-4700 Fax: 617/326-8703 AD9631/AD9632-SPECIFICATIONS ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (V = 5 V; R S Parameter DYNAMIC PERFORMANCE Bandwidth (-3 dB) Small Signal Large Signal1 Bandwidth for 0.1 dB Flatness Slew Rate, Average +/- Rise/Fall Time Settling Time To 0.1% To 0.01% HARMONIC/NOISE PERFORMANCE 2nd Harmonic Distortion 3rd Harmonic Distortion 3rd Order Intercept Noise Figure Input Voltage Noise Input Current Noise Average Equivalent Integrated Input Noise Voltage Differential Gain Error (3.58 MHz) Differential Phase Error (3.58 MHz) Phase Nonlinearity LOAD = 100 ; AV = 1 (AD9631); AV = 2 (AD9632), unless otherwise noted) AD9631A Min Typ Max Conditions MHz MHz 320 175 180 155 130 1300 1.2 2.5 130 1200 1500 1.4 2.1 VOUT = 2 V Step VOUT = 2 V Step 11 16 2 V p-p; 20 MHz, RL = 100 RL = 500 2 V p-p; 20 MHz, RL = 100 RL = 500 25 MHz RS = 50 1 MHz to 200 MHz 1 MHz to 200 MHz -64 -72 -76 -81 +46 18 7.0 2.5 0.1 MHz to 200 MHz RL = 150 RL = 150 dc to 100 MHz 100 0.03 0.02 1.1 -47 -65 -67 -74 dBc dBc dBc dBc dBm dB nVHz pAHz 500 1.2 3.4 500 1.2 3.4 k pF V 3.2 3.9 70 0.3 240 3.2 3.9 70 0.3 240 V mA mA 3.0 5.0 6.0 17 18 21 50 60 3.0 5.0 6.0 16 17 20 56 66 V mA mA dB TMIN -TMAX 0.1 70 46 40 TMIN -TMAX TMIN -TMAX -54 -72 -74 -81 +41 14 4.3 2.0 10 2 7 10 0.1 3 5 90 52 Input Offset Current POWER SUPPLY Operating Range Quiescent Current -57 -65 -69 -74 ns ns mV mV V/C A A A A dB dB dB 10 2 OUTPUT CHARACTERISTICS Output Voltage Range, RL = 150 Output Current Output Resistance Short Circuit Current 11 16 2 Offset Voltage Drift Input Bias Current INPUT CHARACTERISTICS Input Resistance Input Capacitance Input Common-Mode Voltage Range MHz V/s ns ns V rms % Degree Degree 3 TMIN -TMAX VCM = 2.5 V VOUT = 2.5 V TMIN -TMAX 250 180 60 0.02 0.04 0.02 0.04 1.1 TMIN -TMAX Power Supply Rejection Ratio Units 220 VOUT 0.4 V p-p VOUT = 4 V p-p 150 VOUT = 300 mV p-p 9631, RF = 140 ; 9632, RF = 425 1000 VOUT = 4 V Step VOUT = 0.5 V Step VOUT = 4 V Step DC PERFORMANCE2, RL = 150 Input Offset Voltage3 Common-Mode Rejection Ratio Open-Loop Gain AD9632A Min Typ Max 0.06 0.04 10 13 7 10 3 5 90 52 70 46 40 5 8 NOTES 1 See Max Ratings and Theory of Operation sections of data sheet. 2 Measured at AV = 50. 3 Measured with respect to the inverting input. Specifications subject to change without notice. -2- REV. A AD9631/AD9632 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS 1 MAXIMUM POWER DISSIPATION Supply Voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.6 V Voltage Swing x Bandwidth Product . . . . . . . . . . 550 V x MHz Internal Power Dissipation2 Plastic Package (N) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3 Watts Small Outline Package (R) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.9 Watts Input Voltage (Common Mode) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VS Differential Input Voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2 V Output Short Circuit Duration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Observe Power Derating Curves Storage Temperature Range N, R . . . . . . . . . -65C to +125C Operating Temperature Range (A Grade) . . . -40C to +85C Lead Temperature Range (Soldering 10 sec) . . . . . . . . +300C The maximum power that can be safely dissipated by these devices is limited by the associated rise in junction temperature. The maximum safe junction temperature for plastic encapsulated devices is determined by the glass transition temperature of the plastic, approximately +150C. Exceeding this limit temporarily may cause a shift in parametric performance due to a change in the stresses exerted on the die