Specifi cations are subject to change without notice.
Customers should verify actual device performance in their specifi c applications.
TISP4xxxH3LM Overvoltage Protector Series
Description (Continued)
This TISP4xxxH3LM range consists of seventeen voltage variants to meet various maximum system voltage levels (58 V to 320 V). They are
guaranteed to voltage limit and withstand the listed international lightning surges in both polarities. These protection devices are supplied
in a DO-92 (LM) cylindrical plastic package. The TISP4xxxH3LM is a straight lead DO-92 supplied in bulk pack and on tape and reel. The
TISP4xxxH3LMF is a formed lead DO-92 supplied only on tape and reel. For lower rated impulse currents in the DO-92 package, the 50 A
10/1000 TISP4xxxM3LM series is available.
Absolute Maximum Ratings, TA = 25 °C (Unless Otherwise Noted)
Rating Symbol Value Unit
Repetitive peak off-state voltage, (see Note 1)
± 58
± 65
± 75
± 90
Non-repetitive peak on-state pulse current (see Notes 2, 3 and 4)
2/10 µs (GR-1089-CORE, 2/10 µs voltage wave shape) 500
8/20 µs (IEC 61000-4-5, combination wave generator, 1.2/50 voltage, 8/20 current) 300
10/160 µs (FCC Part 68, 10/160 µs voltage wave shape) 250
5/200 µs (VDE 0433, 10/700 µs voltage wave shape) 220
0.2/310 µs (I 31-24, 0.5/700 µs voltage wave shape) 200
5/310 µs (ITU-T K20/21, 10/700 µs voltage wave shape) 200
5/310 µs (FTZ R12, 10/700 µs voltage wave shape) 200
5/320 µs (FCC Part 68, 9/720 µs voltage wave shape) 200
10/560 µs (FCC Part 68, 10/560 µs voltage wave shape) 160
10/1000 µs (GR-1089-CORE, 10/1000 µs voltage wave shape) 100
Non-repetitive peak on-state current (see Notes 2, 3 and 5)
20 ms (50 Hz) full sine wave
16.7 ms (60 Hz) full sine wave
1000 s 50 Hz/60 Hz a.c.
Initial rate of rise of on-state current, Exponential current ramp, Maximum ramp value < 100 A diT/dt 400 A/µs
Junction temperature TJ-40 to +150 °C
Storage temperature range Tstg -65 to +150 °C
NOTES: 1. See Applications Information and Figure 10 for voltage values at lower temperatures.
2. Initially, the TISP4xxxH3LM must be in thermal equilibrium with TJ=25°C.
3. The surge may be repeated after the TISP4xxxH3LM returns to its initial conditions.
4. See Applications Information and Figure 11 for current ratings at other temperatures.
5. EIA/JESD51-2 environment and EIA/JESD51-3 PCB with standard footprint dimensions connected with 5 A rated printed wiring
track widths. See Figure 8 for the current ratings at other durations. Derate current values at -0.61 %/°C for ambient
temperatures above 25 °C.