HHDD//SSDD BBrrooaaddccaasstt VViiddeeoo AAddaappttiivvee CCoo--AAxxiiaall
CCaabbllee EEqquuaalliizzeerr
The M21234 is an evolution of Mindspeed’s HD/SD video
cable adaptive equalizer technology that typically provides >
175m of Belden 1694A cable length performance in a new
smaller form factor, higher performance 5x5mm MLF
In addition to a smaller PCB package footprint, the M21234
also integrates the input terminating resistors on chip to
further reduce PCB real estate. The new device also provides
the ability to configure the output driver to function as
PCML (low and high output swing options), LVDS, or LVPECL
for superior ease of interfacing to downstream devices.
The M21234 is complemented with the M21232 HD/SD video
cable driver in a 3x3mm MLF package, and the M21235
HD/SD video reclocker in a 7x7mm MLF package to optimize
performance and density in new multi-rate designs.
Additional unique Mindspeed devices include the HD/SD quad
channel reclocking and asynchronous switching families:
• M21250, DS-M21251, DS-M21252 quad channel multi-rate
video reclockers
• M21260 4x4 1.6 Gbps video crosspoint switch with quad
multi-rate reclockers
• DS-M21261 1:4 1.6 Gbps video fanout with SD/HD multi-
rate reclocking
• DS-M21262 4:1 1.6 Gbps video selector with SD/HD multi-
rate reclocker
DC restoration to compensate for pathological signal DC
content, cable length indication for data rates to 360
Mbps, and a voltage programmable mute threshold are also
Mindspeed’s innovative circuit architecture enables next
generation systems with flexible power supply operation of
2.5V to 3.3V with a > 40% power reduction at 2.5V supply
rails and a wider operating temperature range (-10ºC to
+85ºC) for outdoor applications such as camcorders and
edit decks.
>SMPTE 292M, SMPTE 259M,
SMPTE 344M compliant
>Adaptive, multi-rate, and
automatic co-axial cable
>Supports operation from
143 Mbps to 1485 Mbps and
DVB-ASI at 270 Mbps
>Selectable manual BYPASS
>Optimized cable equalization
for SD and HD data rates
- 175m typical @ HD-SDI with
Belden 1694A
- 350m typical @ SD-SDI
with Belden 1694A
>Output mute at maximum
equalized cable length with
manual override
>Integrated input and output
differential terminations
>2.5V or 3.3V operation
>Reduced power dissipation
- 175mW typical @ 2.5V
- 230mW typical @ 3.3V
>Increased operating
temperature range:
C to +85
>5x5mm high performance
MLF package
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BBrrooaaddccaasstt VViiddeeoo SSoolluuttiioonnss