by the package. Exceeding a junction temperature of +175C for an extended period can result in device failure. While the AD9631 and AD9632 are internally short circuit protected, this may not be sufficient to guarantee that the maximum junction temperature (+150C) is not exceeded under all conditions. To ensure proper operation, it is necessary to observe the maximum power derating curves. NOTES Stresses above those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational section of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. 2 Specification is for device in free air: 8-Pin Plastic Package: JA = 90C/Watt 8-Pin SOIC Package: JA = 140C/Watt 1 MAXIMUM POWER DISSIPATION - Watts 2.0 METALIZATION PHOTO Dimensions shown in inches and (mm). Connect Substrate to -V S. +VS 7 -IN 2 8-PIN MINI-DIP PACKAGE TJ = +150C 1.5 1.0 8-PIN SOIC PACKAGE 0.5 0 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 AMBIENT TEMPERATURE - C 0.046 (1.17) 6 OUT 70 80 90 Figure 2. Plot of Maximum Power Dissipation vs. Temperature ORDERING GUIDE 3 +IN AD9631 4 -VS 0.050 (1.27) Model +VS 7 -IN 2 AD9631AN AD9631AR AD9631(SMD) AD9631-EB 0.046 (1.17) AD9632AN AD9632AR AD9632-EB 6 OUT Temperature Range Package Package Description Option* -40C to +85C Plastic DIP -40C to +85C SOIC -55C to +125C Cerdip Evaluation Board -40C to +85C Plastic DIP -40C to +85C SOIC Evaluation Board N-8 R-8 Q-8 N-8 R-8 *N = Plastic DIP; Q = Cerdip; R= SOIC (Small Outline Integrated Circuit). 3 +IN AD9632 4 -VS 0.050 (1.27) CAUTION ESD (electrostatic discharge) sensitive device. Electrostatic charges as high as 4000 V readily accumulate on the human body and test equipment and can discharge without detection. Although these devices feature proprietary ESD protection circuitry, permanent damage may occur on devices subjected to high energy electrostatic discharges. Therefore, proper ESD precautions are recommended to avoid performance degradation or loss of functionality. REV. A -3- WARNING! ESD SENSITIVE DEVICE AD9631/AD9632 AD9631-Typical Characteristics RF RF 10F +V S 0.1F PULSE GENERATOR TR/TF = 350ps VIN 2 3 130 2 VIN AD9631 130 0.1F TR/TF = 350ps 7 6 VOUT 4 RT 49.9 3 RL = 100 7 AD9631 RT 49.9 0.1F VOUT 6 0.1F 4 100 10F 10F +V S PULSE GENERATOR RL = 100 10F -VS -VS Figure 3. Noninverting Configuration, G = +1 Figure 6. Inverting Configuration, G = -1 Figure 4. Large Signal Transient Response; VO = 4 V p-p, G = +1, RF = 250 Figure 7. Large Signal Transient Response; VO = 4 V p-p, G = -1, RF = RIN = 267 Figure 5. Small Signal Transient Response; VO = 400 mV p-p, G = +1, RF = 140 REV. A Figure 8. Small Signal Transient Response; VO = 400 mV p-p, G = -1, RF = RIN = 267 -4- AD9631/AD9632 AD9632-Typical Characteristics RF PULSE GENERATOR 10F +V S TR/T F = 350ps 2 AD9632 130 3 VIN 6 VOUT 4 130 2 RL = 100 7 AD9632 RT 49.9 0.1F RT 49.9 0.1F T R/TF = 350ps 7 3 -VS VOUT 6 0.1F 4 100 10F 10F +V S PULSE GENERATOR 0.1F RIN VIN RF RL = 100 10F -VS Figure 9. Noninverting Configuration, G = +2 Figure 12. Inverting Configuration, G= -1 Figure 10. Large Signal Transient Response; VO = 4 V p-p, G = +2, RF = RIN = 422 Figure 13. Large Signal Transient Response; VO = 4 V p-p, G = -1, RF = RIN = 422 , RT = 56.2 Figure 11. Small Signal Transient Response; VO = 400 mV p-p, G = +2, RF = RIN = 274 Figure 14. Small Signal Transient Response; VO = 400 mV p-p, G = -1, RF = RIN = 267 , RT = 61.9 REV. A -5- AD9631/AD9632 AD9631-Typical Characteristics 1 GAIN - dB -3 VS = 5V RL = 100 VO = 300mV p-p 450 RF 150 -3dB BANDWIDTH - MHz RF 50 -1 -2 RF RF 200 0 RF 100 -4 -5 -6 -7 VS = 5V RL = 100 GAIN = +1 AD9631 130 400 RL N PACKAGE 350 300 