MOTOROU Orderthis document by2N3621JTND SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA 2N3821JTX, JANS Processed per MlL4-19500/375 N4hannel, Depletion Mode Junction Field-Effect Transistor (JFETs) ..designed for small-ignal, Iowoise amplifier applications. ** ~,)> . .$$" ~y,,,,.,,., . .*. *!\*,\. t,\tii$* .$~**<~;q \ ~~ .$:"!. ~ !.`.\~':* .~<,:,., ,:+ CASE2W3 TM06AF ~&72) e RW O 91W @Motorola, Im. 19W M-ROLA @ 2N3821JTX and JANS ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS -- mntinuad ~A = 25C unless othetise noted.) Chareoterletfc Spbol Mln MU (f=lOHz, Unit I ON CHARACTERISTICS 5.0 RG=l.OMQ) (f= 1.0 kHz,RG= 1.0 MQ) 2.5 ~~>.~~, >,{~':..y.!'$ COMMERCIAL PLUS AND MIUAERO SMALL SIGNAL TRANSISTOR DATA a This pa~,jntentionally MOTOROLA , Iefi blank. 2N3821J~ and JANS PACWGE DIMENSIONS 3. 4. Motorola reaerveat~~w~~e~angea withoutfutihernoti~ to anyprod~ hwein. Motorok @es rrowarranty, repreeemationorguarantee regaining the suitabi~i of ~~& for any pertialar pu-, nor does Motorola assume any Iiabil@ arising out of the a~@on or use of any Vor dmuk, and~fidl~$dl%~ any atidl lltik~, imlding~outtimitation m~uetid or Itintel damages. 7W-* -etem m and do very indNferent eppktibn~$$~~~~ing parameters, itiudng ~ypid~ must be v~datd for each Womer @@on by Watomer's twhni~ expe~. Motorola does not mnve~my under M patent rights nor the rfghts of others. Motorola @uW are not designed, Intended, or aut~zed for use es a~neti in syste~@w& for surg~ Implant Into the ~, or other ~oations intended to su~rt or s-n fife, or for any other epp~ition in whiti the f~lure of the @ `"~,""~ti~ muld meete a dtuation where wrsoti injury or death may ar. Should Buyer pumhese or use Motorola prod~ for any smh ~lnt' a ~`br unauthorized appfioation, Buyer shall indemnify end hold Motorola and Neo~wre, employees,, affiliates, and dlatflbtiors har~eaa *+*1 wo~~~~ I cl?ms~ ~~ ~a9~~ * ew~~ @ rw~le +omey fe= ~n9 o~ of, ~r~ly or itirwly, w claim of personal Injury or death uch uni~m~ oruna~honz~ m, even ifti dam afls9as hat Motorola was negtigent regarding the design ormenufa~re of the part. of Motorola IM Motorola, Inc. is en Eq@ O~rtunW/Afirmetiie A&on Emtiover. @ are registered tratim~ . ,. Lltersture DlsWbutfon @ntem USN Motorola Uterature Disttibutio~ P.O.Box 2W1Z PmrrM, Ationa =. EUROPE Motorola Ltd.; European Merafure OentrW SSTann~ Drive, Bl*elands, Milton Keynes, MK14 5BP, England. JAPAN Nippon Motorola Ltd.; W2-1, Nishffiotanda, Shinagawak, To~o 141, J-n. ASIA PACIFIC Motorola Semimnduotors H.K. Ltd.; Silhn Harfmur Center, No. 2 Dai Mng Street, Tai Po Induatrid ~tate, Td Po, N.T., Hong Kong. M-ROLA @ i PHW4101 1-2 PRINKD IN USA WW MPWPOD CPTO YDACAA 2Ns21JmD lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll