Yellow Indoor/Outdoor HandiMark® Tape - #
SIZE: 1" x 50'
MATERIAL: Vinyl F ilm with Perma nent Adhesive
QTY/UOM: 1/Each
CA TA LOG #: 142273
PRODUCT #: 142273
De scription for Ye llow Indoor/Outdoor HandiMar k® Tape
Brady's indoor/outdo or grade vinyl tape adhe res well to pipe s, walls, equipment, windows - most cle an, dry surface s. Conforms well to irregu lar, cur ved or rough
surfaces - it even stands up to grease, oil and mos t indus tr ial chemicals. Five y ear average outdoor dur ability in temperatures from 180°F to -40° F (82°C to -40°C),
can be applie d as low as 0° F (-18°C).
Specification Of Y ellow Indoor/ Outdoor HandiMar k® Tape
Size: 1" x 50'
Color: Yellow
Material Descripti on: Vinyl Film with Perm anent Adhesive
Brady Material #: B-595
S afety C ata log : pg. 121
RoHS Compatibility: Com pliant wi th RoHS D i rective. NOT E: All statem ents concerni ng RoHS D i recti ve compliance refer to 2005/618/ EC MCV amendment to RoHS
D i rective 2002/95/EC. Product compl i ance i s based upon informati on provid ed by suppl i ers of the raw materials u sed by Brady to manufacture these
products, or by in dependent laboratory testing of these products. As such, Brady makes no independent representations or warranti es, expr es s o r
im plied, and assum es no liability in connection with the use of this inform ation.
QTY/UOM: 1/Each…/… 1/1