R PACKAGE -8 250 -9 1M 10M 100M 20 1G Figure 15. AD9631 Small Signal Frequency Response G = +1 1 0 0 RF 150 -0.1 -0.3 RF 100 -2 RF 140 RF 120 -0.4 -0.5 -7 -0.8 -8 -0.9 1M -9 1M 100M 500M 80 70 60 PHASE 60 40 50 20 40 0 220 240 GAIN -2 -3 -40 10 -60 0 -80 -7 -100 -8 100M VS = 5V VO = 4V p-p RL = 100 RF = 50 TO 250 BY 50 10M FREQUENCY - Hz 100M 500M VS = 5V RL = 100 VO = 300mV p-p RF 267 -4 20 -10 RF 250 -1 -20 -5 -6 -120 1G -9 1M FREQUENCY - Hz Figure 17. AD9631 Open-Loop Gain and Phase Margin vs. Frequency, RL = 100 REV. A 200 0 30 10M 160 180 1 GAIN - dB 100 80 1M 140 Figure 19. AD9631 Large Signal Frequency Response, G = +1 PHASE MARGIN - Degrees 90 100k 120 -5 -0.7 Figure 16. AD9631 0.1 dB Flatness, N Package (for R Package Add 20 to RF) GAIN - dB -3 -6 -20 10k 100 -4 -0.6 10M FREQUENCY - Hz 80 -1 OUTPUT - dB GAIN - dB -0.2 60 Figure 18. AD9631 Small Signal -3 dB Bandwidth vs. RF 0.1 VS = 5V RL = 100 G = +1 Vo = 300mV p-p 40 VALUE OF FEEDBACK RESISTOR (RF) - FREQUENCY - Hz 10M 100M FREQUENCY - Hz 1G Figure 20. AD9631 Small Signal Frequency Response, G = -1 -6- AD9631/AD9632 DIFF GAIN - % -50 0.10 VO = 2V p-p VS = 5V RL = 500 G = +1 -70 2ND HARMONIC -90 3RD HARMONIC -110 -130 10k 0.05 0.00 -0.05 -0.10 DIFF PHASE - Degrees HARMONIC DISTORTION - dBc -30 100k 1M 10M 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 0.10 0.05 0.00 -0.05 -0.10 100M FREQUENCY - Hz Figure 21. AD9631 Harmonic Distortion vs. Frequency, RL = 500 Figure 24. AD9631 Differential Gain and Phase Error, G = +2, RL = 150 -50 0.3 VO = 2V p-p VS = 5V RL = 100 G = +1 0.2 0.1 -70 ERROR - % HARMONIC DISTORTION - dBc -30 2ND HARMONIC -90 0 -0.1 3RD HARMONIC -110 -0.2 -130 10k 100k 1M 10M -0.3 100M 0 10 20 30 40 50 SETTLING TIME - ns FREQUENCY - Hz Figure 22. AD9631 Harmonic Distortion vs. Frequency, RL = 100 60 70 80 Figure 25. AD9631 Short-Term Settling Time, 2 V Step, RL = 100 0.3 60 55 0.2 45 ERROR - % INTERCEPT - +dBm 50 40 35 0.1 0 30 -0.1 25 20 10 20 40 FREQUENCY - MHz 60 80 -0.2 100 0 Figure 23. AD9631 Third Order Intercept vs. Frequency REV. A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 SETTLING TIME - s 8 9 10 Figure 26. AD9631 Long-Term Settling Time, 2 V Step, RL = 100 -7- AD9631/AD9632 AD9632-Typical Characteristics 7 RF 325 6 RF 125 5 -3dB BANDWIDTH - MHz 3 GAIN - dB RF 225 VS = 5V RL = 100 VO = 300mV p-p 4 VS = 5V RL = 100 GAIN = +2 350 RF 425 2 1 0 RIN 100 300 250 RF AD9632 RL 49.9 R PACKAGE N PACKAGE 200 -1 150 -2 -3 1M 10M 100M FREQUENCY - Hz 100 1G 0.1 OUTPUT - dB -0.3 RF 275 4 RF 325 550 0 -0.8 -2 -3 1M 100M RF 125 TO 525 BY 100 VS = 5V VO = 4V p-p RL = 100 1 -1 10M FREQUENCY - Hz RF 525 2 -0.7 10M FREQUENCY - Hz 100M 500M Figure 31. AD9632 Large Signal Frequency Response, G = +2 65 1 60 55 0 100 PHASE 50 -1 45 40 50 35 30 25 20 15 0 -2 -100 10 5 -150 0 -5 -200 GAIN - dB -50 GAIN PHASE - Degrees AOL - dB 3 -0.6 Figure 28. AD9632 0.1 dB Flatness, N Package (for R Package Add 20 to RF) -3 -4 VS = 5V RL = 100 VO = 300mV p-p RF, RIN 267 -5 -6 -7 -8 -250 100k 1M 10M FREQUENCY - Hz 100M -9 1M 1G 10M 100M FREQUENCY - Hz 1G Figure 32. AD9632 Small Signal Frequency Response, G = -1 Figure 29. AD9632 Open-Loop Gain and Phase Margin vs. Frequency, RL = 100 REV. A 500 5 -0.5 -10 -15 10k 450 6 RF 425 -0.4 -0.9 1M 400 7 OUTPUT - dB VS = 5V RL = 100 G = +2 VO = 300mV p-p 350 Figure 30. AD9632 Small Signal -3 dB Bandwidth vs. RF , RIN RF 375 0 -0.2 250 300 VALUE OF RF,RIN - Figure 27. AD9632 Small Signal Frequency Response, G = +2 -0.1 150 200 -8- AD9631/AD9632 -50 0.04 DIFF GAIN - % HARMONIC DISTORTION - dBc -30 VO = 2V p-p VS = 5V RL = 500 G = +2 -70 DIFF PHASE - Degrees -90 3RD HARMONIC -110 100k 1M FREQUENCY - Hz 10M 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 0.02 0.00 -0.02 -0.04 0.2 VO = 2V p-p VS = 5V RL = 100 G = +2 0.1 2ND HARMONIC -70 ERROR - % HARMONIC DISTORTION - dBc 2nd Figure 36. AD9632 Differential Gain and Phase Error G = +2, RL = 150 -30 -90 3RD HARMONIC -110 -130 10k 1st 0.04 100M Figure 33. AD9632 Harmonic Distortion vs. Frequency, RL = 500 -50 0.00 -0.02 -0.04 2ND HARMONIC -130 10k 0.02 0 -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 100k 1M FREQUENCY - Hz 10M 100M 0 10 20 40 50 30 SETTLING TIME - ns 60 70 80 Figure 37. AD9632 Short-Term Settling Time 2 V Step, RL = 100 Figure 34. AD9632 Harmonic Distortion vs. Frequency, RL = 100 0.3 50 45 0.2 35 ERROR - % INTERCEPT - +dBm 40 30 25 0.1 0 20 -0.1 15 -0.2 10 10 FREQUENCY - MHz 100 Figure 35. AD9632 Third Order Intercept vs. Frequency REV. A 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 SETTLING TIME - s 8 9 10 Figure 38. AD9632 Long-Term Settling Time 2 V Step, RL = 100 -9- AD9631/AD9632-Typical Characteristics 17 24 INPUT NOISE VOLTAGE - nV/Hz INPUT NOISE VOLTAGE - nV/Hz 21 VS = 5V 18 15 12 9 15 VS = 5V 13 11 9 7 5 6 3 3 10 100 1k 10k 10 100k 100 +PSRR PSRR - dB PSRR - dB 75 70 65 -PSRR 40 35 30 25 60 55 50 45 10 10 1M 10M 100M 5 0 10k 1G +PSRR 35 30 25 20 15 100k -PSRR 40 20 15 5 0 10k 100k 1M 100M 1G Figure 43. AD9632 PSRR vs. Frequency Figure 40. AD9631 PSRR vs. Frequency 100 100 VS = 5V VCM = 1V RL = 100 90 90 80 80 70 70 CMRR - dB CMRR - dB 10M FREQUENCY - Hz FREQUENCY - Hz 60 50 40 40 30 30 1M 10M FREQUENCY - Hz 100M 20 100k 1G VS = 5V VCM = 1V RL = 100 60 50 20 100k 100k 80 80 60 55 50 45 10k Figure 42. AD9632 Noise vs. Frequency Figure 39. AD9631 Noise vs. Frequency 75 70 65 1k FREQUENCY - Hz FREQUENCY - Hz 1M 10M FREQUENCY - Hz 100M 1G Figure 44. AD9632 CMRR vs. Frequency Figure 41. AD9631 CMRR vs. Frequency -10- REV. A AD9631/AD9632 1000 1350 VS = 5V GAIN = +1 1250 1150 OPEN-LOOP GAIN - V/V ROUT - 100 10 1 AD9632 1050 0.1 +AOL 950 850 -AOL 750 650 550 +AOL AD9631 450 -AOL 0.01 10k 100k 1M 10M 350 -60 100M -40 -20 FREQUENCY - Hz Figure 45. AD9631 Output Resistance vs. Frequency 0 20 40 60 80 100 JUNCTION TEMPERATURE - C 140 120 Figure 48. Open-Loop Gain vs. Temperature 1000 76 VS = 5V GAIN = +2 74 -PSRR AD9632 72 100 PSRR - -dB ROUT - 70 10 1 +PSRR 68 AD9632 66 -PSRR 64 AD9631 62 0.1 60 +PSRR 58 0.01 10k 100k 1M 10M AD9631 56 -60 100M -40 -20 Figure 46. AD9632 Output Resistance vs. Frequency 4.1 VS = 5V 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Figure 49. PSRR vs. Temperature -98 } +VOUT RL = 150 4.0 -96 |-VOUT| 3.9 CMRR - -dB OUTPUT SWING - Volts 0 JUNCTION TEMPERATURE - C FREQUENCY - Hz 3.8 3.7 3.6 -94 -92 -90 +VOUT 3.5 } |-VOUT| 3.4 -88 -CMRR RL = 50 +CMRR 3.3 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 -86 -60 140 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 JUNCTION TEMPERATURE - C JUNCTION TEMPERATURE - C Figure 47. AD9631/AD9632 Output Swing vs. Temperature REV. A -40 -11- Figure 50. AD9631/AD9632 CMRR vs. Temperature AD9631/AD9632-Typical Characteristics 21 250 6V 240 SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENT - mA SUPPLY CURRENT - mA 20 AD9631 AD9631 19 AD9632 6V 18 AD9631 5V 17 5V AD9632 16 SINK SOURCE 230 AD9632 220 SINK 210 200 15 190 14 -60 180 -60 SOURCE -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 -40 -20 JUNCTION TEMPERATURE - C 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 JUNCTION TEMPERATURE - C Figure 51. Supply Current vs. Temperature Figure 54. Short Circuit Current vs. Temperature -1.0 2.0 -1.5 1.5 -IB -IB +IB +IB AD9632 INPUT BIAS CURRENT - A INPUT OFFSET VOLTAGE - mV AD9631 -2.0 VS = 5V -2.5 -3.0 VS = 6V AD9631 -3.5 -4.0 VS = 5V -4.5 VS = 6V -5.0 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 1.0 0.5 AD9632 0.0 -0.5 -1.0 -1.5 -2.0 -60 140 -40 -20 JUNCTION TEMPERATURE - C Figure 52. Input Offset Voltage vs. Temperature 220 200 180 90 CUMULATIVE 180 160 160 80 140 70 120 140 50 100 80 FREQ. DIST 40 30 40 20 100 3 WAFER LOTS COUNT = 573 90 CUMULATIVE 80 70 100 50 80 40 60 60 FREQ. DIST 30 40 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 10 0 0 0 0 20 20 10 20 140 60 COUNT 120 PERCENT COUNT 60 120 Figure 55. Input Bias Current vs. Temperature 100 3 WAFER LOTS COUNT = 1373 0 20 40 60 80 100 JUNCTION TEMPERATURE - C -7 -6 -5 7 PERCENT -40 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 INPUT OFFSET VOLTAGE - mV INPUT OFFSET VOLTAGE - mV Figure 53. AD9631 Input Offset Voltage Distribution Figure 56. AD9632 Input Offset Voltage Distribution -12- REV. A AD9631/AD9632 THEORY OF OPERATION General +VS G= - The AD9631 and AD9632 are wide bandwidth, voltage feedback amplifiers. Since their open-loop frequency response follows the conventional 6 dB/octave roll-off, their gain bandwidth product is basically constant. Increasing their closed-loop gain results in a corresponding decrease in small signal bandwidth. This can be observed by noting the bandwidth specification between the AD9631 (gain of 1) and AD9632 (gain of 2). The AD9631/AD9632 typically maintain 65 degrees of phase margin. This high margin minimizes the effects of signal and noise peaking. 100-130 RTERM 3 RIN 7 AD9631/32 6 2 4 4 RF RG VIN 0.1F RTERM 10F -VS Figure 58. Inverting Operation When the AD9631 is used in the transimpedance (I to V) mode, such as in photodiode detection, the value of RF and diode capacitance (CI) are usually known. Generally, the value of RF selected will be in the k range, and a shunt capacitor (CF) across RF will be required to maintain good amplifier stability. The value of CF required to maintain optimal flatness (<1 dB Peaking) and settling time can be estimated as: [ 2 CF (2 O CI RF - 1)/O RF 2 ] 1/2 where O is equal to the unity gain bandwidth product of the amplifier in rad/sec, and CI is the equivalent total input capacitance at the inverting input. Typically O = 800 x 106 rad/sec (see Open-Loop Frequency Response curve (Figure 17). VOUT f 3 dB RF 0.1F RG VOUT As an example, choosing RF = 10 k and CI = 5 pF, requires CF to be 1.1 pF (Note: CI includes both source and parasitic circuit capacitance). The bandwidth of the amplifier can be estimated using the CF calculated as: 10F 0.1F VIN AD9631/32 6 2 In fact, for the same reasons, a 100-130 resistor should be placed in series with the positive input for other AD9631 noninverting and all AD9631 inverting configurations. The correct connection is shown in Figures 57 and 58. +VS 7 3 At minimum stable gain (+1), the AD9631 provides optimum dynamic performance with RF = 140 . This resistor acts only as a parasitic suppressor against damped RF oscillations that can occur due to lead (input, feedback) inductance and parasitic capacitance. This value of RF provides the best combination of wide bandwidth, low parasitic peaking, and fast settling time. RF 0.1F RIN The value of the feedback resistor is critical for optimum performance on the AD9631 (gain +1) and less critical as the gain increases. Therefore, this section is specifically targeted at the AD9631. RG 10F RG 100-130 Feedback Resistor Choice G=1+ RF 1.6 2R F CF RF 10F CF -VS Figure 57. Noninverting Operation II CI AD9631 VOUT Figure 59. Transimpedance Configuration REV. A -13- AD9631/AD9632 For general voltage gain applications, the amplifier bandwidth can be closely estimated as: Power Supply Bypassing This estimation loses accuracy for gains of +2/-1 or lower due to the amplifier's damping factor. For these "low gain" cases, the bandwidth will actually extend beyond the calculated value (see Closed-Loop BW plots, Figures 15 and 27). Adequate power supply bypassing can be critical when optimizing the performance of a high frequency circuit. Inductance in the power supply leads can form resonant circuits that produce peaking in the amplifier's response. In addition, if large current transients must be delivered to the load, then bypass capacitors (typically greater than 1 F) will be required to provide the best settling time and lowest distortion. A parallel combination of at least 4.7 F, and between 0.1 F and 0.01 F, is recommended. Some brands of electrolytic capacitors will require a small series damping resistor 4.7 for optimum results. As a rule of thumb, capacitor CF will not be required if: Driving Capacitive Loads f 3 dB O RF 2 1+ RG NG (RF iRG ) x CI 4 O where NG is the Noise Gain (1 + RF/RG) of the circuit. For most voltage gain applications, this should be the case. Pulse Response Unlike a traditional voltage feedback amplifier, where the slew speed is dictated by its front end dc quiescent current and gain bandwidth product, the AD9631 and AD9632 provide "on demand" current that increases proportionally to the input "step" signal amplitude. This results in slew rates (1300 V/s) comparable to wideband current feedback designs. This, combined with relatively low input noise current (2.0 pA/Hz), gives the AD9631 and AD9632 the best attributes of both voltage and current feedback amplifiers. The AD9631 and AD9632 were designed primarily to drive nonreactive loads. If driving loads with a capacitive component is desired, the best frequency response is obtained by the addition of a small series resistance as shown in Figure 60. The accompanying graph shows the optimum value for RSERIES vs. capacitive load. It is worth noting that the frequency response of the circuit when driving large capacitive loads will be dominated by the passive roll-off of RSERIES and CL. RF RSERIES RIN AD9631/32 RIN RL 1k CL Large Signal Performance The outstanding large signal operation of the AD9631 and AD9632 is due to a unique, proprietary design architecture. In order to maintain this level of performance, the maximum 550 V-MHz product must be observed, (e.g., @ 100 MHz, VO 5.5 V p-p). Figure 60. Driving Capacitive Loads 40 R SERIES - 30 20 10 0 5 10 15 20 25 CL - pF Figure 61. Recommended RSERIES vs. Capacitive Load REV. A -14- AD9631/AD9632 APPLICATIONS The AD9631 and AD9632 are voltage feedback amplifiers well suited for such applications as photodetectors, active filters, and log amplifiers. The devices' wide bandwidth (320 MHz), phase margin (65), low noise current (2.0 pA/Hz), and slew rate (1300 V/s) give higher performance capabilities to these applications over previous voltage feedback designs. With a settling time of 16 ns to 0.01% and 11 ns to 0.1%, the devices are an excellent choice for DAC I/V conversion. The same characteristics along with low harmonic distortion make them a good choice for ADC buffering/amplification. With superb linearity at relatively high signal frequencies, the AD9631 and AD9632 are ideal drivers for ADCs up to 12 bits. A multiple feedback active filter requires a voltage feedback amplifier and is more demanding of op amp performance than other active filter configurations such as the Sallen-Key. In general, the amplifier should have a bandwidth that is at least ten times the bandwidth of the filter if problems due to phase shift of the amplifier are to be avoided. Figure 63 is an example of a 20 MHz low pass multiple feedback active filter using an AD9632. VIN The AD9631 and AD9632 have been designed to offer outstanding performance as video line drivers. The important specifications of differential gain (0.02%) and differential phase (0.02) meet the most exacting HDTV demands for driving video loads. 1 2 7 0.1F AD9632 100 3 6 5 4 0.1F -5V 10F 274 +VS R3 78.7 C2 100pF Operation as a Video Line Driver 274 R1 154 10F +5V C1 50pF R4 154 Figure 63. Active Filter Circuit Choose: 10F FO = Cutoff Frequency = 20 MHz 0.1F 2 AD9631/ AD9632 75 CABLE 3 VIN = Damping Ratio = 1/Q = 2 7 4 75 75 CABLE H = Absolute Value of Circuit Gain = 6 0.1F VOUT Then: 75 75 k = 2 FO C1 10F 4 C1(H +1) 2 R1 = 2 HK R3 = 2 K (H +1) R4 = H(R1) C2 = -VS Figure 62. Video Line Driver Active Filters The wide bandwidth and low distortion of the AD9631 and AD9632 are ideal for the realization of higher bandwidth active filters. These characteristics, while being more common in many current feedback op amps, are offered in the AD9631 and AD9632 in a voltage feedback configuration. Many active filter configurations are not realizable with current feedback amplifiers. REV. A -R4 R1 = 1 -15- VOUT AD9631/AD9632 A/D Converter Driver As A/D converters move toward higher speeds with higher resolutions, there becomes a need for high performance drivers that will not degrade the analog signal to the converter. It is desirable from a system's standpoint that the A/D be the element in the signal chain that ultimately limits overall distortion. This places new demands on the amplifiers used to drive fast, high resolution A/Ds. With high bandwidth, low distortion and fast settling time the AD9631 and AD9632 make high performance A/D drivers for advanced converters. Figure 64 is an example of an AD9631 used as an input driver for an AD872. A 12-bit, 10 Msps A/D converter. +5V DIGITAL +5V ANALOG 10 DV DD DGND 4 AV DD +5V ANALOG 0.1F DRV DD 5 140 AGND DRGND 7 6 0.1F +5V DIGITAL 22 23 0.1F CLOCK INPUT 10F CLK AD872 OTR 1 2 0.1F 7 AD9631 ANALOG IN 130 MSB BIT2 BIT3 BIT4 BIT5 BIT6 BIT7 BIT8 BIT9 BIT10 BIT11 BIT12 1 6 VINA 5 3 4 2 0.1F VINB 27 -5V ANALOG REF GND 0.1F 28 10F REF IN 26 AGND REF OUT 1F AV SS 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 49.9 DIGITAL OUTPUT 24 AV SS 3 25 0.1F 0.1F -5V ANALOG Figure 64. AD9631 Used as Driver for an AD872, a 12-Bit, 10 Msps A/D Converter REV. A -16- AD9631/AD9632 Layout Considerations RF The specified high speed performance of the AD9631 and AD9632 requires careful attention to board layout and component selection. Proper RF design techniques and low pass parasitic component selection are mandatory. +V S RG RO IN OUT RT The PCB should have a ground plane covering all unused portions of the component side of the board to provide a low impedance path. The ground plane should be removed from the area near the input pins to reduce stray capacitance. RS -VS Inverting Configuration Chip capacitors should be used for the supply bypassing (see Figure 64). One end should be connected to the ground plane and the other within 1/8 inch of each power pin. An additional large (0.47 F-10 F) tantalum electrolytic capacitor should be connected in parallel, though not necessarily so close, to supply current for fast, large signal changes at the output. RF +V S RG RO RS OUT IN RT The feedback resistor should be located close to the inverting input pin in order to keep the stray capacitance at this node to a minimum. Capacitance variations of less than 1 pF at the inverting input will significantly affect high speed performance. -VS Noninverting Configuration Stripline design techniques should be used for long signal traces (greater than about 1 inch). These should be designed with a characteristic impedance of 50 or 75 and be properly terminated at each end. +VS OPTIONAL Evaluation Board C1 1000pF C3 0.1F C5 10F C2 1000pF C4 0.1F C6 10F -V S An evaluation board for both the AD9631 and AD9632 is available that has been carefully laid out and tested to demonstrate that the specified high speed performance of the device can be realized. For ordering information, please refer to the Ordering Guide. Supply Bypassing Figure 65. Inverting and Noninverting Configurations for Evaluation Boards The layout of the evaluation board can be used as shown or serve as a guide for a board layout. Table I. Component -1 +1 RF RG RO (Nominal) RS RT (Nominal) Small Signal BW (MHz) 274 274 49.9 100 61.9 140 90 REV. A AD9631A Gain +2 AD9632A Gain +10 +10 +100 -1 +2 49.9 130 49.9 274 274 49.9 100 49.9 2 k 221 49.9 100 49.9 2 k 20.5 49.9 100 49.9 274 274 100 100 61.9 274 274 100 100 49.9 2 k 221 49.9 100 49.9 2 k 20.5 49.9 100 49.9 320 90 10 1.3 250 250 20 3 -17- +100 AD9631/AD9632 DIP (N) INVERTER DIP (N) NONINVERTER SOIC (R) INVERTER SOIC (R) NONINVERTER Figure 66. Evaluation Board Silkscreen (Top) DIP (N) INVERTER DIP (N) NONINVERTER SOIC (R) INVERTER SOIC (R) NONINVERTER Figure 67. Board Layout (Solder Side) REV. A -18- AD9631/AD9632 DIP (N) INVERTER DIP (N) NONINVERTER SOIC (R) INVERTER SOIC (R) NONINVERTER Figure 68. Board Layout (Component Side) REV. A -19- AD9631/AD9632 OUTLINE DIMENSIONS Dimensions shown in inches and (mm). 8 C1936a-2.5-11/94 8-Pin Plastic DIP (N Package) 5 0.280 (7.11) 0.240 (6.10) PIN 1 1 4 0.325 (8.25) 0.300 (7.62) 0.430 (10.92) 0.348 (8.84) 0.060 (1.52) 0.015 (0.38) 0.210 (5.33) MAX 0.195 (4.95) 0.115 (2.93) 0.130 (3.30) MIN 0.160 (4.06) 0.115 (2.93) 0.100 (2.54) BSC 0.022 (0.558) 0.014 (0.356) 0.070 (1.77) 0.045 (1.15) 0.015 (0.381) 0.008 (0.204) SEATING PLANE 8-Pin Plastic SOIC (R Package) 0.150 (3.81) 8 5 0.244 (6.20) 0.228 (5.79) 0.157 (3.99) 0.150 (3.81) PIN 1 1 4 0.197 (5.01) 0.189 (4.80) 0.102 (2.59) 0.094 (2.39) 0.010 (0.25) 0.004 (0.10) 0.050 (1.27) BSC 0.020 (0.051) x 45 CHAMF 0.190 (4.82) 0.170 (4.32) 8 0 0.090 (2.29) 10 0 0.019 (0.48) 0.014 (0.36) 0.030 (0.76) 0.018 (0.46) 0.098 (0.2482) 0.075 (0.1905) 8-Pin Cerdip (Q Package) 0.005 (0.13) MIN 0.055 (1.4) MAX 8 5 0.310 (7.87) 0.220 (5.59) PIN 1 4 1 0.320 (8.13) 0.290 (7.37) 0.405 (10.29) MAX 0.060 (1.52) 0.015 (0.38) 0.150 (3.81) MIN 0.200 (5.08) 0.125 (3.18) 0.015 (0.38) 0.008 (0.20) 15 0.023 (0.58) 0.014 (0.36) REV. A 0.100 0.070 (1.78) (2.54) 0.030 (0.76) BSC -20- 0 SEATING PLANE PRINTED IN U.S.A. 0.200 (5.08) MAX Package/Price Information Ultralow Distortion, High Speed Op Amp, Stable at Gain of 1 Model Status Package Description Pin Count Temperature Range Price* (100-499) AD9631-EB PRODUCTION Evaluation Boards - COMMERCIAL $39.00 AD9631ACHIPS PRODUCTION CHIPS/DIE SALES - COMMERCIAL $4.04 AD9631AN PRODUCTION PLASTIC/EPOXY DIP 8 INDUSTRIAL $5.04 AD9631AR PRODUCTION STD S.O. PKG (SOIC) 8 INDUSTRIAL $5.04 AD9631AR-REEL PRODUCTION STD S.O. PKG (SOIC) 8 INDUSTRIAL - AD9631AR-REEL7 PRODUCTION STD S.O. PKG (SOIC) 8 INDUSTRIAL - * This price is provided for budgetary purposes as recommended list price in U.S. Dollars per unit in the stated volume. Pricing displayed for Evaluation Boards and Kits is based on 1-piece pricing. View Pricing and Availability for further information.